Category Archives: Affairs

Syria Strikes “Cripple US-Russia Relations”

Responding to Trump’s unexpected military attack on Syria in which 59 cruise missiles were launched (of which only 23 allegedly hit their target), Russian President Vladimir Putin “regards the strikes as aggression against a sovereign nation,” his spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, noting that the president believes the strikes were carried out “in violation of international law, and also under an invented pretext.”

The Kremlin spokesman insisted that “the Syrian army doesn’t have chemical weapons,” saying this had been “observed and confirmed by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, a special UN unit.”

“It makes perfect sense that Assad would use chemical weapons he doesn’t have in a war he’s nearly won just to draw the west in to this war.”— from Twitter

The Russian president said he sees the US missile strikes as an attempt to distract attention from civilian casualties in Iraq, Peskov added.

“This step deals significant damage to US-Russian ties, which are already in a deplorable state,” Peskov said and added that the US has been ignoring the use of chemical weapons by terrorists and this is dramatically aggravating the situation, in Putin’s opinion.

“The main thing, Putin believes, is that this move [by the U.S.] doesn’t draw us nearer to the end goal in the fight with international terrorism and on the contrary, deals a serious setback to the creation of an international coalition in the fight with it,” Peskov said.

* * *

Other Russians took the opportunity to opine as well, led by Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov who said the US missile attack on a Syrian airbase is an act of aggression under a far-fetched pretext and is reminiscent of the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Quoted by Tass, the top Russian diplomat said “It is an act of aggression under a completely far-fetched pretext. This is reminiscent of the situation in 2003, when the US and the UK, along with some of their allies, invaded Iraq without the consent of the UN Security Council and in violation of international law.”

“When speaking about the military intervention in Iraq many years after it happened, Tony Blair (who served as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1997 to 2007) acknowledged that they had misled everybody,” Lavrov emphasized. “Now they did not even bother to provide any facts referring only to photos,” he noted. “They indulged in speculations on children’s photos, on evidence provided by various non-governmental organizations, including the so-called White Helmets, which staged various ‘incidents’ to instigate action against the Syrian government.”

Moscow will demand truth of Idlib events, Lavrov stressed. “It is regrettable that all these causes do more harm to the already damaged relations between Russia and the United States. Hope remains that these provocations will not entail irreversible effects,” Lavrov said.

Russian lawmakers also took to the microphone on Friday, warning that the U.S. airstrikes in Syria could lead to an escalation of conflict in the Middle East and dash any plans for a U.S.-Russian coalition against terrorism.

“It’s a new round of escalation in the Middle East. These ill-judged, irresponsible actions don’t contribute to global security, security in the Middle East,” Andrei Krasov, the first deputy head of the defense committee in the Russian lower house of parliament, told state news agency RIA. “Other military conflicts, an expansion of military conflicts, are entirely possible,” he added.

Russian Senator Konstantin Kosachev said the airstrikes meant the possibility of a broad antiterror coalition in Syria “bites the dust before it was even born.”

He said the aim of the U.S. strike was to “rubber stamp” responsibility on Mr. Assad’s for the chemical attack in Idlib province on Tuesday. “‘The walls of Trump’ are multiplying. And everything started so well. It’s a real shame,” said a post on the Facebook page of Mr. Kosachev, head of the international relations committee in Russia’s upper house of Parliament.

Another lawmaker, Mikhail Emelyanov, warned against the risk of clashes between Russian and U.S. forces. “The U.S. is being dragged into the war in Syria in the full knowledge that Russia is supporting Syria and our troops are there, which means it’s fraught with direct clashes between Russia and the U.S. and the consequences could be the most serious, even armed clashes and exchanges of strikes,” Mr. Emelyanov told Interfax news agency.

* * *

In immediate response, Moscow suspended its memorandum of understanding on flight safety in Syria with the US following the missile strike, calling the attack “a demonstration of force.” The Russian military has supported the Syrian government’s version of the events in Idlib, saying that Damascus attacked an arms depot where chemical weapons had been stockpiled by Islamic State and Al-Nusra Front militants.

“Without bothering to investigate anything, the US went forward with a demonstration of force, a military confrontation with a country that is fighting international terrorism,” the Foreign Ministry’s statement reads.

“Obviously, the cruise missile attack was prepared beforehand. Any expert can tell that the decision to strike was made in Washington before the events in Idlib, which were used as a pretext for a demonstration,” the statement reads.

The Memorandum on air safety was signed in October 2015, after Russia came to Syria to fight international terrorism at the invitation of the country’s government. The document of understanding was designed to prevent possible mishaps between the Russian and US Air Forces operating independently in the region.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry has condemned the attack as an example of the “reckless attitude” that has only worsened “existing world issues” and created a “threat to international security.”

* * *

Additionally, according to Tass, in response to the strikes, the Russian frigate Admiral Grigorovich armed with Kalibr cruise missiles will be deployed to the Tartus naval base in Syria. The Russian Black Sea Fleet’s frigate The Admiral Grigorovich, currently on a routine voyage, will enter the Mediterranean later on Friday, a military-diplomatic source in Moscow told TASS, adding that the ship would make a stop at the logistics base in Syria’s port of Tartus.

“The Russian ship armed with cruise missiles Kalibr will visit the logistics base in Tartus, Syria,” the source said.

The Admiral Grigorovich is currently near the Black Sea straits. It is scheduled to enter the Mediterranean at about 14:00 Moscow time. The ship left on a voyage after replenishing supplies at Novorossiisk and taking part in a joint exercise with Turkish ships in the Black Sea. Tass’s source said the frigate’s presence off Syria’s shores will depend on the situation.

Source: Zero Hedge

The London Attack: False Flag


On 3/22/2016, the city of London was attacked c. 2:40pm in what is considered an act of radical Islamic fundamentalism.

The mainstream narrative hit the front pages within the hour before the bodies were even cold; this man acted out of coordinated extremism, and anything else is speculative folly.


But what the average reader overlooks is the date of this event ‘3/22′. The esoteric numerical system observed by practitioners of gematria consider this number significant, and history can vouch for it; last years’ Brussels airport bombing occurred on the same date. Yet obviously, a pattern is not enough, 3/22 has a meaning and I am going to try and elaborate that meaning in this article.

