Russia and Turkey are warming up

In an epoch of NATO imperialism, Putin’s allying with China, and recent warm gestures towards Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan suggests an ever closer need for diplomatic friends is firmly on the Russian agenda, something unimaginable given the blaring western coverage of a Turkish shoot-down of a Russian jet, Western MSM packaged it all as an alleged sealer of Russian-Turkish enmity

Washington attempted to depose Erdoğan.

Washington’s sordid reluctance to hand over Erdogan’s political foe, Fethullah Gülen is a red flag in itself that US special intelligence needed Gülen to sow dissent, and perhaps even plant in place of Erdogan given a US-backed Gülenist coup were successful; which it simply was not.

Source – Erdogan accuses Washington of conspiring against him.

The Jet aggravation incident has turned out to be an insider orchestration by a rogue member of the military seeking to sow long-lasting dissent between the Russians and Turks, this was rumored to be a member of the same subordinate Turkish military fragment that was allegedly paid and provided for by US-Western coordinated special intelligence to oust Erdogan in last months’ attempted coup.


…a coup that the presiding Turkish state was prepared for; mainly due to Russian intelligence likely tipping off Erdogan at the last minute, allowing for him to escape prosecution and probable execution, and ultimately remain in power.

This is something the Turkish President has not forgotten, and is now actively rewarding in recent, significant diplomatic gestures of gratitude to Mr. Putin and his affiliates in the best interests of amending the divisions once carved by NATO.

  • A pro-coup officer captured by the Turkish government, Lieutenant Colonel Murat Bolat, told the conservative Yeni Savak newspaper that his unit was designated to detain and possibly murder Erdogan after receiving precise information on Erdogan’s location from US sources.

MOSCOW — Against a backdrop of rising tensions between Turkey and the West, Presidents Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey pledged on Tuesday to repair relations after nine months of open antagonism.

“The alliance will alter the global chessboard in a way that eviscerates the imperial plan to control the flow of energy from Qatar to Europe, redraw the map of the Middle East and pivot to Asia.  …  The July 15 coup is likely the final nail in the NWO coffin …”

This rocky road of diplomatic limbo has seen the US wrestle for control over the Anatolian peninsula across the preceding months, but only now have the Western Zionist neocons let slip an ally that will make or break some of their utmost nefarious dealings; namely in suppressing Greater Eurasia’s breathing space, the inane mass-migration policies, and the funding & facilitation of ISIS. All through this vital proxy state, Turkey.

Oil and Gas

Russia and Turkey are fast-tracked to normalize relations. In President Erdogan’s first trip outside of Turkey since the coup attempt, the Turkish President chose to visit Russia in what is sure to deeply anger his NATO partners; the very ‘partners’ that most likely attempted to depose him in the recently failed coup.

What is even worse for the US-NATO camp is that Erdogan now surely knows of this probable (and shoddy) conspiratorial plot to replace him, his recent moves to consolidate power by purging the Turkish military, and omitting political and legal ‘undesirables’ prove that a helping hand (likely Russian) has provided guidance against funded opposition, ensuring his statesmanship continues in due course – and in the best interests of the Eastern world.

Some pipelines illustrating the geopolitical importance of Syria and Turkey, both now increasingly under the Russian sphere of influence.

The advantages of Turkey and Russia realigning themselves will give a huge boost to the Russian oil and gas pipelines, as well as give Erdogan access to the best of both worlds. As seen below, Turkey is a crucial, central landmass in the effective, cost-efficient transportation of Russian oil and gas, being the ‘crossroads of the world’ Turkey is truly a hotspot for the geopolitical clashes of the superpowers vying for global influence.

Just look at how important Ukraine is for the Russians (Ukraine targeted by West), by restoring relations with Turkey (Also targeted by the West), Putin is able to get his resources into Europe as cheaply as possible, and without the sanctions of yore.

