Diana was Murdered

Next year will mark the twentieth anniversary of Diana Princess of Wales’ unfortunate assassination at the Pont d’Alma underpass in Paris, the thirteenth pillar of that underpass being the collision point in a fatal car crash that would tragically take three lives, and severely threaten another.

This year marks twenty years since a divorce that would brand Diana a focal point of the royal household’s upheaval, an infamously loose cannon of the establishment that held values in direct contravention to the murky aspirations devised behind the gold plated gateways and marble lined palatial estates.

The Queen of Hearts

Diana’s track record in royalty was somewhat of a rocky road, her relationship, marriage and divorce with Prince Charles coupled with her outspoken critique of ‘the establishment’ she’d been born into, proved her daring, realistic audacity was of no shortage. Being privy to sensitive, esoteric information, the entrusted stature of Diana’s ‘role’ as a Royal was expectantly tough, her very life rested on this ‘role’ and the faithful upholding of its secrets and image.

Which leads me on to say how the dandy image of the royal establishment can be disassembled in light of the Diana and Charles relationship, as a family of showy colours, pearly whites and paparazzi magnets that have painted established authority in the mindless conception of television personalities emblazoned on a facade of deceptive, theatrical grandeur – Dia1410124635622_image_galleryimage_funeral_of_diana_princessna offered us reality, she showed up the Royals for what they were, two-faced actors that put it on for glitzy smiles and virtuous gestures, while simultaneously concealing the ugly underbelly of the whole ruse.

See the following full interview for an in-depth insight into Diana’s thought process going into (and out of) marital royalty, and her difficulties managing the internal & external tensions and ramifications of holding royal reputation, that she expressively claims to be ‘isolating’ and disingenuous to the individual – she admits that she was given a ‘role’ as a puppet.


Diana mingled in occult circles throughout her royal career, in the above picture you can see her alongside CFR/Bilderberg front man Henry Kissinger. The Royal family, as one of the 13 bloodlines (Windsor) has always held strong ties to Illuminati circles. Diana’s induction into this treacherous world must have come with certain revelations and oaths that prompted her conscience, i.e. knowledge of the terrors of the New World Order – fortunately every man/woman comes with a free spirit, it is choice that defines our spiritual allegiance – Diana chose truth, but her attachments and affiliations with evil claimed her life when she tried to escape it by divorce and remarriage, an amicable way to separate.

The Motive to Kill Diana

Diana was killed because she was almost certainly pregnant with Dodi’s child, and the British Royal Family didn’t want an Arab in their ‘sacred’ bloodline. Diana was also becoming politically involved in the Middle East and the elite saw her as a loose cannon that could rally popular support around anything, the same applied to JFK, John Lennon, Bob Marley etc. Diana herself remarked to reporters that there would be ‘a big surprise’ from her a few days before her death. It would be seen as a sham against the establishment for an unplanned marriage to go ahead, or for an incriminating exposé from someone in their own ranks with the publicity Diana had, and of course, the risk for Diana to impart the secrets of House Windsor to the Al-Fayed’s who had significant financial and social leverage for protecting Diana, so she had to die before she could cause any long-lasting damages.

And he (Mohamed Al-Fayed ) is convinced that some of the paparazzi, including the driver of the white Fiat Uno, were MI6 agents whose mission was to stop the announcement of the couple’s engagement – and Diana’s pregnancy.

Her contact with the dark inner-circles of secretive organisations linked to the Windsors, coupled with her ‘free-spirited’ refusal to obey orders and conventions made her a huge threat to revealing the twisted plans and purposes of these people, plans she knew were intended to harm, not help, the common man.

Body Language, when watching take body language into consideration, because Diana – wittingly or unwittingly gives a lot away with her eye, face and head movements.

Many psychologists believe that when a person looks up to their right they are likely to be telling a lie. Glancing up to the left, on the other hand, is said to indicate honesty.

Looking down and to the left can indicate that they are talking to themselves (look for slight movement of the lips). Looking down and to the right can indicate that they are attending to internal emotions.
Looking down can be a signal of submission. It can also indicate that the person is feeling guilty, in Diana’s case for not revealing all there is to reveal.

