Category Archives: News

Catalonia: a ticking time bomb for the EU

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Independence leaders imprisoned by Spain on grounds of ‘sedition’, EU silent.

Jordi Sanchez of the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) and Jordi Cuixart of Omnium Cultural, two organisers of the 1st October independence referendum, have been arrested on the order of the Spanish National Court on sedition charges.

They are currently in jail with no condition of bail being offered.

This comes as Madrid has expressed confusion over the nature of Catalan President Carles Puigdemont’s intentions to form an independent Catalan Republic.

Madrid continue to refuse negotiations, Puigdemont seeking the diplomatic approach.

Last week, Puigdemont officially signed a declaration of independence, but immediately thereafter delayed its ascension, thus practically making the document a statement of intent than a fully fledged declaration.

Puigdemont has called for dialogue over independence while Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy claims that Madrid will not discuss the matter in any way shape or form. Madrid has issued an ultimatum to Catalonia that unless Puigdemont  rebukes any intention of independence by the 19th of October, Spain may suspend Catalonia’s parliament and invoke direct rule.

While the Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and even the Spanish King intervened to state that the Catalan exercise in democracy had no legitimacy on constitutional grounds, one must realize that all constitutions, like all currencies not pegged to a metallic standard, are only valid if a consensus of peoples are willing to bestow them with legitimacy. The United States for example, violates its constitution on a daily basis and this is now accepted as a status quo. Just ask the detainees in Guantanamo Bay about the sanctity of the US constitution.

Spain knows a diplomatic, democratic approach will lose them Catalonia.

In this sense, the Catalonia referendum on independence was equally a referendum on the legitimacy and more specifically, the lack of legitimacy of Spain’s perennially controversial 1978 constitution.

Catalonia’s citizens take to the streets, rallying a cry for independence.

While the Catalans want a debate, Madrid answered with an anti-democratic campaign of police brutality in a country that is not anywhere near a war zone. There was no excuse for the violence and indeed, the violence was totally condemned by the Catalan President in his speech.

Thus far, Spain has rejected all offers of mediation, including one from Switzerland.

Ticking time bomb threatens to martyr grassroots nationalist movements in Europe and paint the EU as a bogeyman.

If Spain buries its head in the sand even further than it already has, whatever happens can only be blamed on Madrid. If the EU continues to exercise the same attitude as Madrid, Brussels too will share a substantial portion of the blame.

Carles Puigdemont retweeted this in an obvious reference to the EU’s silence on the crisis:

While the dispute between Madrid and Barcelona cannot be compared to the Israeli occupation and ethnic cleansing of Palestine, Carles Puigdemont’s attitude to Madrid was rhetorically reminiscent of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat’s statement to the United Nations in 1974.

During his first address to the UN General Assembly, Arafat said,

“I come to you bearing an olive branch in one hand and a freedom fighter’s gun in the other. Do not let the olive branch fall from my hand”.

Iran’s growing power behind new American hostility

Original Article – The Duran

Following the 2003 Iraq invasion, Israeli military historian Martin van Creveld reflected,

“The world has witnessed how the United States attacked Iraq for, as it turned out, no reason at all. Had the Iranians not tried to build nuclear weapons, they would be crazy”.

US President Donald Trump has recently decertified the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) – the nuclear deal – with Iran. Furthermore, he has imposed fresh sanctions on the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, a branch of the Iranian military.

Two months ago, Iran President Hassan Rouhani said his country may restart their nuclear programme “within hours”, if any more American sanctions were implemented. Considering Iran are again coming under the spectre of attack from their old nemesis, such developments may prove inevitable.

It stands as the signal America, with its aggressive militarism, has sent to the world: Develop nuclear weapons if you want protection from us. It is a message North Korea have long since heeded. The DPRK would surely have been attacked by now, had they not armed themselves with nuclear warheads and masses of artillery.

American threats to North Korea and Iran constitute a violation of the United Nations Charter. The US was one of the key signatories behind the UN’s creation in 1945. During the time since, they appear to have regarded it as a mere ceremonial duty.

