Tag Archives: coverup

The Stockholm Syndrome

Akin to our parental or guardian based guidance that many of us are given from birth, to the very moment we head out into the big wide world - and onward to our eventual death, our subconscious psyche also has had a significant say in how we choose to approach every aspect of life; conspiracies and open-mindedness included.

When we lose the accompaniment of our parents, we substitute that loss directly by uptaking the guidance of our partner, ourselves and our direct surroundings, all of which are liable to manipulative techniques.

What [?] is theStockholm Syndrome’ ? …

“a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and sympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending and identifying with the captors.”

As humans we’re subliminally programmed to follow a yoke – the staff of a Shepherd that guides the cattle: be that the yoke of God (of the Kingdom of Heaven) or be that the yoke of Satan, our worldly captor, (of the Kingdom of the World.)

“Woe to te shepherds who are destroying and scattering the sheep of My pasture!” declares the LORD.

Jeremiah 23:1

Literary Examples …

“Why, the Grim Reaper had put up his tent on our doorstep!”

A Streetcar Named Desire, Tennessee Williams

This famous quote from main character, Blanche Dubois exposes the ways of the Devil, the presence of which is of a great prominence in the world that surrounds us.

The name of this famed 1940’s play by Tennessee Williams represents how life can be bought (materialistically) and be as a result, a one way ticket, a one way passage – to death, or to be lived out in love and compassion and be one towards God.

A Streetcar is generally a fixed one-way, public transportation. ‘Public’ is defined as the ‘generally ordinary people,’ or people as a ‘whole,’ a single form. God encourages the individual, whether we like it or not, we are an individual – no matter how twisted or inclined we are to the majority. Our relationship with him cannot be within the boundaries of an organisation or regiment, it is a free-spirited thing, untamed. We can, at any point get off that streetcar.

The Great Gatsby …

Recently, I studied Scott F. Fitzgerald’s ‘The Great Gatsby,’ Gatsby is an illusive character, who pursues the love of a certain Daisy Buchanan, someone sucked into a world of material desire. Ironically her name is ‘Daisy’ perhaps referring to a weed, from the ‘Wheat and Tares’ Bible parable, therefore implying she was corrupted by desire, and Gatsby yearned for her to turn to him. She is subject to the ‘beast’ of a man, Tom Buchanan (Representing Lucifer?).

  • Gatsby is rarely ever seen by anyone, his ‘parties’ are held loud and proud, but with no invites to anyone, people just turn up. Nick Carraway turns up with an invite, a conscientious young man who is an alien to the culture, as if he were born yesterday.
  • While most people attended Gatsby’s party, none knew him – the party was ironically the great distraction from him, he was left, isolated, made a foreigner at his own venue, subjected to the whispering and rumour that demonized him. In some ways this helped Gatsby know exactly who he could trust, Nick Carraway: our narrator, the ‘son,’ whom expresses his interest in Gatsby, thus he gets a genuine invite – as he pursued not the wild party but the man behind it all. We see Nick being reflected in Gatsby and vice versa, both are alone, yet both yearn to gain something more. They are both not of the devilish world…
  • It’s not that Gatsby couldn’t be with the people, it’s that the people couldn’t be with Gatsby. The essential message, if you demonize Gatsby as a recluse you have sorely misinterpreted the book.
  • You’re punished for living in God’s name in vain, the parties are the delusion created for those who refuse to see.

And with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. 11 For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence (Gatsby’s parties?) so that they will believe what is false, 12 in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.

2 Thessalonians 2:11

The ‘Valley of Ashes’ is one of the key points of symbolic imagery in the novella. However rich you are/poor you both go to the same place–they came from dust and they return to dust. Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust.

Gatsby’s bright car is contrasted strongly with the grey drabness of the ashes, he truly is representative of God.

From Dust to Dust
19For the fate of the sons of men and the fate of beasts is the same. As one dies so dies the other; indeed, they all have the same breath and there is no advantage for man over beast, for all is vanity. 20All go to the same place. All came from the dust and all return to the dust. 21Who knows that the breath of man ascends upward and the breath of the beast descends downward to the earth?…
Ecclesiastes 12:7
and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.