High relevancy Time stamps

  • 28:57 and onwards
  • and 33:08 onwards

Interviewer: “Do you really believe that a campaign was being waged against you?”

Diana: “Yes, I did, absolutely yeah.”

Interviewer: “Why?”

Diana: “I was the separated wife of the Prince of Wales, I was a problem, full stop, never happened before, what do we do with her?”

Interviewer: “Can’t we back her off quietly instead of campaign against her?”

Diana: “She won’t go quietly, that’s the problem. I’ll fight ’till the end, as I believe that I have a role to fulfill (Not their role?), and I’ve got two children to bring up (putting your ‘disapproved’ ideas into their heads?).”


Diana: “I always got more publicity, uhh (thinking of a filtered way to express), my work was discussed much more than him (So Charles had something to conceal/hide?), and you know, from that point of view I understand it, but I was doing good things (And Charles/affiliates were not?), and I wanted to do good things, I was never going to hurt anyone. Was never going to let anyone down (Again, does that set you apart from the intentions of the royal circle? Apparently so).”

“but I was doing good things, and I wanted to do good things, I was never going to hurt anyone. Was never going to let anyone down.”

Diana: “But, I am a free spirit, unfortunately for some.” (looks down, laughs)

Diana: “I think that the British people need someone in public life to give affection, to make them feel important, to support them, to give them light in their dark tunnels.”

They see me as a threat of some kind. And I’m here to do good, I’m not a destructive person.

Interviewer: “Why do they see you as a threat?”

Diana: (Hesitant) “I think every strong woman in history has had to walk down a similar path, and I think it’s the strength that causes the confusion and the fear. Why is she strong, where does she get it from, where is she taking it, where is she going to use it, why do the public still support her?”

Diana: “When I say public, you go into an engagement, and there’s a great many people there.” (She rallies people’s support)

Interviewer: “Do you think the Prince of Wales will ever be King?”

Diana: “Uhm, I don’t think any of us know the answer to that. And obviously it’s a question that’s in everybody’s head. But who knows, who knows what fate will produce, who knows what circumstances will provoke?”

Interviewer: “But you would know him better than most people?”

Diana: “Hm”

Interviewer: “Do you think he would wish to be King?”

Diana: “There was always conflict on that subject, with him – when we discussed it. And I understood that conflict, because it’s a very demanding role, being Prince of Wales – but it is an equally more demanding role being King. And being Prince of Wales produces more freedom now, and being King would be a little bit more suffocating.

Diana: “…And because I know the character, I would think that the ‘top job’ as I call it, would bring enormous limitations to him, and I don’t know whether he could adapt to that.” (Saying Charles is not fit to be King, based on character that is hidden from public eye)

The (Basic) Timeline of Events

Diana’s murder/assassination took place in the early hours of the 31st of August 1997 in Paris, France. Here is the basic timeline sourced from the BBC.

30th August (Day prior)

1300 hours:  (Diana and Dodi) board a private jet at Olbia airport, Sardinia, to take them to Paris. Where they plan to stay 1 night, Diana plans to return to London the next morning.

1520: Mr Al Fayed and the princess arrive at Le Bourget airfield, Paris, and are met by Henri Paul, deputy head of security at the Ritz Hotel. French paparazzi, tipped off by their Sardinian colleagues, also await the couple. Mr Al Fayed is stressed by their presence and tells their driver to lose them.

1635: The couple enter the Ritz.

1800: Mr Al Fayed, accompanied by bodyguards, picks up a ring he has ordered from Repossi’s jewellers just outside the Ritz.

1900: The princess and Mr Al Fayed go back to his apartment just off the Champs Elysées. They take the back exit to escape the paparazzi.

1905: Mr Paul leaves the Ritz, telling his colleagues to call him if the couple return to the hotel.

2130: Mr Al Fayed’s plans to take the princess for a romantic dinner are ruined as the couple are followed by paparazzi. Mr Al Fayed decides they should return to the Ritz. They are followed by some 30 photographers.

