Millennial Zombies undermining Western Values

Dependency on manufactured content and services fuels the millennial day-to-day – independence seems a thing of the past as young people increasingly turn to government and corporations for their every need, a dangerous attitude indeed.

(Natural News) Under a recent scientific study, millennials were found to exhibit astonishing levels of dependency and lacked in practical intelligence, first world problems topped their daily concerns while more worldly issues never made the cut.

Researchers from Goldsmiths University in London found out that not being able to find a WiFi spot and forgetting passwords to different online log-in accounts are among the biggest fears of modern millennials.

If this sounds insane to you, imagine what your reaction will be when you find out that millennials are also afraid that the avocado they just opened will turn out to not be ripe, and that there will be a shortage of Prosecco. (Related: Millennials are totally unprepared for the realities of life, study finds.)

This is vastly different from the concerns of young people from 10 years ago; back in the now ancient 1997, individuals were worried about not finding “the one”, not being able to pay rent on time, and overexposing their photographs. People in 2017, however, are anxious about leaving their phones at home and having to buffer online shows for a long time.

The “like” culture of social acceptance plagues many millennials caught in the social media trap.

Social media “likes” are also a big thing for today’s millennials – they say they spend an average of around five minutes just to edit a photo that they plan to post and that they won’t be happy until they get at least 44 likes.

“Like” culture is dangerous because it is a social circle approving its own persuasions time and time again, an echo chamber. If you are only pursuing acceptance you are not pursuing individual ideas, or things that may be deemed ‘unpopular’ – but are albeit, valuable to share.

I believe social media indoctrinates people into an ‘acceptance mentality’ that shuts down sharing anything that won’t groom the dopamine-ego complex that is in us all. It engages the superficial as the most valuable thing in our society, anything of proper substance is therefore deemed unworthy.

“The average person will spend nearly two hours (approximately 116 minutes) on social media everyday, which translates to a total of 5 years and 4 months spent over a lifetime. 7 years will be spent watching TV.” — Social Media Today

The main “problems” of millennials today:

  1. Having to wait in the house all day for a delivery because the delivery man did not specifically say what time he would arrive
  2. Forgetting log-in passwords
  3. Leaving your phone at home
  4. No free WiFi at the hotel
  5. The buffering sign when you are streaming something online
  6. Standing in public transport
  7. Running for the bus/train only to have the doors close on your face
  8. Forgetting your umbrella and then finding out it’s raining
  9. Having to get out of bed to turn off the lights
  10. Finding an empty bottle in the fridge that was put there by a lazy roommate
  11. Being unable to find the TV remote just as your favorite show is starting
  12. Being “seen-zoned”: when a friend sees your message but doesn’t bother to reply
  13. Having to put on pants just to open the door
  14. When an avocado isn’t ripe enough
  15. Not having enough hangers that you reach the point where you pile your clothes on one hanger
  16. Running out of toilet paper
  17. When restaurant crew people don’t bring condiments with your food and you have to ask them for some
  18. Your laptop is low on battery but your charger is in another room
  19. Realizing the milk has run out after boiling the kettle
  20. Sat Nav re-routing

It seems as though millennials are the first real victims of the mass-media onslaught through the emerging internet phenomena, the past twenty or so years has let this play out, today’s attitudes are a direct result of this upbringing.

What we are most exposed to is what we most become. Social media, which is deliberately engineered towards a dopamine-release addiction model, has control over young people hook, line, and sinker.

The truth is, if you cannot both understand & deny your body’s chemical impulses, someone with more understanding of human biology can, and will, exploit you – social media is a perfect example of this.

Millennial ‘problems’ punctuate this reality, with a display of sheer disregard for problems beyond themselves; the digital bubble has many held captive in a misty haze of their own vanity and egotistical pursuits, toxic internet platforms groom this human predisposition big time.

If you are a millennial that lives like this, it is time to make some conscious changes for yourself, and for everyone else’s sake.

Some upstart organisations have launched platforms in attempts to uproot the Facebook and Twitter Goliath — GAB and are at the forefront of this movement.

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