A Quora editorial explains this with a misguided scorn for their metaphorically secluded nature, that separates man and beast…

Nick is pretty much a loner, I think. He always talks with quite a remove about his own life. It’s like his own life matters very little. His own failed engagement is barely mentioned and his relationship with Jordan is not fleshed out at all. At the same time, when he views the people around him and the events as they unfold, you see he has a keen interest…

[I think Gatsby shows this too, he hosts parties without headlining himself to any great extent]

…(though he claims not to elicit confidences) and takes a moral tone. He is the lone moral voice, and we see how he sees Tom as a mere brute lacking in any redeeming qualities, how harshly he judges Daisy and how repulsed he is by the entire Myrtle affair from the beginning to the end. – Quora

Having not literally seen Gatsby, but instead subliminally understood him. Many people made the common mistake of…

… ‘I couldn’t feel, so (instead) I tried to touch.’ …

No one has ever seen God, but the one and only (be an individual, be yourself) Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.

No one has ever seen God. The One and Only Son– the One who is at the Father’s side– He has revealed Him.

‘The one and only’

In the image of God, he made his son, in the image of the son we must craft ourselves, so to see God, so to understand him – so to become the son, unified under the reverent message, so to revealed through the blessings of the word.

“Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.”
― Plato

It is, admittedly, a de-motivator; bearing a faith in something you barely understand, that is because the basis for that faith is in love and trust – both of which are based on taking a chance: will it be the power of love, or the love of power?…

When you first met your lover, did you not take a chance, a leap of faith to win them over?

Love and trust is putting yourself on the line for another, knowing that they have the capacity to damage you… or to emancipate you, but ‘indicators of interest,’ aka subliminal messages, give little hints, they give you an edge in your decision making, that’s the world we live in today – we must read between the lines.

Yes, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.

2 Timothy 3:12 

You must push past comfort; worldly comforts, they make us ignorant, turtle-shelled, and wholeheartedly reclusive from God, Jesus suffered persecution all his life and died being punished for spreading love and the word of God, ironically this was in an era of a slave Empire, the Roman Empire, that dominated so many, the antichrist led no doubt.

The reality is, the world is the battle grounds of light and dark, it’s been said so many times, yet not many really realize it. We are our own personal Jesus, you cant just sing hymns and read out the word, you must completely bathe yourself in the word, you must become Jesus, as one.

“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.”

Matthew 12:30

“The greatest victory in life is to rise above the material things that we once valued most.”

Muhammad Ali, aka Carson Clay

What’s happening in the Middle East?

With the native populaces on a mass exodus, the US continuing strikes and convening false terror organisations, or at the very least funding them, (Which drive people out of the region, coincidentally), and the Russian military on a large scale intervention effort – all under the noses of the confused public: something big is taking place in this notorious region of struggle and strife, far from the lavish comforts of the Western beehive.

Have you heard that the Russians have now admitted to their ‘interests’ in the Middle East? They’ve finally stepped in, who said communism was the only expansionist foe in the game?

“The Russians say they are ready to give direct support, they’re not ashamed to admit it, they consider the Syrian army and Assad to be legitimate”

With the USA looking to oust Assad, and the Russians seeking to maintain his rule, we immediately have a revamp of the old school dichotomy of the West and East – is this the continued theater of the Middle-Eastern chapter of the Cold War?


It is in western interest to be the subtle colonial the middle-east, and as a result, exert their under-the-radar tyrannous rule with Agenda 21, let’s give some fair examples:

  • It is being done in Israel, an effective Western Colony instated after WW2, this is a given move of Imperialism, Obama openly supports Israel, it is the spot for much American migration. Israel is a puppet for US ‘defense efforts’ by ousting the ‘corrupt’ governments and instating American leaning/controlled ones.
  • It is being done by monopolizing the Saudi Peninsula and Gulf States, introducing the American Dollar as the base currency, and striking deals with Middle Eastern Oil companies.
  • Also, by controlling the mass exodus of migrants to Europe, which means winning over the hearts and minds of the natives. Which only further alienates those who oppose Western presence there.
  • Playing the propagandist’s role of the global ‘hero’ – the American mindset is ignorantly, and exclusively, of an antagonist and a protagonist, no in-between, no lateral field – people forget that everyone on the board can be out for corrupt means, not simply just one or another.
  • ISIS or ISIL are the baddies in this political equation, the Hegelian Dialectic comes into play, giving excuses for the migrant crisis to be allowed, for the US to escalate their involvement against ‘terrorism’ instate governments they want – and so on.
  • It’s not just in foreign policy, but the domestic scene also bears relevance, the Hyper-liberal social engineering at play throughout our social media portrays America not as the superpower they are, but an all-inclusive, anti-racist, universal hub for everyone, such an attractive fantasy, isn’t it? – so much so many people feel America should be left exempt of the critique of the free thinking eye.
  • Force an ethnic mix-up in Europe using the ‘desperados cause’ of migration, it will pledge people against each other so they’re easier to control under the masquerade of diversity and ‘liberty’

The “Migrant Crisis” is engineered.

Do you think politicians care about morality? The answer is most certainly no, especially when it comes to western politics. The annual cremation of care of the world elite proves that, not to mention near everyday news.

That can mean only one thing; the migrant crisis is engineered to be falsely based off our morality – out of ‘actually’ caring. At no point in any other modern global conflict have people accepted or called for migrants on a scale as large as this, why is Syria the one to get our attention?

It is in the interest of western politicians of course.

The ‘migrant crisis’ is perhaps a genius method of gaining a propaganda victory, winning over the public with this noble act of ‘humanitarianism’ a noble lie – while also continuing to push the 9/11 founded anti-extremism/terrorism agenda in a hyper-liberal western society, which doubtlessly is engineered towards getting people to mindlessly approve of NATO legislated military and diplomatic intervention, with the support of the ‘civilized’ – incidentally westernized, state of Israel. It’s all in the intricacies of the ‘soft’ and not particularly noticeable imperial western politics.

The anti-gay Russia seems a bit archaic in comparison, from a western perspective at least, the alienation of the East can only continue.

Weaponized ‘Migration’

Migrants have, of recent, flooded into the European borders under legislation permitting asylum seeking rights. Should we be concerned? The short answer is yes, here’s the longer answer…

  • It’s a classical trick of demographic manipulation; to first destabilize the middle east to make it unsafe – therefore encouraging its native populace to believe that they must leave and become westernized, thus, to significantly boost western grip over the source regions and resources (Israel under western politicians) and to spread political upheaval; overthrow and instate western ideologies, not to mention a boost in cheap labour and population for the west.

  • Big Brother Corporations/Governments are benefitting financially from allowing migration, some 90% of migrants to Serbia are claiming to be Syrian refugees, with no proof or documentation to authenticate these claims. With a mass influx of cheap labour from migrants, the salaries of the majority are being downwards handicapped as corporations are needing to pay less overall to western employees for ‘dirty-work’ manual jobs.
Take a look at where most of these ‘migrants’ are headed, they’re piggy-backing on legitimate refugees to get the benefits of the welfare state. It’s not racist to make a perfectly logical observation, but people get called ‘racist’ for seeing truths such as these.


  • The overpopulation illusion is a myth to make some of us feel obliged to hold back migration while some of us feel obliged to accept it, radical Islam is also being artificially inflated to make migrants seem hostile and threatening, while on the other hand, some people see migrants as simply asylum seekers. These factors create a social divide to keep people in disagreement, it’s easier to pull the levers then.