2155: Security at the Ritz call Mr Paul and tell him the couple have returned.

2200: The couple enter the hotel restaurant to dine, but leave after 10 minutes. Princess Diana is reportedly visibly upset over the stress of the day. The couple dine in the Imperial Suite instead.

2201: Mr Paul arrives back at the Ritz in his Austin Cooper. He then joins bodyguards Kez Wingfield and Trever Rees-Jones in the Vendome bar at the Ritz. The three make small talk whilst they wait for Princess Diana and Mr Al Fayed to finish their meal in the Imperial Suite.

2300: Mr Paul is seen speaking to paparazzi outside the hotel. Telling the press that the couple will soon depart.

2337: Mr Paul speaks with Mr Al Fayed and Princess Diana in the Imperial Suite. The couple are going to return to Mr Al Fayed’s apartment off of the Champs Elysées. Mr Paul exits and tells bodyguards Mr Wingfield and Mr Rees-Jones that a decoy plan has been hatched to escape the paparazzi. The two cars the couple had been using that day, a Mercedes and a Range Rover, are to leave from the front of the hotel with the bodyguards. Princess Diana and Mr Al Fayed will leave from the back in an unmarked car, driven by Mr Paul. Mr Wingfield and Mr Rees-Jones express concern that under this plan there is no protection for the couple. Mr Al Fayed agrees to allow one bodyguard to travel with him and the Princess.

31 August, 1997

0019: Mr Paul and the couple chat as they wait for their car to be driven to the rear of the Ritz.

0020: The car now ready, Mr Rees-Jones escorts Princess Diana to the waiting Mercedes. She sits on the rear passenger side. Mr Al Fayed joins her on the rear driver’s side. Paparazzi take photos of the couple as they enter the car. They depart abruptly, heading toward Place de la Concorde.

Scene of the fatal car crash

The 1997 crash killed Diana, Dodi and their driver

0025: The Mercedes crashes into the 13th pillar of the Alma tunnel, killing Mr Paul and Mr Al Fayed. Mr Rees-Jones and the princess are seriously injured. Photographer Romuald Rat arrives within seconds – he is the first on the scene.

0026: First call to the authorities. Emergency doctor Frédéric Mailliez is driving by when he sees the crashed Mercedes. He is the first doctor on the scene and calls for help.

0028 – 0030: First two police officers arrive. They have difficulty cordoning off the accident from gathering paparazzi.

0032: Fire engine and ambulance arrive. Eight paparazzi are arrested at the accident scene and taken in for questioning.

0125: After nearly an hour, Princess Diana’s ambulance leaves for hospital. She has already suffered a cardiac arrest.

0130: Mr Al Fayed is pronounced dead.

0155: Princess Diana’s ambulance stops for five minutes to inject adrenaline into her body.

0206: The ambulance arrives at Pitié-Salpétrière Hospital. Doctors note that she has torn her pulmonary vein, a rare condition that begs little chance of survival. She receives open heart massage for nearly two hours.

0400: Princess Diana is declared dead.

0800: Mr Paul’s autopsy begins at l’Institut Médico-Légal, carried out by Professor Dominique Lecomte.

Hidden Evidence

1. The on-board computer chip.

  • The car Diana was in at the time of the crash – a black Mercedes S280 – was the only available car that night. news-graphics-2008-_661490a
  • The car had previously been stolen, and only recently found by the rental company, who owned the car.1fb142854886efe5fec941d1-520
  • When it was recovered, the only thing missing from the car was an on-board computer chip; this chip controlled the cars navigation, acceleration, steering, and braking – it is likely that the car was sabotaged, and the original computer chip had been replaced with a tampered one, this allowed remote control of the car’s maneuverability.

