Category Archives: Trump

Why Trump must sign the new Russia sanctions bill.

Why Trump must sign the new Russia sanctions bill.

Article from The Duran

The neo-con establishment has deprived the president of foreign policy authority, locking in sanctions by act of congress.

Despite the White House’s apparent opposition, the US congress has passed a new sanctions package against Russia, Iran, and North Korea.

Donald Trump seems destined to sign the legislation – and in fact, he has little choice.

Congress passed the bill by a nearly unanimous, veto-proof vote of those present: 419-3 in the House and 98-2 in the Senate (Sens. Paul and Sanders dissenting).

The anti-Russia lobby has thereby signaled its determination to push full steam ahead with American Exceptionalist military and economic supremacy, even if such policy is ultimately futile and self-destructive and in fact, pushes Washington’s European vassals closer to Moscow.

The bill represents the victory of the ideologues over the realists – the smaller latter camp led only by Trump and a few of his close advisors such as Steve Bannon and former advisor Mike Flynn.

The legislation also signifies a remarkable and possibly even unique hamstringing of a president’s foreign policy authority by his own party in congress. Under the bill, Trump will be unable to lift any sanctions against Russia, Iran, or North Korea without approval from congress – a virtual certainty not to happen in the current or foreseeable political climate.

Trump could veto the bill, but it would be sacrificing political capital for zero gain, throwing away any trust he has with the republican party in congress, as both parties have pledged to override the president’s veto.

Fox Business reported Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman Bob Corker (R-TN) as saying a veto would be futile:

“I cannot imagine anybody is seriously thinking about vetoing this bill,” said Corker. “It’s not good for any president — and most governors don’t like to veto things that are going to be overridden. It shows a diminishment of their authority. I just don’t think that’s a good way to start off as president.”

Democratic Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) was equally emphatic to CNN:

“If he vetoes the bill, we will override his veto,” Cardin said.

Regardless of Donald Trump’s personal views toward the anti-Russian Sanctions (it is unlikely, given his public statements, that he opposes the new sanctions on Iran or North Korea), a veto would be a pointless gesture which would be interpreted as another a political defeat for a president who badly needs congress’ cooperation on his legislative agenda.

Even if Donald Trump supports improved relations with Russia – and I believe he has made it clear enough on multiple occasions that he genuinely does – it is extremely near-sighted to assume he would prioritize that policy change over his domestic program, including healthcare, tax cuts, infrastructure, and border security. That would be true even without the massive establishment backlash towards any hint of rapprochement with Moscow.

Except during wartime, US presidents are not elected on foreign policy. Donald Trump was elected president based primarily on two issues: jobs and immigration. Foreign policy issues play a very unimportant role in American elections – unless and until American troops start dying in large numbers.

Trump’s supporters in middle and working class America could not care less whether sanctions are tightened on Russia, and most are probably naturally inclined to think that they should be. After all, Russia has been portrayed by the media and politicians as a menacing country for decades – singlehandedly re-educating the public is beyond the capabilities of even the president.

Nevertheless, according to several reports, the White House had tried to reduce the scope of the sanctions and its restrictions on the president in talks with congress, but to no avail. Again from Fox Business:

Trump had privately expressed frustration over Congress’ ability to limit or override the power of the president on national security matters, according to Trump administration officials and advisers. They spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal White House deliberations.

ABC news noted that members of the Trump administration had voiced disapproval of an earlier, similar bill locking in sanctions:

The White House has expressed reservations about that aspect of the bill after the Senate first passed similar legislation last month, but without targeting North Korea. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told Congress then that the White House wanted the “flexibility” to deal with Russia, and White House legislative director Marc Short expressed opposition to the “unusual precedent of delegating foreign policy to 535 members of Congress.”

Faced with united opposition by neo-con globalist bought and paid for legislators, signing the bill is a political force majeure for Trump. One assumes it will happen quietly this week and without any of the usual fanfare of Trump’s other public signings.

Trump has sought to repair fragmented relations with Russia, his efforts are being actively dashed by a neocon establishment that has subverted him.

No doubt the president will hope for increased cooperation from congress on his domestic agenda as compensation, as well as the dropping of “Russia collusion” charges against him and his closest advisors.

But it may be a forlorn hope. The first six months of Trump’s presidency have shown a mass media and political establishment united in implacable opposition to any of the Trump insurgency’s threatened changes to the status quo.


Washington May Plan to Nuke Russia and China

The possibility of a preemptive nuclear strike on Russia and China is an approach shortlisted by Washington Deep Statesmen amidst Globalist fears of slipping control.

Despite the best laid plans of Globalist mass psy-ops, funded terrorist organisations, ‘collateral damages’, and so on, the Global Elites realise they must up-the-ante to reach their goals to cripple the last superpower international opposition. With Russia and China out of the equation, there are no barriers to world government.


This increasingly aggressive stance has further escalated following the moment the Russian central bank opened its first overseas office in Beijing on March 14th this year, marking a step forward in forging a Beijing-Moscow alliance to bypass the US dollar in the global monetary system, and to phase-in a gold-backed standard of trade.

Nuclear War being prepared for:

Paul Craig Roberts explained in-detail the Globalist’s preparation for a possible surprise last-resort take-down on his website.

Lt. Gen. Viktor Poznikhir, Deputy Head of Operations of the Russian General Staff has concluded that Washington in pursuit of global hegemony is implementing an anti-ballistic missile system that Washington believes can prevent a Russian nuclear response to a US pre-emptive attack.

Careful studies have convinced the Russians that Washington is investing in and arranging components that have no other function than to devastate Russia and cripple the country’s retaliatory capability. In short, Washington is preparing to launch a nuclear war.

The amassing US militants in the South China Sea/Korean peninsula/Japan suggests that the US may be poised for a direct invasion of East Asia through North Korea as a hotbed trigger point, the invasion follow-through would lead into China and its other respective satellites in the case of the big showdown; if it gets the final go-ahead by the deep state neo-con shadow government.

It comes down to this, Washington is sufficiently criminally insane to risk the destruction of life on earth based on the supposition that Washington’s offence will work perfectly and Russia and China’s capabilities will be so degraded that no retaliatory response will occur.

Where then is the hope? Russia and China cannot simply sit there and await America’s preemptive nuclear strike, bit by bit their position is weakened to the point the weighing scales of power are irreversibly against them, luckily they are taking action to secure themselves at all levels.