Biblical reference, Genesis 3:22:

Then the LORD God said,”Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil; and now, he might stretch out his hand, and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever” — Genesis 3:22 

This passage explains how evil seeks to live forever through its own means, self-determination is the essence of this, and something held in high regard by occult communities. These hidden social circles are populated by world leaders and the world’s financial elite.


Skull and Bones 322, the 322 represents both Genesis 3:22 and Romans 3:22.

  • The essence of satanism is to invert scriptures, to be the anti-light, it is an utter defiance of God/YeHoVaH and His Holy covenant, this comes with kabbalistic knowledge (tree of life), to conquer the human domain (body), and rule over the earthly plane for eternity by defying death (through science). This links to the tower of Babel, which attempts to use physical, material means (the tower) to overthrow God (who is spiritual), Satanism is the embodiment of the material plane and disregard of the spiritual.
  • By staging a terrorist attack on 3/22 you are leaving your mark, it is a common practice done for reasons unknown, but satanic elites will always leave evidence of their wrongdoing linking back to them, it has happened with many events, including 9/11 (look up the significance of the numbers 9/11).

The truth is, you can only access the tree of life by the gates:

Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life and may enter the city by its gates.

Revelation 22:14

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will grant the right to eat of the tree of life in the paradise of God.

— Revelation 2:7

And this righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no distinction. 

— Romans 3:22

  • 322 Believers on Paul’s gospel have the righteousness of God.
  • 322 The tree of life cannot be forbidden to those who have the righteousness of God.
  • It was not God who told Adam and Eve that they were naked, that was EVIL that called their bodies EVIL, (when they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil).
  • Ascent through the material self, not the spiritual collective is the fundamental ideology of Satanism. The works of the self rather than safety through collective faith, a brick in the house of God, a cornerstone.

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.Ephesians 2:8-9

What is faith?: Faith basically boils down to placing your trust in something or someone. If you are sitting down while reading this, you are placing your faith or trust in the chair that you are sitting upon.

Faith requires more than just an intellectual belief; it involves an action of your will. For example, if there were a pond covered with ice, and there were people standing around saying that the ice could hold them up, but they were not willing to walk on the ice, then they would only be demonstrating an intellectual belief and not faith. If they stepped out onto the ice, they would be demonstrating faith.

One can place their faith in Yahushua (Jesus) by simply calling out to Him in prayer, for the Bible says, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” I expressed faith in Christ by sincerely praying a prayer like this:

“Dear Jesus, I am a sinner. I deserve Hell. Thank you for dying for my sins. Save me. Come into my life. Make me the kind of person that you want me to be. I thank you that you have and that you will take me to heaven when I die. Amen.”

If you sincerely pray that prayer with all your heart, then the Lord Jesus will come into your life and forgive your sins, and save you from an eternity of Hell. If you were to die tomorrow, you would go to heaven. Not because you are good enough to get there, but because you have received the payment of your sins. It is that simple.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. — John 5:24

Still aren’t convinced? Check out this article on how 3/22 appears everywhere.

Christians have been duped into worshipping Satan, the pagan roots of Christianity are abundant; follow the most original form of Judaism (not talmudic), the true unadulterated faith.

“Who was the fool, who the wise man, beggar or king? Whether poor or rich, all’s the same in death.” — perhaps the satanic way is to defy this ‘death’ (physical death, as spiritually they will die), it is this death that they see makes them mere mortals. For by defying death and defying God they believe they can ascend to God’s throne, and rule over themselves.

Why the Elite hate Russia

Originally appeared on Zero Hedge

In our previous article The Secret Truth about Russia Exposed, we elaborated on how Russia is a convenient enemy for politicians and specifically the Democratic party, to create an enemy that really, well – doesn’t exist to distract and confuse voters.  But like with any ‘enemy’ if you bomb a village, you may have some pissed off villagers.  As we explain in our best selling book Splitting Pennies – the world doesn’t work the way you see on TV – in fact, it works more closely as seen on Zero Hedge.  Although Russia simply is just a country in the wrong place at the wrong time (which, throughout Russian history, seems to be a theme for them) – there really is a reason the Elite hate Russia.  It’s not because they’re Xenophobic, although there’s that too – it’s because of several key factors that make Russia a unique power in the world, compared to similar countries.

1. Russia is an independent country.  It’s not possible to manipulate Russia via external remote control, like it is most countries.  The Elite don’t like that!  Russia kicked out Soros “Open Society”:

Russia has banned a pro-democracy charity founded by hedge fund billionaire George Soros, saying the organization posed a threat to both state security and the Russian constitution. In a statement released Monday morning, Russia’s General Prosecutor’s Office said two branches of Soros’ charity network — the Open Society Foundations (OSF) and the Open Society Institute (OSI) — would be placed on a “stop list” of foreign non-governmental organizations whose activities have been deemed “undesirable” by the Russian state. 

2. Russia is not easy to cripple via clandestine means, whether it be CIA, MI6, or outright military conflict.  Some other BRICs however, that’s not the case.  Say what you will about Russia’s military – it’s on par and in many cases, advanced, compared to the US military.  And that’s not AN opinion, that’s in the opinion of top US military commanders:

Late in September, we brought you “US Readies Battle Plans For Baltic War With Russia” in which we described a series of thought experiments undertaken by The Pentagon in an effort to determine what the likely outcome would be should something go horribly “wrong” on the way to landing the US in a shooting war with Russia in the Balkans. 

The results of those thought experiments were not encouraging. As a reminder, here’s how Foreign Policy summed up the exercises:

3. Russian culture, and language, is too complex for the average “Elite” who pretends to be internationally well versed because they had a few semesters of French.  For example, when the diplomat Clinton was Secretary of State, she presented a reset button translating the opposite meaning… ooops.

“I would like to present you with a little gift that represents what President Obama and Vice President Biden and I have been saying and that is: ‘We want to reset our relationship, and so we will do it together.’ …

“We worked hard to get the right Russian word. Do you think we got it?” she asked Lavrov, laughing. “You got it wrong,” said Lavrov, as both diplomats laughed.

“It should be “perezagruzka” [the Russian word for reset],” said Lavrov.”This says ‘peregruzka,’ which means ‘overcharged.’”

Yes, it’s almost a certainty that if Clinton by some horrible fate is President there will be Nuclear war.  Wars have been started over much more subtle mistakes.  One would think, that Clinton would have had an advisor CHECK THIS before presenting it in a public ceremony, in front of reporters?  How much more blatantly unprofessional can one be?  If politicians worked in the private sector, they wouldn’t last a day!  How do these people advance so far in politics?