The opening lines of the Charter state it is designed to, “save succeeding generations from the scourge of war… to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights… and of nations large and small”.

Among the common charges laid at Iran’s door by the West is “fuelling instability”. In simple terms, this means disregarding American wishes. As ISIS rampaged through northern Iraq in 2014, it was Iran who first came to the aid of the besieged Kurds. Actions like this have been called “destabilisation” and “supporting terrorism”.

Iraq was attacked by the US in 2003, leaving a scale of ruin that Iraqis compare to the Mongol invasions of the 13th century. In the West this was titled “democracy promotion” or “stabilisation”. Not neglecting to mention up to a million Iraqis who died, in an attack which also set the groundwork for ISIS’s emergence.

Meanwhile, of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, UN atomic watchdog chief Yukiya Amano said last month, “The nuclear-related commitments undertaken by Iran under the JCPOA are being implemented. The verification regime in Iran is the most robust regime… currently existing. We have increased inspection days in Iran, we have increased inspection numbers… and the number of images has increased”.

This is resounding proof that Iran are meeting every requirement asked of them, unlike others. Once more, it is the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia who are taking the lead in discounting international law.

In doing so, they are furthering their isolation in the global arena. The five other powers that primarily hammered out the nuclear deal – China, Russia, France, Germany and Britain – have said they will stand by it regardless of the American position.

The true reasons behind this renewed hostility to Iran are unspecified of course. Iran are becoming an increasing influence in the Middle East, a growing rival and deterrent to Israel, for instance. Iran also performed an important role, allied to Russia and the Syrian Army, in defeating Western-backed opposition terrorists in Aleppo.

Other causes of concern are Iran’s “support for terrorism”, as President Trump has reiterated, echoing his predecessors’ words. This mainly refers to Iran’s backing of Hezbollah and Hamas. Both these organisations came into existence because of US-led aggression in the Middle East, abetted and supported by Israel or Saudi Arabia.

This Western-directed terror greatly outweighs anything attributed to either Hezbollah or Hamas. Hezbollah, for example, have played a role in the retreat of ISIS – having fought the extremists over three years in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. The duo are also staunch enemies of Israel, therefore of the US.

Nor can Iran, along with Hezbollah and Hamas, even compete with Saudi Arabia when it comes to sponsoring Islamic terror. ISIS themselves are an offshoot of Saudi religious fanaticism and its broadening of the jihadi message.

What’s more, Iran – the earth’s fourth largest oil producer – have never been forgiven for removing themselves from American control 38 years ago. Much as a gang underling must be taught lessons for betraying the Mafia don, Iran have been mercilessly punished. Those living in Cuba can back up Iran’s claims with their own half century of evidence.

Even American intelligence recognises Iran’s strategic doctrines are defensive, and that they pose no major military threat. Last year the US arms budget was 50 times greater than Iran’s. Yet in Western circles, Iran are often viewed as the “gravest threat to peace”, despite no record of having outright invaded another country.

One of the major ironies is how American actions this century have aided Iran’s cause. Fourteen years after the Iraq war ended, the New York Times laments that, “Walk into almost any market in Iraq and the shelves are filled with goods to Iran… Turn on the television and channel after channel broadcasts programs sympathetic to Iran. A new building goes up? It’s likely that the bricks and cement came from Iran. And that’s not even the half of it”.

The root cause behind such outcomes – the devastation left behind by the US-led invasion – are unmentioned in the Times article. Iraq had long been a Shiite majority country, but before the 2003 attack it was governed by a Sunni minority. The Americans wiped out the elite Sunni rulers, inadvertently pushing Iraq close to Iran, also a Shiite majority nation.

With American hostility towards Iran again increasing, it is striking that China, in particular, have become a key ally of the Middle East country. Today, China represent both Iran’s largest export and import market. From 2000 to 2014, China’s share of Iranian exports grew from 4% to a significant 49%, mostly in crude oil. During that 14-year stretch, China’s share of imports to Iran rose from 5% to 45%.

