Tag Archives: combat

Will a Nuclear War Happen?

On the day when the fictitious universe known as fallout suffered its nuclear Armageddon in 2077 AD, it cannot be more relevant in discussing the looming nuclear war that may be about to erupt in the real world. Will it happen?

The short answer is on a basis of happenstance, no; but from a perspective of Globalist engineered incitement; almost certainly in one form or another, I believe. What is unfolding in present times is insinuative of what might stumble from classic cold war era rhetoric into a hot conflict of global proportions.

Prior major conflicts were just setting the scene: economically whittling down global powers (Britain, France, Russia etc) while ensuring the USA came out as king; steps to a new world order.

By reference to history, any decent predictor should consult the chronologies of our times; we are overdue for a war as subsequent to a major financial collapse, the most recent being the notable crisis in 2009.

  • Panic of 1901, a U.S. economic recession that started a fight for financial control of the Northern Pacific Railway
  • Panic of 1907, a U.S. economic recession with bank failures – both arguably led to WW1.
  • The Great Depression  (1929-39) which shortly preceded WW2

and now in recent times…

The world is being cultivated by the Globalist bankers for a major conflict. Massive currency and resource wars i.e. Saudi Oil embargo against Russia; provocations left, right and centre; and a huge proxy-war in the middle east against key Russian allies, Syria and Iran.

Encroaching threat: the US has bribed and cajoled European satellite states into its dominion by conquest or by its huge financial leverage (i.e. Ukraine). The missile shield ‘defence’ system is poised towards Russia, the field is set for a strike.

One theory states that the Globalist West will use WW3 to cover up the financial collapse implicated by the fiat currency system currently used by the Federal Reserve.

This absolutely makes sense, as the USD leads (or has led) as the world reserve currency. However, the USD’s upcoming demise and the rise of the East as an economic powerhouse is quite inevitable – The Globalist elites enthroned in the USA will not go down quietly, and will not cede the shining opportunity to establish a uni-polar world order of their rule, the world population is only getting bigger, and their Globalist politics is waning at the seams, as the UK leaves the EU and Russia and China push further for a Eurasian Union replete with its own currency set to pressure US dominance, and to rival the protectionism of the EU.

People that opposed the federal reserve fraudsters 

“When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes… Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.” – Napoleon Bonaparte

This financial instability comes after the financial elites/shadow government printed the USA’s way to massive, (but illusory) fortune for an extended time via the federal reserve (federal reserve explained) ever since the turn of the 20th century, this has been falsely propping up a husk of a rotting economy that should have crashed big time by now. All of this is to come down with one big crash that will allow the Globalists to maintain control – it is the only logical way forward, this means war – world war, as this upcoming financial crash is billed to be the biggest ever by many big names in economics – unless something happens to coincide with it.

A major US economic crash can hopefully be drowned out by the sound of a world war’s bang. This keeps the controllers in power, who save face by blaming the crash on war costs for a ‘good cause’ in fighting war.

9/11 followed a similar narrative, when the pentagon admitted some $6.5 trillion dollars was missing the day before the infamous attacks took place, which conveniently destroyed key evidence that would have surely led to prosecutions & convictions regarding this massive financial fraud. If a massive event such as 9/11 can be used to cover up financial fraud at one level, then why can’t a huge war be used to cover up fraud at an even greater level? When the very throne of the shadow government is at stake, a third world war to maintain that throne is very plausible.

‘Too Big to Fail’

The US Dollar relies on its global influence, or more accurately, bullying, to stay intact as exempt of the predominantly acknowledged financial rules i.e. gold backing (that Nixon cast out during his term); this is the ‘golden’ rule that other world currencies must adhere to, or face financial ruin.

The ‘Federal’ Reserve: Neither federal nor a legitimate reserve for a legitimate currency.

This is why the elites are panicking, as the world begins to turn away from US Dollar as the reserve currency, the US as a result will crumble in the consequences of decades of faking it, a long-term indebtedness to China and other nations will come to the fore very quickly as the facade of the huge federal reserve inflation bubble wears off.

The facade can only be maintained for so long, all must come to the light.

The Federal Reserve bankers can only keep the lie going for so long, the geopolitical pressures combined with the weakening of the USD as reserve currency means falsehood based, fiat economics’ days are numbered, and with it the seat of Globalism as a unilateral powerhouse.

Currently, the US is the worlds’ police state, keeping its subsidiaries, much like a global corporate entity; subservient to the largest stakeholder that makes the rules, and enforces these rules by mode of force. Without the brooding military assertiveness of the states, it would cease to hold all the cards in the global economy, the thorn in its side resides in the few states that dissent from the dominance of the unbacked USD, Syria, Iran, China and Russia.