Tag Archives: baphomet

What’s happening in the Middle East?

With the native populaces on a mass exodus, the US continuing strikes and convening false terror organisations, or at the very least funding them, (Which drive people out of the region, coincidentally), and the Russian military on a large scale intervention effort – all under the noses of the confused public: something big is taking place in this notorious region of struggle and strife, far from the lavish comforts of the Western beehive.

Have you heard that the Russians have now admitted to their ‘interests’ in the Middle East? They’ve finally stepped in, who said communism was the only expansionist foe in the game?

“The Russians say they are ready to give direct support, they’re not ashamed to admit it, they consider the Syrian army and Assad to be legitimate”

With the USA looking to oust Assad, and the Russians seeking to maintain his rule, we immediately have a revamp of the old school dichotomy of the West and East – is this the continued theater of the Middle-Eastern chapter of the Cold War?


It is in western interest to be the subtle colonial the middle-east, and as a result, exert their under-the-radar tyrannous rule with Agenda 21, let’s give some fair examples:

  • It is being done in Israel, an effective Western Colony instated after WW2, this is a given move of Imperialism, Obama openly supports Israel, it is the spot for much American migration. Israel is a puppet for US ‘defense efforts’ by ousting the ‘corrupt’ governments and instating American leaning/controlled ones.
  • It is being done by monopolizing the Saudi Peninsula and Gulf States, introducing the American Dollar as the base currency, and striking deals with Middle Eastern Oil companies.
  • Also, by controlling the mass exodus of migrants to Europe, which means winning over the hearts and minds of the natives. Which only further alienates those who oppose Western presence there.
  • Playing the propagandist’s role of the global ‘hero’ – the American mindset is ignorantly, and exclusively, of an antagonist and a protagonist, no in-between, no lateral field – people forget that everyone on the board can be out for corrupt means, not simply just one or another.
  • ISIS or ISIL are the baddies in this political equation, the Hegelian Dialectic comes into play, giving excuses for the migrant crisis to be allowed, for the US to escalate their involvement against ‘terrorism’ instate governments they want – and so on.
  • It’s not just in foreign policy, but the domestic scene also bears relevance, the Hyper-liberal social engineering at play throughout our social media portrays America not as the superpower they are, but an all-inclusive, anti-racist, universal hub for everyone, such an attractive fantasy, isn’t it? – so much so many people feel America should be left exempt of the critique of the free thinking eye.
  • Force an ethnic mix-up in Europe using the ‘desperados cause’ of migration, it will pledge people against each other so they’re easier to control under the masquerade of diversity and ‘liberty’

The “Migrant Crisis” is engineered.

Do you think politicians care about morality? The answer is most certainly no, especially when it comes to western politics. The annual cremation of care of the world elite proves that, not to mention near everyday news.

That can mean only one thing; the migrant crisis is engineered to be falsely based off our morality – out of ‘actually’ caring. At no point in any other modern global conflict have people accepted or called for migrants on a scale as large as this, why is Syria the one to get our attention?

It is in the interest of western politicians of course.

The ‘migrant crisis’ is perhaps a genius method of gaining a propaganda victory, winning over the public with this noble act of ‘humanitarianism’ a noble lie – while also continuing to push the 9/11 founded anti-extremism/terrorism agenda in a hyper-liberal western society, which doubtlessly is engineered towards getting people to mindlessly approve of NATO legislated military and diplomatic intervention, with the support of the ‘civilized’ – incidentally westernized, state of Israel. It’s all in the intricacies of the ‘soft’ and not particularly noticeable imperial western politics.

The anti-gay Russia seems a bit archaic in comparison, from a western perspective at least, the alienation of the East can only continue.


It’s been some 14 years since the twin towers took their final, calamitous blows, the previous ‘terrorist’ attack on the world famous buildings was on February 26th, 1993, on the underground car park, merely causing negligible damages; you could say that the buildings stood on figuratively ‘weak’ ground from there-on out.

If you didn’t know already, the attacks were almost certainly staged; they were a pyrotechnic light-show as far as obviousness is concerned. The real reasons have resonated countlessly in past years, preconceptions debunked, evidence re-examined and hoaxes overturned: The towers simply could not have collapsed the way they did without another hand in the ‘incident’ – It resembled more an explosives-based demolition than one of destructive randomness.