“I would like to present you with a little gift that represents what President Obama and Vice President Biden and I have been saying and that is: ‘We want to reset our relationship, and so we will do it together.’ …

“We worked hard to get the right Russian word. Do you think we got it?” she asked Lavrov, laughing. “You got it wrong,” said Lavrov, as both diplomats laughed.

“It should be “perezagruzka” [the Russian word for reset],” said Lavrov.”This says ‘peregruzka,’ which means ‘overcharged’

4. Plain and simple, the Elite do not control Russia.  While there are backchannels of Russian oligarchs that work directly with Western Rothschild interests, for example, they simply don’t have the same level of control as they do European countries, like Germany for instance.  Or another good example is China, there’s this fanatical talk that China can dump US Treasuries blah blah blah the fact is that China is completely dependent on USA and US Dollars, and will be for the rest of our lives.  Maybe in 1000 years in the Dong Dynasty still to come they will rule the world but it’s not going to happen anytime soon.

Russia is one of the most highly misunderstood cultures in the West.  Which is strange, because Russia is more like America than any European country:

  • Both Russia and America share huge landmasses with large undeveloped territory
  • Both Russia and America are predominantly white christian majorities (although in last decades, America tries to be more of a melting pot whereas Russia favors ethnic cleansing)
  • Both Russia and America fought against Hitler and the Nazis during World War 2, the defining event of the last 60 years

There have been numerous interesting situations where Russia helped America and America helped Russia on a number of levels, to learn more about it checkout the following books:

Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution.  Armand Hammer: The Untold Story

Most interestingly, during the Nixon administration Kissinger was prodding Nixon to partner with Russia that would, in Kissinger’s view would create an unstoppable alliance, that no one could compete with such a superpower axis.  But, it didn’t happen, as there were ‘neo-cons’ who were against it, mostly Polish Catholics who have some deep genetic fear of any culture using the Cyrillic alphabet.  Nixon instead chose China (what a mistake!) and created Forex.  But the point being that, through a small slip of fate, “China” may have been in this alternative Kissinger reality the ‘Great Evil Enemy’ hacking our elections, as we drive across the Alaskan-Siberian highway without any speed limit, oil would be ten cents a gallon, and we wouldn’t need to war with the Middle East.

To summarise, Russia is the thorn in the Globalist side; a stubbornly entrenched nationalistic landmass that is well and truly prepared to roll with the punches. It will take a great measure to shift this last grande obstacle before a world government can be ushered in.

To learn more about how the world really works, checkout Splitting Pennies the book, or checkout Fortress Capital Trading Academy.

Hillary Clinton Told Trump to be Quiet about the Federal Reserve Bank

Donald Trump should hold his tongue about the artificial economy created by the Federal Reserve, US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton told reporters Tuesday.

Addressing Trump’s previous statements that the private central bank had created a “false economy,” Clinton said presidential candidates and sitting presidents should never comment on Fed policy because it could rattle markets.

“Another example why he shouldn’t be near the White House,” Clinton said on her plane to reporters.

“You should not be commenting on Fed actions when you are either running for president or you are president. Words have consequences. Words move markets. Words can be misinterpreted. Words can have effects on people’s 401ks, their pension funds, their stock portfolios.”

“I’m not going to comment on Trump’s comment,” Clinton continued, adding, “other than to say that he should not be trying to talk up or talk down the economy and he shouldn’t be adding the Fed to the long list of institutions and individuals that he is maligning.”

On Monday, Trump told reporters the Federal Reserve was keeping interest rates low to portray Obama in a positive light.

“They’re keeping the rates down so that everything else doesn’t go down,” Trump responded when asked about the Fed’s potential September rate hike. “We have a very false economy.”

Trump has also previously said he would “most likely” replace Fed chair Janet Yellen, to which the Fed did not issue a response.

A graphic from Zero Hedge illustrates the stark difference between one of the US’ major stock indexes, the S&P, compared to this year’s Gross Domestic Product growth expectations.

As for Clinton’s assertion that presidents shouldn’t be commenting on the Fed, Zero Hedge highlights Obama commented on Fed policy earlier this year saying he was “pleased” with the work Yellen had done.

Source: Hillary to Trump: Don’t Talk about the Federal Reserve » Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!

Hillary Threatens Russia With War – Neocon Media Doesn’t Even Notice

Originally appeared at Youtube

Paul Joseph Watson is on a roll lately.

His commentary is spot-on regarding the media giving Hillary a free pass for out-of-control Russia-bating, Russia bashing, and basically, irresponsible war-mongering.

It is going to backfire badly on her.propping_up_hillary

His recent videos about Hillary’s ‘Trump is a Racist‘ speech, and Hillary’s health problems were excellent too.   His video of a month ago about Hillary’s health problems went viral, getting almost 4 million views, and was a major catalyst in public awareness that something is seriously wrong.

By the way, she looks terrible in this video, there is definitely something going on with her health.

Culture Clash: It’s Engineered

High ranking Freemason, Albert Pike wrote in his infamous book ‘Morals & Dogma’ about how the global elites intend to clash the major cultures of faith (Christians/Jews with Islam) in order to bring about one with no faith except praise of the state. This is all tied into the pursuit of a communist world order. By destroying the ‘Opiate’ (religion/faith), you can generate a cultureless superstate that has no faith, and so will worship the state (Satan’s dominion), the next realm in line after God’s.

The principles of abrahamic faith, especially Christianity and Judaism, generally value a strong form of liberty that encourages its adherents to question the state’s every move, and analyze laws according to the Bible; and to never follow laws if they defy the holy written instruction.

It does not matter whether you are religious or not, it is a fact that the holy scriptures help hugely to uphold decent morality, liberty, individual freedoms and encourages its followers to obey this basis over any corruptible law made by man; laws which always change to favour greed and self-service in many cases, as seen throughout history. The Bible and its accompanying faith is the safeguard against total tyranny. In Nazi Germany not too long ago, youths were indoctrinated to praise Adolf Hitler as some God, it worked, and the nation fell into darkness and fascism – now imagine that but on a global level, the current controllers have the levers to global power nearly fully secured, all they need is the right disaster to make everything fall into place.