The proposed pipelines below, such as TANAP (Trans Anatolian Pipeline Project) and TAP (Trans Adriatic Pipeline) will be instantaneous solutions to the obtrusive US-fomented Ukraine crisis blocking Russian oil and gas to Europe on already established infrastructure; Europe being one of Russia’s biggest economic markets for resource trading. And finally, Putin will cut loose the noose that has held the Russian Federation in a state of economic uncertainty for so long, enabling bridge-building back into the European continent to become viable once again.

The ‘Turkish Stream’ pipeline will also be a revived project now the diplomatic pivot is in motion for Turkey to begin turning a cold shoulder to NATO and the EU, and approach the Greater Eurasian Union for deals.

  • The $10 billion TANAP pipeline is expected to transport gas of Azerbaijan’s Shah Deniz field from the Georgian-Turkish border to the western border of Turkey. The gas will be delivered to Turkey in 2018, and after completion of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline’s (TAP) construction, the gas will be delivered to Europe in early 2020
It is clear to see why Putin seized Crimea in 2014 on the basis of sustaining the Black Sea pipeline to Romania (AGRI); if Ukraine had been taken by a Western leaning government, the Black Sea pipeline would have likely been disallowed. So by seizing Crimea you keep control over the pipeline’s waters by force and, by allying with Turkey you guarantee an alternative pipeline safeguard in case you lose in Ukraine; it gives Putin solid options against potential western-incurred economic collapse.

As stated, with a consolidated alliance between Russia and Turkey in the bag, Putin can keep Europe opened up to him, and prevent any further insular, exclusive anglicization that would shut him out in the cold economically and socially. Keeping Turkey sovereign over its own politics and away from the prospective bureaucracy of Brussels will prove essential in preventing a transnational, Western leaning EU from absorbing the Turkish state, and forming an inwards looking bloc-fortress that claims to promulgate ‘unity’ – but really only intends to be a bulwark of protectionist, western proxy-imperialism against the Eastern superstates.

With Turkey and the Black Sea reined-in, Putin can refocus his infrastructure for resource transportation in another region, and break away from the sinkhole instabilities in Ukraine, lightening the load against him considerably.

I assume that Russia will first try to regain favour with Ukraine and reinstate a Russian leaning government, if this fails, Putin will have held off long enough to have constructed another few oil lines through Anatolia, giving him the ability to cede the Ukraine issue without bogging himself down in desperation to maintain a once solely crucial link, and then enable ‘repaired’ relations with the West by getting sanctions lifted and playing nice.

Turkey has left the fray, but NATO pushes on.

Influence in Turkey allows Putin to have a loyal middleman, and a membrane state to keep his resources flowing into Europe; not a vehemently anti-Russian wall (which NATO wants) on the extremity of the trading gold mine that is Europe. This Turkish-Russian friendship is a huge blow for NATO and the oligarchical, elitist West, because it means Russia has once again wheedled its way back into the European market that the EU has long sought to exclude and isolate Russia, it gives Putin a foot in the door in regards to keeping his trading relevance vitalized, especially after the difficulties in Ukraine which may preclude Russian oil and gas from getting into Europe and have served to isolate Russia, establishing new links will give Putin the ability to loosen the vice on Ukraine, and restore scarred reputation.

Russia under siege: depends on oil and gas

  • In 2015, the figure for oil making up Russia’s federal budget revenues reached 44 percent. This makes oil a top weak spot for the Globalists to strike, huge western think tanks produce the strategy, the elites give the go ahead.
  • Russia produced an average of 10.83 million barrels (1,722,000 m3) of oil per day in December 2015. It produces 12% of the world’s oil and has a same share in global oil exports.
The Gulf states, working with the Globalist Zionists in the USA drove oil value into the ground to sever the oil-reliant Russian economy.

As cheap oil weakens the Russian economy, it also causes its national currency, the ruble, to depreciate. That means Russian consumers have to shell out more rubles if they want to maintain their consumption levels, raising civil unrest.

Russia’s economy declined 3.7 percent in 2015, the deepest contraction since 2009, and may shrink a further 0.5 percent this year (2016).