In between 1993 and 2001 the media made countless allusions to the September 11th attacks, ‘coincidences’ that in bulk, just can’t be coincidental…

I will begin with The Matrix “coincidence” …

In blockbuster film The Matrix, released in 1999. In the first Matrix film, Thomas Anderson, aka Neo, is being interrogated by Agent Smith, for a split second you can see his passport. If you look very closely (we took this screenshot from the Blu-ray version) you can see that Neo’s passport expires on the 11th of September, 2001.

See, the bottom right we have the expiration date saying 11th September.

I will now move on to the second “coincidence”, the Simpsons episode, “The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson”, originally airing September 21, 1997, showing Lisa holding an ad in front of Bart of a $9 bus trip to New York with the towers interestingly juxtaposed next to the 9, portraying the image of 9/11.

simpsons 911

Our next foreshadowing act emanates from the very owner himself, Larry Silverstein, taking out insurance covering ‘act of terrorism’ months before the attacks. He was also due to be present at the buildings on the fateful morning, but was ‘delayed’ due to traffic, thus conveniently avoiding the deathly moments of the strikes.

A big payout followed, Silverstein took the insurance companies to court and happened to win the case. A settlement was reached in 2007, with insurers agreeing to pay out $4.55 billion.

Here’s another coincidence coming up, the passports of the alleged ‘terrorists’ were found completely intact in the wreckage. Despite the fact 2 almost indestructable black boxes weren’t.

The BBC also made an alleged false report when a LIVE broadcast in NYC informed that the WTC7 had also collapsed. The building was still intact at this time, and mysteriously ‘collapsed’ later on – this almost certainly is the result of the one of the planes being taken back by passengers and the resultant crash in a forest in Pennsylvania, that plane was meant for this building; it never hit the target.

WTC7’s collapse was claimed by officials to have been the result of a fire, despite no steel-framed building of its kind ever collapsing due to fire in the known history of the structural architecture of similar likeness.

“Experts said no building like it, a modern, steel-reinforced high-rise, had ever collapsed because of an uncontrolled fire.”


The same goes for the twin towers, the method of their comedown in free-fall was a controlled demolition, without a doubt.

Evidence resembling the prime characteristics of thermite – a metal eating compound, was photoed at ground zero:

Symptoms of a hoax…

The full truth is that the fires in the building could not have brought the steel anywhere close to the temperature – about 1,482°C (2,700°F) – needed for it to melt, thermite is our culprit.

The steel skeleton of the building had to be weakened all-round.

Like a human, the skeleton of our makeup gives us the ability to stand, to take away that skeleton of ours would implicate us being a puddle of flesh and organs on the ground – we’d effectively collapse, right? The same goes for the Twin Towers and their structural skeletons of steel framing. By weakening the steel skeleton at key points, like in a controlled demolition, you can bring a building down in one fell swoop, the combination of thermite and small-scale explosives created this effect, it’s not magic, it’s the science physics. It’s a practice that has been in use for many years, a building doesn’t pancake like that without a serious compromise.

But don’t my word for it, here’s Jodi Gibbs, educated at Harvard in Architecture.

911 Controlled Demolition - World Trade Center Twin Towers - The Next Logical Step Jodi Gibbs, Architect: The buildings fall at a speed of which can only occur if the vertical structure has been removed. Large molten multiple tonne beams were hurled hundreds of yards laterally. Gravity works vertically, not laterally. We also now have the evidence of Thermite and Thermate explosives. Most of these things were not even mentioned in the 911 Commission report. For this reason I urge all architects and engineers to look in the matter, look at the evidence that is available and sign on to the demands of Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth in demanding that we get a judicial investigation. 2,606 people lost their lives in the World Trade Center buildings on September 11, 2001. 125 people lost their lives at the Pentagon. 246 people lost their lives on the four planes. Image: ae911truth.org

“The buildings fall at a speed of which can only occur if the vertical structure has been removed. Large molten multiple tonne beams were hurled hundreds of yards laterally. Gravity works vertically, not laterally. We also now have the evidence of Thermite and Thermate explosives.
Most of these things were not even mentioned in the 911 Commission report.For this reason I urge all architects and engineers to look in the matter, look at the evidence that is available and sign on to the demands of Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth in demanding that we get a judicial investigation.”