2. Diana’s belt was not working properly.

Post-analysis of the vehicle proved that Diana’s belt was not in good condition, all the other belts were in good condition, is this indicative of tampering? Obviously the crash might have caused damages, but considering the front belts were still intact, where the brunt of the crash occurred – yet the rear seat with Diana’s belt was broken, any suspicions are valid – by observed patterns of courtesy, Dodi would usually allow Diana into the vehicle first, this made tampering with Diana’s belt at the rear right seat an easy choice for her covert adversaries.

3. The Alma Tunnel was sterilized the next day, and also re-opened to the public within 5 hours of the crash, any potential forensic analysis of the scene was therefore rendered useless.

  • Potential blood spillages were wiped clean, tire skids giving crucial insights into how the car moved etc, were wiped away. No legible investigation would allow this to happen, ever.
  • All sensitive forensic materials would have been trampled by traffic first, and than sterilized/swept away in the dubious clean up that occurred within days of the crash.

4. Diana even stated that a car crash plan was imminent.

  • In one ominous, private letter, Diana hauntingly stated, “My husband is planning ‘an accident’ in my car, brake failure and serious head injury in order to make the path clear for Charles to marry.”

5. Secret Service were at the scene fastest.

  •  The Pont de L’Alma tunnel was crawling with secret service personnel from French and British intelligence. The driver of the Mercedes, Henri Paul is now confirmed as having worked for the French secret service.
  • It is likely that Diana’s ‘chauffeur’ Henri Paul had orders from people other than Dodi Al-Fayed, orders to move away from Dodi’s flat and take an odd, isolated, and unscheduled route (professional chauffeurs always schedule routes, in this case the bustling avenue road of the Champs-Élysées was the scheduled route) but instead Henri Paul went into a dark tunnel where a staged crash was easy, with minimal eye-witnesses. The fact a backup vehicle, which was standard protocol, was not present, also suggests the whole event was engineered.

6. Other damning points

  •  Just before the car entered the tunnel every security camera in the tunnel mysteriously died, preventing us from ever seeing footage of what caused the crash. There was strangely no CCTV accessed along the route of the Mercedes whatsoever; meaning somebody flipped the switch.

  • Eyewitnesses reported snipers and gunfire within the tunnel. (I don’t believe this is probable, however it might have occurred to rupture frontal tires, but possible bullet residue still makes me believe this idea is less probable than others – bullets are just too risky, and could easily give everything away.)

  • The crime scene was completely cleaned within hours of the crash, a policy totally anathema to standard preservation of any crime scene. Tire marks/blood and whatever physical indications of the causes of the crash were removed.

  • Diana was still alive after the crash. But unexplained delays in getting her to the hospital, caused by the unnecessarily slow speed of the ambulance and the fact that it passed several nearer hospitals before reaching its destination, ensured Diana was dead/guaranteed to die upon arrival. A faster response could have saved her life. The blood pressure argument is flawed, as various paramedics have come forward to say that a slowdown is not required.

  • The Mercedes used to transport Dodi and Diana from the Ritz was mysteriously swapped for a car that had been stolen only weeks earlier (this ties into the electronic chip replacement that I’ve explained above.)

  • Multiple eyewitnesses reported a mysterious flash of light immediately before the crash. Many insist that this was a laser directed at the driver to cause temporary blindness leading to the crash.

7. The ‘Mysterious’ Fiat Uno

  • A white fiat uno did clip the rear right end of the Mercedes that Diana was in, inside the tunnel, this key factor has been largely suppressed by the authorities with the story that ex-special services ‘chauffeur’ Henri Paul was drink driving, disproved by CCTV footage at the Ritz showing him to bend down to tie his laces comfortably with good balance.
  • The car was ‘incidentally’ repainted shortly after the Alma tunnel crash, and was sold by owner, James Andanson in October 1997.
  • James Andanson was notoriously egotistical, allegedly bragging to friends in 2000 of his involvement in the Diana crash, claiming he was present at the scene, and had ‘explosive’ photos that he was planning to release.
  • James Andanson who is alleged to have been driving the Fiat Uno that night was found dead in 2000, shot in the head, his corpse left in a burnt out car. His body, found in thick woodland near Montpellier, was so badly charred that it took police nearly a month before DNA and dental records confirmed his identity. It was ruled as a suicide, even though suicide by self-immolation is greatly uncommon; a simple gunshot would have sufficed.
  • A matter of weeks after Andanson’s death, masked men raided the SIPA photography firm, the company that Andanson had been employed with, it is logical to assume this was to destroy the last strings of Andanson’s photographed evidence that may prove an assassination took place.

