Category Archives: New

The Shocking Neocon Plan to Invade Iran, Paid for by Jewish Oligarchs

With the streets of Iran heating up in recent days and the Trump Administration’s threats hanging over the nation, a look back at an analysis paper by the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institute gives us a strong sense of what is driving Washington and the Deep State’s agenda in the former Persian Empire.

The paper, entitled “Which Path to Persia,” looks at the options available to the United States as it deals with Iran and its supposed threat to Middle East stability, peace and tranquility.  The paper looks at two broad types of options; the persuasion approach, the engagement approach and the military approach.

In this posting, I will take a look at what the authors of the study recommend for the military options given that they believe that Iran will be less than willing to co-operate with either the persuasion or engagement options. Obviously, as was the case in both Iraq and Afghanistan, a military invasion is the recommended course of action.  Let’s look at the authors’ recommendations for an invasion.

The authors suggest that the only way to eliminate all of the problems that Washington has with the current Iranian regime (i.e. support for terrorism, nuclearization, creating instability across the region) is to use the military invasion option.  The goal of invasion would be to remove the current government, curse the military and put an end to its nuclear program.

While all of those goals are interesting, as the lessons of both Afghanistan and Iraq have taught Washington, the invasion option has to ensure that a stable and pro-American government assumes power once the U.S. military forces leave the nation.  That said, there are some significant differences:

1.) Iran is nearly 4 times the size of Iraq – 1.648 million square kilometers compared to 437.1 thousand square miles

2.) Iran has population that is more than twice the size of Iraq – 80.28 million people compared to 37.2 million people

3.) Iran’s military is far more advanced and well equipped than Iraq’s was at the time of the invasion in 2003.  There were roughly 400,000 to 500,000 members of Iraq’s armed forces in 2003 compared to 934,000 in Iran’s armed forces.

The authors note that the most compelling reason to invade Iran sooner rather than later is that Iran’s agenda could become much more difficult to deter once it has the capability to develop a nuclear weapon.  As well, the nation’s wealth of both oil and natural gas mean that the United States and any partner invasion forces would have to ensure that the country does not slide into post-invasion chaos.

If the invasion option was the option of choice, it would take at least several months to move sufficient forces into the theatre and from one to six months to conduct the invasion.  Given Iran’s larger geographic area, larger population and better military preparedness, the United States can pretty much assure itself that the invasion of Iran would be a far larger project than the Iraq invasion of 2003.  As well, the American bases throughout the Persian Gulf region in Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar that were key during the Iraq operations may well not be available unless Iran were to provoke hostilities.

To mount an invasion, the authors suggest that an initial invasion force of roughly the same size as the force used to invade Iraq in 2003; four U.S. divisions plus a British division.  The Americans added a fifth division later in the invasion for a total of around 200,000 military personnel.  An invading force would face two issues:

1.) Insurgent fighters

2.) Mountainous terrain

The initial invasion would require a significant contingent of Marines, requiring the use of two to four regimental combat teams or between 15,000 and 30,000 Marines to seize a beachhead and major port along the Iranian coastline to defeat Iran’s defensive positions.  The challenges of terrain would require large numbers of air mobile forces including the brigades of the 101st Air Assault Division, the 82nd Airborne Division and the 173rd Airborne Brigade.

For an attack on Tehran (population 8.8 million and 15 million in the metropolitan area compared to 8.765 million in Baghdad), one to three heavy armored divisions would be required.  The biggest difference from the invasion of Iraq in 2003 would be the need for a large naval commitment, particularly to prevent the Iranians from closing the Strait of Hormuz, a key bottleneck to the flow of oil from the Middle East.  By way of comparison, Iraq has a coastline of 36 miles on the Persian Gulf compared to Iran’s 1520 miles as shown on this map:


As the United States discovered during the War on Terror, once the invasion phase was over, the hard work begins.  The authors note the following:

“As in both Iraq and Afghanistan, post-invasion reconstruction would be the longest (and possibly the bloodiest) part of the whole endeavor. if it were handled very well, applying all of the lessons learned in Iraq and Afghanistan, it might require only a few years of major military and financial commitments, followed by a significant diminution of U.S. presence and aid thereafter.

If the reconstruction were to go badly, either because of American mistakes or forces beyond U.S. control, it could take many more years to produce an acceptable end state.”

What would it take to provoke an invasion and would the United States require provocation to justify an invasion of Iran?  If the Iranians provoke an attack, it will make it far easier for the Americans to justify invading to the international and domestic communities.

Given the history between the United States and Iran, it is seen to be unlikely that Iran would be responsible for or take credit for an Iranian version of the 9/11 attack.  Most European, Asian and Middle Eastern nations and their people are against any American-led military invasion of Iran, save two important American allies in the region; Saudi Arabia and Israel.

While this invasion scenario is mere conjecture, it is interesting to see that one of Washington’s largest and most influential think tanks, the Brookings Institution, has provided the Trump Administration with a roadmap to a military solution to the “Iranian problem” — a solution that must have the military-industrial-intelligence community rubbing their collective hands with glee.

It is also interesting to note that the report that was used as the source material for this posting was generated in the Saban Center for Middle East Policy.  In case you’ve forgotten, Haim Saban, the founding funder of the Saban Center back in 2002, was also a massive donor to the Hillary Clinton campaign during the 2016 presidential election as shown here:

With his total donations of $13.78 million during the 2016 cycle (all to the liberal side of the political spectrum), he and his wife came in 14th place overall as shown here:

Keeping in mind that the United States is largely responsible for the current situation in Iran given its involvement in removing the democratically elected Prime Minister Mossadegh back in 1953 and the installation of his replacement, the west-leaning Mohammad Reza Shah who ended up being turfed out of Iran by his own countrymen, one might almost be able to draw a straight line between Washington and the current unrest in Iran and the nation’s strong anti-American stance.

In another posting, I will further examine this interesting report from the Brookings Institution which provides us with a glimpse into what may lie ahead for Iran.

Austria’s new chancellor vows to fight globalism

Sebastian Kurz, 31, is now Austria’s new chancellor, and the world’s youngest elected leader. His right-wing People’s Party (OVP) won with around 30% of the vote, with the far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ) and the Social Democrats each taking around 26% of the vote.

Austria, a country battered by EU-sponsored migrant ‘re-population’ efforts, having taken in roughly 1% of its population in asylum seekers in 2015, one of the highest proportions on the continent, has finally bitten back in a historic, nationalist vote that will no doubt turn the geopolitical tide.

Sebastian Kurz’ main talking point was ending the toxic ‘Islamization’ of Austria and wider Europe, a focal point that has paid-off in getting him elected.

Kurz wants to slash Austria’s red tape and has repeatedly said during his campaign that the Austrian people are sick of ‘New World Order globalist policies by EU elites’ – which he says he will end when elected.

“As well as his pledge on payouts to migrants, Kurz wants to slash Austria’s red tape and keep the EU out of national affairs.” — Dailymail

Because the People’s Party does not have an absolute majority of the vote, the People’s Party will have to form a coalition with one of the other two. Sebastian Kurz had fallen out with Christian Kern, leader of the Social Democrats, so his coalition will be with the far-right party, which is led by a neo-Nazi, Heinz-Christian Strache…

Provided Kurz can rein-in Strache, this may be a promising bulwark coalition to undermine EU internationalism.

The London Attack: False Flag


On 3/22/2016, the city of London was attacked c. 2:40pm in what is considered an act of radical Islamic fundamentalism.

The mainstream narrative hit the front pages within the hour before the bodies were even cold; this man acted out of coordinated extremism, and anything else is speculative folly.


But what the average reader overlooks is the date of this event ‘3/22′. The esoteric numerical system observed by practitioners of gematria consider this number significant, and history can vouch for it; last years’ Brussels airport bombing occurred on the same date. Yet obviously, a pattern is not enough, 3/22 has a meaning and I am going to try and elaborate that meaning in this article.

Biblical reference, Genesis 3:22:

Then the LORD God said,”Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil; and now, he might stretch out his hand, and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever” — Genesis 3:22 

This passage explains how evil seeks to live forever through its own means, self-determination is the essence of this, and something held in high regard by occult communities. These hidden social circles are populated by world leaders and the world’s financial elite.


Skull and Bones 322, the 322 represents both Genesis 3:22 and Romans 3:22.

  • The essence of satanism is to invert scriptures, to be the anti-light, it is an utter defiance of God/YeHoVaH and His Holy covenant, this comes with kabbalistic knowledge (tree of life), to conquer the human domain (body), and rule over the earthly plane for eternity by defying death (through science). This links to the tower of Babel, which attempts to use physical, material means (the tower) to overthrow God (who is spiritual), Satanism is the embodiment of the material plane and disregard of the spiritual.
  • By staging a terrorist attack on 3/22 you are leaving your mark, it is a common practice done for reasons unknown, but satanic elites will always leave evidence of their wrongdoing linking back to them, it has happened with many events, including 9/11 (look up the significance of the numbers 9/11).

The truth is, you can only access the tree of life by the gates:

Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life and may enter the city by its gates.

Revelation 22:14

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will grant the right to eat of the tree of life in the paradise of God.

— Revelation 2:7

And this righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no distinction. 

— Romans 3:22

  • 322 Believers on Paul’s gospel have the righteousness of God.
  • 322 The tree of life cannot be forbidden to those who have the righteousness of God.
  • It was not God who told Adam and Eve that they were naked, that was EVIL that called their bodies EVIL, (when they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil).
  • Ascent through the material self, not the spiritual collective is the fundamental ideology of Satanism. The works of the self rather than safety through collective faith, a brick in the house of God, a cornerstone.

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.Ephesians 2:8-9

What is faith?: Faith basically boils down to placing your trust in something or someone. If you are sitting down while reading this, you are placing your faith or trust in the chair that you are sitting upon.

Faith requires more than just an intellectual belief; it involves an action of your will. For example, if there were a pond covered with ice, and there were people standing around saying that the ice could hold them up, but they were not willing to walk on the ice, then they would only be demonstrating an intellectual belief and not faith. If they stepped out onto the ice, they would be demonstrating faith.

One can place their faith in Yahushua (Jesus) by simply calling out to Him in prayer, for the Bible says, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” I expressed faith in Christ by sincerely praying a prayer like this:

“Dear Jesus, I am a sinner. I deserve Hell. Thank you for dying for my sins. Save me. Come into my life. Make me the kind of person that you want me to be. I thank you that you have and that you will take me to heaven when I die. Amen.”

If you sincerely pray that prayer with all your heart, then the Lord Jesus will come into your life and forgive your sins, and save you from an eternity of Hell. If you were to die tomorrow, you would go to heaven. Not because you are good enough to get there, but because you have received the payment of your sins. It is that simple.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. — John 5:24

Still aren’t convinced? Check out this article on how 3/22 appears everywhere.

Christians have been duped into worshipping Satan, the pagan roots of Christianity are abundant; follow the most original form of Judaism (not talmudic), the true unadulterated faith.

“Who was the fool, who the wise man, beggar or king? Whether poor or rich, all’s the same in death.” — perhaps the satanic way is to defy this ‘death’ (physical death, as spiritually they will die), it is this death that they see makes them mere mortals. For by defying death and defying God they believe they can ascend to God’s throne, and rule over themselves.

Autism: Not A Genetic Disorder

Traditionally, autism spectrum disorders are diagnosed by therapists such as myself, psychologists, and psychiatrists, who recommend traditional therapies and medications to address neurological symptoms. Parents are told that their child’s diagnosis is complex and multifactorial in nature. They are told that autism is a result of genetic, psychological and others factors widely unknown. We are told that we should accept our child’s diagnosis. We are told that we may grieve for a time, but that eventually we would embrace the differences.

I am here to say, there is no such thing as a genetic epidemic. Everyone must become educated about the causes of this disorder, so that we can start appropriate treatment as early as possible.

So, if autism isn’t a genetic disorder, what’s really going on?

When we seek help from a naturopath, Defeat Autism Now doctor, Integrative Neurologist, Functional Medicine Doctor or a Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs doctor, it becomes more obvious. Testing reveals that many of our children have numerous GENETIC MUTATIONS. According to the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, “Accumulating evidence points to the involvement of epigenetic modifications as foundational in creating ASD pathophysiology.” 