Closer Sino-Iranian military ties have also developed. In 2012, for the first time, Chinese warships appeared in the Persian Gulf for a joint exercise with the Iranian navy.

Under President Rouhani (in power, 2013-present), relations have stepped up another level – with an overall 70% increase in trade with China, who view Rouhani favourably. Last year, China and Iran agreed to increase trade to $600 billion over the next decade.

China have also become a major supplier of advanced weapons to Iran. This includes anti-ship cruise missiles, Land Attack cruise missiles, providing scores of sophisticated J-10 fighter jets to Iran, etc. The J-10 fighter is “roughly comparable to American’s lethal F-15 in battle”.

In November 2016, a military cooperation agreement was signed by China and Iran, with joint military drills having occurred in June this year. Iran’s then Defence Minister Hossein Dehghan said, “The upgrading of relations and long-term defence-military cooperation with China, is one of the main priorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s defence diplomacy”. It also poses another major deterrent to Iran’s enemies.

One can assume the above developments are viewed with horror by those in Washington, Tel Aviv and Riyadh.

Proof: Toxic lead being sprayed into our skies

(NaturalNews) America, and most of the world, is being doused every minute of every day with the toxic heavy metal lead as it is burned in “avgas” — aviation gas, the fuel that powers most piston-driven aircraft (i.e. anything with a propeller). A grand total of 571 tons of lead are dumped each year into the air over our heads from aircraft alone, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (1)

Lead in motor fuel is banned, but it is permitted in aviation fuel. The authorities know this, but are not doing anything about it, the mainstream media won’t talk about it either. Leaded aviation fuel is more dangerous to our health, as it is able to spread much further.

Lead emissions in US alone are at 86.4 kg per day. Annually 964 tons of lead released into the air (from all sources). That lead makes its way into farming soils, forests, lakes, rivers, streams, oceans, children’s playgrounds, cattle ranches, and so on – this reaches our bodies in one way or another.

According to a scientific paper titled, “Lead and Halogen Contamination from Aviation Fuel Additives at Brackett Airfield,” (2) X-Ray Fluorescence instrumentation was used to analyze lead, chlorine and bromine content in avgas liquids. The tests showed avgas contains the following:

Lead: 48 ppm
Bromine: 42.6 ppm
Chlorine: 605.2 ppm

Lead is a highly toxic heavy metals that causes bone diseases, brain damage and cancer. Chlorine is a highly-reactive chemical with powerful oxidative properties. The fact that both are being sprayed daily into the air above America is inexcusable.

Leaded aircraft fuel is still allowed, that is very questionable.

I believe a safer, unleaded alternative can be developed, it was with motor-fuel, so why not this; is an ulterior motive involved? It’s easy to come to the conclusion that lead is being left in avgas on purpose. The stats (shown above) are crystal clear to see, why have they not been acted upon.

We could easily make our consumption cleaner and healthier, like developing non-toxic hemp plastics that are biodegradable – it could easily be developed and rolled-out for a huge benefit to us all, but it has not been for one reason or another. These reasons must be questioned. That’s the job for real journalists today, and for anyone who has a conscience.

Millennial Zombies undermining Western Values

Dependency on manufactured content and services fuels the millennial day-to-day – independence seems a thing of the past as young people increasingly turn to government and corporations for their every need, a dangerous attitude indeed.

(Natural News) Under a recent scientific study, millennials were found to exhibit astonishing levels of dependency and lacked in practical intelligence, first world problems topped their daily concerns while more worldly issues never made the cut.

Researchers from Goldsmiths University in London found out that not being able to find a WiFi spot and forgetting passwords to different online log-in accounts are among the biggest fears of modern millennials.

If this sounds insane to you, imagine what your reaction will be when you find out that millennials are also afraid that the avocado they just opened will turn out to not be ripe, and that there will be a shortage of Prosecco. (Related: Millennials are totally unprepared for the realities of life, study finds.)