The fireman who discovered the body (of Andanson), Christophe Pelat, has said: “I saw him at close range and I’m absolutely convinced that he had been shot in the head, twice.”

Notice the wheel angled outwards, the fiat pushed the car into the pillars, in the frenzy of the moment Henri Paul tried to steer back out.

8. The odd behavior of the French Police

  • The initial French investigation into the crash went to every length to ignore key evidence, intimidate eyewitnesses into silence and outright fabricate evidence.

9. A Bright Light

  • While less convincing than other speculative inquests, the bright light claims are nonetheless relevant in the disorientation of the driver, and give another explanation for the crash.

10. Mercedes refused to inspect the wreckage.

  • Many believe this refusal to commit a Mercedes employed professional to inspect the wreckage is insinuative of how easily it would be to find evidence of tampering with the vehicle.
  • Whatever the reason for this denial of investigative service, the reality is that this is a very, very odd incident among many others.

How it all happened.


James Andanson, or whoever drove the Fiat Uno resembling Andanson’s car, described as a ‘Mediterranean man’ with ‘wiry hair’ by one witness, likely purposefully rammed the right side of the bumper at the front of the Mercedes at speeds around 65 mph, this would have instantly caused a crash that killed Diana as at such speeds, any viable opportunity for realigning the car by steering would be unlikely, we do know that Henri Paul did attempt to regain control by steering full lock right, as shown in the wreckage with a right turned wheel, we can see he partially did so too, the indentation where the car struck the pillar is offset slightly left from the center of the front of the vehicle, explaining how Henri Paul died so quickly being the driver on the left side; the shock waves would have been distributed to the left side due to the last ditch attempt to turn the car away from the pillar, explaining why both Henri Paul and Dodi Fayed died instantly, and Diana and Trevor Reese did not suffer as severe injuries (Diana would have lived if she was transported to hospital faster, she did not die immediately) and Trevor Reese survived.

One said that paint scratches from the Fiat, found on the side-view mirror and bumper of the Mercedes, were identical to samples from the matching spot on Andanson’s Fiat.


I believe that the controller/device that was replaced in the tampered Mercedes was used to temporarily de-activate Henri Paul’s brakes and mess with the traction system, preventing him from averting the crash by using the brake pedal and also to steer Henri Paul’s car completely leftwards into the pillar to create the head on collision by making the wheel slack and unresponsive due to the tampering, as a mere shunt against an experienced chauffeur would not be enough to create a head on crash of this severity against Henri Paul, a professional driver – thus, another factor was inexplicably at play.


I also believe that Andanson’s car was taken and used as a way of covering the tracks of the perpetrator(s), who could blend into the Paparazzi crowd in the Fiat as they followed Diana around that day. This gave time and foresight for the logistical demands of killing Diana, while not looking suspicious in another more suspect vehicle, or suspicious following Diana in an isolated manner – Andanson was a well known Paparazzi member; but he also had MI6 connections and was known to be around certain individuals before the times of their deaths, and to take the last photos of certain people – making him very wealthy, his role in the crowd of the Paparazzi was therefore crucial, as he could be bought and trusted in special services to take certain important photos/film.

  • The Alma tunnel in the early hours of the morning was abandoned, a perfect circumstance for an ‘accident’ to take place.

It is likely that two people (Andanson and a driver) were in the Fiat Uno that pushed Diana’s car into the 13th pillar by shunting leftwards at the front bumper of the Mercedes. Meanwhile, Andanson was employed to get photographed/filmed evidence of the whole event for whatever reason, perhaps to prove that Diana’s death definitively occurred, while an unknown accomplice drove the Fiat and performed the critical maneuvers; some eyewitnesses reported seeing another person hiding under a ‘tartan’ rug as the Fiat emerged from the Alma Tunnel.