  • China is currently escalating its military presence in the South China Sea. China aims to extend its military reach into the South China Sea and Western Pacific in such a way that it can effectively control who can — and cannot — enter those regions.
  • China launches new aircraft carrier, April 2017. It is not expected to be operational until 2020 and will carry China’s Shenyang J-15 fighter jets.
  • Vladimir Putin, in late 2016, posted nuclear weapons in far-east Siberia, well within range of Western-coast US states & their major cities.
  • 2016, Russia deploys Baltic missile system in response to US missile system in Eastern Europe.
  • Vladimir Putin, in 2016, has stationed nuclear weapons in Kaliningrad, Russia’s Baltic exclave in Europe, well within range of all major European cities.
  • ~330,000 Russian soldiers are currently stationed on Moscow’s western border as the Russian satellites lean towards Western control.
  • Iran and Russia are moving closer together in their military alliance, working to boost ties and coordination in Syria and elsewhere in the region following the U.S. decision to launch a military strike in Syria, according to regional reports and experts.
  • The Middle East and Syria – where Russia has staged its first large-scale military action outside the borders of the former Soviet Union since communism.
  • Russia seizes Crimea in 2014 in a bid to secure adjacent waters in the Black Sea following US-led & funded manipulation of Ukrainian politics. The Russian taking of Crimea prevents the US from building extensive naval presence in the region, and defends an important Russian pipeline into the EU.
  • Russia is making provisions for economic immunity from Western sanctions, especially following the US orchestrated oil crisis that battered the Russian economy. The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) marks a big step towards gold-backed currencies in the far-East, this is undoubtedly a move towards financial independence, free of the shackles of the USD. Putin seeks to include China, India, Iran (among others) in this arrangement.

On the US continuing to expand their missile infrastructure, despite the signing of the nuclear deal with Iran. “The threat is gone, but the creation of the missile defense system is continuing.” — Vladimir Putin

China creates island territory in the South China Sea region.

Possibly Washington does not intend to conduct a preemptive nuclear strike, but only to convince Russia and China that Washington’s preparations give Washington so much predominance in a conflict that Russia and China will submit to Washington’s hegemony. But this interpretation of Washington’s intention implies no less risk. Why would Russia and China wait for Washington to complete its preparations for war, preparations that permit Washington to turn Russia and China into puppet states? The above listed actions from Russia and China details their counter-measures to retain global balance.

Trump, under threat of impeachment must do the bidding of the Elite or face prosecution and personal reputation-obliterating scandal.

During a Syrian air force attack on an ISIS position, a chemical weapon exploded, or so it is alleged. Instantly Washington said that Assad had used “Sarin gas against his own people.” Trump was shown photos of dead babies and stupidly ordered a US military strike against Syria.

This action against Syria can be classified as a war-crime, as arbitrarily bombing a sovereign nation without any legal oversight is categorically in contravention to Geneva convention statutes.

As a result, the Deep state can and probably have already swarmed forth, and eagerly used this set-up as blackmail ammunition to force Trump into becoming yet another puppet, else risk his personal reputation in a scandal that would see his impeachment. The Presidency is once again under Globalist control, hence why Trump is now distancing himself from his campaign promises.

“I am a nationalist and a Globalist.” — Donald J. Trump, April 2017

Trump under extreme neo-con pressure to take action in middle-east as Globalist-funded terrorist group, ISIS, loses big-time in war to oust Assad.

According to White House sources who spoke to Infowars, Trump is reticent to see U.S. troops embroiled in yet another Middle East quagmire, but is under pressure from top neo-cons in his administration to prevent Russia from dominating the region as the fall of ISIS nears. Trump has been isolated and surrounded by a Globalist dominated cabinet.

End-game plan to strike down the last opposing superpowers in one fell swoop.

One might hope that the American and Western populations would be outraged that Washington is so power-crazed that Washington is subjecting all life to such risks. But there is no sign of an anti-war movement. The Western left-wing has degenerated into obsession with pointless information such as ‘Identity Politics’ in which the only threat comes from white heterosexual males who are portrayed as misogynists, racists, and homophobes.

The Western left-wing is no longer war-conscious. Indeed, the left-wing has become diverted into such silly irrelevancies as transgender rights to toilets of their choice. The impotence of the Western left is so overwhelming that the left might as well not exist.

The decades-long tug-of-war to break the last independent sources of oil & other important natural resources, namely the states of Iran and Syria, both who have chosen to not trade in the medium of the US dollar as world reserve currency, is a struggle between the single-currency one-world globalist vision of the US Empire, and the last truly nationally leaning powers; Russia and China.


If Russia – the world’s fourth largest gold producer after China, Japan and the US – is set to become a major supplier of gold to China, the probability of a scenario hinted by many over the years, namely that Beijing is preparing to eventually unroll a gold-backed currency, increases by orders of magnitude.

The formation of the Eurasian Economic Union is the East’s answer to increasing Western economic sanctions and pressures, when backed into a corner, the Eastern superpowers must work together, or face economic bullying that will eventually bring them down.

“It is a bloc meant to rival the European Union and the United States in its influence in Russia’s near abroad.” — Stratfor

The dollar is not gold backed, and is printed out of thin air by the Federal Reserve, as long as the petrodollar system exists, the US has infinite funds at its disposal.

In an attempt to turn the tables, China and Russia are shifting away from dollar-based trade, to commerce which will eventually be backstopped by gold, or what is gradually emerging as an Eastern gold standard, one shared between Russia and China, and which may one day backstop their respective currencies.

The imperialistic petrodollar system relies on international cooperation through military coercion and bullying, first a financial offer will be made, if that is rejected military intervention takes place, i.e. Libya, Iraq etc. 

Trump is now a captive of the Deep State

When the gullible and insouciant American public and the presstitutes who participate in the deceptions permitted the Deep State to get away with the fairy tale that a few Saudi Arabians under the direction of Osama bin Laden, but without the support of any government or intelligence agency, were able to outwit the entirety of the Western Alliance and Israel’s Mossad and deliver the greatest humiliation in history to “the world’s only superpower” by making the entirety of the US government dysfunctional on September 11, 2001, Washington learned that it could get away with anything, any illegal and treasonous act, any lie. The gullible Western populations would believe anything that they were told.

Not only insouciant Americans, but much of the world accepts any statement out of Washington as the truth despite the evidence. If Washington said it, Washington’s vassals in Germany, France, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Netherlands, Belgium, and Japan assent to the obvious lie as if it were the obvious truth. So do the CIA purchased media of these vassal states, a collection of whores who prefer CIA subsidies to truth.

When Obama inherited the Deep State’s agenda from George W. Bush, he set up Syria’s Assad for regime change by repeating for many months that if Assad used chemical weapons in the “civil war” that Washington had sent ISIS to conduct, Assad would have crossed the “Red Line” that Obama had drawn and would, as the consequence, face an invasion by the US military, just as Iraq had been invaded based on Washington’s lie about “weapons of mass destruction.”