Geopolitical tensions have added to the Russian ruble’s weakness. The currency has nearly halved in value since Putin’s annexation of Crimea in March 2014 and the U.S. and the European Union imposed sanctions against Russia

The ruble, now the world’s worst performing currency: Russia is under a financial siege that Putin and compatriots must outmaneuver.

These methods, among others, come together with why the West is targeting Putin’s ability to export oil (and gas) in all sorts of methods, as well as engineering chaos by crushing oil’s global value in last year’s huge devaluation, making the oil-dependent Russia suffer by expanding the deficit and spurring inflation, prompting spending cuts and other austerity measures as detailed above. The West want to destroy Russia from inside to out, and then perhaps initiate something unthinkable when the time is right; but pelleting the Russians to soften them up from afar is the tactic currently being employed.

Turkey has now left behind its days of funding ISIS and collaborating with the twisted West, and has offered Putin its assistance against the Islamic State.

In keeping Erdogan afloat, Putin is humbling the sprawling, complacent empire of NATO, cleverly buying himself time to solve the Ukraine issues, and adequately square up against western-led hostility without crippling his economy. No wonder western media continually paints him as an eminent threat to justify to the public its provocative, backdoor-led encroaching behavior on all aspects of the Russian state, Putin is a certainly a threat – to Globalism.

  • The recent targeting of Russian Olympic athletes in a ‘doping scandal’ is one example of the how the West wants to demonize Russia in the eyes of the common man, smoothing the way for heightened NATO involvement.
  • The Russian/English fans fighting during the Euro 2016 football tournament is another orchestrated propaganda surge against Putin, and arguably against the recently Brexited UK.

As a small point, a bit out of the scope of this article: Putin’s moves to solidify a ‘Greater Eurasian’ union with China to rival the European Union that seeks to incur his demise is also an example of the strategies Putin is employing to make sure Russia is not starved by a US dominated world economy; a world economy that is now rapidly shifting into an Asian dominated era as the US fiat currency funded empire begins to crumble. The death throes of this empire being a woeful  last ditch attempt to take out the superstates that threaten to replace it, as seen in recent NATO aggression; when something is cornered or threatened, that is when it will fight hardest.

Other economic points:

  • There is talk of a free trade agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union for Turkey, favours Russia.
  • The Turk Stream gas pipeline project will surely be revived. Favours Russia.
  • Turkey could move closer towards some of the Eurasian institutions that are being created such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (in which it already has observer status) and the Eurasian Economic Union, and it might even take some initial steps towards joining them. Favours Russia.
Western Bias: Just looking at how the hellbent West selectively projects its terrible flaws (rigged democracy) onto Russia and China, proves in itself the egregious biases littering our media sources and the permeating brainwashing schemes that are currently afoot, beware.

I believe that Putin knows that by re-establishing his infrastructure across Anatolia he can defuse the Ukraine crisis allowing for a lift in the sanctions against him, this alleviation of sanctions must happen as the Globalists do not want to be openly appearing as anti-Russian warmongers to the world. Ukraine is nothing more than a Western funded ‘moderate’ rebel proxy provocation to pressure Putin into making himself look bad by annexing Crimea, as to provoke the following desired outcomes…

  • waste Russia’s precious money (and weaken its economy) on an increasingly cautionary, unnecessary defense budget to keep an appearance of toughness,
  • to instigate a tearaway of previously close Ukraine-Russian relations (something Russia is desperately trying to keep intact),
  • to eventually induct Ukraine into the EU empire by demonizing Russia,
  • to tarnish international opinion of Russia as corrupt, even when all the superpowers are to some extent,
  • to give an excuse for NATO to push up close against Russian borders,
  • to block Russian oil and gas exports to Europe through Ukraine.
  • to provide an excuse to heavily economically sanction Russia.

Military Advantages, The Black Sea

In May 2016, Erdogan described the Black Sea as ‘almost a Russian lake’ and called for NATO naval reinforcements to be sent to the area. That prompted a response by Russia’s Permanent Representative to NATO Alexander Grushko who said that the Black Sea will never be a ‘NATO lake‘.