Also, Rick Fowlkes — P.E. — Structural Engineer:
911 Controlled Demolition - World Trade Center Twin Towers - The Next Logical Step Rick Fowlkes — P.E. Civil-Structural Engineer: Over four-hundred connections per second had to fail in order for the members to be released and for the Twin Towers structure to descend at almost free-fall rate. 2,606 people lost their lives in the World Trade Center buildings on September 11, 2001. 125 people lost their lives at the Pentagon. 246 people lost their lives on the four planes. Image: ae911truth.org
“Over four-hundred connections per second had to fail in order for the members to be released and for the Twin Towers structure to descend at almost free-fall rate.”
The somber 2015 memorial lights, a painful phantom of what once was.

Baphomet the Poser

Strike a Pose Baphomet

the Baphometic pose, in a depiction of The Last Judgment by Rogier van der Weyden (1446-52).


Da Vinci painting of John the Baptist, notice fingers pointing downwards. Like the two fingers of Osiris, Buddha, Jesus Christ and many other savior icons

Strike a pose
Vogue, vogue, vogue

Baphomet is an enigmatic, goat-headed figure found in several instance in the history of occultism. From the Knights Templar of the Middle-Ages and the Freemasons of the 19th century to modern currents of occultism, Baphomet never fails to create controversy. But where does Baphomet originate from and, most importantly, what is the true meaning of this symbolic figure and its Pose.

Robin Good-Fellow (or Puck) is a mythological fairy said to be a personification of land spirits. Bearing several attributes of Baphomet and other deities, he is here shown on the cover of a 1629 book surrounded by witches
The ancient Celtic god Cernunnos is traditionally depicted with antler horns on his head, sitting in “lotus position”, similar to Levi’s depiction of Baphomet. Although the history of Cernunnos is shrouded in mystery, he is usually said to be the god of fertility and nature.
In Britain, an aspect Cerennunos was named Herne. The horned god has the Satyr-like features of Baphomet along with its emphasis on the phallus.

Recently, Controversy has surrounded An 8½-foot-tall, 1½-ton bronze monument featuring a goat-headed Satan which will be unveiled at a secret, ticketed event in Detroit after the owner of a popular restaurant and entertainment complex backed out and opponents issued threats. The  Baphomet, which is backed by an inverted pentagram and flanked by statues of two young children gazing up at the creature, shows Satan with horns, hooves, wings and a beard.

I don’t understand really what the piffle is all about.   If we look at this statue carefully and compare it to other notable statues throughout recent history – it is the same.  This was manufactured, manufactured to sell books.  It is important to know this while trying to place ‘Levi’s’ image in perspective. Because Alphonse was trying to sell books and blow minds. All of the authors of this stuff from that era were vying to be the authority on the Hermetic Mysteries and Alchemy. It was incredibly fashionable.

A comparison made between Masip’s “Christ with Eucharist” and the ceremonial magician Eliphas Lévi’s (1810 – 1875) “Baphomet” leaves little doubt that they have much in common. Any argument to the effect that Lévi was merely counterfeiting a truly good genuine fails when held up to the light of scripture, where the second commandment clearly prohibits what Masip and other religious artists have done.
The 19th century image of a Sabbatic Goat, created by Eliphas Levi. The arms bear the Latin words SOLVE (separate) and COAGULA (join together), i.e., the power of “binding and loosing” usurped from God and, according to Catholic tradition, from the ecclesiastical hierarchy acting as God’s representative on Earth.

Baphomet  (/ˈbæfɵmɛt/; from Medieval Latin Baphometh, Baffometi, Occitan Bafometz) is a term originally used to describe an idol or other deity that the Knights Templar were accused of worshiping.  Throughout the history of Western occultism, the name of the mysterious Baphomet is often invoked. Although it became commonly know name in the twentieth century, mentions of Baphomet can be found in documents dating from as early as the 11th century.

Knights Templar Seal representing the Gnostic figure Abraxas.

It should be noted that In the 18th century, speculative theories arose that sought to tie the Knights Templar with the origins of Freemasonry. 
The most famous depiction of Baphomet is found in Eliphas Levi’s “Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie“, a 1897 book that became a standard reference for modern occultism. Levi certainly had a warped sense of humour.