However another witness claims seeing 2 vehicles leave the tunnel,

He returned to his bed briefly but then heard more sounds, returning to the window “to see that a small dark vehicle had completed its turn into Rue Jean Goujon immediately followed by a larger white vehicle (the Fiat Uno)”.

This photo is assumed to have been taken in the Alma tunnel, the Mercedes has obviously sped away from the Paparazzi only to find another vehicle in front, the bright light could be Andanson’s flash as he takes a last picture, just before a driver will perform the shunt maneuver. Remember from the Ritz to the tunnel, it took about 5 minutes. This photo is critical in our understanding of what happened.

The fact Diana is looking out of the rear window suggests in itself that they have made some distance between them and their Paparazzi pursuers, who’d followed them from the Ritz – this indicates isolation or separation; which is funny because what is immediately in front of them is shining a light of some description, a flash from a camera perhaps? The Paparazzi; James Andanson and his white Fiat Uno fits rather well into that criteria, a distraction perhaps – a second dark vehicle was also seen to be present, and may have done the maneuver.

Diana’s bodyguard, Trevor Rees-Jones, the only survivor, also said he thought the car was being followed by a motorbike and two cars, one of which was a white hatchback.

Diana looking out the rear seems to see a single source of light; could this be the light of a motorbike’s single headlamp? Concurring with part of Trevor Rees-Jones’ testimony concerning a motorbike?

  • Former senior detective John Macnamara explains the subject in this way:

“You have a Mercedes that’s done a 180 degree turn, having crashed into the thirteenth pillar and yet the Fiat Uno survives everything (with minor damages at the point of collision only), which suggests to me that that was a very professional driver. I can well believe, as a detective with 24 years experience, why Mr Al Fayed believes that his son Dodi and Princess Diana were murdered.”



I believe that the Fiat attempted a first shunt maneuver that failed, followed by a second one that succeeded, this explains the lack of tire skids at the crash sight, as the cars had slowed down significantly between the first crash and the second, but not enough to avert the crash – this would have all happened in a matter of seconds.

At 12.25am I heard the noise of an almighty crash followed immediately by the sound of skidding tyres and then immediately a further very loud crash

London solicitor Gary Hunter

The professional nature of the Fiat driver may have included training to not leave obvious tire skids, thus, the skidding sounds that Mr. Hunter heard were almost definitely the Mercedes’ trying to regain control.

The car’s final resting place, this is the vehicle after emergency services cut off the roof/doors to rescue the passengers.

Here’s another car crash at 60 mph for comparison:


…I believe this to be true, because they could have used any car/person to ram the Mercedes but wisely chose Andanson’s vehicle, an (insider, MI6 connected) member of the Paparazzi who could easily be connected to an accidental collision provided eyewitnesses called out the presence of the Fiat, and if Henri Paul could not be successfully framed for drink driving. Fortunately for the plotters, there weren’t any known eyewitness accounts inside the tunnel, not even CCTV, the Fiat Uno story could be easily covered up/ignored, any of the few eyewitnesses were probably ignored by the authorities.

If Andanson spoke out concerning the use of his car, he would implicate himself – threats from the top would keep him in line, in 2000 Andanson apparently claimed he would come forward to discuss the event, having boasted to friends to have ‘explosive’ photos of the crash scene, in May of that year he was found dead in an alleged suicide – but his family disagree that it was suicide; claiming he was in good spirits, having recently received a new job – a suicide is very out of character for a man basking in affluence and success from his photography.

Millionaire photographer James Andanson had been threatening to write an explosive book.

“We just don’t know whether it s a case of a man consigning himself to a bizarre and painful death or whether in fact some violence had been meted out to him first.”

— Mr Al Fayed’s barrister Michael Mansfield QC

“We have always believed this man was part of the team that was behind the assassination, and he was killed to shut him up.”