The environment in which we live and breathe, genetically modified foods and the chemicals we eat and inject have a direct influence on the expression of our genetic code, by altering the expression of genetic information. In the study of disease, researchers in the field of epigenetics are increasingly finding that the “turning “on or off” our genes are preventing us from detoxing these toxins effectively. These mutations inhibit the body’s ability to digest food, transport substances between cells, and utilizing important nutrients appropriately.

“We finally got a clear cut case of an autism specific gene mutation,” said Raphael Bernier, the lead author, and UW associate professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and the clinical director of the Autism Center at Seattle Children’s. Perhaps our children have hundreds of mutations, yet to be discovered.  Bernier said people with a mutation in the CHD8 gene have a very “strong likelihood” that they will have autism marked by gastrointestinal disorders, a larger head and wide set eyes.  In their study of 6,176 children with autism spectrum disorder, researchers found 15 had a CHD8 mutation and all these cases had similar characteristics in appearance and issues with sleep disturbance and gastrointestinal problems.  Instead of a diagnosis solely based on behavioral analysis, testing of genetic mutations could guide families on how to better care for their child.

Other more common mutations include the MTHFR, Pyroluria, COMT and the MAO-A “Warrior Gene.” We can clearly see why these mutations can cause havoc.

Pyroluria: A metabolic condition caused by a mutation that has biological effects and neurological implications. This condition causes a zinc and vitamin B6 deficiency. These are two of the most important nutrients for brain health.

The MTHFR A gene mutation inhibits the body’s ability to transform vitamin B12 into vital folate enzymes. A healthy MTHFR gene converts vitamin B12 to folate (B9), an essential vitamin for brain, spine, and nerve health. Folate also produces healthy red blood cells and aids in rapid cell division.

If the COMT gene is not functioning properly it can cause a variety of problems including irritability, hyperactivity, mood swings, anxiety, sleep issues, and lower frustration and pain tolerance. Lower executive function and a lower IQ has also been noted for some.

The MAO-A (Monoamine oxidase A) is one of the two genes that encode mitochondrial enzymes which catalyze the oxidative deamination of amines, such as serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine and adrenalin. Mutation of this gene results in Brunner syndrome. MAO dysfunction (too much or too littleMAO enzyme activity) is thought to be responsible for a number of psychiatric and neurological disorders including depression, mood swings, OCD, schizophrenia, substance abuse, migraines, irregular sexual maturation, as well as, the behaviors associated with attention deficit disorder (ADD) and autism.

Another example of faulty gene expression prevents the body from adequately detoxing. A defective functioning of the family of proteins called metallothionein (mt), as discovered by Dr. William Walsh and Dr. Anjum Usman. This dysfunction leads to impaired brain development and extreme sensitivity to heavy metals due to the body’s inability to detoxify. “This disorder is often unnoticed in infancy and early childhood until it’s aggravated by a serious environmental insult such as vaccines. They believe that this malfunctioning of mt proteins may represent the underlying cause of autism.”

Physicians are some of the most intelligent, hardworking, and highly trained professionals in our society, but few are trained to use a ‘systems biology’ approach to manage the health of their patients. They are taught by pharmaceutical companies and in medical school to treat the emotional and mental component of these disorders with medication. Therefore, it is imperative to find physicians that understand epigenetics and that have joined the blossoming field of neuro-gastroenterology.  These doctors look deeper for underlying causes and move closer to naturopathic principles when treating these disorders. They understand the workings of the second brain—“the gut”—and its impact on the body and mind. They address root causes by correcting digestive problems, eliminating allergens and environmental toxins, and improving nutrition.

If you would like to learn more about genetic mutations and how to remedy them please consult Healing without Hurting. It is a comprehensive guide that reveals what may otherwise take you years to discover. You will learn how to identify common labels of behavior and how to treat these perplexing disorders naturally. As a mom who fiercely loves her son, I explored all available options, eventually finding better solutions than any conventional specialist had ever offered.

Autism used to divide us

Autism Spectrum Disorder, abbreviated as ASD, is a now hugely common condition, despite having been a neurological anomaly at (1 in 15,000) for much of the 20th century and prior. It is now a condition that affects 1 in 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls; it is an often debilitating condition that is manifested mainly in behavioral oddity, and is concentrated mostly in vaccinated western populations, symptoms include:

  • Abnormal Body Posturing or Facial Expressions
  • Abnormal Tone of Voice
  • Avoidance of Eye Contact or Poor Eye Contact
  • Behavioral Disturbances
  • Deficits in Language Comprehension
  • Delay in Learning to Speak
  • Flat or Monotonous Speech
  • Inappropriate Social Interaction
  • Intense Focus on One Topic
  • Lack of Empathy
  • Lack of Understanding Social Cues
  • Learning Disability or Difficulty
  • Not Engaging in Play With Peers
  • Preoccupation With Specific Topics
  • Problems With Two-Way Conversation
  • Repeating Words or Phrases
  • Repetitive Movements
  • Self-Abusive Behaviors
  • Sleep Disturbances
  • Social Withdrawal
  • Unusual Reactions in Social Settings
  • Using Odd Words or Phrases

I believe that ASD is a condition characterized by the subject’s brain being under a third-party influence, this influence I shall delve into later on; but it induces an effect that prompts the brain into neurological rigidity. This is a crippling ‘rigidity’ that more or less disables the subject’s fluency in many areas, especially in social interaction. It is a suppressant of the brain that locks the victim into a homogeneous, clamped state of psychology, redistributing general mental acuteness into a few concentrated areas in either hemisphere that favors internal processes as opposed to interpretation of external stimuli – this is seen in the ASD sufferer’s affinity towards patterns, routine and predictability.

ASD sends the brain into hyper-drive, it is an intensity that overrules the subtler nuances of the human experience. It overstimulates respective areas of the brain and tarnishes the collective confluence of the two hemispheres.

As you can see, the Corpus Callosum is targeted by the causer of ASD, inhibiting left-right brain interconnection, essential for a balanced mode of thought and behavior alike.

Pushing past the churlish mockery that has been awash around this majorly stigmatized condition, it is an uneasiness that has embedded itself far more extensively than many of us might like to assume, this ridicule has prevented meaningful debate. It is a malady that has carved social fragmentation and alienation into the contours of the way we function as a society already bombarded with chemical disruption, social indoctrination, and a host of other environmental handicaps the seek to polarize the socially hindered autistic, and the socially extroverted, ‘regular-minded’ individuals.

The reality is the control agenda wishes to push our collective ASD spectrum towards ‘high-functioning autism’ that is domesticated under their choice of field; namely the ‘law-abiding’ citizen. This generates a ‘worker’ with mental narrowness, but extreme focus in that one area of profession. In theory, this ‘narrowness’ of mind can be harnessed to produce a worker utterly devoted to their role (given successful indoctrination) while also negating that someone from branching into other areas of intellectualism and knowledge; such as the truth about what is really happening.

So how does ASD tie into a control agenda?

ASD can be a condition turned to the sufferer’s advantage if they were to dominate their mindset to spiritual aspirations. But because ASD sufferers are often heavily vested in a single or few topics of their interest, this ‘interest’ is liable to be taken away and allocated by a parent figure such as government curriculum, like with most at a young age, and channeled into the materialistic, godless ‘career’ mindset. This heavily concentrated school of thought, combined with a social insularity that often precludes the sufferer from diversifying their mental state gives the controllers a way to keep the people chained to one field of thought, and not to err from their designated post so easily.

  • Socially introverted/bastardized, thus unlikely to aptly communicate and form organizations that threaten the controllers’ position of power.
  • Those not affected/less affected by ASD are channeled into social prisons such as a mindless clubbing lifestyle that is mass-branded as cool, all intellectualism must be ridiculed and suppressed; this ensures that ASD sufferers cannot easily make their way into social circles and threaten the established order.
  • Disposition to repetition, and a lack of social capacity makes the ASD sufferer the perfect candidate as a worker who will work full time/more on average.
  • Physically maimed, motor skills impaired – discourages physical fitness, pushes sufferer to often completely lack the physical prowess to challenge the established order.

And this is precisely why the control system has had ASD induced on a massive level, mainly in medical mediums of mass deployment, I will impart these methods later on.

What is Causing the Skyrocketing Increase in Autism Spectrum Disorders?

The following is taken from Mercola, with minor edits of my own.

Personally, I don’t see how anyone can look at a 78% increase of any health problem in a mere five years without snapping to attention. Prior to the CDC’s announcement, the Canary Party, a citizens’ action group on autism, rightfully predicted that the CDC would downplay the seriousness of these latest statistics, as does the FDA cover up known poisons and carcinogens for the sake of big money, and corporate convenience.

On its new autism webpage, the CDC state they suspect some of the increase “is due to greater awareness and better identification” among some of the children.

But even taking that possibility into consideration, the statistics are truly shocking. How can one in 88 American children have some form of autistic disorder? In a normal, healthy environment, that just shouldn’t happen autism is often noticeable enough to point out as a distinct oddity without a formal diagnosis. And the fact that autism in ‘healthy’ environs is happening demands our immediate attention. Something is going very wrong, very fast.

While many are focusing their efforts on nailing down one culprit or another—vaccines being the perfect example—I believe taking such a narrow-minded approach can be extremely counterproductive. In my view, what we’re seeing here is the culmination of what amounts to a perfect storm…

Research is now clearly showing that environmental factors play a primary role in the epidemic of autism spectrum disorders. But which environmental factors are to blame?

While vaccines have borne the brunt of people’s suspicions, there’s plenty of evidence suggesting there are multiple factors at play. The factor that preventsus from writing vaccines off as being harmless is the fact that toxic overload appears to be at the core of the problem, and many vaccines do indeed contribute to a child’s overall toxic load. So while it’s probably unreasonable to blame vaccines alone for the rapid rise in autism, it would be just as unreasonable to ignore their impact, and continue on with the one-fits-all vaccination policy as if everything is a-okay.

  • Vaccinations are the #1 mercury exposure in infants, and the #2 exposure in adults.

The majority of autism cases do appear to result from the activation or “expression,” of a number of different genes, along with multiple epigenetic and environmental factors that interact to produce the traits of autism. But science is increasingly showing us just how malleable our genes are—they continuously respond to their environment, meaning, your body and everything you put into and onto it… Furthermore, there’s no shortage of evidence that toxins of different sorts can wreak havoc with brain function. Add to this the more recent findings that your gut is profoundly influential for brain health, and a picture of toxic overload combined with inadequate nutrition comes into clear view.

Why We Must Insist on Invoking the Precautionary Principle

If multiple toxic exposures and poor nutrition is to blame, then trying to tease out “the” primary culprit will get us nowhere. I believe we must tackle the issue of ASD with a much wider aim, and that is to reduce ALL toxic exposure and improve nutrition. This tactic includes but is not limited to reducing the vaccine load, especially in the US where children receive the most vaccines of any country on the planet. I believe it’s imperative to invoke the precautionary principle with respects to vaccines, and, at the very least, allow people to opt out if they so choose.

While vaccine advocates tend to stress the importance of so-called “herd immunity,” saying the vaccine will not work unless the majority is vaccinated, there’s a great price to pay by forcing everyone into a one-size-fits-all mold.

Not only are some children at greater risk for vaccine damage than others (which I’ll review in a moment), but we also eliminate the ability to evaluate the health risks of vaccinations if no one is allowed to opt out. We NEED to conduct comparison studies to evaluate the health outcomes of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children, yet such studies are not done. An oft-cited reason for that is that it would be unethical to not vaccinate certain children… But this is not really a reasonable excuse today, as many parents want to opt out of one or more vaccines for their children.