This is vastly different from the concerns of young people from 10 years ago; back in the now ancient 1997, individuals were worried about not finding “the one”, not being able to pay rent on time, and overexposing their photographs. People in 2017, however, are anxious about leaving their phones at home and having to buffer online shows for a long time.

The “like” culture of social acceptance plagues many millennials caught in the social media trap.

Social media “likes” are also a big thing for today’s millennials – they say they spend an average of around five minutes just to edit a photo that they plan to post and that they won’t be happy until they get at least 44 likes.

“Like” culture is dangerous because it is a social circle approving its own persuasions time and time again, an echo chamber. If you are only pursuing acceptance you are not pursuing individual ideas, or things that may be deemed ‘unpopular’ – but are albeit, valuable to share.

I believe social media indoctrinates people into an ‘acceptance mentality’ that shuts down sharing anything that won’t groom the dopamine-ego complex that is in us all. It engages the superficial as the most valuable thing in our society, anything of proper substance is therefore deemed unworthy.

“The average person will spend nearly two hours (approximately 116 minutes) on social media everyday, which translates to a total of 5 years and 4 months spent over a lifetime. 7 years will be spent watching TV.” — Social Media Today

The main “problems” of millennials today:

  1. Having to wait in the house all day for a delivery because the delivery man did not specifically say what time he would arrive
  2. Forgetting log-in passwords
  3. Leaving your phone at home
  4. No free WiFi at the hotel
  5. The buffering sign when you are streaming something online
  6. Standing in public transport
  7. Running for the bus/train only to have the doors close on your face
  8. Forgetting your umbrella and then finding out it’s raining
  9. Having to get out of bed to turn off the lights
  10. Finding an empty bottle in the fridge that was put there by a lazy roommate
  11. Being unable to find the TV remote just as your favorite show is starting
  12. Being “seen-zoned”: when a friend sees your message but doesn’t bother to reply
  13. Having to put on pants just to open the door
  14. When an avocado isn’t ripe enough
  15. Not having enough hangers that you reach the point where you pile your clothes on one hanger
  16. Running out of toilet paper
  17. When restaurant crew people don’t bring condiments with your food and you have to ask them for some
  18. Your laptop is low on battery but your charger is in another room
  19. Realizing the milk has run out after boiling the kettle
  20. Sat Nav re-routing

It seems as though millennials are the first real victims of the mass-media onslaught through the emerging internet phenomena, the past twenty or so years has let this play out, today’s attitudes are a direct result of this upbringing.

What we are most exposed to is what we most become. Social media, which is deliberately engineered towards a dopamine-release addiction model, has control over young people hook, line, and sinker.

The truth is, if you cannot both understand & deny your body’s chemical impulses, someone with more understanding of human biology can, and will, exploit you – social media is a perfect example of this.

Millennial ‘problems’ punctuate this reality, with a display of sheer disregard for problems beyond themselves; the digital bubble has many held captive in a misty haze of their own vanity and egotistical pursuits, toxic internet platforms groom this human predisposition big time.

If you are a millennial that lives like this, it is time to make some conscious changes for yourself, and for everyone else’s sake.

Some upstart organisations have launched platforms in attempts to uproot the Facebook and Twitter Goliath — GAB and are at the forefront of this movement.

EU Silent on Catalonia Crisis

The EU has refused to condemn Spanish state violence against secessionist region, Catalonia.

MEPs have slammed the EU for its indifference towards the crisis, pointing out Spain’s status as a core member state likely granting it unfair preferential treatment.

Among MEPs, Nigel Farage has been a critical voice, blasting the EU’s on-the-fence attitude, and its reiteration of the Spanish government’s line that the referendum is ‘not valid’.

“A sincere dialogue is what the international community wants and what Catalonia expects, not confrontation and new threats.”

