Orlando Was a False Flag Attack

The recent June 12th Orlando nightclub shooting that claimed the lives of 50 (including the gunman) and non-fatally injured 53 others, has gripped the worldwide media and thrown the spotlight yet again on the 2nd amendment and gun control laws – but interestingly enough, not on the growing fomentation of radical Islam in the West.

Obama has wrongly cited the shooting as the biggest massacre on US soil ever, soliciting the tragic events’ emotional traction by politicizing the issue to further his agenda of centralizing 2nd amendment dismantlement. However, Obama has actively disregarded the background of the shooter, who was aligned with ISIS and radical Islam, and had been on the FBI watch list prior to the shooting, yet still dubiously gained access to his firearms through a security job with security firm G4S.

Gun control is a non-issue, it cannot be enforced as much as drug control cannot be enforced; which explains the massive failure of the US war on drugs, which only seeks to place the financial profits from illegal substances under the CIA’s belts to serve their twisted masters. The same applies to guns, banning them puts guns in the hands of the controllers.

Check out the crashed CIA drug plane, which contained 4 tonnes of cocaine that was being unaccountably transported somewhere. Seems like a subversive governmental control over the financial powerhouse of the illegal drug trade to me.


Then you must try to explain what did they do with all the prosperous Heroin Fields in Afghanistan during the statist Bush administration which saw Afghanistan suffer a US invasion.

Afghan Opium fields, accounting for the largest single source of Opium in the world, worth $4 billion per year.


While Obama has politicized the Orlando event without media scrutiny, Donald Trump has used the event to emphasize the issues with radical Islam, and the dire need for heightened background checks on newcomers with substantial criticism from the MSM (Mainstream Media) for ‘exploiting’ the event for his political agenda.

Reporter Paul Joseph Watson observes the lack of emphasis on the radical Islamic, homophobic ideological motive behind the shooting as opposed to the overwhelming blame on the inanimate object that is a gun.

Many more would have died were it not for firearm intervention, as the nightclub was a vulnerable ‘soft spot’ that prohibited the carrying of firearms, the notion that a reduction in firearms availability will solve mass shootings or mass murder is inane, and ignores underground black-market access to firearms, and relies on a liberal perspective that somehow expects a suicidal murderer to care about getting a license or to bother jumping through the hoops of driveling regulations.

Just look what happened in gun-free Paris, look what happened with Anders Breivik who shot dead 69 participants of a Workers’ Youth League (AUF) summer camp on the Norwegian island of Utøya where firearms are not legal for self-defense purposes.

Can we concede that the backwards outlooks & ideologies of the morally and mentally challenged are to blame for mass killings, and not the tools? – tools which are impossible to absolutely restrict, and in attempting to doing so backfires on those who need those tools to level the playing-field in a circumstance where self-defense with firearms is absolutely necessary – unilateral firearms attacks make it extremely difficult to apprehend a perpetrator as they have the advantage of sheer range.

Then there is the coincidence of Obama’s presidency suffering the majority of US mass shootings, could that be to do with the US, CIA established & funded terrorist group ISIS gaining momentum, and the continued intensity of the invasion of the middle-east which inevitably foments drastic Islamic extremism, and a growing hatred of the West?


The Mind Control Thesis

The idea that this shooting is a false flag is not too unfathomable, if the CIA are grooming and inciting acts of Islamic extremism with 9/11, it can also be done here.

Mind control programs might sound crazy, but they are very real and are not to be underestimated, and can easily be applied to the incursion of terrorist attacks by victims of mind control techniques.

Project MKUltra, sometimes referred to as the CIA’s mind control program—was the code name given to an illegal program of experiments on human subjects, designed and undertaken by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

MKUltra used numerous methodologies to manipulate people’s mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis,[9] sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as various forms of torture.

(MKULTRA was) successful in creating Manchurian Candidates or super spies programmed to carry out sexual favors, assassination, and other terrorist acts.

These top secret programs were successful in creating Manchurian Candidates or super spies programmed to carry out sexual favors, assassination, and other terrorist acts without any conscious knowledge of what they were doing.