Having burnt this idea into the feeble minds of the Western populations, Obama then arranged for a chemical weapon to be exploded in Syria and blamed it on Assad. Thus, the Red Line had been crossed, the insouciant West was told, and America would now invade.

The UK prime minister, the usual piece of Washington-owned garbage, rushed to the support of the American invasion, promising British support. But the British Parliament voted NO. The MPs said that the UK was not going to support another American war crime justified by obvious lies. Only in Britain does democracy still have any teeth, as we saw a second time with the Brexit vote. All the rest of the West lives in vassalage and slavery.

The Russian government also took a firm stand, admitting that Russia stupidly trusted America in Libya, but no more. We, said the Russians, will ourselves remove any and all chemical weapons from Syria and turn them over to Western “civilization” to be destroyed, which the Russians did.

What did Western “civilization” do with the weapons? They gave some of them to ISIS. This gave Washington a second chance to accuse Assad of using chemical weapons “against his own people.”

And so Washington has rolled out this hoax a second time. During a Syrian air force attack on an ISIS position, a chemical weapon exploded, or so it is alleged. Instantly Washington said that Assad had used “Sarin gas against his own people.” Trump was shown photos of dead babies and stupidly ordered a US military strike against Syria.

This was the first time that Washington had engaged in an unambigious war crime without any cover. Trump had no UN resolution, not even one that could be stood on its head as in Libya. Trump had no NATO participation, no George W. Bush “coalition of the willing” to give cover to the war crime with the support of other governments.

There are no skirts for Trump to hide behind. He stupidly let himself be pushed into commiting an unambigious war crime.

Now all his opponents—the Deep State, the military/security complex, the CIA, the Hillary Democrats, the warmonger Republicans—have the New White House Fool under their control. If Trump doesn’t do as they want, they will impeach him for his war crime.

Meanwhile the risk of war with the Russian/Chinese/Iranian/Syrian alliance grows closer. The US shows every intention of provoking this war. Washington has imposed sanctions on 271 employees of Syria’s Scientific Studies and Research Center for, in Washington’s lying words, responsibility “for developing and producing non-conventional weapons and the means to deliver them.”

In order to make this false charge stick, Washington prevented any investigation whatsoever into the facts of the alleged chemical weapon associated by Western propaganda, not by any known fact, with a Syrian air attack on ISIS. If Washington is so certain that Syria is responsible, why does Washington block an investigation? If Washington is right, an investigation would prove Washington’s case. But as Washington is again lying through its teeth, an investigation would prove the contrary. And that is what Washington fears and is the reason Washington blocked an investigation.

Why do Western peoples believe the US government, a well proven liar, who blocks an investigation and asserts that everyone must believe Washington or else be put on a list of Russian agents?

Here is the lie, the raw propaganda, that the US government has no qualms about issuing: It comes from the US Department of the Treasury in which I once served honorably. But honor no longer exists in the US Treasury.

Are Western populations intelligent enough to understand that the only reason for Washington to block an investigation of the alleged use by Syria of a chemical weapon is that the facts clearly do not support Washington’s lie? No, they are not.

Theodore Postol, a scientist at MIT, has concluded from his investigation that the chemical weapon was not dropped from the air but was set off on the ground and that it was not Sarin gas as Sarin lingers and the alleged aid workers who were immediately on the scene were unprotected by gloves or masks or by anything. If the gas were Sarin, they would be dead also.

The Russian explanation is that the Syrian air force attack hit a storage facility, conveniently arranged by Washington, that contained chemical weapons. I have seen reports that Washington, or Washington’s vassals such as Saudi Arabia, have provided ISIS with chemical weapons. President Putin of Russia says the reason Washington has delivered chemical weapons to ISIS is that there can be more orchestrated instances of their use that can be blamed on Assad.

I think I can say in complete confidence that this is what is happening: Washington intends to wear Russia down with orchestrated chemical attack after chemical attack, portraying Russia as an inhuman defender of Assad’s alleged chemical attacks, in order to more thoroughly isolate Russia and in order to provoke opposition to Putin’s government, especially among the US and German financed NGOs that Russia stupidly permits to operate in Russia and in the Russian media. Washington’s goal is to force by the weight of world opinion Putin to abandon Assad to Washington.

US Secretary of State Tillerson, another gigantic disappointment to those who hoped for peaceful relations between the US and Russia/China/Iran/Syria, has said that the US still intends regime change in Syria. Tillerson has advised Russia to get out of Washington’s way and to “consider carefully their support for Bashar al-Assad.”

Russia cannot abandon Assad, because if Syria falls to Washington, Iran will be next, and then the Washington-financed jihadists will be set upon the Muslim populations of the Russian Federation and China.

This is Washington’s game plan. I am certain Putin is aware of it, and I think the Chinese are, despite their inordinate focus on making money.

The questions before us could not be any clearer: Will Russia and China break and give in to Washington? If not, will Washington become a good world citizen for the first time in America’s history, or will Washington issue more threats, thereby convincing Russia and China that their alternative is to wait for Washington’s preemptive nuclear strike or deliver one themselves?

This is the only question that the world faces that is worth our attention. I spent a quarter century in Washington. The evil that is in control there at the present time is unprecedented. I have never seen anything like it.

Can the world survive the evil that is concentrated in Washington, evil that has the support of the governments of the Western world?

Cultural Marxism Explained

The concept of ‘cultural Marxism‘ is a persistent and important term in the world of political activism. It is a term of the utmost pertinence in understanding the globalist spurred motives for the engineered happenings of the past, present, and future. It represents an ideology that seeks to impose a uniformity of thought and behaviour, and is therefore totalitarian in nature.

“A worldwide overturning of values cannot take place without the annihilation of the old values and the creation of new ones by the revolutionaries (the elite).” — Georg Lukacs, Marxist philosopher

If we break it down, the term denotes the gradual denigration and neutralisation of Western ideals through the application of ‘critical theory’ this is essentially destructive criticism of the main elements of Western culture, including Christianity, capitalism, authority, the family, patriarchy, hierarchy, morality, tradition, sexual restraint, loyalty, patriotism, nationalism, heredity, ethnocentrism, convention and conservatism.

At its core, this is a satanic agenda in disguise. It only takes a quick look into Biblical history to see that Cain, the smith, embodies the socialist-communist icon. Karl Marx was inspired by darkness, as detailed in ‘Marx and Satan’ by Richard Wurmbrand.

