Deep state seeks to undermine our natural form

Modern neocon funded schemes to feminize and pervert the natural state of the human condition have succeeded in building a society where feminine energy dominates.

Stop listening to the external, look within and you will find yourself.

Humans in their natural, unadulterated state as free-thinking individuals simply cannot be ruled over, but if you let yourself be broken-down you will become a passive, subjugated slave.

Chemical war on natural homeostasis with social campaigns to mask & legitimize it.

Justin Trudeau’s cabinet is built on his ‘progressive’ selection of a majority-women team. That is sexist and discriminatory. Trudeau’s selection is based on what is in someone’s pants, not on how appropriate that person is for the role, like Hillary Clinton’s campaign point that she is a woman so she should be put in the White House. Women are not generally leaders, they are not biological fits for that role – especially Hillary Clinton who has no principles and will sell-out to the highest bidder (provider), a very female behavior in many ways.

Lowered testosterone and generally perverted hormone levels destroy what binds us as a society, when society is not bound together as nature intended, it is divided.

Correct hormonal balance is so important in human behavior because it equips us with the biological prerequisites to lead a balanced & functional way of life in accordance with our natural state of being.

A long-term deficit in essential hormonal homeostasis (balance) means everything in the bodies of men will be altered; the brain structure that influences decision-making, behavior and personality (low testosterone makes men more emotional and less prone to taking action), also the very flesh and bone that forms the physical image of what it is to be male (image, form and impressions guide human interactions) and how the opposite gender perceives the male.

Both genders, by design, seek a partner most in balance with the state of nature, why else would we see symmetry and curves as beautiful, and see man-made harsh-looking, angular structures as ugly? We are drawn to nature’s own forms, not what is man-made.

“Beauty is a manifestation of secret natural laws, which otherwise would have been hidden from us forever.” — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Women will always seek masculine men that are balanced and as nature intended, as men seek balanced women who are feminine. Globalist-engineered and backed ‘feminist’ & ‘gender equality’ campaigns, rallies and anti-human initiatives try to deny this innate reality in an attempt to divide us, and make us crumble.

The foundation of societal integrity begins at the chemical, cellular level, it is what makes us fundamentally human. If you want to influence the large scale (society as a whole), you must look to the cellular level. As above, so below.

The entire point of gender is for each one to be different, it is by design. Each gender must be distinct from the other, like light and dark, one complements the other — else face the wrath of imbalance that will undermine the complex & delicate symbiosis that is essential for stability in relationships at every level.

Drawn away from our natural state, mankind will rapidly flounder & perish.

If you feed a petrol-fueled vehicle diesel there will be problems. If you feed the body trash it will operate like trash. Work with your body, not against it.

If you try to break the laws of nature, it will break you first.

Our ‘choice’ (influenced by the deep state) to poison our bodies and minds everyday with things the make us deny ourselves as natural beings means we will break ourselves down and live in a suppressed state.

Pushing campaigns that demand men to deny their biological urges, i.e. shaming men for flirting as ‘harassment’ or ‘man-spreading’ as domineering, is a quick way of forcing people to override the gender behavior ‘autopilot’ that is in us all.

Gender-fluid is like saying a skyscraper is a garden shed and penalizing anyone who says otherwise; genders are distinct objects, not an intermixed fluid.

The deep-state want to persuade us that we can play any gender role we want, that is not possible. A man cannot play a feminine role & vice versa, there is simply not the mental hard-wiring or biological infrastructure that allows a man to play that role, even if he wanted to.

A lot of our interactions are dependent on low-key ‘autopilot’ signs. 90% of an interaction is governed by body language for example. It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it, everything we are as a gender is a full, complex package. Examples of biological ‘autopilot’ signals we send out for the opposite gender include:

  • A scent called pheromones trigger attraction, found in both genders and dependent on hormones for its production, the further you are from homeostasis (body-balance), the less the scent will be produced by the body. Nature punishes you for ignoring natural law.
  • Personality signals. We don’t realize it, but hormone & chemically governed personality traits define our value as a potential mate, lack the assertiveness and logic that is traditionally masculine and you will be written-off — nature scans for congruence with its own design.
  • Physical signs. No, the dad-bod is not attractive, neither are fat people attractive as deep-state backed campaigns would have you believe contrary to your natural perspective. Don’t be ashamed to follow your body’s voice, ignore the laws and rulings of men.
  • Audible signs. Men must be more pronounced and outspoken, their vocal chords are physically different. Again, ties into homeostasis.

If you concede that we adjust ourselves to socially ‘fit-in’ then you must concede that we should adjust ourselves to ‘fit-in’ on the level of natural form, too.

If you can make the social image of ‘male’ an abhorrent one you can pass the gender-bending hormone-filled foods, drinks, and medicines under the radar, and call the end-product a result of ‘progressive’ social change.

This all links into my previous article, if you brainwash someone to deny their own body’s instincts, you have deprived that person of their awareness in balance with nature – you can now more easily control that person.

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