— Oriol Junqueras, Catalan Vice-President

The EU, supposedly a mediating body to prevent European conflict, has called the crisis a Spain-related ‘internal affair’ rather than a humanitarian crisis of state-imposed, anti-democratic tyranny — which it appears to be.


Despite Catalan calls for negotiation, Spain’s PM, Mariano Rajoy has flatly refused any working dialogue; instead threatening article 155 to forcibly seize Catalonia.

The Catalan President, Carles Puigdemont, described in a tweet how his push for peaceful negotiations with Spain have been futile:

“We ask for dialogue and the response is to put article 155 on the table.”

— Carles Puigdemont, Catalan President

In a shock move, the Spanish King, Felipe VI, who rarely talks politics, condemned the move for self-determination; with no mention of support for democracy:

 “They (Catalan leaders) have infringed the system of legally approved rules with their decisions, showing an unacceptable disloyalty towards the powers of the state.”

— Felipe VI, King of Spain

It appears the Spanish state have jumped on the referendum’s apparent illegality, and are clinging to that narrative to downplay the idea a legitimate one will ever take place.

Spain is acting in its own best interests: not in the support of democracy.

Of course, it is in the best interests of a governing body to retain all of its regions, but if a civilized world is to be recognized; democracy must be acknowledged and upheld — and mediating bodies, such as the EU, instated to prevent conflict, must act accordingly, or cease to have relevance.

Mr. Rajoy stated that there could be no discussion of Spain’s national unity, as guaranteed by the country’s 1978 constitution; an anti-democratic ruling.

Despite Spain’s hardline position, Mr. Puigdemont’s stance is clear:

“We’re not criminals. We’re not mad. We’re not carrying out a coup… we’re normal people who want to be able to vote and who have been prepared to engage in whatever dialogue was necessary to do so in a mutually agreed way.”

Catalonia: not an isolated example of secession.

The ever-closer EU ‘federation of regions’ has caused a resurgence in national self-determination across the continent. Catalonia was fueled by anti neo-Francoist sentiments pooled in a liberty-leaning, wealthy Catalonia:

(The crisis) threatens “the spirit of European integration, even more than Brexit.”

— Philippe Lamberts, MEP

Referendum result is an under-representation rather than a misrepresentation.

Officials said that 90% of votes cast were for independence. The Catalan government’s spokesman said that an estimated 770,000 votes were lost as a result of 400 polling stations being raided by Spanish police which placed the official turnout below 50%.

In what is apparently a bid for self-determination, the Spanish government insist it is the opposite.

“This is not about independence, yes or no,” Mr. Rajoy said. “This is about a rebellion against the rule of law. And the rule of law is the foundation of coexistence, not only in Spain but in Europe.”

But Puigdemont’s appeal for mediation and negotiation paints a different picture than that of ‘rebellion’. Rather, Madrid’s court-sanctioned police brutality paints the picture of the real aggressor in this fracas.

Recent events show the Madrid administration for what it is, a self-interested entity that refuses to represent the regions of its dominion. The referendum is a natural result of that.

The story continues…

Mandalay CEO Sells Up Before Attack

From thetruthseeker.

MGM Grand owns Mandalay Bay Casino Hotel in Las Vegas, from where a shooter attacked a nearby Country Music Festival, killing 59 and injuring 527.  The Chief Executive Officer of MGM Grand, James Murren, suddenly began selling-off his MGM Grand Stocks in the weeks before the attack took place.

This leaves the question, why?

Did James Murren have prior knowledge that this attack was going to take place?  Did he know that the value of MGM Grand stocks would plummet after the attack, and so he cashed-out before the attack happened?

MGM Resorts International (NYSE: MGM) CEO James Murren sold 294,150 shares of the stock in a transaction on Friday, September 8th. The shares were sold at an average price of $34.08, for a total transaction of $10,024,632.00. This was a significant transfer of wealth.

Following the transaction, the chief executive officer now directly owns 71,442 shares in the company, valued at $2,434,743.36, having owned 365,592 shares before the transaction.

