EU Redistribution

Besides, as imparted in previous articles, the EU’s balkanizing redistribution of people on a massive scale to usher in what is confessed to be a singular superstate of Europe, not simply a trade bloc to boost our economy; the economic side must also concur with this major centralization ambition as well.

Over the past decade there has been a tenfold increase in the volume of EU law on financial services. More and more activities are coming under the control of majority voting and one of our remaining successful industries is in danger.

The UK has been one of the main member states to endure the brunt of these redistribution endeavors, with flagship car manufacturers such as Peugeot receiving EU bribes to relocate to poorer EU countries in the name of said redistribution. The UK’s fishing industry received a similar fate with copious EU bribes requesting the dismantlement of vessels and resignation of trawlers across the UK, this series of underhand action is without relent.

These events usher the extensive subsidization & dissolution of larger states’ assets, states that are more liable to opting out of the EU with the comforting safeguard they will be self-sustaining. Knock the source of a nations’ goodies in favour of remaining in the EU, and you oust referendum chances going against your big agenda…

Take away a bigger states’ economic supports and they will have nowhere to retreat to when the EU eventually abuses its dominance in the near future. At a point where dependency on Brussels has reached a prime level.

The EU’s severing of economic safeguards and release clauses in order to consolidate itself is to transgress a nations’ sovereignty and surefooted self-assurance, and it’s happening profusely across the board.

But look into almost any of our industries and you will find something, somewhere that has been handicapped or damaged by the European Union.

This crass dismantlement is rather showing of an ever increasingly power-hungry, untamed EU that evidently lacks the ingenuous sensitivity to govern it’s member states at best, but is perhaps hellbent on establishing its dogmatic authority, breaking the backs of dissenters, and mitigating secessionist inklings at worst.

Did the EU deliberately set out to hurt our auction industry? I don’t know. But this was a case where Britain was the most successful country in Europe and rules were made in Brussels by people who, at best, did not care about the damage they would do.

What we do know is that the EU is willing to exact threats on states that sidestep its authority, as seen in recent times with the Swiss referendum on EU migration policies.

Switzerland’s defense minister said it was “unthinkable” that his country’s accords with the European Union would be terminated as result of a referendum to curb immigration, saying threats of retaliation by the bloc were overblown.

It’s unthinkable that the bilaterals will be terminated, whether by Switzerland or by the EU. Both sides benefit from them.


Iceland, Switzerland and Norway all enjoy the perks of the European market without the burden of the EU. So come on out – the water’s lovely.

Britain was once the leading EFTA state. It can be again, provided free-trade is re-established in Europe, and it is about time.

In the UK the bigwig establishment has become noticeably clumped together in their plight to retain the gravy-train EU, described by some as the ‘ruling Elite versus the people’.

exchange with hilarybennmp on ability to nationalise the railways if we stay in interesting. Benn looked uncomfortable

This notion is especially solidified with infamous ‘project fear’ enveloping nearly the entire rhetoric of the ‘Remain’ campaign, and being the driving force for the majority of David Cameron’s speeches, focusing on drawing out speculative negativity as somehow a strong basis for remaining, and ignoring the blatancy of there being positives in dropping out of the failing EU.

It’s a game of stating mights for Remain, without any of the mightiness to back it.

Brexit might undermine security, might kill jobs, might leave Britain utterly isolated on the world stage. It might cause Godzilla to awaken from the depths and reduce London to ashes. It won’t. But it might. – Tim Stanley

The EU is simply, and worryingly, a game of slowly trying to forget the days of particulate statehood and embracing the globalist idea of massive, continental-ruled superstates ruled by an all-powerful headship, one that is largely unaccountable, unelected, and holds far too much sway over the politics of its numerous demesnes, (supposedly sovereign nations, pssh).

It ignores the nuances and intricacies of our individuality, discarding, or at least blunting the importance of cultural, social, religious and political best-interests & identity in a given state, with forced deluges of unchecked migration, and certainly disregards the importance of democratic, constitutional, bottom-up rule originally championed by renaissance Europe.

For me, EU branded Europe is a noticeable step back in time, it is not a bastion of limited government that is accountable for its decision making, but a cohort of bureaucracy driven by unelected career politicians. Neither is it too economically nourishing, as the slowest growing trade bloc in the world sporting economically challenged states; largely a product of the bickering and infighting generated by the EU courts.

But perhaps ultimately, it trashes the distinctions of European identity, a continent of historical richness and libertine progression cast back to the shadows of its past by shoddy migration policies imploring mass immigration, and a basket case free movement area that just worsens it all, giving nowhere near enough opportunity for third world cultural and ideological integration and assimilation, not to mention discriminating against non-EU migrants with a points system.

Ominously reminiscent of Babylon’s ‘Tower of Babel’ built by unified nations & tribes of one tongue and identity to usurp God. A relevant quip and uncomfortably apparent in the EU.

But this is likely the most damning evidence of redistribution, with the UK in the top flight of those who suffer…

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