We must distinguish between men not following these Biblical instructions and killing people at the behest of the orders of another man, and the people that actually follow the instructions, word for word. The elites want us to believe that religion is all bundled into one, and the actions of its adherents define what their respective faith means fundamentally, which it simply does not. They want a conflict so exhaustive that people will leave behind faith and embrace the saviours, who engineered it all, the elite world government which will be branded as our great unifier, the saviour.

By igniting a conflict of major proportions between the faiths, perhaps even one of world-war scale devastation; the aftermath from such chaos can the elites pass legislation, with massive popular support, to outlaw all faith indefinitely. This comes from the ‘new world order’ term, ‘Order out of chaos’ – their guiding principle and modus operandi (mode of operation), you create a problem and create a solution which is a change that you wanted before any problem existed; but would not have been supported due to the absence of any problem.

Make the Muslims hate Christians/Jews by bombing
their nations, make the Christians hate the Muslims by showing us these staged
beheadings and bombings, then bring a bunch of them here, Europe and the West. (the areas they want to subjugate and control).

The Migrant Crisis

For a long time, I’m talking hundreds of years back, have the elites been planning to use Islam to destabilize and overthrow all liberty-loving abrahamic faiths, and put the final nail in the coffin towards ushering in a  ‘New World Order’ – replete with a single government, language, currency, army, religion (statist/satanism). This is done by the use false pretenses to bomb the middle east by forming and funding fake terror groups (all proven to be CIA trained) such as Al-Qaeda and ISIS (Daesh), even using self-inflicted ‘terrorist’ attacks such as 9/11 to rally public support to get into the middle-east, dehumanize the Islamic locals, and wreak havoc and expand the western colony of Israel (Jewish/Christian) and support this colony in its persecution of Palestine – such violent persecution by a western colony is seen across the middle east and paints the entire west poorly, this will anger the local Muslims and put a target on who they need to despise. The carpet bombing of near-eastern cities also leaves the local populaces bereaving, homeless and enraged by the ‘collateral’ damage of US airstrikes, a constant presence of US/NATO military personnel further helps to instill a sense of constant occupational colonialism.

You must understand there was no reason for going to war in Iraq, but the entire West was tricked into thinking it was because ‘evil muslims had nukes’ – yet when the US and NATO barraged into Iraq we have locals who have not seen the same information as those in the West and assume it is hellbent imperialism, their social circles will now paint the west as terrorists, and in the west our media paints them as terrorists. This is the ruse being used to divide and conquer us.

Then, by opening the border floodgates and tempting as many near-east and north-African Islamic migrants into Europe and the West as possible, coupled with ‘terrorist’ attacks that are always ‘Islamic’ – can the elites put two opposite cultures and faiths that dislike each-other into close proximity, the result is that you can destroy the undesirable ’cause’ of all this, the faiths.


It is a free-for-all by design, they will let anyone in now – it is all a part of the destabilization grand plan to destroy western liberty and induce a godless, communist world government run by slaves and a significantly decreased world population of around 300 million.

Albert Pike’s Letters

The following is taken from an anonymous interpretation of Albert Pike’s letters, I encourage you to make your own conclusions, Albert Pike was part of an organization founded on deception to conceal its true motives from the under-initiated.

The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”.

The true name of Satan, the Kabalists say, is that of Yahveh reversed; for Satan is not a black god but the negation of God. The Devil is the personification of Atheism or Idolatry.

World War I . . . 

Pike’s letter to Mazzini states:

The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the “agentur” (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions.

Mission accomplished. World War I started in August of 1914. By the end of October 1916, Russia had lost between 1,600,000 and 1,800,000 soldiers, with an additional 2,000,000 prisoners of war and 1,000,000 missing, all making up a total of nearly 5,000,000 men lost.

These staggering losses played a definite role in preparing the Russian Revolution. During that Revolution, Russian Emperor Nicholas II, a Christian, abdicated following the Bolshevik communist Revolution of 1917. Nicholas II, his wife, his son, his four daughters, the family’s medical doctor, the Emperor’s footman, the Empress’ maidservant, and the family’s cook were executed in the same room by the Bolsheviks on the night of 16/17 of July 1918.

Christianity and all religions were then banned in the Soviet Union. Approximately 61,911,000 people, 54,769,000 of them citizens, were murdered by the Communist Party from 1917 to 1987.

World War I also resulted in the League of Nations, the failed predecessor of world government under the United Nations.

It must be noted that President Woodrow Wilson provided Leon Trotsky with a passport to return to Russia to “carry forward” the revolution, while Wall Street funded the Bolshevik Revolution as documented by Professor Antony Sutton.

The United States entered World War I based on the sinking of the USS Lusitania false flag operation, where nearly 1200 civilians were massacred to justify war on another continent.

Approximately 11,016,000 individuals were slaughtered during World War I.

World War II

Pike’s letter states:

The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.

Mission accomplished. The German people and Nazism lost World War II while top Nazis Occultists,including Hitler who’s so-called skull was that of a woman, escaped to South America or the United States under Operation Paperclip.

World government was formed as the United Nations, which sits on land donated by the masters of usury known as the Rockefeller family. The UN represents the end of national sovereignty and is the institution that globalist bankers use to enslave mankind with carbon taxes, gun control, IMF financing schemes, and created crisis and scarcity of resources.

The Rothschild’s State of Israel was also established to create a permanent strategy of tension that the elites can use to justify trillions of military spending while the human population descends deeper into poverty.

After World War II, the Cold War began. Communism (the Soviet Union) was made strong enough to balance Christendom (Western Civilization) in a Hegelian dialectic of thesis vs. antithesis and Pike hopes the eventual synthesis will be Satanism. The Cold War was also useful in justifying insane military expenditures and nuclear weapon proliferation to a public preoccupied with entertainment.

Approximately 59,028,000 people were slaughtered during World War II.

World War III

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Pike’s letter states:

The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion …We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.

One could argue that the Third World War started with the Arab-Israeli War of 1948 over the UN Partition plan of land. Of course, Israel and its neighbors have had weekly or monthly conflicts since then, many of which bordering on short wars like the Six Day War. Thus, the Moslem Arabic World and political Zionism are fighting each other as Pike hoped they would.

