What’s happening in the Middle East?

With the native populaces on a mass exodus, the US continuing strikes and convening false terror organisations, or at the very least funding them, (Which drive people out of the region, coincidentally), and the Russian military on a large scale intervention effort – all under the noses of the confused public: something big is taking place in this notorious region of struggle and strife, far from the lavish comforts of the Western beehive.

Have you heard that the Russians have now admitted to their ‘interests’ in the Middle East? They’ve finally stepped in, who said communism was the only expansionist foe in the game?

“The Russians say they are ready to give direct support, they’re not ashamed to admit it, they consider the Syrian army and Assad to be legitimate”

With the USA looking to oust Assad, and the Russians seeking to maintain his rule, we immediately have a revamp of the old school dichotomy of the West and East – is this the continued theater of the Middle-Eastern chapter of the Cold War?


It is in western interest to be the subtle colonial the middle-east, and as a result, exert their under-the-radar tyrannous rule with Agenda 21, let’s give some fair examples:

  • It is being done in Israel, an effective Western Colony instated after WW2, this is a given move of Imperialism, Obama openly supports Israel, it is the spot for much American migration. Israel is a puppet for US ‘defense efforts’ by ousting the ‘corrupt’ governments and instating American leaning/controlled ones.
  • It is being done by monopolizing the Saudi Peninsula and Gulf States, introducing the American Dollar as the base currency, and striking deals with Middle Eastern Oil companies.
  • Also, by controlling the mass exodus of migrants to Europe, which means winning over the hearts and minds of the natives. Which only further alienates those who oppose Western presence there.
  • Playing the propagandist’s role of the global ‘hero’ – the American mindset is ignorantly, and exclusively, of an antagonist and a protagonist, no in-between, no lateral field – people forget that everyone on the board can be out for corrupt means, not simply just one or another.
  • ISIS or ISIL are the baddies in this political equation, the Hegelian Dialectic comes into play, giving excuses for the migrant crisis to be allowed, for the US to escalate their involvement against ‘terrorism’ instate governments they want – and so on.
  • It’s not just in foreign policy, but the domestic scene also bears relevance, the Hyper-liberal social engineering at play throughout our social media portrays America not as the superpower they are, but an all-inclusive, anti-racist, universal hub for everyone, such an attractive fantasy, isn’t it? – so much so many people feel America should be left exempt of the critique of the free thinking eye.
  • Force an ethnic mix-up in Europe using the ‘desperados cause’ of migration, it will pledge people against each other so they’re easier to control under the masquerade of diversity and ‘liberty’

The “Migrant Crisis” is engineered.

Do you think politicians care about morality? The answer is most certainly no, especially when it comes to western politics. The annual cremation of care of the world elite proves that, not to mention near everyday news.

That can mean only one thing; the migrant crisis is engineered to be falsely based off our morality – out of ‘actually’ caring. At no point in any other modern global conflict have people accepted or called for migrants on a scale as large as this, why is Syria the one to get our attention?

It is in the interest of western politicians of course.

The ‘migrant crisis’ is perhaps a genius method of gaining a propaganda victory, winning over the public with this noble act of ‘humanitarianism’ a noble lie – while also continuing to push the 9/11 founded anti-extremism/terrorism agenda in a hyper-liberal western society, which doubtlessly is engineered towards getting people to mindlessly approve of NATO legislated military and diplomatic intervention, with the support of the ‘civilized’ – incidentally westernized, state of Israel. It’s all in the intricacies of the ‘soft’ and not particularly noticeable imperial western politics.

The anti-gay Russia seems a bit archaic in comparison, from a western perspective at least, the alienation of the East can only continue.

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