  • Alienated migrants are forming subcultures and breaking away from the rest of western society, caught on the line between their old selves and the new. These migrants are often living unacceptably close to the poverty line and are increasingly turning to crime to fill in the gaps, thus only creating even more enmity between native and foreign populaces. It’s a naturally vicious cycle. 
  • Western governments constantly bombing migrants’ homelands creates hatred and ignorance, and a general lack of respect for their European undertakers, this naturally spawns prematurely conceived prejudices and the cancerous implications of hatred – both ways, it’s a mutual consensus apparently, that locks people out of love and respect for one another.
  • Leftist parties and ideology will be given more influence, which means more control, if you think capitalism is the sworn enemy of the left, you’re wrong, it is the ultimate aim for capitalism or cuckservatism to gradually become more left; and therefore more centralized. The migrants will pursue the welfare benefits of western Europe, and will be sucked into false political premonitions voting for bigger government thinking it will better their own lives, thus eradicating native westerners’ political views. It’s already been done during the era of segregation in America; mass migration to the Northern States of Black African Americans, helped Presidents sway and win elections – it’s all in the votes.
Migration dubiously doesn’t stop at the nearest safe country, it just happens to stop at one of the wealthiest on the continent.
  • Western media portraying ethnic migrants as collective ‘terrorists’ isn’t particularly helpful in any successful integration, if they can ignore the total war in Yemen they can ignore Jihadi John, it’s for the greater good:
The Jihadi john fiasco just couldn’t get more fake, if a sensible government without any ulterior motives wanted to fully integrate migrants they would never blow-up the happenings of a single, (most likely staged) event, to dirty an entire demographic, to rouse suspicion of your neighbour.

The Bible suggests you love your neighbour (in this case, migrants who live along side us), this passage makes no mention of race, colour, ethnicity – but unsurprisingly on the contrary, the media want enmity between us and our neighbour:

The Greatest Commandment

The propaganda continues in more recent media…

Hungary to fend off ‘terrorist migrants’ with 175-kilometre-long border fence

It’s the Berlin Wall all over again, the ultimate symbol of oppression                   – It’s making a comeback.

The irony is, thousands are being legally allowed in every month, a wall is useless, it only enforces an ignorant perspective that all migrants are inherently ‘terrorists,’ extremists, or rabid animals, that are completely different to us, no bigger lie could be told.

But that’s not to say they aren’t different in some ways, of course they are all human, like you and I, but their mentalities and ideologies are skewed by propaganda and war. Many of them are not accepting diversity, they expect to create subcultures, to break away and not co-operate, or they expect us to adapt to them. When it should be a gradual, mutual process of adaptation that suits both parties.

Some of them are radical, they have misinterpreted their own religion. This is worsened by the fact false terrorism is on the rise, some people buy into it and follow the crowd, taking up the convoluted and tainted form of radical Islam, that just isn’t what the religion is about, at all. Islam is a religion of peace.

The fence, established in Hungary, 2015.

If this mass mix-up of people continues into the future, cultural identity will be diluted, skin colours and languages will be merged together, identity would be marred, numbered and marginalized and the below graph may be a reality, 10 kingdoms, under one head of state. Is this the future we aspire to have?

To put it one way, migration is a way to destabilize European countries without using war, this, combined with financial engineering helps bring the European theatre under the control of the Globalist Agenda.


Ron Paul recently said; as a solution to the refugee ‘crisis’:

“Here is the real solution to the refugee problem: stop meddling in the affairs of other countries. Embrace the prosperity that comes with a peaceful foreign policy, not the poverty that goes with running an Empire. End the Empire!”

Israel isn’t accepting migrants because it only wants ‘chosen ones’ – refugees don’t fit that status quo.

The main Arabic states aren’t accepting anyone:

This only points to Europe, it’s in the majority, unmistakably a premeditated & controlled exodus and influx to the west.

Does it remind you of a shepherd and his sheep? Rounding them up,

— and the ultimate enclosure is Europe. The wolf is ready to pounce.

But, it seems like the trend-ridden, social media infected west of false liberals and progressives is biting the hand of liberty. It’s ‘too controversial’ to go against the migrants, many outlets have recently publicized the dead Syrian child who washed up on the beaches of Turkey. That was bound to get the attention of the narrow-viewing masses, who now, more than ever, are supporting migration. What a surprise; history does indeed repeat itself.

The solution as said by Nigel Farage is to stop all boats from crossing, a simple process that will prevent the water-based deaths, for some reason people think that supporting migration in mass will help to compensate for the death of but one; it will only worsen the situation.