Environmental Factors that May Play a Role in Autism

When looking into the possible environmental factors for autism, they are incredibly diverse. The following is just a short list of examples:

  • Electromagnetic fields: Work by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt suggests there are distinct correlations between a woman’s exposure to electromagnetic fields during pregnancy and her child’s neurological functioning. He found that if you sleep in strong electromagnetic fields during pregnancy, your child will likely begin to exhibit neurological abnormalities within the first two years of life, such as neurological dysfunction, hyperactivity, and learning disorders.
  • In 2007, this theory received additional support from a study published in the Journal of the Australasian College of Nutritional & Environmental Medicineiv . It presented the theory that electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from cell phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi devices and other similar wireless technologies may work in conjunction with genetic and environmental factors, becoming an accelerating factor in autism. After more than five years of research on children with autism they found that EMR negatively affects cell membranes, allowing heavy metal toxins, which are associated with autism, to build up.To learn more about the science of HOW electromagnetic radiation affects and harms your body, please review this previous article featuring Dr. Martin Blank.
  • Mercury toxicity: It is already an established fact that exposure to mercury can cause immune, sensory, neurological, motor, and behavioral dysfunctions — all similar to traits defining, or associated with autism. Mercury pollution is widespread from the burning of fossil fuels, but the use of thimerosal-containing vaccines and dental amalgams—both of which contain mercury—also cannot be overlooked as major sources of individual exposure to this devastating neurotoxin.
  • Vaccines: A 2011 reviewv of the peer-reviewed, published studies on autism (going all the way back to 1943) revealed numerous documented cases of autism caused by encephalitis following vaccination. There are many potential vaccine-related culprits, including the use of toxic adjuvants; the presence of human DNA in vaccines; and the increasing number of vaccines given in a short period of time
  • Phthalates: Research from 2009 discovered that infants who lived in homes with vinyl floors were twice as likely to have autism five years later, compared to those with wood or linoleum flooring. Vinyl floors can emit chemicals called phthalates, which are widely used plastic softeners found in much more than just vinyl flooring. Hairsprays, perfumes, cosmetics, toys, shower curtains, wood finishers, lubricants, certain medical devices and more all contain phthalates. Researchers have suggested the chemicals may contribute to autism by disrupting hormones not only in small children but also in the womb
  • Vitamin D Deficiency: There is also a link between rampant vitamin D deficiency in pregnant women and the proportionate jump in autism, which has been highlighted by Dr. John Cannellvi . The vitamin D receptor appears in a wide variety of brain tissue early in the fetal development, and activated vitamin D receptors increase nerve growth in your brain

Neurologist Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride recently shared a common thread that may be linking these and other environmental factors together, namelybrain toxicity stemming from gut toxicity, otherwise known as Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS). She cured her own son of autism using an all-natural treatment involving dietary changes and detoxification, and her hypothesis is in my view one of the most elegant.

Thoughts on Reversing the Trajectory of Autism Spectrum Disorders

Autism is a complex condition with many contributing factors and it takes a multi-faceted approach to treat it. We’re now also beginning to understand it requires a multi-faceted approach to prevent it. Hopefully, more people will begin to take Dr. Campbell-McBride’s information to heart and put it to practice so that more children may be spared from the get-go. But even that’s not going far enough. We must tackle this problem from all angles, and that also includes:

  • Reduce your and your child’s toxic burden: This includes avoiding as many dangerous chemicals as possible, which makes listing the do’s and don’ts virtually impossible. There’s just too many. As a general rule though, eating whole organic foods will go a long way, as that automatically cuts out processed foods and related chemicals, genetically engineered foods, and artificial sweeteners.

Also be careful with the personal care products you use, as well as your household cleaning products and home building materials and furnishings… Opting for “green” and/or organic alternatives will help reduce many of the toxins most people encounter on a daily basis.

Do whatever you can to establish a toxin-free environment for your whole family, and then establish a detoxification program. Please remember hidden toxins like mold and fluoride. The book, Our Toxic World: A Wake Up Call, by Dr. Doris Rapp is an excellent resource if you’re unsure of how or where to start.

  • Lower the EMF burden in your home, especially in your bedrooms.
  • Carefully review the vaccination issue, including the conventional vaccination schedule, and know that in most U.S. states you still have the right to opt out of vaccines.
  •  Avoid pasteurized milk; it’s an absolute imperative to the treatment of autism. Anyone managing this illness without restricting milk is deceiving themselves. This includes all milk products, such as ice cream, yogurt and whey. Even natural flavorings in food must be avoided unless the processor can guarantee that caseinate is not included.
  • Complete elimination of sugar/fructose, juice, soda, French fries and wheat (pasta, bagels, cereal, pretzels, etc) is also highly recommended.
  • Get proper sun exposure. It is my personal belief that vitamin D deficiency in conjunction with damaged gut flora may be two of the most significant contributing factors to autism. Optimizing your vitamin D levels and your gut flora during pregnancy appears to be the most important prevention strategies discovered to date.

Heavy Metals

DMSA Chelation

There are many ways toxic metals get into the body. The most common ways are listed below. Keep in mind that there is no safe level for any heavy metal. Several chelation methods and compounds are available, but DMSA is known as the safest and certainly the least expensive chelator (the thing that gets the toxins out of your body.)

Here are some of the heavy metal culprits, that are allegedly conducive towards ASD, and need to be chelated from our bodies if we are experiencing symptoms of acute toxicity:

  • Aluminum
  • Antimony
  • Arsenic
  • Barium
  • Beryllium
  • Bismuth
  • Cadmium
  • Cesium
  • Gadolinium
  • Lead
  • Mercury
  • Nickel
  • Palladium
  • Platinum
  • Tellurium
  • Thallium
  • Thorium
  • Tin
  • Tungsten
  • Uranium


Overview of Mercury and Lead Poisoning

Our bodies are constantly exposed to an onslaught of environmental toxins. Lead and mercury are two heavy metals that seem to have found their way into almost everyone. Lead and mercury do not occur naturally in the body and as such are very toxic. These two heavy metals are known to interfere with how nerves communicate. Meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) is a compound approved in the 1960’s by the FDA for the removal (chelation) of heavy metals. DMSA is considered the preferred agent for the chelation (removal) of heavy metals in both adults and children. Mercury is considered to be the second most toxin substance on the planet (uranium is #1) and the negative effects of lead exposure are well documented.

Meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) is also known as succimer and sold as a prescription under the trade name Chemet, note that Chemet contains sucralose, a know neuro-toxin, probably not something you want to give to your child. DMSA is also sold as an over the counter nutritional supplement in some areas. DMSA has a somewhat strong sulfur like smell. It’s chemical properties make it particularly suited to chelate (remove via excretion) mercury and lead, the two most common toxic heavy metals in people. DMSA isn’t particular about what heavy metals it removes, it simply grabs all the metals it encounters. When you are chelating mercury you are also removing over 15 other heavy metals.

Main mercury poisoning sources:

  1. In Vitro, mom passes the toxins on to her children
  2. Vaccinations
  3. Dental Fillings (the ‘silver’ ones)
  4. Birth Control Pills and early  solutions for contact lenses

1. While Pregnant

A mother may have mercury inside her and will give it to her child before he/she is born. The amount found in the baby after it is born is related to the dental filling that the mother has (if they are the silver ones).

2. Vaccinations

The main exposure for infants is vaccinations although many now argue this

  • 25-30% of vaccines still used today contain mercury.
  • Flu shots even today contain high levels of mercury.
  • Note that mercury is sometimes removed from shots, however it is replaced with heavy metals like formaldehyde and aluminum.

Vaccinations use mercury as a preservative. Some believe there is a link between vaccinations and autism. Google is your best friend here, just start researching this topic and form your own opinions.

3. Dental Fillings, the Silver Ones

Amalgam fillings release methyl-mercury. This gets in your body and makes you sick. Methyl-mercury is very dangerous because it is attracted to organs and tissues. It is also one of the very few chemicals that can cross the blood brain barrier.

Fact: Most major countries other than the U.S. have extensive bans and health warnings regarding the use of amalgam fillings.
This includes Austria, Australia, Canada, France, Great Britain, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland.

Fact: The EPA classed scrap silver fillings as ‘hazardous waste’ in 1988
There are very specific instructions that must be followed when removing silver fillings. Make sure you use an IAOMT certified ‘mercury free’ dentist.

What About the Mercury in Fish?

The mercury in fish is inorganic, NOT methyl mercury. The amount of mercury that ends up in your body from eating fish is quite low. Google this and you will see that the mercury in fish poses no real threat to your health. Pregnant women? Sure, they should avoid certain fish to be on the safe side. For the vast majority of people the threat from fish makes great news stories but that is about all. The media loves to scare people (and consequently sell more newspapers).  As with most things, educate yourself on this topic.

4. Birth Control Pills and Solution for Contact Lenses

In the past mercury was in these products. This is not the case anymore. If you used these common products in the 80’s you may still have residual mercury in you, why not take the urine testand find out because. Once it is in your body it would be easily passed on to your children while you are pregnant.


Lead is one of the most prominent metals you will see on any tests.

Our parents were members of the lead generation.It takes a long time, 4 generations, to eliminate toxic metal from your lineage.

For them there were many sources. Lead was in:

  • paint
  • gasoline
  • painted dishes
  • toys originating from China
  • candy originating from Mexico
  • kid’s jewelry
  • some canned foods

The point is, if it is in your body you need to get it out.

How does mercury easily spread through the body from sources such as fillings?

Chelation compounds to remove ASD inducing metals:

  • DMSO, Dimethyl Sulfoxide,Start with 1 dropperful of USP Grade DMSO a day taken internally through the mouth. When the person stops stinking (garlicky smell is a natural result of taking this), raise the amount to 2 dropperfuls and so on up to 5 dropperfuls. When the stink stops at 5, this part of the program is done. When you look down, the shadows of your eyes are the most noticeable.
  • DMSA, Dimercaptosuccinic Acid/Succimer – you must take ALA (alpha lipoic acid) at the same time you take DMSA to allow DMSA to get through the Blood-Brain barrier. But, most people can safely add ALA to their schedule after 4 full cycles of DMSA only, this will prevent the patient from getting sick as toxins are dumped into the blood stream. Let DMSA clean out your body for 4 cycles then take it with ALA.

DMSA works because is has areas on its molecules that foreign substances attach to. Once the attach to DMSA they can not be detached. This means that substances that should not be in your body like mercury and lead basically stick to DMSA and then get expelled from your body when you pee. The smell of your urine will quickly tell you that it is working. It is not a pleasant smell.

Another substance called glutathione lives inside your cells and it is glutathione that pushes out the toxic substances. Glutathione is considered to be your bodies first defense against toxins, but sometimes it needs a push to chelate more deeply embedded toxins, i.e. when our bodies are over loaded and solely glutatione cannot heal you. This is when you get sick in various ways, (some more noticeable than others) and need to take supplements.

As a side note, you can NOT simply take glutathione by itself. You have to take the precursor (the chemical needed to make glutathione) to glutathione and have your body make its own glutathione. If you take a glutathione supplement it will NOT enter your cells. When you body makes its own glutathione it is created INSIDE the cells, where it then pushes out the toxins. These toxins are then “grabbed” by DMSA and travel out of your body.

  • N-AcetylCysteine, or “NAC” is the precusor to glutathione, I strongly suggest taking this regularly.

Symptoms of mercury poisoning are as follows:

  • Depression
  • Forgetfulness
  • Constipation
  • Constant Body Odor
  • Unexplained Anger
  • Inability To Concentrate
  • Tender Teeth
  • Mild Fatigue
  • Eye Lid, Face Twitches
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness
  • Sensitivity to Sound
  • Abnormal Menses
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Digestive Issues
  • Frequent Bad Breath
  • Irritability
  • Low Body Temperature
  • Ringing in Ears
  • Metal Taste In Mouth

Here’s a step by step guide to detoxing the brain of heavy metals, such as mercury (remember there are no safe levels for mercury) that reportedly induce the highly common Autism Spectrum Disorder:

1: Purchase the purest, most organic ALA/Alpha Lipoic Acid you can find on the market.

2: Purchase the purest, most organic DMSA/Dimercaptosuccinic Acid you can find on the market.

3: Before you start taking ALA/Alpha Lipoic Acid, you need to first eliminate all the heavy metals in your body; i.e. the heavy metals most reachable by DMSA. If you do not do this, and take ALA at the start of your first chelation cycle, you may get sick. Why? Because too many toxins will be dumped into your bloodstream at once.

  • This is called decreasing your ‘body burden.” So you need to get the initial toxins out of your body, then start taking ALA and get the toxins out of your brain.
  • Important: Your customized protocol will tell you when it is safe to start taking ALA with your DMSA. Most people can safely add ALA to their schedule after 4 full cycles of DMSA only. This dosage protocol, based on body weight, can be calculated below.

Calculate your dosage of DMSA: Source

20-30 mg of DMSA per kilogram of body weight per day – (to a maximum of 2 gms per day) (if you prefer to calculate in pounds, its approximately 9-13 mg of DMSA per pound of body weight per day)

Equation: bodyweight in pounds x 11.5mg = total of daily dose OR bodyweight in kilograms x 25 mg = total of daily dose.

For example: your child weights 70 pounds therefore his/her total daily dosage is 640-960 mgs.

