Weaponized ‘Migration’

Migrants have, of recent, flooded into the European borders under legislation permitting asylum seeking rights. Should we be concerned? The short answer is yes, here’s the longer answer…

  • It’s a classical trick of demographic manipulation; to first destabilize the middle east to make it unsafe – therefore encouraging its native populace to believe that they must leave and become westernized, thus, to significantly boost western grip over the source regions and resources (Israel under western politicians) and to spread political upheaval; overthrow and instate western ideologies, not to mention a boost in cheap labour and population for the west.

  • Big Brother Corporations/Governments are benefitting financially from allowing migration, some 90% of migrants to Serbia are claiming to be Syrian refugees, with no proof or documentation to authenticate these claims. With a mass influx of cheap labour from migrants, the salaries of the majority are being downwards handicapped as corporations are needing to pay less overall to western employees for ‘dirty-work’ manual jobs.
Take a look at where most of these ‘migrants’ are headed, they’re piggy-backing on legitimate refugees to get the benefits of the welfare state. It’s not racist to make a perfectly logical observation, but people get called ‘racist’ for seeing truths such as these.


  • The overpopulation illusion is a myth to make some of us feel obliged to hold back migration while some of us feel obliged to accept it, radical Islam is also being artificially inflated to make migrants seem hostile and threatening, while on the other hand, some people see migrants as simply asylum seekers. These factors create a social divide to keep people in disagreement, it’s easier to pull the levers then.

  • Alienated migrants are forming subcultures and breaking away from the rest of western society, caught on the line between their old selves and the new. These migrants are often living unacceptably close to the poverty line and are increasingly turning to crime to fill in the gaps, thus only creating even more enmity between native and foreign populaces. It’s a naturally vicious cycle. 
  • Western governments constantly bombing migrants’ homelands creates hatred and ignorance, and a general lack of respect for their European undertakers, this naturally spawns prematurely conceived prejudices and the cancerous implications of hatred – both ways, it’s a mutual consensus apparently, that locks people out of love and respect for one another.
  • Leftist parties and ideology will be given more influence, which means more control, if you think capitalism is the sworn enemy of the left, you’re wrong, it is the ultimate aim for capitalism or cuckservatism to gradually become more left; and therefore more centralized. The migrants will pursue the welfare benefits of western Europe, and will be sucked into false political premonitions voting for bigger government thinking it will better their own lives, thus eradicating native westerners’ political views. It’s already been done during the era of segregation in America; mass migration to the Northern States of Black African Americans, helped Presidents sway and win elections – it’s all in the votes.
Migration dubiously doesn’t stop at the nearest safe country, it just happens to stop at one of the wealthiest on the continent.
  • Western media portraying ethnic migrants as collective ‘terrorists’ isn’t particularly helpful in any successful integration, if they can ignore the total war in Yemen they can ignore Jihadi John, it’s for the greater good:
The Jihadi john fiasco just couldn’t get more fake, if a sensible government without any ulterior motives wanted to fully integrate migrants they would never blow-up the happenings of a single, (most likely staged) event, to dirty an entire demographic, to rouse suspicion of your neighbour.

The Bible suggests you love your neighbour (in this case, migrants who live along side us), this passage makes no mention of race, colour, ethnicity – but unsurprisingly on the contrary, the media want enmity between us and our neighbour:

The Greatest Commandment

The propaganda continues in more recent media…

Hungary to fend off ‘terrorist migrants’ with 175-kilometre-long border fence

It’s the Berlin Wall all over again, the ultimate symbol of oppression                   – It’s making a comeback.

The irony is, thousands are being legally allowed in every month, a wall is useless, it only enforces an ignorant perspective that all migrants are inherently ‘terrorists,’ extremists, or rabid animals, that are completely different to us, no bigger lie could be told.

But that’s not to say they aren’t different in some ways, of course they are all human, like you and I, but their mentalities and ideologies are skewed by propaganda and war. Many of them are not accepting diversity, they expect to create subcultures, to break away and not co-operate, or they expect us to adapt to them. When it should be a gradual, mutual process of adaptation that suits both parties.

Some of them are radical, they have misinterpreted their own religion. This is worsened by the fact false terrorism is on the rise, some people buy into it and follow the crowd, taking up the convoluted and tainted form of radical Islam, that just isn’t what the religion is about, at all. Islam is a religion of peace.

The fence, established in Hungary, 2015.

If this mass mix-up of people continues into the future, cultural identity will be diluted, skin colours and languages will be merged together, identity would be marred, numbered and marginalized and the below graph may be a reality, 10 kingdoms, under one head of state. Is this the future we aspire to have?

To put it one way, migration is a way to destabilize European countries without using war, this, combined with financial engineering helps bring the European theatre under the control of the Globalist Agenda.


Ron Paul recently said; as a solution to the refugee ‘crisis’:

“Here is the real solution to the refugee problem: stop meddling in the affairs of other countries. Embrace the prosperity that comes with a peaceful foreign policy, not the poverty that goes with running an Empire. End the Empire!”

Israel isn’t accepting migrants because it only wants ‘chosen ones’ – refugees don’t fit that status quo.

The main Arabic states aren’t accepting anyone:

This only points to Europe, it’s in the majority, unmistakably a premeditated & controlled exodus and influx to the west.

Does it remind you of a shepherd and his sheep? Rounding them up,

— and the ultimate enclosure is Europe. The wolf is ready to pounce.

But, it seems like the trend-ridden, social media infected west of false liberals and progressives is biting the hand of liberty. It’s ‘too controversial’ to go against the migrants, many outlets have recently publicized the dead Syrian child who washed up on the beaches of Turkey. That was bound to get the attention of the narrow-viewing masses, who now, more than ever, are supporting migration. What a surprise; history does indeed repeat itself.

The solution as said by Nigel Farage is to stop all boats from crossing, a simple process that will prevent the water-based deaths, for some reason people think that supporting migration in mass will help to compensate for the death of but one; it will only worsen the situation.

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