Baphomet the Poser

Strike a Pose Baphomet

the Baphometic pose, in a depiction of The Last Judgment by Rogier van der Weyden (1446-52).


Da Vinci painting of John the Baptist, notice fingers pointing downwards. Like the two fingers of Osiris, Buddha, Jesus Christ and many other savior icons

Strike a pose
Vogue, vogue, vogue

Baphomet is an enigmatic, goat-headed figure found in several instance in the history of occultism. From the Knights Templar of the Middle-Ages and the Freemasons of the 19th century to modern currents of occultism, Baphomet never fails to create controversy. But where does Baphomet originate from and, most importantly, what is the true meaning of this symbolic figure and its Pose.

Robin Good-Fellow (or Puck) is a mythological fairy said to be a personification of land spirits. Bearing several attributes of Baphomet and other deities, he is here shown on the cover of a 1629 book surrounded by witches
The ancient Celtic god Cernunnos is traditionally depicted with antler horns on his head, sitting in “lotus position”, similar to Levi’s depiction of Baphomet. Although the history of Cernunnos is shrouded in mystery, he is usually said to be the god of fertility and nature.
In Britain, an aspect Cerennunos was named Herne. The horned god has the Satyr-like features of Baphomet along with its emphasis on the phallus.

Recently, Controversy has surrounded An 8½-foot-tall, 1½-ton bronze monument featuring a goat-headed Satan which will be unveiled at a secret, ticketed event in Detroit after the owner of a popular restaurant and entertainment complex backed out and opponents issued threats. The  Baphomet, which is backed by an inverted pentagram and flanked by statues of two young children gazing up at the creature, shows Satan with horns, hooves, wings and a beard.

I don’t understand really what the piffle is all about.   If we look at this statue carefully and compare it to other notable statues throughout recent history – it is the same.  This was manufactured, manufactured to sell books.  It is important to know this while trying to place ‘Levi’s’ image in perspective. Because Alphonse was trying to sell books and blow minds. All of the authors of this stuff from that era were vying to be the authority on the Hermetic Mysteries and Alchemy. It was incredibly fashionable.

A comparison made between Masip’s “Christ with Eucharist” and the ceremonial magician Eliphas Lévi’s (1810 – 1875) “Baphomet” leaves little doubt that they have much in common. Any argument to the effect that Lévi was merely counterfeiting a truly good genuine fails when held up to the light of scripture, where the second commandment clearly prohibits what Masip and other religious artists have done.
The 19th century image of a Sabbatic Goat, created by Eliphas Levi. The arms bear the Latin words SOLVE (separate) and COAGULA (join together), i.e., the power of “binding and loosing” usurped from God and, according to Catholic tradition, from the ecclesiastical hierarchy acting as God’s representative on Earth.

Baphomet  (/ˈbæfɵmɛt/; from Medieval Latin Baphometh, Baffometi, Occitan Bafometz) is a term originally used to describe an idol or other deity that the Knights Templar were accused of worshiping.  Throughout the history of Western occultism, the name of the mysterious Baphomet is often invoked. Although it became commonly know name in the twentieth century, mentions of Baphomet can be found in documents dating from as early as the 11th century.

Knights Templar Seal representing the Gnostic figure Abraxas.

It should be noted that In the 18th century, speculative theories arose that sought to tie the Knights Templar with the origins of Freemasonry. 
The most famous depiction of Baphomet is found in Eliphas Levi’s “Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie“, a 1897 book that became a standard reference for modern occultism. Levi certainly had a warped sense of humour.

“The name of the Templar Baphomet, which should be spelt kabalistically backwards, is composed of three abbreviations: Tem. ohp. AB., Templi omnium hominum pacts abbas, “the father of the temple of peace of all men”. [1. Eliphas Levi, Dogmes et Rituels de la Haute Magie]

Shortly after the release of Levi’s illustration, the french writer and journalist Léo Taxil released a series of pamphlets and books denouncing Freemasonry, charging lodges with worshiping the devil. At the center of his accusations was Baphomet, which was described as the Mason’s object of worship.