One could argue that in addition to supporting Israeli Zionists, the U.S. entered World War III in 1951 with Operation Ajax, a covert operation by the US and British intelligence agencies in the early 1950s to topple Iran’s first democratically-elected government and replace it with a dictatorship. The operation included false-flag terror that resulted in the deaths of some 300 people.

World War III escalated when the United States funded and/or supplied both sides of the Iran/Iraq war and through silence endorsed Saddam Hussein’s slaughter of the Kurds. It is estimated that up to 1,377,000 people were killed in the war.

World War III was further escalated by the Fist Gulf War, essentially fought over oil revenues. Let us not forget the Highway of Death in which retreating Iraqi soldiers and civilians were massacred by U.S./Coalition airpower like shooting fish in a barrel. The bodies were never counted.

In the Second Gulf War, the United States attacked Iraq under the false pretenses that Saddam Hussein had connections to Pentagon asset Al-Qaeda and/or was developing weapons of mass destruction to use against Americans. Some estimates state that over one million Iraqi deaths were caused by U.S occupation of Iraq not to mention over a trillion dollars paid to the military industrial complex.

The war escalated further when on July 3, 1988, Flight 655, an Iranian passenger airliner was shot down over the Strait of Hormuz by the US Navy, killing all 290 civilians aboard. In 2000, The U.S. warship’s commander, William C. Rogers III, was given the Legion of Merit by George Bush, Sr. for his “service as a commanding officer.”

Well before 9/11, Samuel Huntington and the Council on Foreign Relations were predicting that there would be a great clash of civilizations. Or maybe they were following Pike’s letter.

However, it was the 9/11 false flag terrorist attacks that awakened many to World War III. Most Americans believe the absurd official conspiracy theory and therefore support political Zionism against the perceived threat of Muslim extremists. The majority fails to realize that Al-Qaeda is made in the U.S.A. and run by the Pentagon.

World War III is also a covert war, where Western intelligence agencies overthrow democratically elected leaders who refuse to enslave their citizens in debt or lick the boot of the New World Order. The Arab Spring and overthrow of Syria, Libya and Iran was planned long ago in The Brookings Institution’s Which Path to Persia?

On October 3, 2007, years before the U.S. funded Arab Spring of December 2010, General Wesley Clark told the world that seven countries would be overthrown in five years.

Like Al-Qaeda, the U.S. has created the North Korea bogeyman to keep Americans fearful and as an option to provoke World War III.

The mainstream media is reporting that North Korea is testing nuclear weapons and has threatened the U.S. and South Korean forces with “miserable destruction.” A CBS headline reads “North Korea Vows Nuclear Strike Against U.S. “ Yet, the American media refuses to report that the U.S. military provides equipment to North Korea using secret flights.

Or maybe the Third World War will feature the U.S. fighting communist China. Of Course, China is only a world power because Rockefeller, Nixon and Kissinger provided every incentive for U.S. manufacturers to relocate there in a grand act of treason.

As David Rockefeller (Chase Bank, CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group) said:

Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution [nearly 40 million people murdered by democide], it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.

It looks like we are being set up again. Just as Anwar Al-Awlaki, Al-Qaeda’s number two leader, was a special guest of military brass at the Pentagon within months after the Sept. 11, 2001, false flag attacks, a Chinese general who once threatened to use nuclear weapons against hundreds of U.S. cities will visit the Pentagon this week as part of a U.S.-China military exchange program.

World War III has already begun and there is every indication that it will continue to escalate into the “formidable social cataclysm” that Pike planned to usher in Lucifer’s world government.

What Pike Didn’t Tell Us

Albert Pike’s letter calling for three world wars didn’t state that the New World Order should confiscate guns, create a police state and eliminate political dissidents in a United States holocaust. It should be noted that much to the New World Order’s dismay, U.S. troops won’t commit treason so foreign troops and drone warfare will be required.

During the last year the Department of Homeland Security has ordered 2 billion rounds, enough ammunition to fight the Iraq war for thirty years. However, DHS ammo is not used for war; it is to be used domestically. The majority of the ammo purchased by the DHS are hollow point bullets (one order alone amounted to 450 million of them), which are completely unsuitable for training purposes because they cost significantly more money compared to standard firing range bullets.

In addition to the ammo, the DHS paid $2 million dollars to a company that makes shooting targets that include images of children, pregnant women and elderly gun owners in residential settings.

While the Obama and the NWO are try to pass gun control/confiscation legislation, the DHS purchased 7,000 full-auto assault rifles to be used inside the United States, calling them “personal defense weapons” that could be used in urban warfare.

The DHS has also retrofitted 2,717 “Navistar Defense” armored vehicles (light tanks) for service on the streets of America.

The Obama Administration has also published a memo that puts forth a “legal justification” for the President to order the drone assassination of any American citizen he names. Maybe the treat of drone attack will be used to fill the FEMA camps.

Like a U.S. Army document that outlines plans for prisoners, including U.S. citizens, to be re-educated in detention camps, it’s worth reminding ourselves of the fact that Barack Obama’s political mentor, Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers, once called for precisely the same thing. When Ayers was asked what he would do with Americans that refused to convert to communism, he said that 25 million Americans would be “eliminated” in concentration camps.

Perhaps a civil war within the United States will begin with economic collapse and an attempted gun confiscation. With the economy in shambles and the stock market recently reaching an all-time high, the globalists appear to be ready to wipe out the wealth of the middle class like they did in the Great Depression.

Any American with a knowledge of history will refuse to be disarmed as that quickly leads to democide.

Biblical Faith is Dying

In France, the ‘Jihadists have won’


WASHINGTON – With Christianity dead in France, there is no national political will to address the increasing attacks by radical Islam, says a professor at the University of Paris, which has brought the country to its knees.

The professor, Guy Millière, author of 27 books on France, Europe, the United States and the Middle East, makes some shocking charges in a new commentary for the Gatestone Institute, where he serves as a senior fellow.

“All political parties, including the National Front, talk about the need to establish an ‘Islam of France,’” he writes. “They never explain how, in the Internet age, the ‘Islam of France’ could be different from Islam as it is everywhere else.”

He attributes the capitulation of France to two major factors – the failure of the nation to embrace its own nation culture in schools and universities and the collapse of the Christian faith.