  • Witnesses said they saw a white Fiat Uno speed out of the tunnel seconds after the crash.
  • Before Andanson’s death he’d boasted that he was the driver of a Fiat that hit the back of Diana’s Mercedes (according to one source) which is a remarkable thing to admit.
  • Less than six hours after the fatal crash in Paris, and for reasons that have never been revealed, Andanson boarded a flight at Paris’s Orly airport, bound for Corsica.
  • He claimed he had been nowhere near the center of the French capital when the crash happened, but could not provide any real evidence to support this claim.

The sense of urgency that led Henri Paul and co. to the Alma Tunnel:

The Paparazzi had been intentionally tipped off concerning Diana and Dodi’s location throughout that night, prompting Dodi to cancel a romantic meal with Diana due to the harassment of photographers; I believe this constant, unusually high level of harassment gave a staged reason to take the ‘alternative’ route pre-planned by special service personnel, it also gave the reason for Henri Paul ( an ex-French special service member, who was stitched-up and used as a pawn) to speed to get away from the Paparazzi and isolate himself and his clients in the Alma underpass, by the command of his higher ups.

The reason the fireman, Christophe Pelat, who discovered Andanson’s burnt body with 12839_1two bullet holes in the skull, is reluctant to talk is for the very same reason Trevor Rees claims he cannot remember the crash; both men want to continue living.

It’s very plausible Andanson was shot elsewhere and his body then driven to the field of a military training centre where he was doused with petrol and set alight. The keys of the car he was discovered in have never been found.

Andanson’s true involvement might never be realized, but what we do know was that he had to die, and obviously knew something tellingly critical.

Henri Paul’s carbon monoxide poisoning

The Henri Paul blood samples at the very heart of the Diana controversy reveal something else quite bizarre – that he had breathed in a very high quantity of carbon monoxide before his death: the same amount as a person committing suicide by putting a rubber hose from the exhaust through the window of his car.

One of the last photos taken, this one was allegedly taken in the Alma Tunnel itself, just moments before the crash. Diana anxiously looks behind her, as if to suggest they were being tailed/trying to escape the Paparazzi (which is true). While chauffeur Paul, and Bodyguard Reese seem to be captivated by something bright ahead of them – could this be the ‘dazzling light’ employed to distract them as the Fiat Uno moves in to push them to their fates?

Such a level would have left Paul visibly disorientated and almost certainly comatose. Yet at the Ritz that evening, minutes before he drove Diana, the CCTV cameras show him walking normally and even kneeling down to retie his shoe laces and gracefully standing up again.

Proposed possibility:

  1. Somebody switched Henri Paul’s blood sample with another blood sample in the forensic process; likely of someone who committed suicide by car exhaust. This would frame Paul as culpable for being intoxicated in a way that caused the crash, the media claims a ‘heavy smoking session’ was to blame, but this would not be enough to disorientate Paul, who by CCTV footage seemed able-bodied upon leaving the Ritz.
  2. Carbon monoxide leaks from the wreckage found their way into Henri Paul’s blood supply, in the time between the crash and the point of the recovery of his corpse.

June 1992: Andrew Morton Book.
August 1992: June 1992: Andrew Morton Book.
August 1992: Squidygate tapes.

Consequence : Ostracised by the Royal family, travel and other restrictions , enforced formal separation. WAG is set up and holds first meeting.

November 1995: Panorama interview.

Consequence : Removal from Royal family, Loss of HRH Title ; formal divorce.

January to August 1997: Anti-Landmine Campaigne.
July to August 1997 : Mohammed Holy day St. Tropez, plans for Muhammed – Diana joint Hospice Venture, relationship with Dodi.


Crash in the Alma Tunnel.

Following the 1996 Charles – Diana divorce the Elites had run out of legal options in dealing with Princess Diana’s behaviour.

MI6 carried out the assassinations in conjunction with the CIA and French intelligence agencies. There was a major coverup at the Inquest around the nature of the WAG – Hunt Davis and Fellowes ( the son of a bitch), the only royal witnesses heard, both lied about this. Robert Fellowes was present in Paris on 30 august 1997.

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