Theresa May: The Establishment’s Choice

Theresa May, a remain campaigner who is playing to the ears of the Brexit majority by espousing appeasement politics; yet her real agenda will be to subtly maintain EU policies, especially the out of hand free movement of people, keeping the UK technically bound to the EU; falsely claiming that it will be ‘non-negotiable’ to access the single market any other way, and swing the UK back into the superstate EU in the long run, likely with another referendum a few years down the line – after a good tirade of media conditioning, and the continued mass importation of third world, EU loving migrants to swing the vote.

May is the EU’s saboteur insider.

Order out of chaos, the establishment once again feigns the illusion of chaos, and offers a ‘solution’ in Theresa, their chosen candidate. A classical Hegelian Dialectic.

The truth is, that the new leadership for the Tory government is fundamentally undemocratic, the voters aren’t getting a say, and those within the largely remain inclined Tory party are making all the big decisions on who gets to be in the hot seat – which by the looks of things; with Theresa May’s growing support within the Tory circle, will not reflect the recent vote to leave the EU at all.

You can get a tailored deal outside of free movement

Switzerland had successfully dodged the free movement bullet, but in recent times the antidemocratic clutches of the EU bureaucracy has clawed back with another vote to get the ‘right result’ – despite Swiss voters already unanimously having voted against free movement, proving once again its a game of bullying that the EU employs to get its way:

Swiss told to vote again on free movement – except this time the stakes are higher

This proves that it is possible to avoid free movement, but Theresa May will undoubtedly seek to bury this reality if she gets into power, and play us all back into the hands of the EU by not completely severing the ties that bind. We’ll be trapped in limbo between the EU and our national independence.

But the plot thickens, as in recent days it has been revealed that the Telegraph has dubiously removed an article of theirs that had criticized Theresa May: the propagandist censorship intensifies…


“After all, Mrs May’s tenure as Home Secretary has been little better than disastrous – a succession of derelictions that has left Britain’s borders and coastline at least as insecure as they were in 2010, and which mean that British governments still rely on guesswork to estimate how many people enter and leave the country.”

“Remain supporter Theresa May, who seems to be getting carried along on an undeserved reputation for ‘toughness’ despite the fact that she has presided over the greatest increases in immigration of any Home Secretary in history and happily slashed away at our Border Force and Coast Guard to appease George Osborne, is manifestly not that person (to lead the UK as the new PM).”

Backtracking: As of July 1st 2016 Theresa May has revoked her plans to take Britain out of European Convention of Human Rights, a controversial set of legislation that has prevented us deporting extremists. Theresa can’t seem to hold any reliability to her statements.

Theresa lacks the backbone, mindset and conviction to lead a government that will uphold the democratic decision of the people to leave the EU, she will pander to both sides and ultimately deliver a half-baked solution that will gradually lead the UK back into the EU.

Why it must be Andrea Leadsom

Andrea Leadsom, a Brexit supporter, someone who has kept out of the media limelight with calmness, modesty and composure, seems to be the ideal candidate to definitively lead the UK away from the EU.

She has taken a refreshingly realistic, down-to-earth position on the EU, setting her miles above Theresa May who has spouted cliche platitudes and virtue-signaled her way through candidacy speeches.

Leadsom, a modest candidate that seems to be fully committed to Brexit, unlike most running candidates, she has class & compliments her opponents.

It’s absolutely clear that whoever takes the helm, they must be fully committed to Brexit, and really believe that leaving the failing EU represents the best course of action for the United Kingdom.

The truth comes down to whether you want an anti-democratic, supranational entity and its delegated cronies to guide our future, or a collection of independent, interacting, co-operating, democratic and friendly national bodies that counterbalance eachother in a healthy way.

In no fathomable way can waywardly centralized power ever spell success for us, man is simply too vulnerable to temptation to be given a throne over the world and call it ‘unity’ – and that’s why I endorse true, free market capitalist nationalism with limited government that works for the people, instead of vice versa, Andrea Leadsom seems to be the right candidate to recognize this reality.


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