“The slaughter of French priest Father Jacques Hamel on July 26 in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray was significant,” he says. “The church where Father Jacques Hamel was saying mass was nearly empty. Five people were present; three nuns and two faithful. Most of the time, French churches are empty. Christianity in France is dying out. Jacques Hamel was almost 86 years old; despite his age, he did not want to retire. He knew it would be difficult to find someone to replace him. Priests of European descent are now rare in France, as in many European countries. The priest officially in charge of the parish of Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray, Auguste Moanda-Phuati, is Congolese.”

He adds: “The French education system does not teach young people to love France and the West. It teaches them instead that colonialism plundered many poor countries, that colonized people had to fight to free themselves, and that the fight is not over. It teaches them to hate France.”

So the future of France, he writes, is more terror.

“The assassins of Father Jacques Hamel are what is coming,” he says. “One of them, Adel Kermiche, was born in France to immigrant parents from Algeria. His path looks like the path followed by many young French Muslims: school failure, delinquency, shift toward a growing hatred of France and the West, return to Islam, transition to radical Islam. The other, Abdel Malik Petitjean, was born in France, too. His mother is Muslim. His father comes from a Christian family. Abdel Malik Petitjean nevertheless followed the same path as Adel Kermiche. A growing number of young French-born Muslims radicalize. A growing number of young French people who have not been educated in Islam nevertheless turn to Islam, then to radical Islam.”

According to Millière, while the education system in France “describes Islam as a religion that brought ‘justice, dignity and tolerance’ wherever it reigned. Seventh-grade students spend the first month of the school year learning what Islamic civilization brought to the world in science, architecture, philosophy and wealth. A few weeks later, they have to memorize texts explaining that the Church committed countless atrocious crimes. Economics textbooks are steeped in Marxism and explain that capitalism exploits human beings and ravages nature. The Holocaust is still in the curriculum, but is taught less and less; teachers who dare to speak of it face aggressive remarks from Muslim students.”

He describes the pattern of national appeasement as “willful blindness, severely pathological denial, and a resigned, suicidal acceptance of what is coming.”

He faults the nation’s media as well: “French mainstream media do their best to hide the truth. Abdel Malik Petitjean and Adel Kermiche [the attackers in the church massacre] are described as troubled and depressed young people who slipped ‘inexplicably’ toward barbarity. Their actions are widely presented as having nothing to do with Islam. The same words were used to depict Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, the jihadist who murdered 86 people in Nice on July 14th. These words were used to depict all the jihadists who killed in France during the last few years. Each time, Muslim intellectuals are invited to speak, and invariably explain that Islam is peaceful and that Muslims are guilty of nothing.”

“For several days after the attack in Nice, it seemed that the country was on the verge of explosion,” writes Millière. “This is no longer so. The French population seems resigned. The anger expressed by political leaders after the attack in Nice has already faded. Some political leaders in France call for tougher measures, but speak of ‘Islamic terrorism’ very rarely. They know that speaking too much of ‘Islamic terrorism’ could be extremely bad for their future careers. Prime Minister Manuel Valls recently said that France would become an example – a ‘center of excellence’ in the ‘teaching of Islamic theology.’”

Millière says Jews continue to flee France as synagogues and Jewish schools throughout the country must be guarded around the clock by armed soldiers.

“Jews who are still in France know that wearing a skullcap or a Star of David is extremely dangerous,” he writes. “They seem to see that appeasement is a dead end. They often emigrate to the country that appeasers treat as a scapegoat and that Islamists want to destroy: Israel. They know that when in Israel, they might have to confront jihadists like those who kill in France, but they also know that Israelis are more ready to fight to defend themselves.”

He writes: “Many French Jews fleeing the country recalled an Islamic phrase in Arabic: ‘First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people.’ In other words, first Muslims attack Jews; then when the Jews are gone, they attack Christians. It is what we have been seeing throughout the Middle East.”

“There will be no civil war in France,” he concludes. “The jihadists have won. They will kill again. They love to kill. They love death. They say, ‘we love death more than you love life.’”


Chinese and Russian Currencies Break Away

Dollar Disaster Looms? China and Russian Currencies Break Away, from the Daily Bell.
It seems as though the NWO’s one world currency is threatened by the currency break-away of China and Russia.

Russia leaves the Dollar based monetary system and adopts a system of Sovereign Currency. The implications are phenomenal! “In 1990 the first priority of Washington and the IMF was to pressure Yeltsin and the Duma to “privatize” the State Bank of Russia, under a Constitutional amendment that mandated the new Central Bank of Russia, like the Federal Reserve or European Central Bank, be a purely monetarist entity whose only mandate is to control inflation and stabilize the Ruble. In effect, money creation in Russia was removed from state sovereignty and tied to the US dollar.”

2016: “The Stolypin club report advises to increase the investment, pumping up the economy with money from the state budget and by the issue of the Bank of Russia”. Putin decided to follow the Stolypin club advice as the new monetary policy of the country. -Before It’s News

Money is changing fast and the US dollar is going to crash.

Here’s an excerpt from yet another recently published article (translated from the Russian) describing how the ruble may now evolve (here).

We must nationalize the ruble. What does it mean? It means that we must separate the internal markets from the external ones.

… Thus, the first step for Russia is secession from the IMF and others similar institutions designed to keep the entire world in bondage. The dollar noose must be cut.

Now the amount of printed rubles will not be determined by how many dollars we have but by the actual needs of our economy.

… We have absolutely no need in the central bank in its current form, but we do need a financial regular. Under any regime, it was the Treasury that performed this function. Let it remain the same now regardless of the official name. It may continue to be called the Central Bank. If the essence is changed, there is no need in changing plaques.

You can also see an article (here) that goes into this issue more deeply and claims that Putin has in mind backing a portion of the ruble with gold as well. (We should note there are claims the  ruble is backed by gold already.)

The dramatic – historical – Russian currency changes (if these articles are accurate) seem a little difficult to discern in full at this moment, but obviously things are changing fast. And they are changing for China’s “money” as well. In fact, some have speculated China and Russia could launch a joint, gold-backed currency (here, see bottom of article).

At the beginning of October, the yuan joins the IMF’s SDR  basket (here). This means that major international institutions can issue bonds payable in yuan (actually RMB, the Chinese external currency).

And that is just what has happened already. The World Bank is issuing a large yuan/RMB tranche and this will be the first of many (here).

Investors who want to place funds in RMB rather than dollars will use the new yuan/RMB-based instruments. The US will continue to print dollars but those dollars may not find a home abroad so easily. Instead they may circulate back into the US economy creating significant price inflation.