Click to enlarge

The transaction was disclosed in a document filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission (image provided), and can also be taken directly from the US Securities Exchange Commission website which can be accessed through this link.

On Thursday, September 7th, James Murren sold 259,760 shares of MGM Resorts International stock. The stock was sold at an average price of $34.19, for a total transaction of $8,881,194.40.

On Wednesday, August 9th, James Murren sold 57,269 shares of MGM Resorts International stock. The shares were sold at an average price of $31.54, for a total transaction of $1,806,264.26.

On Monday, July 31st, James Murren sold 57,269 shares of MGM Resorts International stock. The shares were sold at an average price of $33.05, for a total transaction of $1,892,740.45.

Why did James Murren start dumping large amounts of his own company’s stock weeks before the attack?  Some are wondering if it may be because he had prior knowledge the attack was to take place.

 In the meantime, folks who hold stock in MGM Grand may wish to ask themselves if continuing to hold this stock is a smart move? Now that this information is out, it is likely that many, many people may choose to distance themselves from this corporation . . .  and we all know what happens when folks start “distancing themselves” from a particular stock — the value tends to PLUMMET.


New Evidence on Las Vegas Attack Proves 2 Shooters

Link to original post

A scientific study carried out by Natural News’ Mike Adams gives evidence for two shooters.

The ‘bombshell’ study takes into account gunshot audio taken from clips recorded at the scene.

Mr Adams claims that the ‘time lag’ between the last bullet hitting the pavement and the last audible report of the rifle muzzle can be used to accurately calculate the range of the shooter (relative to the position of the person recording the video).

The study reveals two shooters operating at the same time. Shooter #1 is operating at 425 – 475 yards, the distance of the Mandalay Bay hotel. Shooter #2 is operating at approximately 250 – 270 yards away.

Adams suggests the rooftop of the AMPM convenience store is a likely position for a second shooter. The northwest building of Oasis apartments and an elevated dirt mound also made the shortlist.

He made calls for authorities to search for the brass expended by firearms if they had not already done so, and to look for any evidence of gunfire in the 250-yard hot spot.

“The FBI could easily triangulate and pinpoint the second shooter” he stated,

“They have the resources to do it, so why are they not doing it?”

‘No Deal’ Brexit On Horizon?

Theresa May’s faltering cabinet has had talks break down with EU negotiators, Tory Brexit ‘rebels’ challenging her premiership, and the ‘strong and stable’ government model seeming a lost cause.

It could be argued May’s emphasis on stability in her election-run was a reassuring ‘everything will be okay’ before a turbulent EU negotiation phase began.

Despite all this, Theresa May, a historical remainer (and no doubt staying a remainer at heart) knows that in order to keep her premiership intact she must act accordingly, and that means carrying out democracy’s will — even if this means a ‘no-deal’ withdrawal from the EU.

“There is no intrinsic reason why Brexit should be difficult or damaging, but the EU itself has so far demonstrated it wants to make it so.” — Bernard Jenkin, opinion piece.

Pressures from within the largely pro-Brexit Tory-led government are placing due pressure on the buckling head-of-state, who’s recent illness and alleged ‘depressive phase’ following an abysmal election result means she must either toughen-up or risk a loss of Tory support and a dreaded Labour majority in the next general election.

Things are looking up though, calls have come, whether genuinely or by necessity, from leading Tory figures to ‘rally around’ Theresa May, and make a success of Brexit, something that Britain so desperately needs.

“Billions of pounds will be unlocked in the new year if progress has not been made. We have to plan for a No Deal.” — A treasury source.

The Treasury seems unable to hear any voices except those that reinforce their preconceptions. It seems blind to the facts, preoccupied with preserving “access” to the EU market seemingly at any cost.

“The EU doesn’t want to do a deal because if they let Britain leave and have a good deal outside of the EU it risks the whole EU breaking up.”

