The teetering World Economy

Debts that wont be paid.

The general economic consensus has been a reliance of most countries on the US Dollar, but with the increasingly apparent situation of US debt being generated in such dense swathes, it seems China and other debt-expectant countries have sensibly realized that they will most likely never be paid the requisite sums.

China especially, therefore, is moving away from its long held role as world manufacturer, selling US treasuries, and forcing the USA to diverse its economy, and become more independent on other sources.

The selling of US debt to the highest bidder sees China’s financial stats appearing as a decline, but in reality they are only strengthening their future prospects. And wiping away the unreliability of the states, both sides of the Pacific have become significantly weaker statistically as a result.

Thus, we will see an Eastern/Western conglomerations, a less dependent east on the resources and co-operation of the west, the oil wars are only really just beginning.

  • Discovery of Oil in the Golan Heights, between Syria and Israel.
  • Opium Fields in Afghanistan controlled and monitored by CIA.
  • Discovery of Arctic Oil, both superpowers are pursuing it.

Economists in a Bloomberg survey now see a 15 percent chance the U.S. will slide into a ‘recession’ in the next 12 months, the highest estimate since 2013.

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