“Bilderberg pulls the strings of every government and intelligence agency in the Western world.”James Morcan, The Ninth Orphan

The reality will be enslavement, a state of absolute control over the domain of the human body; which is the ‘last frontier’ of autocratic self-determination. It will be a world without the liberties we enjoy today. A climate without the freedoms and natural rights we are presently accustomed to — and take for granted.

“Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.”Samuel Adams, Essay in the Public Advertiser, 1749

Our Gods will be our overlords (government, from govern: control, and ment: mind), our indoctrinated customs and values will rally under their dominion, our very existence spent in a state of perpetual serfdom and servitude, we will give up our liberty for security and find ourselves chained in a cell.

“The very definition of tyranny is when all powers are gathered under one place.”James Madison, The Federalist No. 47

It only takes a glance at the godless, communist stronghold, North Korea, to see this system in action. It will be a state of suppressed consciousness, no volume of media shall dissent their supreme narrative, no inkling of doubt shall sway their absolutism. We will be programmed to adore it, and the great teachings of old will be ashes lost in the wind, their peculiar brand of ‘progress’ is the free man’s nightmare.

Dictator Kim Jong Un addresses his footmen.

Cultural Marxism is fundamentally a socialist idea, it shifts what empowers the people to the state level and calls it equality, but in practise it has only ever failed miserably. The natural state of the world is inequality. It is a vain effort to concentrate the burden of inequality in the hands of a few, as this does not escape the self-evident corruptibility of our human condition, we will always be liable to corruption, so why try to fix our imperfections with more imperfection?

The Marxist idea is flawed because of this, it seeks to replace individual morality by addressing morality and justice through state intervention, the truth is these things will never be fixed; it must be left between the deep consultation of the individual and a Bible.

Free will cannot be tamed.

Our free-will means both good and bad, Marxism cannot seem to accept this, so it attempts to tear down what makes us human in order to ‘fix’ us. The truth is, we fix ourselves under the scriptures, self-discipline and following the long-held values we see in Western society; which is largely based on biblical scriptures. Even then, there will still be those who choose to sin.

Socialism is destructive, Capitalism is progressive.

“Socialism is not in the least what is pretends to be. It is not the pioneer of a better and finer world, but the spoiler of what thousands of years of civilisation have created. It does not build, it destroys. For destruction is the essence of it. It produces nothing, it only consumes what the social order based on private ownership in the means of production has created . . . Each step leading towards Socialism must exhaust itself in the destruction of what already exists.” — Ludvig Von Mises, Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis

More commonly it is known as “multiculturalism”, ‘globalisation’ or, less formally, ‘political correctness’. From its beginning, the promoters of cultural Marxism have known they could be more effective if they concealed the Marxist nature of their work, hence the use of terms such as “multiculturalism.” These deceptive monikers mask the ideological root, and have served to dissuade criticism, and show the face of ‘multiculturalism’ as a progressive, virtuous effort. It is quite the contrary.

Churchill addressed the socialist issue astutely, the equal sharing of miseries;

“The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.”Winston Churchill

Cultural Marxism/Socialism has an end goal, destroying Western culture and Biblical faith, the value system that upholds individual liberty, and prevents tyranny from taking hold.


“If you want total security, go to prison. There you’re fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking… is freedom.”Dwight D. Eisenhower

Ancient roots of socialism.

This pursuit for global governance has been evident since the first stirrings of human civilisation, as noted by scriptures in the Babylonian efforts to build a great tower to the heavens, the iconic tower of Babel.

By placing the Tower of Babel incident just prior to the stories of Abram and his descendants, the biblical writer is suggesting, in the first place, that post-flood humanity is as wicked as pre-flood humanity. Rather than sending something as devastating as a flood to annihilate mankind, however, God now places His hope in a covenant with Abraham as a powerful solution to humanity’s sinfulness. This tells us that force from a higher power (Communism-Socialism) will never save mankind, but mankind must save itself on an individual basis, through the Holy covenant.

This leads right into the Tower of Babel account in 11:1-9. In 11:1, Moses writes, “Now the whole earth used the same language and the same words.” After the flood, the whole earth spoke the same language. But man’s habitual sin brought about the language barrier.

In 11:2, we read these fateful words: “It came about as they journeyed east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there.” The word “east” is intentionally alluded to in the Scriptures, to let us know that a person or group is moving contrary to God’s will. In the Genesis narratives, when man goes “east,” he leaves the land of blessing (Eden and the Promised Land) and goes to a land where the greatest of his hopes will turn to ruin (Babylon and Sodom).19

  • A classical Freemason term of acknowledgement is “I’m travelling in the East“. The East symbolises where the sun rises, and is the icon of rebellion against God.

Please also notice that they “settled” in Shinar. In 9:1, God clearly commanded Noah and his sons to “be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth” (cf. 8:17). There is no reason to suspect that Noah’s descendants did not understand what God wanted. God wanted them to move throughout all the earth but they banded together in order to defy God’s command. They selected the best land that they could find; they staked their claim in the land of Shinar, a place that becomes associated with evil.

They said, ‘Come, let us build for ourselves a city, and a tower whose top will reach into heaven, and let us make for ourselves a name, otherwise we will be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.’” The motivation for building a city was to make the builders a name (cf. Ps 14:1). The object of this endeavor was to establish a center by which they might maintain their unity.21 Now God desired unity for humankind, but one that He created, not one founded on a social state. They wanted to “empower” themselves. Both motive and object were ungodly. God had instructed man to fill the earth (1:28), to spread over the whole planet. The builders of the “tower” seem to have intended that it serve as a memorial or landmark among other things.

Socialism attempts to fix humankind with more humankind.

What we have learned here is that looking to society (people)/socialism for the big answers, and not God, is undoubtedly a big mistake. Looking towards self-determination without the values posed by God will bring only chaos, ruin, and anguish. Capitalism leaves us to choose our path relative to the natural laws posed by the Bible, our government fully representative of us, and we representative of our government — socialist governments seldom represent the average man.

“Socialists cry “Power to the people”, and raise the clenched fist as they say it. We all know what they really mean – power over people, power to the State.” — Margaret Thatcher, speech to Conservative Central Council, March 15, 1986

Socialism/communism (Without religion) puts the authority in the hands of the few people that rule. When will we accept that the human condition is terribly flawed? Human masters are still human, imperfect, and liable to exude these imperfections as we all do, hence the classical term; ‘human error’. We can’t escape that, not even in Marx’s Utopian vision.

The truth is that all of the divisions of the whole world are a result of sin and the righteous judgement of God. Socialism aims to fix this by introducing an eternally ongoing political campaign to pretend that we, as humans, can ever hope to fix sin as a community; it’s simply empty platitude, and a poor disguise to try and make the Bible seem redundant.