Taking your dose: Take DMSA as 1/3 of the total daily dosage taken 3 times during the course of the day. DMSA should be given every 4 hours as it has a 4 hour half-life inside the body, you be the judge as to when across those 12 hours in a day you take or administer the DMSA.

  • It is recommend that the total daily dose be combined in a favourite beverage (do not put in milk products or grapefruit juice) and 1/3 of this drink be given to the child in the morning, another 1/3 at lunch, and the final 1/3 at dinner or in the evening.
  • For this example, a 70 pound child, simply pull apart the 7 of the 100 mg capsules and mix them into the drink. Then pour 1/3 of this drink into a separate cup and give it to the child in the morning. Give the next 1/3 at lunch time and the final 1/3 at dinner or in the evening. Ideally, DMSA should be given every 4 hours as it has a 4 hour half-life inside the body.

Monthly Summary (days 1 to 30)

Days 1-3 – Dosage

Take your calculated dosage for 3 days on, 11 days off – this ‘off time’ permits the body to replenish its glutathione levels, so that further chelation is then possible.

Day 4 – Rest

Rest day, don’t take any DMSA.

Days 5-15 – Rest/Diet

No DMSA, follow a supplement replacement therapy as determined by yourself or your health care practitioner. A high quality multi-vitamin is recommended. A high quality diet is critical for ASD sufferers, this cannot be overstated.

A few tips for this time period.

  • Completely avoid ‘man-made’ products such as artificial sweeteners (aspartame, sorbitol, splenda etc) and the processed food found at typical fast food places, and microwave dinners etc.
  • Simple whole foods are best and will help your child get better sooner. STRONGLY suggest that your autistic child eat real butter as is contains arachidonic acid and linoleic acid, both of which are necessary for vital brain function. The addition of real butter into a childs diet has been shown to greatly help children with attention deficit disorders.
  • Avoid all butter substitutes such as margarine. If you can afford organic butter (approx $8 per pound) it’s even better.
  • Avoid ‘bad’ fats such as vegetable oil, corn oil, canola oil and ALL products that contain these oils. Read labels on food. Become a smart consumer. Instead use olive oil, coconut oil, and hemp seed oil (very close to the perfect ration of 4:1 omega 6 to omega 3).
  • Avoid sugar (read labels), this includes things that are converted into sugar such as grains (white bread), white pasta, corn syrup (read labels, its in almost everything). These are basic diet tips, become an expert on nutrition and learn to heal your child. Email for more basic, cheap, and easy diet tips.

Day 15

Start taking DMSA again. Repeat days 1-15.


This completes the one month treatment protocol. Follow this protocol for 3 months then do the 24 hour urine challenge (Email for details about how to do this and cost) to measure the levels of heavy metals, specifically mercury still remaining in the body.

If, after the test, you find no heavy metal residue in the results, you can press forward to the final stage, the actual brain cleanse, which requires ALA for the DMSA to get behind the brain-blood barrier, which leads me to conclude with…

Last, but not least

As DMSA cannot cross the blood brain barrier by itself it needs to be combined with alpha-lipoic acid (very inexpensive at any pharmacy or walmart, walgreens etc) to do this. When all the mercury has been removed from the childs body THEN you can start removing it from the brain. This is the final stage. Do not add alpha-lipoic acid at the start of the DMSA treatment.

Use 300mg of ALA with the designated dose of DMSA.

Studies on Vaccine-Autism link, the proof:

1. Empirical Data Confirm Autism Symptoms Related to Aluminum and Acetaminophen Exposure

2. A Comprehensive Review of Mercury Provoked Autism

3. MMR antibodies are significantly higher in autistic children as compared to normal children, supporting a role of MMR in autism.

4. The history of vaccinations in the light of the autism epidemic.

5. A careful review of ASD cases discloses a number of events that adhere to an immunoexcitotoxic mechanism. This mechanism explains the link between excessive vaccination, use of aluminum and ethylmercury as vaccine adjuvants, food allergies, gut dysbiosis, and abnormal formation of the developing brain.

6. The relative toxicity of compounds used as preservatives in vaccines and biologics

7. A leaked document by GlaxoSmithKline , a corrupt vaccine company, admits that vaccines are responsible for Autism! The description of some of the adverse effects are encephalitis, developmental delays, an altered state of consciousness, and speech delays. Many other adverse reactions are recorded as well.

8. Polish Study Confirms Vaccines Can Cause Large Number of Adverse Effects including Autism

9. “Key Realities about Autism, Vaccines, Vaccine-injury Compensation,Thimerosal, and Autism-related Research.” By Paul G. Kinga, PhD, Gary S. Goldmanb, PhD, a Science Advisor, CoMeD, Inc. From Medical Veritas 5 (2008) 1610–1644

10. Thimerosal in Childhood Vaccines, Neurodevelopment Disorders, and Heart Disease in the United States

11. A case series of children with apparent mercury toxic encephalopathies manifesting with clinical symptoms of regressive autistic disorders.

 12. Acetaminophen (paracetamol) use, measles-mumps-rubella vaccination, and autistic disorder: the results of a parent survey.

13. A positive association found between autism prevalence and childhood vaccination uptake across the U.S. population.

14. Evidence for a dysregulated immune system in the etiology of psychiatric disorders.

15. Detection of Measles Virus Genomic RNA in Cerebrospinal Fluid of Children with Regressive Autism

16. Maternal transfer of mercury to the developing embryo/fetus: is there a safe level?

17. Vaccines and Autism: CDC Now Admitting to Ommitting Vaccine Study Data!Vaccines-Autism-CDC-Now-Admitting-to-Omitting-Vaccine-Study-Data/c4nx/96DBBE9B-4D0F-400B-9065-3D1CF65FCDCF

18. Sick Monkeys: Research Links Vaccination Load to Autism in Monkeys

19. Bio-Medical Treatment Approach to Autism Spectrum Disorder, Including Heavy Metal Detoxification. The main source of heavy metals in the body and brain is childhood vaccines.

20. CDC’s Vaccine Safety Research is Exposed as Flawed and Falsified in Peer-Reviewed Scientific Journal

21. Summary Comparison of Characteristics of Mercury Poisoning and Autism

22. How vaccines are Made, How they Work, and How they cause Autism… Childrens Vaccines are for 0-6 yrs of age, made One-Size-Fits-All… made for the weight of the oldest child at 50 lbs! …the question is not IF vaccines cause autism, but HOW!

Music is losing substance

You’ve probably seen the bloated mass of complaints in YouTube comments sections slating modern music as ‘worse’ than the old days; well, it turns out they may have a point. Music is noticeably losing its substance, melodically, lyrically and characteristically, along with a bunch of scientific terms I will impart below.

Pop culture degrades our overall culture, it is cultural engineering.

Pop culture is not actually pop culture, because it is controlled through and through, corporations and their labels choose who is ‘popular’ and who will never gain recognition. The music industry is brainwashing us into liking terrible songs; and as a result, liking a terrible message, and therefore embracing a terrible culture.

The music industry has taken a frightful turn for the worse as mainstream artists have lost touch with their own spark for creativity; creativity has sold out. Big names are bought and sold, algorithm driven, and ghost writers are rampant in the highest echelons; anyone that scrapes an honest morsel of popularity is rapidly bought off. This is a ‘pop culture’ totally dominated by corporate interest, and a grotesque hunger for moneymaking. Meaningful influence in music is suppressed and siphoned, the messages are always controlled and people will always listen to it because it is so accessible, and so widely disseminated.

Hopsin, a famous rapper who rose to fame in his feud with a label, he branched away and made his own label and has gained significant popularity.

Stephen Patrick Morrissey, ex Smiths frontman and solo artist has not landed a record deal for years, yet his music holds a meaningful message, is crafted to a phenomenal standard and has a healthy degree of variety. In the below quote he shares his view of pop music, and why you need to avoid it.


Morrissey (Singer, songwriter): I think the pop chart today is entirely market-driven. And it has nothing to do with public taste. And it has nothing to do with moving music forward. It’s simply a market chart. And people who’ve managed to grapple into the top five have done so because of an aggressive campaign, and nothing else. And so many sales are mysteriously automatic. Very often now we glance an eye at the chart and we can’t understand why a certain person is No1 or No2, why have they flown in at No3. It’s understandable to ask that question. But it’s simply market-driven. Nothing else. The quality of the music, the content – absolutely immaterial. As a direct result so many bands and so many artists have ongoing success with absolutely no songs.

Burn down the disco
Hang the blessed DJ
Because the music that they constantly play
It says nothing to me about my life – Panic, the Smiths

Russell Brand on Katy Perry: ‘Vapid, vacuous and plastic’: labels ex-wife Katy Perry’s lifestyle the ‘very thing I detest’ 

Shia LaBeouf: In my parents’ generation, rebellion was pop culture. It’s not anymore.

Trevor Dunn: Pop culture is not about depth. It’s about marketing, supply and demand, consumerism. 

Science says music is getting worse: homogeneity

Scientific studies have even highlighted that the vocabulary and variety of the collective music culture has taken a nosedive, subject material has veered towards an overtly materialistic and sexual stature, while any melodic variety has become an incomprehensible mush of sameness. Our musical diversity has become inbred, mainly headlined by pretentious artists that have largely inaccessible content, and sport a message that holds little to no substance in most cases – a product of the example set by pop music that has been branded and promoted as ‘popular’ but is really a facet in a game of big-money marketing and exposure.

  • Loudness comes at the expense of dynamic range—in very broad terms, when the whole song is loud, nothing within it stands out as being exclamatory or punchy. (This two-minute YouTube video does a great job of demonstrating how excessive loudness saps richness and depth from a recording.) Indeed, Serrà and his colleagues found that the loudness of recorded music is increasing by about one decibel every eight years.
  • So, what happened since 1955? Well, timbral variety went down. That means that songs are becoming more and more homogeneous. In other words, all pop music sounds the same now.

A catchy beat is the staple hook for most popular music, lyrics are engineered to be vague but ‘nice’ sounding, so not intellectually stimulating whatsoever. The result is a stupor of ‘cool beats’ that keep you on a high of raves and party lifestyle antics, while intellectualism is centralized to the elites behind the scenes, you are the stooge that learned to love the taste of the musical equivalent of faeces, because it was overwhelmingly branded ‘cool’ to do so.

“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”
― Adolf Hitler

Algorithms find the most profitable sound

Algorithm technology has exploded in recent years, along with this advancement has come the lucrative opportunity for discovering the most profitable melodies, tempos and a host of other musical attributes connected to popular artists.

Pop music automation is a field of study among musicians and computer scientists with a goal of producing successful pop music algorithmically. It is often based on the premise that pop music is especially formulaic, unchanging, and easy to compose.

What this means is that popular music is becoming homogenized (more samey) for the very sake of assuring profits for the organisations behind the big names. The patterns of music that receive the most hits are replicated by big names that are bought in a war of supply and demand; to make the most money is the objective, not the upholstery of individuality in music, the fundamental basis of art is dismissed.

People arguing against the notion that music is worsening will claim that artists are making their own choices in the collective trajectory of music trends, and that somehow this excuses the growing blandness of our music.

If you landed from another planet and wanted to make it big there, it would make sense you’d go for very generic and very loud and put an attractive person as your celebrity.

With the mass-exposed rise of monetized, corporate pop music, the influential trickle-down effect on artists at every level is unimaginable, the sheer numerical pull-factor of modern pop music’s popularity overshadowing anything in the 20th century by a considerable amount is enough to poison new musicianship at the entry level, and might be a reason new music is seeming so similarly unpalatable; people flock to what is perceived to be popular.


All Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter, a Soros funded psy-op designed to generate civil unrest, and to foment an atmosphere ripe for the gradual imposition of repackaged martial law, better called the police state, which is suggesting in part, by the militarization of police becoming more widespread. The recent staged killings of cops will only accentuate the ‘necessity’ to continue this – the Hegelian dialectic is back, people.

Black Lives Matter Black Friday

For those unaware, Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an inherently racist movement of segregationist proportions. Yes, there is corruption in the ranks of the police, as there is in every organisation involving human beings, but this gives no excuse to be disruptive, to kill police (in some cases) and advocate physical revolt (in some cases), and to cry out for special treatment because of your skin color.

The Washington Post even had the audacity to assimilate the civil rights movement with violence, when a larger portion of the demonstrations were guided by non-violent principles, does Martin Luther King Jr. come to mind whatsoever?