“The name of the Templar Baphomet, which should be spelt kabalistically backwards, is composed of three abbreviations: Tem. ohp. AB., Templi omnium hominum pacts abbas, “the father of the temple of peace of all men”. [1. Eliphas Levi, Dogmes et Rituels de la Haute Magie]

Shortly after the release of Levi’s illustration, the french writer and journalist Léo Taxil released a series of pamphlets and books denouncing Freemasonry, charging lodges with worshiping the devil. At the center of his accusations was Baphomet, which was described as the Mason’s object of worship.

Whatever the case may be, the most likely connection between Freemasonry and Baphomet is through symbolism, where the idol becomes an allegory for profound esoteric concepts. The Masonic author Albert Pike argues that, in Freemasonry, Baphomet is not an object of worship, but a symbol, the true meaning of which is only revealed to high-level initiates.

Baphomet – the popular image may have originated from the Tarot Deck

from the early eighteenth century Tarot of Marseilles by Jean Dodal.
The Magician tarot card displaying the Hermetic axiom “As Above, So Below”


Lévi’s Baphomet is the source of the later Tarot image of the Devil in the Rider-Waite design.

According to an entry in Wikipedia

The Baphomet is an imagined pagan deity, (i.e., a product of Christian folklore concerning pagans) revived in the 19th century as a figure of Satanism. It first appeared in a late 12th-century Provençal poem as a corruption of “Muhammad”[1], but later it appeared as a term for a pagan idol in trial transcripts of the Inquisition of the Knights Templar in the early 1300s. However, in the 19th century the name came into popular English-speaking consciousness with the publication of various works of pseudo-history that tried to link the Knights Templar with conspiracy theories elaborating on their suppression. The name Baphomet then became associated with a “Sabbatic Goat” image drawn by Eliphas Lévi.


Therefore, Baphomet, as Occultist Lévi’s 1861 illustration suggests, and has occasionally been portrayed as a synonym of Satan or a demon, a member of the hierarchy of Hell.  In other words the image has no LINEAGE before or beyond LEVI.   It is a complete and utter product of his imagination.

“Blessed are the destroyers of false hope”

Pan was a prominent deity in Greece. The nature god was often depicted with horns on its head and the lower body of a goat. Not unlike Cerenunnos, Pan is a phallic deity. Its animalistic features are an embodiment of the carnal and procreative impulses of men.
Pope Sylvester II and the Devil (1460). In Christianity, the devil has similar features to the pagan gods described above as they are the main inspiration for these depictions. The attributes embodied by these gods became the representation of what is considered evil by the Church.
(Pictured: Rudolf Steiner working on his statue “The Representative of Man”)

   So, why did George Washington agree to the commission of sitting for this pose?  Because he was a Freemason

The above statue caused so much controversy that it had to be removed from the US Capitol Rodena and placed where it would be less seen. The controversy apparently had nothing to do with Washington allegedly being in the same Satanic position as Baphomet is traditionally depicted in, it was rather attributed to George not wearing any shirt.

recruitment poster has been reported to be a representation of the Illuminati god Baphomet. Death soldiers killed in wars created by families of the Illuminati are offered as blood sacrifice to Lucifer to aid in the coming of the anti-Christ.

Today, the symbol is associated with anything relating to occultism, ritual magic, witchcraft, Satanism and esoterica. Baphomet often pops up in popular culture to identify anything occult.Baphomet’s hands form the “sign of Hermetism” – which is a visual representation of the Hermetic axiom “As Above, So Below”. This dictum sums up the whole of the teachings and the aims of Hermetism, where the microcosm (man) is as the macrocosm (the universe). Therefore, understanding one equals understanding the other.

Some examples

Antichrist Svperstar era picture of the band, with Manson holding the Baphomet pose.


Rihannah. Baphomet Umbrellla


The “As Above So Below”


The “As Above , so below”

Delusional resistance

Baphomet Poding Christina.
Lady Gaga, illuminat puppet with the one eye closed.
Madge, never one to be outshone


Janet Jackson

Entertainment puppet master The Pied Piper of Trew   

From one Queen to another

In conclusion,  If you think this symbol is evil or have been mislead, you are what is called a “non-initiate” who is considered “profane” to the secret mysteries and secret knowledge that is contained in such stories, words or image.

The whole purpose of this is kabbalist control – divide and conqueror these are those who use secret words or allegories in order to conceal the truth of mans thirst for knowledge.   It’s all a game

represents the virgin mary while the satanic symbol known as the goat of mendes is to do with the apostle barnabas. the star of david has to do with the apostle paul in lower level freemasonary.