Mikhail Bakunin, the infamous Russian anarchist and for a while co-warrior of Marx: “The Evil One is the satanic revolt against divine authority, revolt in which we see the fecund germ of all human emancipations, the revolution. Socialists recognise each other by the words, ‘In the name of the one to whom a great wrong has been done.’” (He is speaking of Satan)

Are the Jews to blame?

Is the Globalist push for a NWO/Marxist-Socialist word order a Jewish plan? No.

Judaism is the true faith, by assuming the identity of Judaism the culprits are able to be hidden in plain sight.

By getting theorists and activists to turn against, and lambaste Judaism, they win in suppressing the Biblical values and practices that are their undoing.

As for Christianity, it is partially true, but overall it is false. ‘Churchianity’ as coined by Michael Rood, is at its roots, a misleading, pagan-influenced cult order that links to sun worship; one of the many names for Satanism. It outright ignores vast amounts of scripture, and does not teach the true practices of the Torah, it is more a weak gesture than a true practice of faith.

In the case of Catholicism, the Papal system is heavily imbued in Satanic practices, Christianity is an imitation of Judaism founded during the Council of Nicaea to conflate pagan deities with Jewish scriptures for the sake of collectivist religion, this made ruling easier for the Roman empire.

All in all, for the hope that we seek, the unity which man cannot find on his own, will only be revealed when we get to God’s covenant promises made to Abram.

I will end on this powerful quote by a former Marxist advocate;

“I remained a socialist for several years, even after my rejection of Marxism; and if there could be such a thing as socialism combined with individual liberty, I would be a socialist still. For nothing could be better than living a modest, simple, and free life in an egalitarian society. It took some time before I recognized this as no more than a beautiful dream; that freedom is more important than equality; that the attempt to realize equality endangers freedom; and that, if freedom is lost, there will not even be equality among the unfree.” — Karl R. Popper, Unended Quest


Putin wont react to Obama

Vladimir Putin will not retaliate against US sanctions, in a move that Mr. Putin called ‘kitchen’ diplomacy from provocateur Obama following the sudden expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats from US soil in a matter of weeks prior to President-elect Donald J. Trump’s inaugural ceremony.

A Cold War reboot in the works? Putin knows taking the bait will spell disaster for a Russia already deep in economic destitution.

The questionable diplomatic move comes in a teetering, pivotal moment in history that is set to introduce the most nationally, constitutionally leaning US leader in a long time, and unveils the late Barack Obama as apparently more interested in keeping West-East relations fraught and contentious – even despite the soon to be President Mr. Trump being clearly vocal about relationships rather than conflicts as his official political stance.

Russia will not ‘stoop to irresponsible diplomacy’

Whatever the motives for Obama’s (and his controllers’) horrendous decision to expel these Russian diplomats, the indicators all suggest that somebody or some group wants Russian-US relations to be tarnished. Putin’s clever indifference shows this up; the provocation is seemingly solely on Obama’s side of things, a scary prospect given this is an end of term move that could have affected Trump’s ability to repair East-West relations, we can be thankful Putin knows better than to stoop so low.

Former UKIP Leader, Nigel Farage stated on Twitter that he was ‘Pleased to see a mature response from Putin. A @realDonaldTrump presidency can’t come soon enough.’

Despite the move, Putin, as classy as ever, has wished Obama a happy new year and invited children of US diplomats to the Kremlin party marking the new year.

Putin won’t leave this move unanswered though, a loss of diplomats on US soil will harm Russia, by leaving a response for later Putin wins the public image side of things and keeps his already scarred international prestige mostly intact.

Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov said: “In our point of view such actions of the US current administration are a manifestation of an unpredictable and even aggressive foreign policy.

“We regret the fact that this decision was taken by the US administration and President Obama personally. As was said before, we consider this decision and these sanctions unjustified and illegal under international law.

Mr Peskov warned that the restrictions won’t go unanswered by Moscow promising “adequate, reciprocal” reaction “that will deliver significant discomfort to the US side in the same areas.” However, he added that “there’s no need to rush”.

Trump: a true outsider?

Trump has been all talk; but he’s beginning to take some action.

Of course Trump’s piecemeal, virtue-signalling in form of refusing the 400,000 dollar Presidential salary is a charming, but ultimately meaningless stance that only virtuously segues his transition into office. The true question remains, will Trump actually follow through with his claims? I think so.

Conspiracy circles are awash with disconcertment surrounding the real basis of Donald Trump’s government ties, (or lack thereof). The arguments put forward either speculate Trump is an establishment figurehead pandering to an audience thirsting for change. Or contrarily, that Trump is legitimate in his words; and that his actions will follow suit in due time.

Yes, Trump did compliment Hillary on her campaign after her loss; but that is playing the game of politics: it is very unlikely those statements were rooted in any sincerity.

If anything, it is a demonstration of class to graciously brush off heavy, unilateral admonition, and come out being respectful.


Alternative media website ‘Smoloko’ has outlined how Trump’s position as President-elect has already begun to tarnish globalist plans, and illustrate the ever-convincing picture that he really is an ‘outsider’ politician.

  • The Globalist ‘TPP’ trade agreement was scrapped soon after Trump became President-elect, this indicates the corporate forces behind the agreement know that Trump will dismantle the agreement once in power, continuing negotiations on TPP would be therefore wasteful and pointless.
  • Russian-US relations are normalizing ever since Trump won the election. The globalist agenda wants Russia vanquished; not harmoniously co-opted. The fact Putin is optimistic of restoring bilateral ties shows Trump may not be establishment after all.
  • Trump has advocated support of Assad and focused opposition to ISIS, the current establishment government seek to support ISIS and focus opposition on Assad.
  • Trump appears supportive of Israel, but already, Trump has made a number of “Israeli” officials publicly make fools of themselves; drawing admonishment from Netanyahu. I believe Trump will turn on Israel once in office, but until then he must maintain a friendly demeanour, and play politics smartly to keep his options open.
  • Trump has featured on anti-establishment media platforms (Infowars), while openly criticizing mainstream media platforms. This suggests that Trump takes kindly to the type of media that challenges authority, ringing true to the fundamental doctrine of the US constitution, and instruction of the Holy Bible.
  • Trump has come out against globalist facets such as Monsanto, and has criticized the globalist-coordinated vaccine industry for causing the autism epidemic.
  • Trump is a firm nationalist, he is against outsourcing production to China and sees global cooperation as possible within the context of many nations that balance each other out, not one conglomerate global nation with unchallenged power in the hands of a few. This is the antithesis of globalism, and shows Trump to be anti-establishment.
  • Trump has described himself as ‘Mr. Brexit’ – showing his disdain for globalist supranational politics that usurps national powers and identity.