Anyway, here’s the headline:

Don’t criticize Black Lives Matter for provoking violence. The civil rights movement did, too.

This attempted legitimization of the BLM movement headlined by the Washington Post bears the composition/division & tu quoque logical fallacies as defined by:

  • Composition/division: you assumed that one part of something has to be applied to all, or other, parts of it; or that the whole must apply to its parts. In WP’s case, claiming that certain violent  or provocative aspects of the original civil rights movement, i.e. Black Panthers, can authenticate the BLM movement.
  • Tu Quoque: you avoided having to engage with criticism by turning it back on the accuser – you answered criticism with criticism. In the WP’s case,pointing out one less admirable part of the civil rights movement to avoid debate concerning the equally shameful behavior of another.

Mike Huckabee said the civil rights leader (MLK) would be “appalled” by BLM’s strategy: To address racial injustice, “you don’t do it by magnifying the problems,” he said.

Another pressing point can be inferred from lack of emphasis given to the shocking rates of Black-on-Black crime. According to FBI data, 4,906 black people killed other blacks in 2010 and 2011. That is more than the total number of U.S. military deaths in Iraq over the last decade. More black Americans killed other blacks in two years than were lynched from 1882 to 1968, according to the Tuskegee Institute.

Prominent rapper and record producer Hopsin told the truth about ‘Black Lives Matter’ in a barrage of tweets that he was subsequently forced to delete, remarking that BLM activists can’t claim to care about black lives until they address the elephant in the room – black people killing each other in huge numbers.

Black lives don’t matter to a lot of blacks. So how come all of a sudden black lives matter when someone else kills us?

The message behind Hopsin’s tweet really unveils the widespread, heavily dysfunctional, ghettoized communities of blacks that run on a gross dependency towards criminal activity to stay afloat in a culture known as ‘hustling’ as a result of the un-vetted impoverishment of many black families that have a society of thugs, where contraception is lacking and black abortions are higher than black births.

This links into how proportionally, blacks are on average more criminal than their white counterparts, but I wouldn’t pin this criminality entirely to blacks, but to their often sorely deprived circumstances, and the exacerbating effects of a police-hating ‘gangster’ culture still shamelessly promulgated, and purveyed as ‘cool’ by mainstream media platforms, while racism does come into it partially, it is a relatively small issue that is not helped by the overwhelming image of blacks as barbarian thugs, an image that rings true in many cases, the 2015 ‘gangster’ movie, ‘Straight Outta Compton’ is a prime example of how the MSM are legitimizing and instilling criminal behavior as something to aspire to, the police killings and long-held gang-cop rivalries are being used by Soros as a societal weak-spot to blow out of proportion to trigger disruption and bring in greater federalization, this whole orchestration seems to be a malicious product of an elite think tank.

‘Straight Outta Compton’ and ‘GTA V’ romanticize the ‘ghetto’ life as the norm, they encourage dependency on material things, they advocate gang-based criminality and aggression over civility: they are ultimately divisive, as the propagandists intended – none of these lifestyles are intellectually beneficial, these lifestyles demonstrate distrust between people, not unification – yet Black Lives Matter can’t seem to see this fault, a fault present throughout the majority of the black community, as reflected in crime statistics.

Grand Theft Auto 5, the most expensive videogame of all time, another good example of how gangster-crime culture is being promoted in some ways via the media.

This idea of mistreatment can be re-evaluated with how Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Freddie Gray are not martyrs, and cannot be used to brand all cops as oppressive, especially when statistics show Blacks to be disproportionately more violent than other ethnicities.

On the day he died, Michael Brown was a burglary suspect. After a fistfight and a failed attempt to disarm Officer Darren Wilson, Michael Brown was shot dead before he could continue his attack. That he had his “hands up” in surrender is a pernicious lie.

Had Michael Brown not resisted arrest and simply complied with Officer Wilson, he’d still be alive today.

Repeat offender Freddie Gray was suspected of selling hard drugs when he was apprehended by Baltimore police. Gray died from a severe spinal cord injury while in police custody. He had a penchant for running from the police and a “history,” according to the Baltimore Sun, “of participating in ‘crash-for-cash’ schemes—injuring himself in law enforcement settings to collect settlements.”

Eric Garner was committing the “crime” of selling un-taxed cigarettes when he was apprehended by a half-dozen cops. Garner died after being placed in a chokehold by an arresting officer.

Ultimately, a Staten Island grand jury concluded that there wasn’t enough evidence to bring a criminal indictment against the NYPD officer who killed Eric Garner. Reasonable people can debate whether or not the officer’s actions were excessive; however, it’s also worth noting that the medical examiner’s report said that Garner’s bad health, including obesity, contributed to his death.

Even Eric Garner’s daughter “doubts” that her father’s death was motivated by race. Garner’s mother said she would “agree.”

Anecdotal (logical fallacy)

  • Using personal experience or an isolated example instead of a valid argument, especially to dismiss statistics.

The BLM movement has largely gone off of snippets of film clips likely taken out of context, in a few isolated events to justify the narrative that black people are somehow being oppressed, the Eric Garner death is a big campaign citation of the BLM movement. Yet while the arrest seemed harsh at the time; the statistical evidence suggests that crime among blacks is disproportionately rampant, therefore claiming that there is an ‘anti-black’ sentiment among police would be misleading, Garner’s defiance and large stature coupled with the stigma of black criminality likely motivated the choke hold. Garner’s death is certainly controversial, but an isolated case which doesn’t ever  warrant anti-police rhetoric.

Hood shootings, gang culture USA:

Around 93% of all black murders are committed by other blacks according to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, despite the fact that blacks only make up around 13% of the population.

Yes, peacefully campaign if you think that racially motivated killings are taking place, despite no evidence whatsoever to assuredly back this – except the ‘martyrs’ that are cited by the BLM movement, which have been debunked.

Why don’t all lives matter? According to one leading BLM campaigner, saying that “all lives matter” is a racial slur. Why emphasize the police when there are so many other points of ‘oppression’ to counter. Maybe it is because the Soros organisation wants to provoke the police and legitimize heightened federalization?

Because if all lives mattered, there wouldn’t be a violent movement that advocated provocative behavior, if all lives mattered BLM would attempt to build bridges in light of MLK’s principle of love and non-aggression, not burn bridges. If all lives mattered, BLM wouldn’t be segregationist and discriminate whites in some cases.

It seems that the BLM is another wave of white-guilt programming that is prepping us into just accepting every minority regardless of their cultural defects; in the case of Blacks it is largely the ‘gangster’ crime-driven culture that is being ignored, in the case of near-eastern Muslims it is generally a culture of gender oppression and western intolerance that we seem to forget – both of these cultural disadvantages are being ignored, and the issues are being attributed instead to the color of a person’s skin as a matter of race, which achieves very little in dealing with the real problems behind the colors.

Black Lives Matter is a backwards movement of manufacturing ‘victimized’ black people, and painting cops as the ‘bad-cop’ oppressors. It is fundamentally divisive and purposefully approaches black ‘oppression’ via very few, irrational angles.

It is this antisocial culture that is being used as a trigger-point to reignite conflict between the police and the pushed ‘underdog’ identity in the minority black community; the fact that I’m saying ‘black community’ shows how black ‘gangster’ culture has criminalized some blacks, and estranged them from mainstream society, this has backfired and come to a manifested head in the BLM movement.

The government & media need to be challenged for criminalizing, impoverishing & alienating blacks, not the police that have to clean up the mess and deal with gangster infested ‘no-go’ zones; no wonder the black community has been so negatively stigmatized, their media-manufactured culture practically glorifies violence.

Man, why do black people gotta be the only ones who can’t evolve.
‘Cause you in the streets acting like Neanderthals – Hopsin, Rapper, Ill Mind 5

By externalizing the blame to the police for doing their jobs in suppressing crime, and not realizing that it is the government that needs to do more to introduce the insular black culture to the stable, middle class limelight & eliminate ‘gangster’ culture; we have a paradox fueled by emotional angst, and not rational solutions. Ghettoized blacks and the crime they generate to make ends meet are results of inequalities that need to be addressed by the government, not by blaming the cops for duly dealing with these catalysts for criminal activity.

BLM will militarize the Police

BLM is the perfectly divisive psy-op to militarize the cops and create federalized police states governed by fear and division, a ‘race war’ of sorts will markedly divide and conquer the masses into accepting heightened federal control. Because the largely financially comfortable whites won’t ever riot – the elites will target the disadvantaged ghetto/gangster communities that have a bone to pick with the cops for often lawfully killing their compatriots in self-defense and in struggles to apprehend members of a maladjusted community forced and cajoled into crime as the norm.


If you can federalize all of the states’ police departments, you can engineer a safeguarded collapse, one without completely losing control, and set the stage for bringing order out of chaos; federalized, militarized police that have an expectation to treat people as hostile will be much more likely to follow a federal agenda, and not work in the best interests of protecting the people, they will no longer see people as civil and orderly – people will be dehumanized.

Executive Order – United States Policy on Pre- and Post-Strike Measures to Address Civilian Casualties in U.S. Operations Involving the Use of Force.

Obama has even passed an executive order regarding pre and post strike civilian casualtieslink – what does the white house know that we do not? And why has this executive order been passed in the midst of a period of unrest surrounding BLM? Is there significant civil conflict anticipated?

The truth is that the overwhelmingly white elites want riots, BLM is funded by them and for them, it favors divide and conquer, and feeds from the ugly impulsion of anger.

The elites hope to harness the violence of ghetto black culture and collide this with the police as their ‘oppressors’ versus the underdogs.

This is the ‘black and white’ logical fallacy pushed by Black Lives Matter, where the police get the blame for racial discrimination as the cause of blacks being the social underdogs, whereas in reality it is a combination of black’s behavior by choice or by circumstance, and the US government not doing enough to shut down this crime inclined behavior, and the deprived circumstance at the grass roots, in many cases the government even supports it.

  • Where two alternative states are presented as the only possibilities, when in fact more possibilities exist.

These ‘other possibilities’ being that the US government hasn’t done enough to tackle ghettoized neighborhoods, no-go zones, to educate blacks in civil behavior, to discourage gangster culture in the media, and on the streets. Maybe then the police won’t be forced to treat ghetto neighborhoods in such a hard-handed demeanor. The BLM movement should be marching at the white house, not blindly striking out at one branch of the tree.

‘Be faithful to your roots’ is the liberal version of ‘Stay in your ghetto.’ 

BLM doesn’t aim to change the roots of black culture, only strike out and blame those who have to deal with its flaws.

In fact, cops have not been called to stabilize various provocative demonstrations of the Black Lives Matter movement. This movement is a movement of hate that is being intentionally allowed to grow; one that ignores the faults of black culture, and ascertains that fighting law enforcement will somehow create amicable unification, solve all the problems of police brutality, and render blacks in a positive light, none of which it will ever solve.

If the Negro in the ghetto must eternally be fed by the hand that pushes him into the ghetto, he will never become strong enough to get out of the ghetto. Carter G. Woodson

BLM doesn’t want to stop the ghetto, it wants to attack the cops that deal with the ghetto and then complain when these cops act with extreme caution, a paradox ensues; BLM simply has no investment in challenging the real oppressors; government that benefits from black dependency on them, and the degradation of the middle class, and the principle of divide and conquer.

  • Ghettos in Nazi-occupied Europe. Beginning with the invasion of Poland during World War II, the regime of Nazi Germany set up ghettos across occupied Europe in order to segregate and confine Jews, and sometimes Gypsies, into small sections of towns and cities furthering their exploitation (and limiting their capacity to be free).

The ghetto is about survival and little else, this means questioning an authority figure beyond the police becomes unlikely, the powers that be would love for it to remain that way.

What is really needed is an overhaul of the black image; because when it is statistically proven that blacks are more prone to committing crime, a movement for blacks against the police is not going to help dismantle the crime stigma that is still attached to the black community, it will only ever worsen it.

Mainstream Media champions ‘Black’ culture as synonymous with hood culture.

