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“Bigotry Seems Emboldened” George Bush Lashes Out at Trump

Former President, George W. Bush has struck-out at President Donald J. Trump in a heated speech addressing topics including fake news, white supremacy, public-state trust, the elections, and globalism.

The former President blasted that “bigotry seems emboldened” in the U.S, while urging the country to accept “globalization” – the same globalization which the IMF, the BIS and even the Federal Reserve now all agree and warn has led to record wealth inequality in the US.

Mr. Bush stated that “We cannot wish globalization away,” he continued later, urging society to “adapt” to economic and social change.

Mr. Bush slanted nationalism with “We’ve seen nationalism distorted into nativism.”

Despite the sheer hypocrisy, the former President also had this to say:

“Bigotry or white supremacy in any form is blasphemy against the American creed.”

Yet he is openly an advocate of anti-white programs and the racist social agendas of the globalists.

The man that led the US into a war based on fabrication in the middle-east resulting in the deaths of millions said:

“Bigotry seems emboldened. Our politics seem more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication.”

Mr. Bush also spoke of the ‘Russian election interference’ — a narrative proven to be false;

One person took to twitter to express how Mr. Bush was “silent through the eight years of corruption called Obama. And now he wants to stand up.”

Alternative news giant, Paul Joseph Watson, chimed in on the former Presidents’ credibility:

Surprisingly, Mr. Bush had no introspective insight to explain how the collapse of democracy may have started with Trump’s predecessors, including both president Obama and, of course, Mr. Bush himself, or what specific aspects of the US political process may have led to the general popular revulsion with “establishment” system, which – as much as Putin would love to take credit – started long before any alleged Russian involvement.

Bush also spoke about the American identity.

“Our identity as a nation, and unlike many other nations, is not determined by geography or ethnicity, by soil or blood. Being an American involves the embrace of high ideals and civic responsibility.”

What Mr. Bush left out was that ethnicity happens to still be regional, and in these regions there are cultures that have formed; these cultures may hold values and ideals contrary to American ideals and culture. No, not all cultures are equal.

Look to China where the general mentality is to be grateful to work for much less than the Western standard. Mr. Bush said it himself; being American is all about embracing “high ideals and civic responsibility,” yet he advocates the importation of non-western thinking individuals, who come in vast swathes from being under twisted, exploitative governments, their minds and outlooks marred by downtrodden backgrounds that would be grateful for anything they get, all without a word to say that they need to be re-educated in western ideals and standards.

This is about re-population and mindset replacement to whitewash the American dream and its constitution for good, its about bringing in people who will vote for globalist, collectivist-Marxist ideals and big-brother-state welfare, but Mr. Bush slyly talks of ethnicity and skin color as the prevailing narrative, while at every turn taking Trump out of context and trashing him for somehow encouraging ‘white supremacy.’

Mainstream media fiercely supportive of Bush’ globalist speech.

Of course, the establishment-backed armada of biased mainstream media outlets are hailing Mr. Bush’ speech as a complete ‘take down’ of Trump; a ‘successful’ character assassination.

All this anti-Trump hysteria and not a word on the previous destructive administrations, like that of George W. Bush himself. It is clear that this is not about virtue or the American dream: this is about slandering a man who advocates real populist change in America and the wider world.

Media pushing globalist narratives non-stop for those who still listen to it.

The Independent had the gumption to call out Trump for telling the truth by saying that the US’ foreign policy is not as pure as the establishment would like us to believe:

Donald Trump appeared to equate US foreign actions to those of Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying, “There are a lot of killers. You think our country’s so innocent?”