If Trump was an establishment candidate, as so many people clumsily assert, then Putin, Assad, Farage, and other anti-NWO stalwarts would not be on his side, cheering.

Trump vs Globalists

Hillary’s apparently magnanimous concession speech lacked sincerity according to Rush Limbaugh via his radio show, Limbaugh alleges that the establishment are “seething” and within “two weeks” will respond with a gradual and vicious smear campaign that will spell Trump’s inauguration and presidency as one marred by a sorely divided public opinion.

The face of disappointment; barely contained by ‘false’ magnanimity. Bill Clinton is seen wiping a tear from his eye.

Dishonest media reporting did not hold back during the polling phase; portraying Trump as liable to “lose in a landslide” in a last ditch attempt to bend the already distorted, malleable public opinion towards a disenfranchised ‘would-be-trump’ vote for Hillary by means of doubt. The truth is, Trump was never going to lose in a landslide; establishment ‘experts’ and pollsters were lying more than ever in the moment it mattered most. Unsurprisingly, the negative publicity continues even now.

The establishment will be respectful today: but will bite hard tomorrow.

The establishment’s goal is to undermine and de-legitimise Trump’s capacity to enact legislation that threatens their ‘untouchable’ status quo. ‘Against the odds’ they have taken a heavy blow; and now it is an exhaustive game of mitigation against what Trump can do in government; if possible even forcing Trump’s resignation, how they will do this is anyone’s guess at present.

The establishment control the largest dormant financial crash in history; and might use it to smear and void Trump’s presidency.

The Federal Reserve is still in the Elite’s control, and may, ironically, prove to be their last ‘Trump’ card against President Trump. Dropping the financial bomb during Trump’s term and blaming it on him is a resort that cannot be ruled out.

The financial disarray would incite mass civil unrest atop an already deeply caustic distaste for Trump, perhaps prompting a revolutionary ousting.

Other sources allege Trump is a masterfully disguised establishment candidate.

Trump, who has been on record seen to mingle within Clinton circles is regarded by some sources as proof of Mr. Trump’s political infidelity.

  • Trump is allegedly set to appoint a CFR member and former Goldman Sachs partner in his government.
  • Trump has been seen making the ‘666’ hand gesture habitually, this may be coincidental, but could indicate occult affiliations.
  • Trump is supportive of Israel, a nation that has done much to exacerbate the middle eastern crisis. While Trump’s attitude towards Israel could potentially be innocuous and discouraging of further oppressive foreign policy in bipartisan cooperation and funding of Israel, the possibility remains that Trump will not cease the imperialistic desires for a Greater Israel to be established, a big goal for the Elites.
  • Trump is set to appoint Illuminati affiliated Newt Gingrich to exercise his foreign policy.

Whatever the truth is, all will come to fruition when Trump is inaugurated and he finally begins to enact the past few years’ rhetoric, how much will actually be implemented, how much was pandering?


Trump Win Astounds

Donald J. Trump has been made President-elect in a historically successful, albeit contentious bid to attain the highest office in US government. What are the implications?

Donald Trump’s victory is (likely) a victory for ordinary, decent people against a corrupt establishment. It is a victory for peace against war and for cooperation over confrontation.

Trump’s triumphant win could mark the reversing point of globalist momentum in Western seats of power, and maybe even restore the bilateral mutuality of peaceful nation-states capable of working alongside one another; a world view held in admiration by Trump and other apparently non-Globalist leaning world leaders; especially in regards to cooperating with Russia’s Vladimir Putin, this could see the cooling of middle eastern escalation, the end of ISIS, and the (indefinite) restoration of world peace.

Obama’s remaining time in office leaves significant uncertainty.

Barack Obama

Barack Obama, a globalist puppet, will remain in office until Trump assumes the post in January of 2017, this leaves a short period by which Obama and his shadow affiliates could trigger catastrophe that would preserve his (and their) position; theories vary, but a global conflict masking an overdue financial collapse may be prompted to alleviate the due process of US democracy; thus preventing Trump from actually taking office.

Trump: “Drain the Swamp”

Donald Trump’s recent allusive comments in regards to ‘draining the swamp’ directly refer to the blatant corruption in circles of power in the US government. Hopefully, Trump actually delivers in ousting the bad eggs and jailing Clinton; proving his oft iterated statements are not hot air rhetoric, this should be something he capitalises on doing in his promises to voters.


Trump could backtrack, or worse; be an establishment candidate in heavy disguise.

The possibility does remain that Trump; who was friendly with the Clintons at one point (and may still be behind closed doors), may simply be a ‘goalpost’ changer in a crafty Globalist effort to refresh the dynasties from the worn-out Clinton & Bush era of politics to some newer faces.

I fear Trump may be a perpetuation of the controller’s paradigm. Yes, even despite Trump’s eagerness to demonstrate his ‘outsider’ background; this could very easily be the same approach used underhandedly by Globalists needing a new political dynasty to control the people, a changing of masks per se.