  • The more mainstream media celebrates ‘black’ ghetto culture, the more people will see it as populist to ignore its flaws, and defend it as acceptable. ‘Black Lives Matter’ is the end product of this romanticizing brainwashing for hood culture roots as something to be proud of.
  • Beyoncé is seen at Superbowl 50 promoting ‘black’ nationalism, the idea that blacks are somehow socially exclusive, and oppressed by the police and whites, the ideology of ‘Black Lives Matter’ resonates strongly with the ‘black pride’ sentiment disseminated by the media.8ba4f801ccff55b5746b0e615eec2d43
  • The expression ‘Us and them’ comes to mind, Beyoncé is an establishment pawn used to foment a black supremacist mindset that engages blind pride, and dismisses the ‘elephant in the room’ flaws of black ghetto culture and its criminal abundance.
  • The performance was a political statement, and a throwback to times when racism was predominant, but racism is not nearly as widespread now as it was in the 60s. Therefore, funding this kind of message only intends to guilt-silence whites concerned over the surge of radicalized black pride, and enable liberals to inanely consider this ‘black pride’ sentiment ‘justice’ for the actions of white people’s predecessors; this has gotten out of control and BLM is its culmination.
  • What could have been simply a harmless celebration of culture, has been hijacked by the elites, and turned into something that divides us. The elites, such as George Soros, have packaged a divisive movement as a liberal one, and used the racist card to stop anyone who questions it.
Beyoncé, Black Panthers themed Superbowl 50 performance.

Diana was Murdered

Next year will mark the twentieth anniversary of Diana Princess of Wales’ unfortunate assassination at the Pont d’Alma underpass in Paris, the thirteenth pillar of that underpass being the collision point in a fatal car crash that would tragically take three lives, and severely threaten another.

This year marks twenty years since a divorce that would brand Diana a focal point of the royal household’s upheaval, an infamously loose cannon of the establishment that held values in direct contravention to the murky aspirations devised behind the gold plated gateways and marble lined palatial estates.

The Queen of Hearts

Diana’s track record in royalty was somewhat of a rocky road, her relationship, marriage and divorce with Prince Charles coupled with her outspoken critique of ‘the establishment’ she’d been born into, proved her daring, realistic audacity was of no shortage. Being privy to sensitive, esoteric information, the entrusted stature of Diana’s ‘role’ as a Royal was expectantly tough, her very life rested on this ‘role’ and the faithful upholding of its secrets and image.

Which leads me on to say how the dandy image of the royal establishment can be disassembled in light of the Diana and Charles relationship, as a family of showy colours, pearly whites and paparazzi magnets that have painted established authority in the mindless conception of television personalities emblazoned on a facade of deceptive, theatrical grandeur – Dia1410124635622_image_galleryimage_funeral_of_diana_princessna offered us reality, she showed up the Royals for what they were, two-faced actors that put it on for glitzy smiles and virtuous gestures, while simultaneously concealing the ugly underbelly of the whole ruse.

See the following full interview for an in-depth insight into Diana’s thought process going into (and out of) marital royalty, and her difficulties managing the internal & external tensions and ramifications of holding royal reputation, that she expressively claims to be ‘isolating’ and disingenuous to the individual – she admits that she was given a ‘role’ as a puppet.


Diana mingled in occult circles throughout her royal career, in the above picture you can see her alongside CFR/Bilderberg front man Henry Kissinger. The Royal family, as one of the 13 bloodlines (Windsor) has always held strong ties to Illuminati circles. Diana’s induction into this treacherous world must have come with certain revelations and oaths that prompted her conscience, i.e. knowledge of the terrors of the New World Order – fortunately every man/woman comes with a free spirit, it is choice that defines our spiritual allegiance – Diana chose truth, but her attachments and affiliations with evil claimed her life when she tried to escape it by divorce and remarriage, an amicable way to separate.

The Motive to Kill Diana

Diana was killed because she was almost certainly pregnant with Dodi’s child, and the British Royal Family didn’t want an Arab in their ‘sacred’ bloodline. Diana was also becoming politically involved in the Middle East and the elite saw her as a loose cannon that could rally popular support around anything, the same applied to JFK, John Lennon, Bob Marley etc. Diana herself remarked to reporters that there would be ‘a big surprise’ from her a few days before her death. It would be seen as a sham against the establishment for an unplanned marriage to go ahead, or for an incriminating exposé from someone in their own ranks with the publicity Diana had, and of course, the risk for Diana to impart the secrets of House Windsor to the Al-Fayed’s who had significant financial and social leverage for protecting Diana, so she had to die before she could cause any long-lasting damages.

And he (Mohamed Al-Fayed ) is convinced that some of the paparazzi, including the driver of the white Fiat Uno, were MI6 agents whose mission was to stop the announcement of the couple’s engagement – and Diana’s pregnancy.

Her contact with the dark inner-circles of secretive organisations linked to the Windsors, coupled with her ‘free-spirited’ refusal to obey orders and conventions made her a huge threat to revealing the twisted plans and purposes of these people, plans she knew were intended to harm, not help, the common man.

Body Language, when watching take body language into consideration, because Diana – wittingly or unwittingly gives a lot away with her eye, face and head movements.

Many psychologists believe that when a person looks up to their right they are likely to be telling a lie. Glancing up to the left, on the other hand, is said to indicate honesty.

Looking down and to the left can indicate that they are talking to themselves (look for slight movement of the lips). Looking down and to the right can indicate that they are attending to internal emotions.
Looking down can be a signal of submission. It can also indicate that the person is feeling guilty, in Diana’s case for not revealing all there is to reveal.

High relevancy Time stamps

  • 28:57 and onwards
  • and 33:08 onwards

Interviewer: “Do you really believe that a campaign was being waged against you?”

Diana: “Yes, I did, absolutely yeah.”

Interviewer: “Why?”

Diana: “I was the separated wife of the Prince of Wales, I was a problem, full stop, never happened before, what do we do with her?”

Interviewer: “Can’t we back her off quietly instead of campaign against her?”

Diana: “She won’t go quietly, that’s the problem. I’ll fight ’till the end, as I believe that I have a role to fulfill (Not their role?), and I’ve got two children to bring up (putting your ‘disapproved’ ideas into their heads?).”


Diana: “I always got more publicity, uhh (thinking of a filtered way to express), my work was discussed much more than him (So Charles had something to conceal/hide?), and you know, from that point of view I understand it, but I was doing good things (And Charles/affiliates were not?), and I wanted to do good things, I was never going to hurt anyone. Was never going to let anyone down (Again, does that set you apart from the intentions of the royal circle? Apparently so).”

“but I was doing good things, and I wanted to do good things, I was never going to hurt anyone. Was never going to let anyone down.”

Diana: “But, I am a free spirit, unfortunately for some.” (looks down, laughs)

Diana: “I think that the British people need someone in public life to give affection, to make them feel important, to support them, to give them light in their dark tunnels.”

They see me as a threat of some kind. And I’m here to do good, I’m not a destructive person.

Interviewer: “Why do they see you as a threat?”

Diana: (Hesitant) “I think every strong woman in history has had to walk down a similar path, and I think it’s the strength that causes the confusion and the fear. Why is she strong, where does she get it from, where is she taking it, where is she going to use it, why do the public still support her?”

Diana: “When I say public, you go into an engagement, and there’s a great many people there.” (She rallies people’s support)

Interviewer: “Do you think the Prince of Wales will ever be King?”

Diana: “Uhm, I don’t think any of us know the answer to that. And obviously it’s a question that’s in everybody’s head. But who knows, who knows what fate will produce, who knows what circumstances will provoke?”

Interviewer: “But you would know him better than most people?”

Diana: “Hm”

Interviewer: “Do you think he would wish to be King?”

Diana: “There was always conflict on that subject, with him – when we discussed it. And I understood that conflict, because it’s a very demanding role, being Prince of Wales – but it is an equally more demanding role being King. And being Prince of Wales produces more freedom now, and being King would be a little bit more suffocating.

Diana: “…And because I know the character, I would think that the ‘top job’ as I call it, would bring enormous limitations to him, and I don’t know whether he could adapt to that.” (Saying Charles is not fit to be King, based on character that is hidden from public eye)

The (Basic) Timeline of Events

Diana’s murder/assassination took place in the early hours of the 31st of August 1997 in Paris, France. Here is the basic timeline sourced from the BBC.

30th August (Day prior)

1300 hours:  (Diana and Dodi) board a private jet at Olbia airport, Sardinia, to take them to Paris. Where they plan to stay 1 night, Diana plans to return to London the next morning.

1520: Mr Al Fayed and the princess arrive at Le Bourget airfield, Paris, and are met by Henri Paul, deputy head of security at the Ritz Hotel. French paparazzi, tipped off by their Sardinian colleagues, also await the couple. Mr Al Fayed is stressed by their presence and tells their driver to lose them.

1635: The couple enter the Ritz.

1800: Mr Al Fayed, accompanied by bodyguards, picks up a ring he has ordered from Repossi’s jewellers just outside the Ritz.

1900: The princess and Mr Al Fayed go back to his apartment just off the Champs Elysées. They take the back exit to escape the paparazzi.

1905: Mr Paul leaves the Ritz, telling his colleagues to call him if the couple return to the hotel.

2130: Mr Al Fayed’s plans to take the princess for a romantic dinner are ruined as the couple are followed by paparazzi. Mr Al Fayed decides they should return to the Ritz. They are followed by some 30 photographers.

2155: Security at the Ritz call Mr Paul and tell him the couple have returned.

2200: The couple enter the hotel restaurant to dine, but leave after 10 minutes. Princess Diana is reportedly visibly upset over the stress of the day. The couple dine in the Imperial Suite instead.

2201: Mr Paul arrives back at the Ritz in his Austin Cooper. He then joins bodyguards Kez Wingfield and Trever Rees-Jones in the Vendome bar at the Ritz. The three make small talk whilst they wait for Princess Diana and Mr Al Fayed to finish their meal in the Imperial Suite.

2300: Mr Paul is seen speaking to paparazzi outside the hotel. Telling the press that the couple will soon depart.

2337: Mr Paul speaks with Mr Al Fayed and Princess Diana in the Imperial Suite. The couple are going to return to Mr Al Fayed’s apartment off of the Champs Elysées. Mr Paul exits and tells bodyguards Mr Wingfield and Mr Rees-Jones that a decoy plan has been hatched to escape the paparazzi. The two cars the couple had been using that day, a Mercedes and a Range Rover, are to leave from the front of the hotel with the bodyguards. Princess Diana and Mr Al Fayed will leave from the back in an unmarked car, driven by Mr Paul. Mr Wingfield and Mr Rees-Jones express concern that under this plan there is no protection for the couple. Mr Al Fayed agrees to allow one bodyguard to travel with him and the Princess.

31 August, 1997

0019: Mr Paul and the couple chat as they wait for their car to be driven to the rear of the Ritz.

0020: The car now ready, Mr Rees-Jones escorts Princess Diana to the waiting Mercedes. She sits on the rear passenger side. Mr Al Fayed joins her on the rear driver’s side. Paparazzi take photos of the couple as they enter the car. They depart abruptly, heading toward Place de la Concorde.

Scene of the fatal car crash

The 1997 crash killed Diana, Dodi and their driver

0025: The Mercedes crashes into the 13th pillar of the Alma tunnel, killing Mr Paul and Mr Al Fayed. Mr Rees-Jones and the princess are seriously injured. Photographer Romuald Rat arrives within seconds – he is the first on the scene.

0026: First call to the authorities. Emergency doctor Frédéric Mailliez is driving by when he sees the crashed Mercedes. He is the first doctor on the scene and calls for help.

0028 – 0030: First two police officers arrive. They have difficulty cordoning off the accident from gathering paparazzi.

0032: Fire engine and ambulance arrive. Eight paparazzi are arrested at the accident scene and taken in for questioning.

0125: After nearly an hour, Princess Diana’s ambulance leaves for hospital. She has already suffered a cardiac arrest.

0130: Mr Al Fayed is pronounced dead.

0155: Princess Diana’s ambulance stops for five minutes to inject adrenaline into her body.

0206: The ambulance arrives at Pitié-Salpétrière Hospital. Doctors note that she has torn her pulmonary vein, a rare condition that begs little chance of survival. She receives open heart massage for nearly two hours.

0400: Princess Diana is declared dead.

0800: Mr Paul’s autopsy begins at l’Institut Médico-Légal, carried out by Professor Dominique Lecomte.

Hidden Evidence

1. The on-board computer chip.

  • The car Diana was in at the time of the crash – a black Mercedes S280 – was the only available car that night. news-graphics-2008-_661490a
  • The car had previously been stolen, and only recently found by the rental company, who owned the car.1fb142854886efe5fec941d1-520
  • When it was recovered, the only thing missing from the car was an on-board computer chip; this chip controlled the cars navigation, acceleration, steering, and braking – it is likely that the car was sabotaged, and the original computer chip had been replaced with a tampered one, this allowed remote control of the car’s maneuverability.

