Russia’s in the game

The 30th of September added Russia and it’s support for the Syrian government to the middle eastern equation, not to mention China’s lesser known support of Assad in conjunction with Russia, and it looks as though the great ideological stand off is making its gradual re-escalation, but truthfully it never really ended, proxy wars have kept these gigantic ‘elephant in the room’ affairs from the mainstream spotlight for too long.

Putin is seizing back his honour and his foothold in world affairs, he seems like the juster of a globally spreading serfdom…

An ally of Syria since 1956, Russia has supported the Syrian government since the Syrian Civil War began in 2011 and has made diplomatic efforts to bring peace. Russia’s support has included blocking Western-backed resolutions in the United Nations against the Syrian government, and military aid to the Syrian government in the form of weaponry, training, and military advisors.

In September 2015, the Russian Federation Council approved the use of Russian military in Syria to fight terrorist groups, ISIL or ‘the Islamic State’ in particular, at a request from the Syrian President Bashar Assad.[1] Russian and Western officials stated that Russian strikes targeted not only ISIS, but other rebel groups fighting the Assad government in the Army of Conquest coalition.[2][3]

As of 2015 Russia wants a united front against ISIL that includes the Assad government. Western powers however have stated that the Assad government shouldn’t have a place in a coalition against ISIL.[3]

Blue: with Assad, Yellow: divided, Green: Against, Red: Syria

Russia has finally pushed for its interests after years of being alienated from this socio-politically driven conflict under the widespread impression that the false ‘terrorism’ group ISIL/ISIS needed to be suppressed and neutralized by the heroic ways of the globalist USA.

American Zionism creates chaos, the purpose of ISIS was and is to create chaos and allow the ethnic cleansing/re-allocation of Muslims from the area within Greater Israel.  There was no real goal of an Islamic State, it’s the Israeli Jewish/US backed state taking over under the cover of an Islamic state false flag…

The migrant crisis is also helping to achieve this mass clear out. Russia’s intervention now is more important than ever to instill peace and bring migrants back to their homeland to prevent the US taking over.

The Bigger Picture

Russia has been economically strangled by the West, the gas/oil pawn held by Russia was lost in recent years after a significant fracking (oil) discovery in California combined with the securing of OPEC states, and a bolstering of domestic manufacturing and industrialized agricultural efforts, which granted the US and the West increased autonomy from over-reliance on Russian and Chinese trade. The US is attempting to achieve a diplomatic, ‘soft-politics’ victory over its opponents, as we know, an all-out war would be catastrophic. That’s why the sandwiched, fake middle man of ISIL is the perfect substitute for tensions between the super powers.

Despite these proxy wars, the modern military arms race is in full effect, US military spending is absolutely phenomenal in a yearly pledge to deter their easterly foes and provide weaponry/support their political interests, at a crazy $610.096 billion in 2011, here’s the 2015 forecast for the top six…

1 United States United States 581.0 bn
2 China China 129.4 bn
3 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 80.8 bn
4 Russia Russia 70.0 bn
5 United Kingdom United Kingdom 69.8 bn
6 France France 53.1 bn

Playing the adaptable and universally flexible hero favours the USA even more as they are now sealing oil deals with Brazil, Cuba (Remember the Papal visit? | 5bn – 20bn barrels), Israel (250bn barrels), Norway and Canada (170bn barrels), and also accessing African (more so Nigerian) resources in exchange for fueling civil wars and ‘blood diamond’ conflicts, while simultaneously posing as the ‘heroes’ of world struggles with the United Nations (UN), world ‘saviors’ from Ebola, publicized charity efforts, and ‘accepting’ thousands of migrants as low-wage (but skilled) workers in exchange for slavery, ghetto-like & repressed lifestyles.

Here’s the top 20 oil producing countries globally, the OPEC organisation is a western organisation tying oil producing countries into the monolithic US petrodollar currency for world control:

1  United States 13,973,000
2  Saudi Arabia(OPEC) 11,624,000
3  Russia 10,853,000
4  China 4,572,000
5  Canada 4,383,000
6  United Arab Emirates(OPEC) 3,471,000
7  Iran(OPEC) 3,375,000
8  Iraq(OPEC) 3,371,000
9  Brazil 2,950,000
10  Mexico 2,812,000
11  Kuwait(OPEC) 2,780,000
12  Venezuela(OPEC) 2,689,000
13  Nigeria(OPEC) 2,427,000
14  Qatar(OPEC) 2,055,000
15  Norway 1,904,000
16  Angola(OPEC) 1,756,000
17  Algeria(OPEC) 1,721,000
18  Kazakhstan 1,719,000
19  Colombia 1,016,000
20  India 978,000

“Russia, viewed by the Obama administration as hostile to U.S. interests, has discovered what may prove to be a vast pool of oil in one of the world’s most remote places with the help of America’s largest energy company.”

The development of Arctic oil reserves, an undertaking that will cost hundreds of billions of dollars and take decades, is one of Putin’s grandest ambitions. As Russia’s existing fields in Siberia run dry, the country needs to develop new reserves as it vies with the U.S. to be the world’s largest oil and gas producer.

Going back to Syria, the push for control extends far beneath just Assad being portrayed as a ‘corrupt and delectable’ leader by the Western hemisphere. His politics are pushing for reformation towards creating a more individual middle east, pushing out global powers such as the USA from a smothering and overbearing influence.

His party is very much an anti-Imperialist organisation, it espoused Ba’athism (from Arabic: البعثAl-Ba’ath or Ba’ath meaning “renaissance” or “resurrection”) which is an ideology mixing Arab nationalist, pan-Arabism, Arab socialist and anti-imperialist interests. Ba’athism calls for unification of the Arab world into a single state. Its motto, “Unity, Liberty, Socialism”, refers to Arab unity, and freedom from non-Arab control and interference.

This is against US interests, to marginalize Assad and his regime, to win over popular support and to oust Ba’ath socialist/anti-imperialist political power through the formulation and support of the ‘ISIS’ terror group is to cultivate and establish a western foothold in the form of Greater Israel.

Anti-semitism, the constant barrage of reminders of the days where Jews were oppressed and how we should be more lenient of the Jews and their Israeli state, the constant reinforcement of the idea the US is the social paragon of virtue and order in the world – all divert attention from real, genuine world issues.

Bible Studies | Israel

I believe Israel is a holy nation, but the one formed by Zionism and the US seems a phony amalgamation of the real goyim (nation).

This can be supported by these passages from the Bible:

“I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich) and the slander of those who say that they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.”  – Revelation 2:9 

Is the modern Israel posed by the Imperialist west a fake conception of the true Israel? …

They make shrewd plans against Your people, And conspire together against Your treasured ones. 4 They have said, “Come, and let us wipe them out as a nation, That the name of Israel be remembered no more.” 5 For they have conspired together with one mind; Against You they make a covenant:…

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.”  – 1 John 4:1

Thus they transform a political cultural and economic issue into a racial one that can be dismissed as ‘prejudice.’

Why do so many Jews think they are responsible for the Rothschilds and the Illuminati?

Who actually was behind the assassination of Bhutto Thursday? I can’t pretend to know. But throughout history the central bankers routinely have assassinated politicians who stand in their way or whose removal will result in war. Lincoln, Arch Duke Ferdinand and JFK are the most prominent but there are hundreds. See my “Illuminati Murdered At Least Two Other Presidents”

Socialist Presidential candidate Norman Thomas said, “The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”

Source for above section/watermarked images: Smoloko

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