10 Stances that suggest Trump is not a Globalist

  1. Trump’s opposition to TTIP, a highly globalist oriented trade deal favouring big corporations over the people, poised to cede job opportunities and fill the coffers of the rich implies that Mr. Trump may have the people in mind before his money.
  2. Trump’s concern over regressive cultural Marxism that opposes Western values, Trump’s interest in retaining the populism of progressive western values defined by constitutionalism and liberty in the US by repelling groups that (in majority) do not generally hold these values at heart; many middle-eastern Islam adherents who have only known regressive cultural principles suggests that Trump gives emphasis to the unimpeachable standards of liberty and the basic inalienable freedoms that we are entitled to, and that may be eroded with an electorate drastically changed by over acceptance and mass migration.
  3. Trump’s opposition to toxic substances in vaccines and their ill effect on health: Trump’s disgust for what he addresses as autism-causing vaccines opposes the Goliath pharmaceutical corporations; once again suggesting that he is not an establishment or vested interest beholden candidate.
  4. Trump’s admiration of,  and desire to work with Vladimir Putin: The fact Trump likes the Russians speaks volumes in a country with a media so vehemently anti-Russian, Putin has been incessantly painted as a tyrannical figure by Globalist funded outlets, this changes with Trump who claims to not seek confrontation, but amicable partnership with them.
  5. Trump’s staunch constitutionalism: This speaks for itself, this is a man that triumphs the very thing that makes the West great, limited government that should always be held accountable for its actions, should serve the people and not itself or any vested interest, and should be challenged at every turn and motion. “Defend the Second Amendment of our Constitution. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed upon. Period.”
  6. Trump’s adherence to faith: As a professed man of the Bible in a West where faith is dying, Trump is humble enough and modest enough to realise there is more than himself while not forcing that faith on others. This contradicts the gross egoism of the Globalists; and is a role-model example that is surely to set the States on a course towards moral enlightenment and greater integrity and self discipline. The Satanic globalists, google ‘Spirit Cooking’ – are the exact opposite of this, even if they openly deny it.
  7. Trump’s ‘Pro-Gun’ stance: Trump has vowed to uphold all of the constitution, the right to purchase and bear arms is factored into this sacrosanct, legally binding document. It is something that, unlike the Globalists, Trump supports and endorses to the core; looks like 8 years of Obama grinding down at gun rights has not come to much fruition. The venerable right to overthrow a corrupt government with arms is recognised by Trump, else he would be trying to get rid of armaments, too, just like his corrupt predecessors have.
  8. Trump has been outspoken against the inanity of the ‘liberal’ PC culture: Once again demonstrably illustrating Trump as a man not concerned with the self-entitled safe-space, victimised mental blocks that permit far more harm than conciliation; it is a big sign that he is not one of the establishment.
  9. Trump eats organic: Defying big corporate lobbyists such as Monsanto that promote pesticides and GMOs, Donald Trump and his family allegedly live off of an organic diet and know the importance of good health on the well being of a person.@mygreenhippo #BenCarson is now leading in the #polls in #Iowa. Too much #Monsantoin the #corn creates issues in the brain? #Trump #GOP“ — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 22, 2015
  10. Trump endorses Brexit & Nationalism: the very opposite of globalism, the elites would have us pin nationalism to Nazi Germany, but both Donald Trump and Nigel Farage have portrayed nationalism as a positive celebration of culture and independence while still co-operating with other states.

Trump: Controlled Opposition?

Donald J. Trump might mark a premeditated ‘renewal’ process to replenish a demonized establishment face in exchange for a new one; ultimately serving the same masters while keeping public opinion satisfied. The new mask is being forged.

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” ― Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Trump offers all of this in his radical approach and ‘outsider’ shtick, yet unbeknownst to the many; Trump serves the wealthy few in all likelihood, cultivating a relationship with the elites such as the Clintons behind the dense facade of defamatory remarks and cut-throat politics expounded by both ends of US politics, a likely false rivalry used to propel Trump as the ravishing rogue. The establishment have figured out that more and more people like a good underdog, so why not try a top-dog posing as an underdog?

“I really like her and her husband both a lot. I think she really works hard.” 

Trump on Hillary and Bill Clinton, 2012

Trump buddying-up with the Clintons. For him to truly call Hillary corrupt among other things seems a long-shot for a man quite acquainted in Clinton circles.

Changing the Goal Posts?

Despite a large degree of uncertainty as to exactly why Trump is in this race, Mr. Trump may be in it to falsely ‘revolutionize’ US politics. He is the ‘revolution’ people want (and need); akin to the ‘October Revolution’ when globalists staged a ‘revolution’ of the people to instate a governing body of their preference. Trump offers a political revolution that will ‘overturn’ establishment politics – but in reality he will pose as the hero, while the face of hidden hand politics changes, and the people are left believing that America has been somehow saved from corruption.

Trump and many of his other ‘fellow’ candidates exude Masonic control-system politics; markedly seen in the telling gestures, signals and innuendos.

Trump espouses ‘change’ in other words, as did Barack Obama in his Presidential bid – Trump’s absorbing character makes it quite tempting to be swept into his daredevil rhetoric – and forget the prerequisite pinch of salt that no candidate should elude. People were taken into Obama’s charm and ignored the blatant rigging under the selection-based system that presides in America. Now the same is happening, but the establishment have conceded corruption in their very extremities. All for the sake of keeping their position intact and baiting the growing ‘truther’ audience away from the real culprits.

The Devil’s insignia, 666, a commonplace hand gesture exhibited by Trump – a coincidence, or no?

Trump has an affinity to repeat buzz-phrases and sound-byte his speeches, sprinkling in ‘I’m not an establishment politician’ and ‘I self-funded this’ while incessantly parroting ‘Make America great again!’ – Usually, this is indicative of somebody being the exact opposite. Don’t let the hype of Trump’s campaign allow him to go unaccountable for his words. He is pandering to anti-establishment voters and political skeptics, a growing body of people that needs to be addressed if the establishment are to remain in control.

“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”
Adolf Hitler

And no, I am not calling Trump Hitler. The juxtaposition of the quotation does not do justice to the meaning it derives; Trump’s likeness to repetition is compellingly convincing, and is working on a huge scale.

So is Trump really one of the establishment?

  1. Self funding, not what it seems. Trump routinely tells white-lies about this: he receives individual donations, on top of this the funds he contributes himself are meager. The secret is that his campaign is actually dirt cheap (Trump has dished out a tepid figure of around $25 million.) This wins him an attractive claim that will garner public support. Smart politics, but misleading – Just because a candidate is self-funding does not mean they are not ultimately beholden to an establishment group. And Trump’s campaign funds are a blink compared to his true financial leverage, he has not put as many eggs in the basket as he would like us to believe.
  2. Richard Haas, CFR member, endorses Trump. When a member of the CFR, a shadow government conglomerate, endorses and works with Donald Trump red flags are to be waved aloft – it is rather contradictory to present yourself as anti-establishment and then harbor a major establishment player, the narrative just crumbles.
  3. Media knows any publicity is good publicity, but gives Trump all the publicity. Trump is routinely marketed as the bad-boy of US politics, and the media is more than happy to conveniently give him airtime to compensate for a lack of campaign funds that should have been covered on his own end. In the earliest stages of the Presidential running, Trump was a joke candidate that should have been ignored; the establishment (and their media moguls) have a way of omitting candidates that actually threaten their paradigm. Trump obviously is not one of them, as he got massive airtime. Meanwhile, a proper candidate like Ron Paul gets little to no airtime, that counts as a red flag. The media openly lambastes Trump without the subtleties it usually employs, it almost demands people follow the course of reverse-psychology, and vote Trump for the sake of curiosity.
  4. The Clinton/Bush era is at an end, a new establishment face is emerging? It makes sense that the Bush and Clinton eras are long overdue for replacement, the elites need to shed their skins and grow a new coat to blend into the modern sociopolitical background, for the sake of survival – the current cycle has been going on too long. The people grow weary of the present options, amplified by a growing anti-establishment movement worldwide. The process of inducting a family into establishment affairs is costly, takes time, and leans on a lot of trust – the Trump dynasty is the latest of such inductions – readied in the wings to take the place of Bush/Clinton era politics by storm, while pandering to the false notion of renewal and change. Yet the only ‘renewal’ is to the benefit of the establishment, and the consolidation of their shadow government. Get people to believe a candidate will depose and audit a corruption scapegoat, and you can set-back civil unrest by another decade, and ultimately remain in power.
  5. Trump is likely in Secret Societies. Newt Gingrich shot establishment propaganda in the foot by explicitly claiming on-air that Trump was ‘un-initiated’ into secret societies in a bid to deceive truth-movement adherents into supporting Trump. By going out of his way to actually state this on mass-media, Newt Gingrich is suggesting that Trump is in fact a member of a secret society, and therefore a controlled candidate. Freemasonry denotes the construction and architecture of buildings, and Trump is a big player in real estate.
  6. Trump held many starkly contrary opinions not long ago. Trump has rearranged his rhetoric for his present image, overlapping prior stances in dramatic shifts of opinion, including having previously endorsed Hillary Clinton – he is pandering to get voters; his actions not aligning with his words show him up as a malleable person that is obviously lacking in integrity and principle – this sounds like a recipe for him to be beholden to establishment politics.