2. Diana’s belt was not working properly.

Post-analysis of the vehicle proved that Diana’s belt was not in good condition, all the other belts were in good condition, is this indicative of tampering? Obviously the crash might have caused damages, but considering the front belts were still intact, where the brunt of the crash occurred – yet the rear seat with Diana’s belt was broken, any suspicions are valid – by observed patterns of courtesy, Dodi would usually allow Diana into the vehicle first, this made tampering with Diana’s belt at the rear right seat an easy choice for her covert adversaries.

3. The Alma Tunnel was sterilized the next day, and also re-opened to the public within 5 hours of the crash, any potential forensic analysis of the scene was therefore rendered useless.

  • Potential blood spillages were wiped clean, tire skids giving crucial insights into how the car moved etc, were wiped away. No legible investigation would allow this to happen, ever.
  • All sensitive forensic materials would have been trampled by traffic first, and than sterilized/swept away in the dubious clean up that occurred within days of the crash.

4. Diana even stated that a car crash plan was imminent.

  • In one ominous, private letter, Diana hauntingly stated, “My husband is planning ‘an accident’ in my car, brake failure and serious head injury in order to make the path clear for Charles to marry.”

5. Secret Service were at the scene fastest.

  •  The Pont de L’Alma tunnel was crawling with secret service personnel from French and British intelligence. The driver of the Mercedes, Henri Paul is now confirmed as having worked for the French secret service.
  • It is likely that Diana’s ‘chauffeur’ Henri Paul had orders from people other than Dodi Al-Fayed, orders to move away from Dodi’s flat and take an odd, isolated, and unscheduled route (professional chauffeurs always schedule routes, in this case the bustling avenue road of the Champs-Élysées was the scheduled route) but instead Henri Paul went into a dark tunnel where a staged crash was easy, with minimal eye-witnesses. The fact a backup vehicle, which was standard protocol, was not present, also suggests the whole event was engineered.

6. Other damning points

  •  Just before the car entered the tunnel every security camera in the tunnel mysteriously died, preventing us from ever seeing footage of what caused the crash. There was strangely no CCTV accessed along the route of the Mercedes whatsoever; meaning somebody flipped the switch.

  • Eyewitnesses reported snipers and gunfire within the tunnel. (I don’t believe this is probable, however it might have occurred to rupture frontal tires, but possible bullet residue still makes me believe this idea is less probable than others – bullets are just too risky, and could easily give everything away.)

  • The crime scene was completely cleaned within hours of the crash, a policy totally anathema to standard preservation of any crime scene. Tire marks/blood and whatever physical indications of the causes of the crash were removed.

  • Diana was still alive after the crash. But unexplained delays in getting her to the hospital, caused by the unnecessarily slow speed of the ambulance and the fact that it passed several nearer hospitals before reaching its destination, ensured Diana was dead/guaranteed to die upon arrival. A faster response could have saved her life. The blood pressure argument is flawed, as various paramedics have come forward to say that a slowdown is not required.

  • The Mercedes used to transport Dodi and Diana from the Ritz was mysteriously swapped for a car that had been stolen only weeks earlier (this ties into the electronic chip replacement that I’ve explained above.)

  • Multiple eyewitnesses reported a mysterious flash of light immediately before the crash. Many insist that this was a laser directed at the driver to cause temporary blindness leading to the crash.

7. The ‘Mysterious’ Fiat Uno

  • A white fiat uno did clip the rear right end of the Mercedes that Diana was in, inside the tunnel, this key factor has been largely suppressed by the authorities with the story that ex-special services ‘chauffeur’ Henri Paul was drink driving, disproved by CCTV footage at the Ritz showing him to bend down to tie his laces comfortably with good balance.
  • The car was ‘incidentally’ repainted shortly after the Alma tunnel crash, and was sold by owner, James Andanson in October 1997.
  • James Andanson was notoriously egotistical, allegedly bragging to friends in 2000 of his involvement in the Diana crash, claiming he was present at the scene, and had ‘explosive’ photos that he was planning to release.
  • James Andanson who is alleged to have been driving the Fiat Uno that night was found dead in 2000, shot in the head, his corpse left in a burnt out car. His body, found in thick woodland near Montpellier, was so badly charred that it took police nearly a month before DNA and dental records confirmed his identity. It was ruled as a suicide, even though suicide by self-immolation is greatly uncommon; a simple gunshot would have sufficed.
  • A matter of weeks after Andanson’s death, masked men raided the SIPA photography firm, the company that Andanson had been employed with, it is logical to assume this was to destroy the last strings of Andanson’s photographed evidence that may prove an assassination took place.

The fireman who discovered the body (of Andanson), Christophe Pelat, has said: “I saw him at close range and I’m absolutely convinced that he had been shot in the head, twice.”

Notice the wheel angled outwards, the fiat pushed the car into the pillars, in the frenzy of the moment Henri Paul tried to steer back out.

8. The odd behavior of the French Police

  • The initial French investigation into the crash went to every length to ignore key evidence, intimidate eyewitnesses into silence and outright fabricate evidence.

9. A Bright Light

  • While less convincing than other speculative inquests, the bright light claims are nonetheless relevant in the disorientation of the driver, and give another explanation for the crash.

10. Mercedes refused to inspect the wreckage.

  • Many believe this refusal to commit a Mercedes employed professional to inspect the wreckage is insinuative of how easily it would be to find evidence of tampering with the vehicle.
  • Whatever the reason for this denial of investigative service, the reality is that this is a very, very odd incident among many others.

How it all happened.


James Andanson, or whoever drove the Fiat Uno resembling Andanson’s car, described as a ‘Mediterranean man’ with ‘wiry hair’ by one witness, likely purposefully rammed the right side of the bumper at the front of the Mercedes at speeds around 65 mph, this would have instantly caused a crash that killed Diana as at such speeds, any viable opportunity for realigning the car by steering would be unlikely, we do know that Henri Paul did attempt to regain control by steering full lock right, as shown in the wreckage with a right turned wheel, we can see he partially did so too, the indentation where the car struck the pillar is offset slightly left from the center of the front of the vehicle, explaining how Henri Paul died so quickly being the driver on the left side; the shock waves would have been distributed to the left side due to the last ditch attempt to turn the car away from the pillar, explaining why both Henri Paul and Dodi Fayed died instantly, and Diana and Trevor Reese did not suffer as severe injuries (Diana would have lived if she was transported to hospital faster, she did not die immediately) and Trevor Reese survived.

One said that paint scratches from the Fiat, found on the side-view mirror and bumper of the Mercedes, were identical to samples from the matching spot on Andanson’s Fiat.


I believe that the controller/device that was replaced in the tampered Mercedes was used to temporarily de-activate Henri Paul’s brakes and mess with the traction system, preventing him from averting the crash by using the brake pedal and also to steer Henri Paul’s car completely leftwards into the pillar to create the head on collision by making the wheel slack and unresponsive due to the tampering, as a mere shunt against an experienced chauffeur would not be enough to create a head on crash of this severity against Henri Paul, a professional driver – thus, another factor was inexplicably at play.


I also believe that Andanson’s car was taken and used as a way of covering the tracks of the perpetrator(s), who could blend into the Paparazzi crowd in the Fiat as they followed Diana around that day. This gave time and foresight for the logistical demands of killing Diana, while not looking suspicious in another more suspect vehicle, or suspicious following Diana in an isolated manner – Andanson was a well known Paparazzi member; but he also had MI6 connections and was known to be around certain individuals before the times of their deaths, and to take the last photos of certain people – making him very wealthy, his role in the crowd of the Paparazzi was therefore crucial, as he could be bought and trusted in special services to take certain important photos/film.

  • The Alma tunnel in the early hours of the morning was abandoned, a perfect circumstance for an ‘accident’ to take place.

It is likely that two people (Andanson and a driver) were in the Fiat Uno that pushed Diana’s car into the 13th pillar by shunting leftwards at the front bumper of the Mercedes. Meanwhile, Andanson was employed to get photographed/filmed evidence of the whole event for whatever reason, perhaps to prove that Diana’s death definitively occurred, while an unknown accomplice drove the Fiat and performed the critical maneuvers; some eyewitnesses reported seeing another person hiding under a ‘tartan’ rug as the Fiat emerged from the Alma Tunnel.

However another witness claims seeing 2 vehicles leave the tunnel,

He returned to his bed briefly but then heard more sounds, returning to the window “to see that a small dark vehicle had completed its turn into Rue Jean Goujon immediately followed by a larger white vehicle (the Fiat Uno)”.

This photo is assumed to have been taken in the Alma tunnel, the Mercedes has obviously sped away from the Paparazzi only to find another vehicle in front, the bright light could be Andanson’s flash as he takes a last picture, just before a driver will perform the shunt maneuver. Remember from the Ritz to the tunnel, it took about 5 minutes. This photo is critical in our understanding of what happened.

The fact Diana is looking out of the rear window suggests in itself that they have made some distance between them and their Paparazzi pursuers, who’d followed them from the Ritz – this indicates isolation or separation; which is funny because what is immediately in front of them is shining a light of some description, a flash from a camera perhaps? The Paparazzi; James Andanson and his white Fiat Uno fits rather well into that criteria, a distraction perhaps – a second dark vehicle was also seen to be present, and may have done the maneuver.

Diana’s bodyguard, Trevor Rees-Jones, the only survivor, also said he thought the car was being followed by a motorbike and two cars, one of which was a white hatchback.

Diana looking out the rear seems to see a single source of light; could this be the light of a motorbike’s single headlamp? Concurring with part of Trevor Rees-Jones’ testimony concerning a motorbike?

  • Former senior detective John Macnamara explains the subject in this way:

“You have a Mercedes that’s done a 180 degree turn, having crashed into the thirteenth pillar and yet the Fiat Uno survives everything (with minor damages at the point of collision only), which suggests to me that that was a very professional driver. I can well believe, as a detective with 24 years experience, why Mr Al Fayed believes that his son Dodi and Princess Diana were murdered.”



I believe that the Fiat attempted a first shunt maneuver that failed, followed by a second one that succeeded, this explains the lack of tire skids at the crash sight, as the cars had slowed down significantly between the first crash and the second, but not enough to avert the crash – this would have all happened in a matter of seconds.

At 12.25am I heard the noise of an almighty crash followed immediately by the sound of skidding tyres and then immediately a further very loud crash

London solicitor Gary Hunter

The professional nature of the Fiat driver may have included training to not leave obvious tire skids, thus, the skidding sounds that Mr. Hunter heard were almost definitely the Mercedes’ trying to regain control.

The car’s final resting place, this is the vehicle after emergency services cut off the roof/doors to rescue the passengers.

Here’s another car crash at 60 mph for comparison:


…I believe this to be true, because they could have used any car/person to ram the Mercedes but wisely chose Andanson’s vehicle, an (insider, MI6 connected) member of the Paparazzi who could easily be connected to an accidental collision provided eyewitnesses called out the presence of the Fiat, and if Henri Paul could not be successfully framed for drink driving. Fortunately for the plotters, there weren’t any known eyewitness accounts inside the tunnel, not even CCTV, the Fiat Uno story could be easily covered up/ignored, any of the few eyewitnesses were probably ignored by the authorities.

If Andanson spoke out concerning the use of his car, he would implicate himself – threats from the top would keep him in line, in 2000 Andanson apparently claimed he would come forward to discuss the event, having boasted to friends to have ‘explosive’ photos of the crash scene, in May of that year he was found dead in an alleged suicide – but his family disagree that it was suicide; claiming he was in good spirits, having recently received a new job – a suicide is very out of character for a man basking in affluence and success from his photography.

Millionaire photographer James Andanson had been threatening to write an explosive book.

“We just don’t know whether it s a case of a man consigning himself to a bizarre and painful death or whether in fact some violence had been meted out to him first.”

— Mr Al Fayed’s barrister Michael Mansfield QC

“We have always believed this man was part of the team that was behind the assassination, and he was killed to shut him up.”

  • Witnesses said they saw a white Fiat Uno speed out of the tunnel seconds after the crash.
  • Before Andanson’s death he’d boasted that he was the driver of a Fiat that hit the back of Diana’s Mercedes (according to one source) which is a remarkable thing to admit.
  • Less than six hours after the fatal crash in Paris, and for reasons that have never been revealed, Andanson boarded a flight at Paris’s Orly airport, bound for Corsica.
  • He claimed he had been nowhere near the center of the French capital when the crash happened, but could not provide any real evidence to support this claim.