Whatever the case may be, the most likely connection between Freemasonry and Baphomet is through symbolism, where the idol becomes an allegory for profound esoteric concepts. The Masonic author Albert Pike argues that, in Freemasonry, Baphomet is not an object of worship, but a symbol, the true meaning of which is only revealed to high-level initiates.

Baphomet – the popular image may have originated from the Tarot Deck

from the early eighteenth century Tarot of Marseilles by Jean Dodal.
The Magician tarot card displaying the Hermetic axiom “As Above, So Below”


Lévi’s Baphomet is the source of the later Tarot image of the Devil in the Rider-Waite design.

According to an entry in Wikipedia

The Baphomet is an imagined pagan deity, (i.e., a product of Christian folklore concerning pagans) revived in the 19th century as a figure of Satanism. It first appeared in a late 12th-century Provençal poem as a corruption of “Muhammad”[1], but later it appeared as a term for a pagan idol in trial transcripts of the Inquisition of the Knights Templar in the early 1300s. However, in the 19th century the name came into popular English-speaking consciousness with the publication of various works of pseudo-history that tried to link the Knights Templar with conspiracy theories elaborating on their suppression. The name Baphomet then became associated with a “Sabbatic Goat” image drawn by Eliphas Lévi.


Therefore, Baphomet, as Occultist Lévi’s 1861 illustration suggests, and has occasionally been portrayed as a synonym of Satan or a demon, a member of the hierarchy of Hell.  In other words the image has no LINEAGE before or beyond LEVI.   It is a complete and utter product of his imagination.

“Blessed are the destroyers of false hope”

Pan was a prominent deity in Greece. The nature god was often depicted with horns on its head and the lower body of a goat. Not unlike Cerenunnos, Pan is a phallic deity. Its animalistic features are an embodiment of the carnal and procreative impulses of men.
Pope Sylvester II and the Devil (1460). In Christianity, the devil has similar features to the pagan gods described above as they are the main inspiration for these depictions. The attributes embodied by these gods became the representation of what is considered evil by the Church.
(Pictured: Rudolf Steiner working on his statue “The Representative of Man”)

   So, why did George Washington agree to the commission of sitting for this pose?  Because he was a Freemason

The above statue caused so much controversy that it had to be removed from the US Capitol Rodena and placed where it would be less seen. The controversy apparently had nothing to do with Washington allegedly being in the same Satanic position as Baphomet is traditionally depicted in, it was rather attributed to George not wearing any shirt.

recruitment poster has been reported to be a representation of the Illuminati god Baphomet. Death soldiers killed in wars created by families of the Illuminati are offered as blood sacrifice to Lucifer to aid in the coming of the anti-Christ.

Today, the symbol is associated with anything relating to occultism, ritual magic, witchcraft, Satanism and esoterica. Baphomet often pops up in popular culture to identify anything occult.Baphomet’s hands form the “sign of Hermetism” – which is a visual representation of the Hermetic axiom “As Above, So Below”. This dictum sums up the whole of the teachings and the aims of Hermetism, where the microcosm (man) is as the macrocosm (the universe). Therefore, understanding one equals understanding the other.

Some examples

Antichrist Svperstar era picture of the band, with Manson holding the Baphomet pose.


Rihannah. Baphomet Umbrellla


The “As Above So Below”


The “As Above , so below”

Delusional resistance

Baphomet Poding Christina.
Lady Gaga, illuminat puppet with the one eye closed.
Madge, never one to be outshone


Janet Jackson

Entertainment puppet master The Pied Piper of Trew   

From one Queen to another

In conclusion,  If you think this symbol is evil or have been mislead, you are what is called a “non-initiate” who is considered “profane” to the secret mysteries and secret knowledge that is contained in such stories, words or image.

The whole purpose of this is kabbalist control – divide and conqueror these are those who use secret words or allegories in order to conceal the truth of mans thirst for knowledge.   It’s all a game

represents the virgin mary while the satanic symbol known as the goat of mendes is to do with the apostle barnabas. the star of david has to do with the apostle paul in lower level freemasonary.