If that was not damning enough a case for an orchestrated, false flag terrorist act in Orlando, then the mind control drug, scopolamine, also known as the “Devil’s Breath,” is…

Scopolamine is often referred to as the most dangerous drug in the world. Mainly prevalent in South America, the drug is used to commit the perfect crime — while under the influence of scopolamine, someone could convince you to willingly withdraw and give away your life savings from your bank account, but you would wake up and remember nothing.

After inhaling the “Devil’s Breath,” victims have been known to wake up with no memory of withdrawing their life savings and giving it away.

NASA has mixed scopolamine with dexedrine to form a substance called scop-dex and then administered the drug to trainees during the reduced gravity program. They state that scop-dex drops the motion sickness rate to 15 percent or less.

Of course, since the drug can potentially strip someone of all rational thinking, scopolamine is surrounded by conspiracy theories. It is said to have the abilities of a “truth-serum,” and some stories claim that the drug was used in Nazi Germany as an interrogation tool, according to The Guardian.

The CIA has also been accused of using scopolamine to force the truth out of people, and a theory states that the Batman movie shooter, James Holmes, was set up and drugged with scopolamine in order to brainwash him to commit the mass shooting. Theorists argue that the US government wanted to keep Holmes’ dad from testifying in a high-crime fraud case, and they point out all the strange things about Holmes that just don’t seem to add up.

The same could apply with Manteen’s mobile admittance of being affiliated with ISIS prior to carrying out the mass shooting in Orlando on June 12th, overriding his fathers’ genuine surprise with the act, and disabling any possible court case.

CIA/FBI Ties of Orlando Shooter & Father

What really serves to cement the idea this shooting was yet another false flag, psy-ops orchestration can be branched from the fact the shooter and his father had ties to the CIA/FBI, a big red herring that suggests there may have been a hidden hand involvement here.

Here’s the real reasons to question the true background of the shooter:

  1. The FBI knew about the shooter and investigated him prior to the attack.
  2. The shooter had a connection to a known ISIS recruiter.
  3. The shooter’s father was a former “Afghan presidential candidate” who supported the Taliban.
  4. The FBI’s history in creating terrorism.


So if we know who actually controls ISIS (US-CIA) we can pin this shooting as yet another orchestrated event.


This immensely important question must be asked: If ISIS is responsible for the attacks, who controls ISIS? For many, claims that the attacker belongs to ISIS is a deal breaker. For these individuals, ISIS is a shadowy terrorist organization that supports itself and has created a caliphate in eastern Syria and western Iraq that can scarcely be defeated (except when the Russians bomb it). However, the facts do not support such a shallow understanding of the ISIS terrorist organization. ISIS was entirely created, funded and directed by the United States, Britain, France and other NATO countries. Its actions have been coordinated by the Anglo-American Intelligence apparatus for geopolitical purposes all across the world both at home and abroad. For this reason, the declaration that ISIS committed a terrorist attack in Paris is by no means a get-out-of-jail-free card for the Western Intelligence apparatus. Instead, it is the trademark of their handiwork. Please see these articles for more information on the nature of ISIS: here, herehere and here.

Not a One Man Act

The above video suggests that according to one eyewitness someone was holding the nightclubs’ doors closed preventing the safe passage of members of the public away from the shooter.

“there was a guy there that was trying to […] hold the door closed so that we couldn’t exit,”

Another person claimed that…

“I’m pretty sure it was more than one person, you know, like I said, I heard two guns going at the same time.” The eyewitness said that the event lasted “like eight minutes.”

  • The witness said that he could smell the gun smoke in the air and that the attackers were “working together.”
  • “It was not one shot at a time,” but rather from a machine gun,” another witness said, who eventually made it out of the club into the “alleyway.”

This contradicts the official story which claims that the lone gunman used a SIG Sauer MCX semi-automatic rifle and a Glock 17 semi-automatic pistol only, these are not automatic weapons, this implies there may have been more than one gunman involved, perhaps several CIA, or paid operatives getting the kills and the heavily drugged ‘perpetrator’ ready to be killed as a scapegoat?

Raw footage from the scene also reveals that officers may have been engaging an additional perpetrator outside of the nightclub, backing up other reports.

Authorities and even the President of the United States, Barack Obama, are currently downplaying the fact that there is a definite radicalized Islamic ideological connection to the attack and again, are covering up the fact that multiple suspects are likely still on the loose, or that these suspects were government paid operatives.

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