The US was able to do so much damage domestically and abroad because of its virtually unlimited spending power. It’s been able to prosecute endless, horrible wars and imprison up to five percent of its adult population at any one time.

Now things are changing. Between the Russian announcement and yuan/RMB convertibility, the US will gradually have more trouble printing money at will. Perhaps the corrupt military-industrial complex will be impelled to shrink and large-scale social programs like the wretched Obamacare will have more difficulty with funding as well.

As a libertarian publication, we should rejoice over the upcoming starvation of the US fedgov.

But we will not. We are well aware that the same banking influences that created the monstrous, modern state is ruining US and the West generally in order to build up a more febrile internationalism.

The BRICs, invented by Goldman Sachs are part of it. So is this reconfiguration of reserve currencies.

It seems natural, of course, as “directed history”always does. But it is not natural in the slightest. From what we can tell, it is pre-planned.

Remember both the IMF and the World Bank are controlled by the US. And yet it is these two organizations that are facilitating the rise of the yuan/RMB.

Also, please pay attention to how Russia will issue rubles into the economic system (from the same translated article we quoted previously):

How can we calculate [how many rubles Russia needs]? In exactly the same way as the United States calculates the amount of dollars needed for its economy. Just as the European Union does the same.

The best justification would be that from now on Russia issues rubles based on the value (in rubles) of all natural resources explored on its territory. It is quite amusing that subsequent steps are no rocket science; they are dictated by common sense itself. Since we are breaking down the disadvantageous system,

Putin may be taking a big step, but by circumventing his central bank (initially imposed by the West) he can be seen as moving toward more state control of Russian currency.

And for years, we have debated heatedly with people like Ellen Brown (here) who believe that federal governments can do a much better job of printing money than quasi-independent central banks.

Good Lord! What’s wrong with a little monetary freedom?

All Putin has to do if he wants a healthy currency is declare that the new ruble will be backed by gold and that its issuance will be a private or regional matter.

Let a thousand gold mines bloom. Let the circulation of gold and its related paper notes travel up or down depending on quantity and demand – not the determinations of yet another shadowy, elite clique.

This is the way the US ran before the Civil War and created one of the world’s most prosperous and freest cultures. Those in the US live yet on the dregs of that “golden” period.

But this is not well understood. As time goes on the often-illiterate alternative media may join in hosannas for Putin’s upcoming currency shift. But, again, just because “Russia” will now control its currency instead of a central bank reporting to the IMF, doesn’t necessarily create a better system.

Of course, the argument will be made this sort of system is what Hitler installed in Nazi Germany in order to create the German “miracle” of the 1930s (which we are supposedly not able to talk about). But that system might have destroyed itself over time. Surely it would have.

To begin with, such systems may work very well. But since the “money” is being created by human deciders rather than the competitive market, distortions are inevitable. Price-fixing, which is what it is, never works.

And while we are making the point that this newfound ruble freedom may not be so profound as advertised, let us note that the advent of a currency war is being accompanied by military tension as well.

Conclusion: Whether such tensions are legitimate or dramatized is difficult to say. But given elite banking control of so much around the world, we would not be surprised if we are simply being exposed to a gigantic performance of sorts directed from the top down.Ironically, despite apparent “setbacks,” London’s City surely leads the way.

Turkey’s Coup d’Etat: 5 POVs

Yesterday and today has seen the apex and dissipation of a military coup in Turkey, one that has been widely broadcast as a failed attempt, but is there any more to it, what are the possible geopolitical motives and implications? Let’s take a look:

  1. Red flag?: the coup was suspiciously poorly organized, most key geographical locations seldom seized, most key figures not apprehended, and the media not sufficiently hijacked. Unlike previous coups that took place rather often in the 20th century (The Turkish military staged coups of varying success in 1960, 1971, 1980, 1993, and 1997), that did bring about reforms, this miserable attempt cost the lives of around 256 people; and may point towards a staged, premeditated psy-op to re-shuffle the military and oust secularists (those who favour no religion in government and law) in favour of further re-islamization of the old seat of the Ottoman Empire, a long dormant sultanate.
  2. Propaganda win for Erdogan: Erdogan, an increasingly undemocratic, exploitative, and shady leader of the Turks has just colored himself in a favorable light, taking due advantage of the ‘undemocratic’ coup d’etat and proclaiming his rule as the ‘good-guy’ democratic one, while the putsch-pushers would claim that their efforts were to ‘restore’ democracy and freedom, a claim that is certainly true, but their ruling alternative would also be up to question – this failure to control the media image of the coup has unfortunately handed Erdogan a propaganda victory, whether by design, or not.
  3. Blame-game: Erdogan delivered an address to the nation via Skype. Blaming the coup on a “minority member of the military” and a “parallel structure.” (Russia?), anything to shift the blame away from the real culprit; whether the coup is real or not, it points towards a potentially growing degree of distaste towards Erdogan’s rule, a rule that has been criticized for authoritarian practices in the past; he is a despot who puts journalists in jail for criticizing him, that says it all really.
  4. Border changes?: the military were manning the border, with an expected reduction in secularism in the army due to purges, border porousness may rise, and the migrant crisis may worsen as the staunchly pro-Muslim Erdogan punishes Europe by lifting the floodgates, his rhetoric has been to blackmail the EU into accelerated accession guarantees, this centralization of the army to boost loyalism may prove the death knell for European border integrity.
  5. Muhammed Fethullah Gülen: Erdogan said in 2013 he would join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization as hopes of EU membership dwindled.“I said to Russian President Vladimir Putin,‘You tease us, saying, ‘what [is Turkey] doing in the EU?’ Now I tease you: Include us in the Shanghai Five and we will forget about the EU,’” Erdogan said.As Saddam Hussein and a number of other CIA assets—notably, Panama’s Manuel Noriega—learned the hard way, it is not wise to disregard marching orders. Erdogan displeased his national security state benefactors when he mulled buying missiles from China, a move that snubbed NATO and raised hackles in Washington.

    The Gülen card, long held by NATO, is a movement that opposes Erdogan’s rule and has ties to the CIA, coincidentally the coup happened soon after Russian-Turkish relations were just beginning to warm up, was this a stark warning to Erdogan from the Globalist West to get back in line?