The EU’s insistent ‘my way or the highway’ attitude likely means it wants to make an example of Britain, if our secession is bumpy and hard-fought it will discourage other states from following in our footsteps. It boils down to what we will allow the EU to take from us, we can easily make a success of a post-Brexit world — but will we let ourselves snap out of an EU-membership paradigm?


Organic Food Sales Booming in UK

(Natural News) This trend could not have come at a better time: In an era when surgeons in the UK are performing a record number of diabetic ulcer-related amputations, the growth in sales of organic foods is outstripping the sales growth of allconventional foods.

As reported by The Ecologist, the organic food market in Britain is up again for the sixth straight year and analysts expect it to exceed a record £2.2 billion in sales by the end of 2017, according to the Soil Association.

Supermarket sales of organic foods grew some four percent from January to July, the organization said. That compares to growth in sales of non-organic foods of just 1.4 percent over the same period, Nielsen analysts said.

“We’ve had six years of consecutive growth in organic products,” Finn Cottle, trade consultant to the Soil Association Certification, said.

Even more remarkable is that the growth in organic foods, which are typically more expensive, has occurred during a cycle of austerity. This stands in direct contrast to previous periods of economic slowdowns, such as the 2008-2009 period of global recession when sales of organics fell.

During that time, Cottle said that retailers removed organic foods from store shelves, adding it wasn’t clear whether a slowdown in demand led stores to drop organic products.

“We’re not seeing any of that at the moment,” she noted. “If anything, some of the discounters like Aldi and Lidl are actually seeing the need to have organic on shelf to answer to consumer choice. It’s making organic much more available to a shopper that might be on a budget.”

The boost in organic sales is the result of both consumer and retail trends focusing more on such products, said the Soil Association. The organization believes that quality and sourcing of products is more important to consumers on a budget than discounted pricing.

The Ecologist noted further:

Retail and consumer trends are changing and boosting the growth of organics, the Soil Association said. Values and sourcing are more important than discounts and low price to these shoppers, it believes. 

Indeed, research published in September from grocery market research analysts England Marketing showed that more than 50 percent of shoppers are actively looking for labels that prove ethical and environmentally sound sourcing of food. 

“There are two big trends which are very buoyant, both of which appeal to the organic shopper,” said Cottle. One is the rise in online shopping and the availability of a range of products that can be purchased via the Internet. The second trend is that organic foods are generally more popular with those who regularly purchase online. (Related: Organic food sales skyrocket across Australia, while GMOs lose traction.)

“They’re generally early adopters, they want to be informed about food,” said Cottle.

Organic sellers said that while their products form only a fraction — about 1.7 percent — of total food sales throughout the UK, the base is widening.

“We’re growing from a small base,” said Dan Rusga, marketing director at Yeo Vally, the UK’s biggest organic brand. “But it all starts with consumers. They are much more concerned about what they eat and where it comes from, and they want to buy food that they can trust.”

Though London drives most sales, Rusga said that the company was beginning to see a rise in sales across the more rural areas of the country as well. “Consumers are ready for it now, providing the price is competitive there’s no reason why organic shouldn’t go from strength to strength.”

Sales of organic food in the United States are similarly skyrocketing. That includes, as Natural News has reported, the sale of organic seeds which is projected to hit $5.4 billion in sales by 2024.

J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for and, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.

Sources include:

The Mass-Migration Influx

Mass migration patterns have happened throughout history, and they have, for better of for worse, influenced the due course and destiny of the affected host nation or region.

Today, mass migration is being orchestrated for the same outcome, big change. Presently, this change as seen in Europe, falls under the intricately designed Globalist agenda; that is to alter and stamp-out stubborn western, Judeo-Christian cultural roots that prevent hyper-centralization.

