Russian Prime Minister Warns: There’s No Hope Of Improved Relations – Deep State Aims To Remove Trump From Power

When President Trump won the election, there was hope that he would be able to finally help the US government make peace with the Russians, and stave off the possibility of another world war. He has undoubtedly made some progress in that regard, by ending the CIA’s program to arm the rebels in Syria. And it’s safe to assume that if Hillary had won the election, that there would be absolutely no chance for our nations could reconcile with each other.

The deep state controls Trump and his confidantes, against their will.

Overall however, the Trump administration hasn’t made much progress with the Russians. With every step taken towards peace we’ve fallen two steps back, as our government’s relationship with Russia continues to crumble. The deterioration of this relationship reached a new low recently when congress approved legislation that issues new sanctions against Russia, and prevents Trump from easing those sanctions. Trump signed the bill anyway, knowing that it passed with so many votes that if he had vetoed it, Congress could have immediately overridden his decision.

And as you might expect, the Russian government isn’t taking these new sanctions lightly.

“The U.S. President’s signing of the package of new sanctions against Russia will have a few consequences,” Medvedev, Vladimir Putin’s onetime successor in the Kremlin wrote on his Facebook page in Russian and English. “First, it ends hopes for improving our relations with the new U.S. administration. Second, it is a declaration of a full-fledged economic war on Russia.”

But that’s not all Medvedev had to say on the matter. He added that the approval of the new sanctions essentially amounted to a kind of deep state coup.

“The Trump administration has shown its total weakness by handing over executive power to Congress in the most humiliating way,” Medvedev wrote, lauding the “U.S. establishment” for having “fully outwitted” the White House. Both U.S. chambers passed the bill to take the power of lifting sanctions on Russia from Trump, with an overwhelming majority.

“The issue of new sanctions came about, primarily, as another way to knock Trump down a peg,” the Russian prime minister wrote. “New steps are to come, and they will ultimately aim to remove him from power.”

That makes Medvedev the latest in a long line of high profile individuals, to warn that there is plot within Washington to have Trump removed from office. As time goes on, it’s becoming harder to doubt the possibility that there are forces in our government who not only want to overthrow the Trump administration, but they want to derail any efforts to find peace with the Russian government.

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