Russia mass-constructing Churches

Russia Builds 5000 Churches, adds 10,000 Clergy in Six Years

“There could not be such growth in the Church if there were no demand. That is why we feel so special when we place the foundations of new churches…”

The Orthodox faith, in concomitant partnership with the Russian State has constructed a hefty multitude of religious communities across the last six years, propelled by what is described as high demand. But could this be a sign of a flourishing Church, or maybe a protective measure against rising Islamic cultural-Marxism, as the floodgates of Europe are lifted?

With a rising percentage of Islamic adherents (6.5%) among the Russian populace, the need for the state to suppress the volatility of cultural Islam, as paralleled in the suffocating West, has never been of greater importance. The 41% of Russian Orthodoxy is under an emerging threat of decline as atheistic, liberal western culture leaks into the country, coupled with a gradually rising growth of conservative cultural Islam, poised to take the hot seat within decades.


The Polarization of the Cultures

The rampant proselytizing, high birth-rate, third world Islamic families spread Islam; a sociopolitical, religious ideology with extremist overtones at an incredible rate once comfortably established in the womb of a western state.

The very presence of the highly disciplinary cultural Islam will overwhelm the other faiths and cultures in the new country within mere decades, as the forced inter-generational principles of Islam are generally more stringently passed on in near-east, conservative Muslim families that are actually often very skeptical of marriage into western circles, not comparable to the (engineered to be) highly, highly liberal west. This cultural polarization has been engineered well and truly.

This multicultural approach, saying that we simply live side by side and live happily with each other has failed. Utterly failed. – Angela Merkel – while Merkel is not wrong in this instance, it is more a case of failure to integrate migrants than an implicit failure to live together, we haven’t taken steps to expect Muslims to integrate and start to assimilate, so we’ve got what we asked for.

These are families with high birth rates and a high tendency to form ethnic enclaves once deployed in a Western environment with other migrants, unable to speak the native language, by and large preventing any morsels of ‘outside’ influence for cultural acclimatization; it is a phenomenal recipe for regressive non-western Islam to become the dominant faith, culture and political system in western countries that knowingly allow all of this to occur, with mass migration exempt of sensibility for vetting the newcomers, and being more discerning of letting the floodgates open so easily.

  • Islamic migrants will vote for more welfare and ‘free stuff’ – so will blindly vote for the socialist West. They do not tend to care about liberties, western culture or constitutionalism due to their deprived backgrounds that had none of these things. Which makes sense, but understand that their inclination to their formative ways are being taken advantage of for political reasons.
  • 1st generation Islamic migrants are being brought in (on a permanent basis more than not, in the UK housing is going up for them) without knowledge of their new surroundings, often without speaking the native language either. This forms ethnic enclaves and preserves non-integrated bubble communities that will grow rapidly (high birth rate)and take over urban centers, (white flight, natives have little in common culturally) and so on – because of these mono-ethnic communities that aren’t able to integrate adequately, a strong desire is formed in these growing, unchanged communities for Islamic traditions and customs, even schools and laws are sprouting up to emulate the third world countries they came from.
  • Islamic cultural Marxism in Europe and the West will estrange Russia and China as cultural outcasts, allowing for harsher foreign policies against them – as a predominantly third-world Islamic culture will allow this by popular, majority support using the ‘brilliant’ system of democracy we know as mob rule, and western liberals will concede more and more for the sake of not ‘offending’ and Muslims. I mean, just look at how extensive margins of current ‘western’ Muslims claim that their western countries should have the oppressive, highly Islamic Shariah law, many are not kind towards denominational, multifaceted societies, at all. Yet the liberals think it is racist to even bring this up as an issue, third-world migrants more than not, couldn’t care less about acceptance and lovey-dovey cooperation, they’re here to better their lives and keep their oppressive, pushy customs as well.
The high birth rate of the third and second worlds will spread their associated Islamic culture faster than western values will be able to be spread (and sustained) in the painfully low birth rate, 1st world west. It’s simple arithmetic that third world, cultural Islam will always override western culture based on these pretenses.

Observe the below statistics showing how third world migrants are far more entrenched in the anti-western lifestyle and mindset of cultural Islam, whereas those already in the West are much more moderate, but still not ideal. Does it make sense, therefore, to not import migrants to the west in such great quantities? Especially in the knowledge that they are from a background where a strong Islamic culture (that is not western in the slightest) is actively promoted, pluralism only works if everyone can respect common liberties and the notion of the individual, something utterly bereft in many oppressed third-world Muslim families.

It is easy to see that third world culture is far more extreme, and far more illiberal then western culture. Don’t get this twisted with ‘all cultures are equal’ – because they’re all different, some for the worse, some for the better.

Everyone is equal in soul, but in way of choice in spiritual and self-governmental matters; that is liable to differentiation, something that the ‘liberal’ west ignores.

These geopolitical effects are exactly what Putin has rooted out as detrimental, and contrary to his country’s values, Putin knows the elites in the West want these climatic outcomes, and are using a mass ‘migrant’ crisis to engineer their grand plan, a plan that will get rid of the liberty propagating Bible, and bring in the repressive control system promoted by the commandments in the Qu’ran.824480490aef67813261fca1a953267a

This explains the recent moves to rapidly expand (and cement) the Orthodox faith in Russia, no doubt to sustain its dominance as the state religion, and the stern statements from Putin claiming cultural-Marxism, and intolerant cultures that seek to bend the established state culture to their template have no place in his country.

Putin knows that a majority Islam Europe and a majority Islam Russia will try to merge by popular demand – it will lead him into the clutches of the West and diminish his leadership, this is a prospect of severe civil unrest that Putin is not prepared to cede. He absolutely must hold onto Russian customs and ways, as China has similarly done by banning Islamic migrants.


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