Music is losing substance

You’ve probably seen the bloated mass of complaints in YouTube comments sections slating modern music as ‘worse’ than the old days; well, it turns out they may have a point. Music is noticeably losing its substance, melodically, lyrically and characteristically, along with a bunch of scientific terms I will impart below.

Pop culture degrades our overall culture, it is cultural engineering.

Pop culture is not actually pop culture, because it is controlled through and through, corporations and their labels choose who is ‘popular’ and who will never gain recognition. The music industry is brainwashing us into liking terrible songs; and as a result, liking a terrible message, and therefore embracing a terrible culture.

The music industry has taken a frightful turn for the worse as mainstream artists have lost touch with their own spark for creativity; creativity has sold out. Big names are bought and sold, algorithm driven, and ghost writers are rampant in the highest echelons; anyone that scrapes an honest morsel of popularity is rapidly bought off. This is a ‘pop culture’ totally dominated by corporate interest, and a grotesque hunger for moneymaking. Meaningful influence in music is suppressed and siphoned, the messages are always controlled and people will always listen to it because it is so accessible, and so widely disseminated.

Hopsin, a famous rapper who rose to fame in his feud with a label, he branched away and made his own label and has gained significant popularity.

Stephen Patrick Morrissey, ex Smiths frontman and solo artist has not landed a record deal for years, yet his music holds a meaningful message, is crafted to a phenomenal standard and has a healthy degree of variety. In the below quote he shares his view of pop music, and why you need to avoid it.


Morrissey (Singer, songwriter): I think the pop chart today is entirely market-driven. And it has nothing to do with public taste. And it has nothing to do with moving music forward. It’s simply a market chart. And people who’ve managed to grapple into the top five have done so because of an aggressive campaign, and nothing else. And so many sales are mysteriously automatic. Very often now we glance an eye at the chart and we can’t understand why a certain person is No1 or No2, why have they flown in at No3. It’s understandable to ask that question. But it’s simply market-driven. Nothing else. The quality of the music, the content – absolutely immaterial. As a direct result so many bands and so many artists have ongoing success with absolutely no songs.

Burn down the disco
Hang the blessed DJ
Because the music that they constantly play
It says nothing to me about my life – Panic, the Smiths

Russell Brand on Katy Perry: ‘Vapid, vacuous and plastic’: labels ex-wife Katy Perry’s lifestyle the ‘very thing I detest’ 

Shia LaBeouf: In my parents’ generation, rebellion was pop culture. It’s not anymore.

Trevor Dunn: Pop culture is not about depth. It’s about marketing, supply and demand, consumerism. 

Science says music is getting worse: homogeneity

Scientific studies have even highlighted that the vocabulary and variety of the collective music culture has taken a nosedive, subject material has veered towards an overtly materialistic and sexual stature, while any melodic variety has become an incomprehensible mush of sameness. Our musical diversity has become inbred, mainly headlined by pretentious artists that have largely inaccessible content, and sport a message that holds little to no substance in most cases – a product of the example set by pop music that has been branded and promoted as ‘popular’ but is really a facet in a game of big-money marketing and exposure.

  • Loudness comes at the expense of dynamic range—in very broad terms, when the whole song is loud, nothing within it stands out as being exclamatory or punchy. (This two-minute YouTube video does a great job of demonstrating how excessive loudness saps richness and depth from a recording.) Indeed, Serrà and his colleagues found that the loudness of recorded music is increasing by about one decibel every eight years.
  • So, what happened since 1955? Well, timbral variety went down. That means that songs are becoming more and more homogeneous. In other words, all pop music sounds the same now.

A catchy beat is the staple hook for most popular music, lyrics are engineered to be vague but ‘nice’ sounding, so not intellectually stimulating whatsoever. The result is a stupor of ‘cool beats’ that keep you on a high of raves and party lifestyle antics, while intellectualism is centralized to the elites behind the scenes, you are the stooge that learned to love the taste of the musical equivalent of faeces, because it was overwhelmingly branded ‘cool’ to do so.

“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”
― Adolf Hitler

Algorithms find the most profitable sound

Algorithm technology has exploded in recent years, along with this advancement has come the lucrative opportunity for discovering the most profitable melodies, tempos and a host of other musical attributes connected to popular artists.

Pop music automation is a field of study among musicians and computer scientists with a goal of producing successful pop music algorithmically. It is often based on the premise that pop music is especially formulaic, unchanging, and easy to compose.

What this means is that popular music is becoming homogenized (more samey) for the very sake of assuring profits for the organisations behind the big names. The patterns of music that receive the most hits are replicated by big names that are bought in a war of supply and demand; to make the most money is the objective, not the upholstery of individuality in music, the fundamental basis of art is dismissed.

People arguing against the notion that music is worsening will claim that artists are making their own choices in the collective trajectory of music trends, and that somehow this excuses the growing blandness of our music.

If you landed from another planet and wanted to make it big there, it would make sense you’d go for very generic and very loud and put an attractive person as your celebrity.

With the mass-exposed rise of monetized, corporate pop music, the influential trickle-down effect on artists at every level is unimaginable, the sheer numerical pull-factor of modern pop music’s popularity overshadowing anything in the 20th century by a considerable amount is enough to poison new musicianship at the entry level, and might be a reason new music is seeming so similarly unpalatable; people flock to what is perceived to be popular.