Independence Day

Britain has successfully voted for secession from a protectionist, quangocratic, pan-European, increasingly authoritarian ‘Union’ (it’s really a superstate) that has well and truly surpassed its calling in the annals of history as the EEA (European Economic Area), something far devolved from its current state – we have decisively retaken our nation, our right to vote for the disposition or election of political figures in positions of power, our fundamental statehood, our domestic industries, our western values, our inalienable constitution, and so much more. A truly triumphant victory for liberty, democracy and western values as a whole; we set the overriding tone for a domino effect that will incur the EU’s collapse.

Decisively we have voted to leave.

The pound is ‘plummeting’ yet will inevitably even-out following the uncertainties of the coming times. Our economic recovery will be rapid, and our international flexibility will be immeasurably bolstered; this is a new dawn for Great Britain’s return to the world stage, and for the first time in my life – I can call myself truly British.


Many have conceded to fear mongering over Britain’s position apropos to the EU’s Single Market, our economic ‘plan’ and the future for UK migration.

But the EU, GATT, WTO, NAFTA, TPP, and the whole alphabet soup of trade schemes are wholly illiberal impediments masquerading as real commercial freedom. In fact, true free trade occurs only in the absence of government agreements. The only legislation required is a unilateral one-sentence bill: Country X hereby eliminates all import duties, taxes, and tariffs on all Y goods imported from country Z.

We are merely cutting the gripping ties of the EU and little else, our trading stature will be mostly unaffected (we can negotiate a fitting deal with the EU, they will not reject us), the scope for said trade will be greatly widened, migration will have the sought-after handicaps, our economic policies will be self-administered, and the unnecessary, nonsensical EU regulations will be promptly brushed away. In nearly all regards this is positive for the UK.

Decentralization and devolution of state power is always a good thing, regardless of the motivations behind such movements.

Who comes into power? Well, what we do know is that it’s not Cameron for much longer, recent reports have announced Cameron’s resignation, he’ll be packed and booted by October time, good riddance. His replacement is not clear, but the real assertion we must emphasize is that we’ll have full control as the voters, to replace whoever comes in democratically with accountability; no dogmatic EU interventions and no binding chains, that is to be celebrated.


From a conspiracy perspective, the road ahead is still going to be one of trepidation and hardship, the Globalists will be reeling in contempt of this decision, because they’d honestly assumed their copious funding of the Remain side would be enough to sway the vote enough to nab their brainchild EU, and consolidate ‘pan-European’ as a singular nationality. Their money wasn’t enough, the common man has emerged jovial and independent, just in time before the Globalist culture-mixer could irreversibly change the face of sociopolitical Europe, I hope the rest of Europe will follow suit, and leave.

The Road Ahead

This secession will not go unpunished I’m afraid, the UK will have to take the hard knocks, but let’s stand unerring in the face of their tyrannical impositions and roll with the punches until it all comes apart at the seams, independent statehood is not insular or backwards whatsoever, protectionism in the EU is:

  1. The Globalists will want to sabotage the UK’s economy to swing voters back towards the EU for good. Something big is going to need to happen for this, a crashed economy seems likely; they will relinquish everything we have and blame it on our non-EU membership and then host a string of referendums, some probably partially, or entirely rigged to get us back to black.
  2. They will find a away to subtly maintain high levels of migration to the UK, just enough to sway the vote back to the EU, don’t become complacent, migration is still happening; the gates need to come down immediately, else we will be headed back into the evil empire forever. (first generation, unintegrated migrants nearly always want to vote to maintain the EU).
  3. The EU will rule by-proxy through a puppet statesman who will continue to shape the UK at the EU/Globalist’s bidding, and set the tone for the UK’s re-accession to the EU by manufacturing consent and sensationalizing minor issues. No, the EU will never meaningfully reform, and no, limited migration will never happen in the EU – let’s stay away from it.
  4. TTIP & TPP seems to still be on the cards, unfortunately. This means the NHS is in the firing line, I’m talking privatization level stuff here, forget the whole Farage/£350 million towards the NHS promise issue, this is really something else. Not to mention yet more anti-democratic regulations: Investor-State Dispute Settlements (ISDS), which allow companies to sue governments if those governments’ policies cause a loss of profits. In effect it means unelected transnational corporations can dictate the policies of democratically elected governments. Here’s why TTIP/TPP is bad news.
  5. Mass media misrepresentation of a non-EU UK is essential in discouraging other countries from secession, the UK will become the whipping post to set a continent-wide example to those who have an inkling of euro-skepticism. Any mistakes from now-on will be ruthlessly sensationalized, blown-up and utterly misconstrued to push pro-European sentiments.
  6. Russia will be wrongly portrayed as aggressive, and European nations will once again will be scared into the EU.

Whatever’s coming for the UK, here’s to the comforting knowledge we’ve struck a vital blow against the tyrannical Empire for now, at least until another head grows for us to slice away with the edge of a polling card.




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