Now with the Russians more and more amenably bound to Turkey, Putin can begin to push back the tirade of NATO aggression pressed uncomfortably near to his borders. This begins with gaining more influence over the largely Turkish owned Black Sea waters. Along with seizing Crimea, Putin will now be able to earn the diplomatic grist to keep NATO’s naval provocations out of the Black Sea; especially as Turkey’s view of the belligerent West begins to sour.

With huge NATO ally, Turkey now more or less in Russian hands, the future of NATO’s undue provocations in the Black Sea region is set to come under scrutiny, especially as Turkey may now be prepared to close off or discourage passage through the Istanbul access route to the Black Sea.

As seen in the side images, the annexation of the Crimean peninsula in 2014 opened up a sizable portion of the Black Sea to come under Russian control; so just imagine what having favour with Turkey will do for Putin’s Black Sea aspirations in peacefully repelling NATO aggression?

The fact that Russia now (as of 2014) controls half of the Black Sea has enraged NATO. Russia wants answers on NATO troop movement in Eastern Europe as the US tries to sneak in troops there while whining about Russian troops inside Russia’s borders. Note that the US is several thousand miles away, while Russia is very much inside its own territory. The real bogeyman is glaringly obvious.

Conclusively, the Turkish pivot towards Russia will probably complicate NATO operations in the Black Sea, and lead to resistance from Turkey to any more anti-Russian posturing by NATO.

Ramping up the arsenal

Over the past 24 months the Black Sea has been the focus of Russia’s military modernization programme. As a consequence of the 2-year re-calibration of forces, the Federation has added four submarines, two missile corvettes and several patrol boats to their Black Sea fleet with another two submarines and six frigates expected to join them later this year. Combined with the anti-ship/anti-air installations deployed in occupied Crimea and along Russia’s Black Sea shore, such an A2/AD constellation could pose a substantial challenge should NATO need to provide reinforcements to the Black Sea Allies.

In response, the number of NATO military exercises and drills as well as naval patrols in the Black Sea has been revised up to reflect the more ‘aggressive’ Russian posture. However, additional assurance measures, to be implemented by the Alliance or individual member states, are also under consideration.

Securing the buffer states

The plan to rotate four NATO battalions through Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia has prompted much concern in Moscow, where state officials have voiced suspicion that NATO was preparing for “a global strike” on Russia. Russia in return has vowed to provide a “highly effective” and “asymmetrical” reinforcement.

The gateway states to Europe are Russia’s loyal band, the old guard of ex-cold war buffer states that still (somewhat) answer to Moscow, but NATO is tempting them away, bit by bit; Latvia and Estonia are slowly waning, while Belarus seemingly remains loyal, perhaps with inklings of a desire to maintain neutrality.

Keir Giles, Russian military expert for U.K. think-tank Chatham House, says Minsk is currently engaged in a “process of outreach to find friends other than Russia.”

“But Belarus must be watching warily the development of confrontation between NATO and Russia.”

“One should not forget that the ‘wise calf milks two cows’ tactic is Lukashenko’s trademark so this is all quite familiar for him,” Igor Sutyagin, Russian military expert at the London-based Royal United Services Institute claimed.

Belarus is Russia’s ally in its own security alliance, known as the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), and has agreed to set up joint air defense with Russia. The country is also in talks with Moscow about hosting a Russian airbase, in an apparent response to NATO eastern initiatives.

“After Russia’s Putin, Erdogan Will Meet With Belarus’s Lukashenko”

While Belarus remains somewhat steadfast, recently, two AN/MPQ-64F1 Sentinel radar systems were delivered to Russian buffer state, Latvia as part of the United States’ ‘European Reassurance Initiative,’ according to a Tuesday press release by the US Embassy.

This ‘European Reassurance Initiative’ is without a doubt the next ‘Marshall Plan’ in cultivating support for the NATO cohort by means of bribery.

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