The sense of urgency that led Henri Paul and co. to the Alma Tunnel:

The Paparazzi had been intentionally tipped off concerning Diana and Dodi’s location throughout that night, prompting Dodi to cancel a romantic meal with Diana due to the harassment of photographers; I believe this constant, unusually high level of harassment gave a staged reason to take the ‘alternative’ route pre-planned by special service personnel, it also gave the reason for Henri Paul ( an ex-French special service member, who was stitched-up and used as a pawn) to speed to get away from the Paparazzi and isolate himself and his clients in the Alma underpass, by the command of his higher ups.

The reason the fireman, Christophe Pelat, who discovered Andanson’s burnt body with 12839_1two bullet holes in the skull, is reluctant to talk is for the very same reason Trevor Rees claims he cannot remember the crash; both men want to continue living.

It’s very plausible Andanson was shot elsewhere and his body then driven to the field of a military training centre where he was doused with petrol and set alight. The keys of the car he was discovered in have never been found.

Andanson’s true involvement might never be realized, but what we do know was that he had to die, and obviously knew something tellingly critical.

Henri Paul’s carbon monoxide poisoning

The Henri Paul blood samples at the very heart of the Diana controversy reveal something else quite bizarre – that he had breathed in a very high quantity of carbon monoxide before his death: the same amount as a person committing suicide by putting a rubber hose from the exhaust through the window of his car.

One of the last photos taken, this one was allegedly taken in the Alma Tunnel itself, just moments before the crash. Diana anxiously looks behind her, as if to suggest they were being tailed/trying to escape the Paparazzi (which is true). While chauffeur Paul, and Bodyguard Reese seem to be captivated by something bright ahead of them – could this be the ‘dazzling light’ employed to distract them as the Fiat Uno moves in to push them to their fates?

Such a level would have left Paul visibly disorientated and almost certainly comatose. Yet at the Ritz that evening, minutes before he drove Diana, the CCTV cameras show him walking normally and even kneeling down to retie his shoe laces and gracefully standing up again.

Proposed possibility:

  1. Somebody switched Henri Paul’s blood sample with another blood sample in the forensic process; likely of someone who committed suicide by car exhaust. This would frame Paul as culpable for being intoxicated in a way that caused the crash, the media claims a ‘heavy smoking session’ was to blame, but this would not be enough to disorientate Paul, who by CCTV footage seemed able-bodied upon leaving the Ritz.
  2. Carbon monoxide leaks from the wreckage found their way into Henri Paul’s blood supply, in the time between the crash and the point of the recovery of his corpse.

June 1992: Andrew Morton Book.
August 1992: June 1992: Andrew Morton Book.
August 1992: Squidygate tapes.

Consequence : Ostracised by the Royal family, travel and other restrictions , enforced formal separation. WAG is set up and holds first meeting.

November 1995: Panorama interview.

Consequence : Removal from Royal family, Loss of HRH Title ; formal divorce.

January to August 1997: Anti-Landmine Campaigne.
July to August 1997 : Mohammed Holy day St. Tropez, plans for Muhammed – Diana joint Hospice Venture, relationship with Dodi.


Crash in the Alma Tunnel.

Following the 1996 Charles – Diana divorce the Elites had run out of legal options in dealing with Princess Diana’s behaviour.

MI6 carried out the assassinations in conjunction with the CIA and French intelligence agencies. There was a major coverup at the Inquest around the nature of the WAG – Hunt Davis and Fellowes ( the son of a bitch), the only royal witnesses heard, both lied about this. Robert Fellowes was present in Paris on 30 august 1997.

An argument against Globalism

Globalism is promoted as the good guy’s movement for unity, strength and some sort of Utopian, liberal ‘paragon of virtue’ that is exempt from any flaw or impediment.sketch_1

It disregards the default nature of man, a natural basis that is liable to human error, corruption and subordination of duty – power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely
– the same principle applies to Globalism, or just about anything man influences; directly or indirectly.

Mankind ruling from a national level is bad enough, why escalate such burdens to a global scale?

Tower of Babel, Nimrod’s dream of controlling the world and playing God – Babel Tower was his access to heaven that could never work.

The fact is, anything we do is always susceptible to the sinful tendencies of our bodies, that reality runs throughout every echelon of society to the leaders, who, believe it or not, are human – leaders that portray themselves as some sort of unimpeachable deity are hugely misunderstood – Juncker is on that fateful trajectory.

The EUSSR holds strong ties to internationalized Nazism.

Hitler wanted the EU


Hitler was a great example of a ‘leader’ who attempted, with extensive success, to deify himself in the eyes of his people. His distorted approval rating was manipulated to 99%, he even subverted the Church to sanctify his image as superlative, his inflated ego wrought ruin unto Europe, his deluded dream for a singular European and eventual world state under his arbitrary rule cost countless lives, and set a crash course for a feudal cold war that hasn’t ended yet – this desire for a global state caused major divisions, and not a morsel of ‘unity’ was attained.

The lack of any nations’ intervention towards Hitler’s provocations in the late 1930s period known as appeasement served to legitimize Hitler’s Aryan dream to surpass simply just the modest reclaiming of lost German lands from the confiscations of WW1 through the humiliating Treaty of Versailles. While the EU might masquerade as the solution to this fallacy, it defeats its entire purpose by disenfranchising independent states and their democratic rights, and merging them into itself as a tumorous, horrendous superstate that has overextended itself – The EU is the human ego projected onto excessive statehood, it is never satisfied just being a trade union, it anoints itself as a unilateral political union, this saddening direction is a natural course for the seeds of corruption, and without limitation, will only worsen.

Power in the hands of a few: Centralization

The more that superstates like the EU are buttered up, and craftily sold to the masses as safeguards for our liberty – the more we will be sucked into relinquishing our voting rights in hope of finding a ‘safe haven’ from the oft broadcast terrors of the past century which have all incidentally emerged from false centralization promises; but that ‘safe haven’ is not acquirable in this world, so long as men commit sin – we can only hope to mitigate it, and strive for unity as individuals: not strive to an individual for unity.


We need many nation states to counteract any outburst of centralization, the more divided our capacity to sin through statehood, the more unified we ultimately are. I’m not claiming that we cannot work alongside eachother, I’m saying that we need to limit government to as it was intended; being simply a tool for people to live as freethinking individuals in nations that are self-governed; to dilute and counteract against the threat of ego-driven centralization efforts. We need counter-balancing, healthy competition in the market of politics, as do we need competition to humble big corporations that lose sight of their modesty – to restrain power-hunger.


We must reinforce grounded humanity to ruling, that comes with an understanding that rule should be limited at every opportunity, a world of self-governed, constitutional, natural law oriented, bottom-up, democratic states that can work alongside one another by treaties, will serve to keep tyranny thinned-out, always challenged & constantly suppressed, and the individuals’ right to self-determination always venerated.

That does not, and cannot equal a one world government.

It cannot equal:

  • Socialism or Communism, which empowers big government (basically Globalism).
  • Anarchy, that does not protect the individual, because the basis of anarchy is no law; survival of the fittest, the disadvantaged will die – Anarchy gives way to tribalism, as humans naturally group together so is fundamentally flawed.
  • Authoritarianism/Statism (basically Globalism).

The sweet spot falls in an area where constitutional values are upheld, Libertarianism with the Bible, and their ‘Live and let live’ mindset works rather well at protecting the individual and championing meritocracy, and stemming the tides of flesh induced sin, the seeds of all divisiveness.

We are to be unified by love and respect of the individuals that reflect in nations: their cultural distinctions, values and traditions; so long as they do not oppress others, we must see that volatility in the name of ‘culture’ is not culture, but malice. That is a mantra I think anyone can agree with, and live by.

That sounds liberal, and I do support classical liberalism, but mainstream ‘liberalism’ has been illiberally tainted to accept volatile cultures that don’t respect other cultures (radical, conservative Islam) in the name of accepting ‘diversity’, vote in superstates (EU) because they seem to ‘unify’ countries (but actually centralize them under one head), vote for a candidate because they are black, or a woman which seems trendy to do to support absolute equality for the sake of seeming open-minded, supporting black lives matter when all lives matter, supporting socialism because it seems to create ‘equality’ and challenge the establishment (but it generates bigger government, makes everyone poorer, and discourages meritocracy), and then begin hating on Donald Trump because he exposes the truth concerning all of the above.




Theresa May: The Establishment’s Choice

Theresa May, a remain campaigner who is playing to the ears of the Brexit majority by espousing appeasement politics; yet her real agenda will be to subtly maintain EU policies, especially the out of hand free movement of people, keeping the UK technically bound to the EU; falsely claiming that it will be ‘non-negotiable’ to access the single market any other way, and swing the UK back into the superstate EU in the long run, likely with another referendum a few years down the line – after a good tirade of media conditioning, and the continued mass importation of third world, EU loving migrants to swing the vote.

May is the EU’s saboteur insider.

Order out of chaos, the establishment once again feigns the illusion of chaos, and offers a ‘solution’ in Theresa, their chosen candidate. A classical Hegelian Dialectic.

The truth is, that the new leadership for the Tory government is fundamentally undemocratic, the voters aren’t getting a say, and those within the largely remain inclined Tory party are making all the big decisions on who gets to be in the hot seat – which by the looks of things; with Theresa May’s growing support within the Tory circle, will not reflect the recent vote to leave the EU at all.

You can get a tailored deal outside of free movement

Switzerland had successfully dodged the free movement bullet, but in recent times the antidemocratic clutches of the EU bureaucracy has clawed back with another vote to get the ‘right result’ – despite Swiss voters already unanimously having voted against free movement, proving once again its a game of bullying that the EU employs to get its way:

Swiss told to vote again on free movement – except this time the stakes are higher

This proves that it is possible to avoid free movement, but Theresa May will undoubtedly seek to bury this reality if she gets into power, and play us all back into the hands of the EU by not completely severing the ties that bind. We’ll be trapped in limbo between the EU and our national independence.

But the plot thickens, as in recent days it has been revealed that the Telegraph has dubiously removed an article of theirs that had criticized Theresa May: the propagandist censorship intensifies…


“After all, Mrs May’s tenure as Home Secretary has been little better than disastrous – a succession of derelictions that has left Britain’s borders and coastline at least as insecure as they were in 2010, and which mean that British governments still rely on guesswork to estimate how many people enter and leave the country.”

“Remain supporter Theresa May, who seems to be getting carried along on an undeserved reputation for ‘toughness’ despite the fact that she has presided over the greatest increases in immigration of any Home Secretary in history and happily slashed away at our Border Force and Coast Guard to appease George Osborne, is manifestly not that person (to lead the UK as the new PM).”

Backtracking: As of July 1st 2016 Theresa May has revoked her plans to take Britain out of European Convention of Human Rights, a controversial set of legislation that has prevented us deporting extremists. Theresa can’t seem to hold any reliability to her statements.

Theresa lacks the backbone, mindset and conviction to lead a government that will uphold the democratic decision of the people to leave the EU, she will pander to both sides and ultimately deliver a half-baked solution that will gradually lead the UK back into the EU.

Why it must be Andrea Leadsom

Andrea Leadsom, a Brexit supporter, someone who has kept out of the media limelight with calmness, modesty and composure, seems to be the ideal candidate to definitively lead the UK away from the EU.

She has taken a refreshingly realistic, down-to-earth position on the EU, setting her miles above Theresa May who has spouted cliche platitudes and virtue-signaled her way through candidacy speeches.

Leadsom, a modest candidate that seems to be fully committed to Brexit, unlike most running candidates, she has class & compliments her opponents.

It’s absolutely clear that whoever takes the helm, they must be fully committed to Brexit, and really believe that leaving the failing EU represents the best course of action for the United Kingdom.

The truth comes down to whether you want an anti-democratic, supranational entity and its delegated cronies to guide our future, or a collection of independent, interacting, co-operating, democratic and friendly national bodies that counterbalance eachother in a healthy way.

In no fathomable way can waywardly centralized power ever spell success for us, man is simply too vulnerable to temptation to be given a throne over the world and call it ‘unity’ – and that’s why I endorse true, free market capitalist nationalism with limited government that works for the people, instead of vice versa, Andrea Leadsom seems to be the right candidate to recognize this reality.