    No matter how we look at it, Erdogan’s days are numbered. One will not get away with having a major rift with the CIA. That’s one commandment. Violated. Thou shall not buy weapons from China or Russia regardless of quality or price advantage. Thou shall only feed the Empire’s own fat Military Industrial Complex players. That’s another major commandment. Violated. A puppet shall only be a member of clubs solely owned and operated by the Empire. Joining others’ clubs, even thinking of joining others’ clubs, shall come with severe retribution.

    Pilot who shot down Russian plane in 2015 is among coup plotters.

    Touching on Turkey’s downing of a Russian jet in 2015, the incident which caused relations to deteriorate for a number of months, Putin’s advisor, Dugin alleged that the killing was exacted by treasonous Turkish forces trying to affect relations between the two countries. He also said that the timing of the recent attack at Istanbul’s Atatürk International Airport was meaningful, as it happened right after Turkey and Russia started to mend their relations.

It is too early to say if the attempted coup in Turkey is an effort by US intelligence to get rid of Erdogan, or if it is in fact yet another coup in a country where coups are fairly standard.

Music is losing substance

You’ve probably seen the bloated mass of complaints in YouTube comments sections slating modern music as ‘worse’ than the old days; well, it turns out they may have a point. Music is noticeably losing its substance, melodically, lyrically and characteristically, along with a bunch of scientific terms I will impart below.

Pop culture degrades our overall culture, it is cultural engineering.

Pop culture is not actually pop culture, because it is controlled through and through, corporations and their labels choose who is ‘popular’ and who will never gain recognition. The music industry is brainwashing us into liking terrible songs; and as a result, liking a terrible message, and therefore embracing a terrible culture.

The music industry has taken a frightful turn for the worse as mainstream artists have lost touch with their own spark for creativity; creativity has sold out. Big names are bought and sold, algorithm driven, and ghost writers are rampant in the highest echelons; anyone that scrapes an honest morsel of popularity is rapidly bought off. This is a ‘pop culture’ totally dominated by corporate interest, and a grotesque hunger for moneymaking. Meaningful influence in music is suppressed and siphoned, the messages are always controlled and people will always listen to it because it is so accessible, and so widely disseminated.

Hopsin, a famous rapper who rose to fame in his feud with a label, he branched away and made his own label and has gained significant popularity.

Stephen Patrick Morrissey, ex Smiths frontman and solo artist has not landed a record deal for years, yet his music holds a meaningful message, is crafted to a phenomenal standard and has a healthy degree of variety. In the below quote he shares his view of pop music, and why you need to avoid it.


Morrissey (Singer, songwriter): I think the pop chart today is entirely market-driven. And it has nothing to do with public taste. And it has nothing to do with moving music forward. It’s simply a market chart. And people who’ve managed to grapple into the top five have done so because of an aggressive campaign, and nothing else. And so many sales are mysteriously automatic. Very often now we glance an eye at the chart and we can’t understand why a certain person is No1 or No2, why have they flown in at No3. It’s understandable to ask that question. But it’s simply market-driven. Nothing else. The quality of the music, the content – absolutely immaterial. As a direct result so many bands and so many artists have ongoing success with absolutely no songs.

Burn down the disco
Hang the blessed DJ
Because the music that they constantly play
It says nothing to me about my life – Panic, the Smiths

Russell Brand on Katy Perry: ‘Vapid, vacuous and plastic’: labels ex-wife Katy Perry’s lifestyle the ‘very thing I detest’ 

Shia LaBeouf: In my parents’ generation, rebellion was pop culture. It’s not anymore.

Trevor Dunn: Pop culture is not about depth. It’s about marketing, supply and demand, consumerism. 

Science says music is getting worse: homogeneity

Scientific studies have even highlighted that the vocabulary and variety of the collective music culture has taken a nosedive, subject material has veered towards an overtly materialistic and sexual stature, while any melodic variety has become an incomprehensible mush of sameness. Our musical diversity has become inbred, mainly headlined by pretentious artists that have largely inaccessible content, and sport a message that holds little to no substance in most cases – a product of the example set by pop music that has been branded and promoted as ‘popular’ but is really a facet in a game of big-money marketing and exposure.

  • Loudness comes at the expense of dynamic range—in very broad terms, when the whole song is loud, nothing within it stands out as being exclamatory or punchy. (This two-minute YouTube video does a great job of demonstrating how excessive loudness saps richness and depth from a recording.) Indeed, Serrà and his colleagues found that the loudness of recorded music is increasing by about one decibel every eight years.
  • So, what happened since 1955? Well, timbral variety went down. That means that songs are becoming more and more homogeneous. In other words, all pop music sounds the same now.

A catchy beat is the staple hook for most popular music, lyrics are engineered to be vague but ‘nice’ sounding, so not intellectually stimulating whatsoever. The result is a stupor of ‘cool beats’ that keep you on a high of raves and party lifestyle antics, while intellectualism is centralized to the elites behind the scenes, you are the stooge that learned to love the taste of the musical equivalent of faeces, because it was overwhelmingly branded ‘cool’ to do so.

“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”
― Adolf Hitler

Algorithms find the most profitable sound

Algorithm technology has exploded in recent years, along with this advancement has come the lucrative opportunity for discovering the most profitable melodies, tempos and a host of other musical attributes connected to popular artists.

Pop music automation is a field of study among musicians and computer scientists with a goal of producing successful pop music algorithmically. It is often based on the premise that pop music is especially formulaic, unchanging, and easy to compose.

What this means is that popular music is becoming homogenized (more samey) for the very sake of assuring profits for the organisations behind the big names. The patterns of music that receive the most hits are replicated by big names that are bought in a war of supply and demand; to make the most money is the objective, not the upholstery of individuality in music, the fundamental basis of art is dismissed.

People arguing against the notion that music is worsening will claim that artists are making their own choices in the collective trajectory of music trends, and that somehow this excuses the growing blandness of our music.

If you landed from another planet and wanted to make it big there, it would make sense you’d go for very generic and very loud and put an attractive person as your celebrity.

With the mass-exposed rise of monetized, corporate pop music, the influential trickle-down effect on artists at every level is unimaginable, the sheer numerical pull-factor of modern pop music’s popularity overshadowing anything in the 20th century by a considerable amount is enough to poison new musicianship at the entry level, and might be a reason new music is seeming so similarly unpalatable; people flock to what is perceived to be popular.