To do this, one must prevent integration/cultural assimilation from disallowing the outcome you want to see: that is a retrograde, subservient populace, as seen in many middle-eastern nations that live under tyranny. You must introduce a new culture very rapidly to encourage enclaves, and discourage the incentive that would have come with assimilation, i.e. adaptability to gain favour in workplace and social circles. Globalists encourage Islamic figureheads in influential positions to trounce the need for assimilation, i.e. Sadiq Khan as Mayor of London, Malala Yousafzai as a Muslim cultural figurehead. The suppression of distinctively Western traditions, i.e. the denouncement of St. George’s Day for “inclusiveness” encourages Islamic migrants to disregard the host culture and set of values, they have a free pass. They are shaped to adore the big-brother state and ignore the values of liberty.

It takes an exhaustive campaign of indoctrination and propaganda to achieve this seclusion, a classic case of divide and conquer. The voices of Globalism seem louder and truer than all else, their false image of authority misguides the many, because they have money and assets (this does not mean they have any imperative), those that choose to listen to them day in, day out, those with their hearts and minds in the material world- these are the ones that willfully define their reality according to this constant reinforcement.

“Stop watching the news, because the news contrives to frighten you. To make you feel small and alone…” — Morrissey

Overriding and Undermining Western Culture.

I will stick to expanding on the topic of multiculturalism here, of course the introduction of other factors helps denigrate western values – but to stay on-topic, I will discuss multiculturalism exclusively.

The very term ‘multiculturalism’ is asking for people to live categorically apart, the term implies that multiple cultures can live under a single political and ideological roof, this is not so when the cultures at hand are radically different from one another.

Cultural differences have plagued empire-builders throughout history, Biblically God (YHWH), placed cultural differences as a barricade to a Babylonian world order.

‘Culture’ in itself is an umbrella term that incorporates political and ideological persuasions, people that forget this and look at the skin color (nothing to do with culture) and less pertinent differences between cultural definitions are missing the point; culture has political and ideological baggage in many cases, cultural Islam is one of these cases. ‘Multiculturalism’ is a misleading term in that it flaunts itself as progressive and tolerant, but in fact is hopelessly idealistic.

To override a presiding culture, you must make the target culture (western/white culture) fear the culture you intend to introduce (third world Islam), and vice versa make the introduced culture fear the target culture (i.e. playing the racism card, making everything about race and xenophobia). The result is division, by keeping the two cultures separate, you allow the qualities and attributes of one to not become assimilated with the one you want to eliminate or suppress.

Orchestrated terrorist events that point towards cultural Islam help stoke the flames of fear and hatred. Fear keeps people apart, and above all, distrustful of one another.

The pull factor to bring in the introduced culture will be free stuff, i.e. the welfare state and socialism, something as a mouth-watering incentive, and of course, open borders achieved through the EUs schengen area and porous border policies, it is so easy to take the sweet, low-hanging fruit dangled before them.

We Shouldn’t Simply Accept a Toxic Culture, but Neither Should We Hate It.

Of course, the culture that is to be introduced is an inferior, regressive culture, and the westernized host culture has every right to disdain it. However, if this disdain is expressed as blatant anger and hatred, and not moderate, patient understanding accompanying a desire to help fix the pitfalls of a toxic culture that is being imposed en masse, both cultures will simply live apart while the ‘migration crisis’ continues.

The higher birthrate of cultural Islam will mean that it will overtake and outnumber people holding Western-minded ideas very quickly within a few decades, as the family unit is the principal catalyst for passing-on values, the large Muslim families will win every-time in a western world with a falling birthrate and smaller families on average.

The situation that we are in (a designed mass-migration pattern) demands our collective to push to westernize as many third-world people as possible while seeking a skills-based limited migration program, not the cultural-replacement program (disguised as a refugee crisis) currently in effect. We must not alienate them, but instead demonstrate the perks of western civilization, we must quash the ‘slaver-white man’ and ‘imperialist-oppressor’ focused image pushed by the Globalist controlled media that serves to alienate and vilify the most progressive, uplifting culture and society the world has ever known, an embodiment of liberty worth preserving and spreading.

Will we let our cultural malleability caused by our collective fall in strong, immovable, western values permit the dominant, but inferior Islamic culture to overtake as the presiding power in the West alongside Globalism?