Tag Archives: crash

The Autism Epidemic

In Our Vaccines.

Before reading on, I strongly suggest you watch these two significant documentaries on the rise of Autism relative to vaccinations. Please watch them with an open mind and do not dismiss evidence because you ‘trust the government’ enough to do so, I urge you to make your own decision:

also check out this article: here

Sidenote: This article is not anti-vaccination, it is anti Thimerosal, as also said by Jim Carrey who came out against Thimerosal in 2015.




Most people still bizarrely trust the government run pharmaceutical industry, assuming that they are incorruptible, when all men are completely corruptible. Power is corruptible, our government is corrupt, so why not big-pharma, too?


This potential scandal is described by Reporter, John Rappoport:

“It’s far bigger than Congressional corruption or Presidential corruption or who is really funding ISIS or trade treaties or money siphoned off and stolen from government agencies or the phony war on drugs or missing gold reserves or double agents inside the CIA or global warming or fill in the blank. The people who run things would rather risk exposure on any of those scandals than on the vaccine issue.”


Autism is a serious condition that is on an unusual, out-of-the-blue steep rise, it is defined as follows:

A mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by great difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts.

The general trend is undeniably portraying autism as a rapidly emerging condition.
The rise is not something to be simply written off. It has been ignored until recent years, disposed by the governmental CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) in their ‘scientific’ debunks that hold no weight whatsoever.

Why Autism? | The new eugenics movement that is preparing us for complete submission

In the context of a New World Order it makes complete sense that injecting Autism spectrum conditioning into the characteristics of the world population would cause thorough, initial disarray and fulfill their twisted agendas in the long run.

By tiptoeing autism into the global population, the eugenicists are able to create autism as the accepted normality as more and more people are afflicted with the condition. Soon autism will be the standard human condition, no-one will know any better, and there will be no going back. Until we admit this condition has strangely exploded onto the global scene by means of vaccination or other, we are only partaking in its forced implementation, with pro-forced-vaccination laws on all of our doorsteps, threatening our rights, our children’s futures and ultimately, the future of this planet.

Here are some suggestions concerning potential motives for medically inducing an autistic population:


  • Autism inhibits our capacity to communicate, it generally makes people reticent, introverted and insular: This could spell the end of fluid communication among the people and a rise in social divide, isolation and seclusion. This wholly fulfills the desire the NWO have for a divide and conquer rule, as it eliminates peoples’ strong desires for unified revolt against their governments’ stranglehold on power. It also decreases the scale of social circles and inhibits exposure to perspectives beyond the system’s provisions. A knock-on effect of this could spell the end of relationships and reproduction (Which ties into the depopulation agenda), as Autistic individuals sometimes find it difficult to relate to others and form relationships to begin with, let alone care for a child.

“Other people appear to know, intuitively, how to communicate and interact with each other, yet can also struggle to build rapport with autistic people.”

  • Autism in some cases predisposes us to preference for routine. “Reality to an autistic person is a confusing, interacting mass of events, people, places, sounds and sights… Set routines, times, particular routes and rituals all help to get order into an unbearably chaotic life. Trying to keep everything the same reduces some of the terrible fear.” A preference towards routine keeps us in check, and reinforces a worker-styled mentality, without us ever thinking to step out of that box of control, a box reinforced by confusion and fear, a life lived in terror and anxiety.


  • Autism often boosts intelligence and capability in a few or single subjects: Ultimately, this boost in intelligence for a few subjects keeps an individuals’ mental energy occupied on a few select things, this is perfect for a model worker as it maintains an ‘inside-the-box’ predisposition to a lack of variety and a disdain for transcending a select preoccupation; this to me, sounds like a person unable to join the dots of a conspiracy around them, and a person buried quite happily in an occupation based heavily on structure, monotony, routine and familiarity. 9-5 jobs work a charm for this model of a person. This no doubt appeals to the agenda of the NWO, as it makes people have fewer dimensions of interest and study.

Autism is incidentally a Corporate wet-dream: “…Then you might want to follow the lead of other businesses that have begun to actively recruit autistic employees. “They’re loyal and diligent and are a lower turnover risk,” BBC Article Source


  • Autism contributes towards an inability to fathom abstract concepts: Our capacity to discern information using abstraction provides the backbone to our level of imperceptibility or perception regarding identifying realities or falsehoods. If we cannot grasp abstract concepts that are eminent outside of the given norm (or box), how can we ever hope for a generation of autistic people to comprehend a huge all-encompassing conspiracy of bankers that intend to cause them harm in the name of power and monetary gain? The answer is that autism favours the big-bankers and the control grid, it formulates a legion of loyal, unerring workaholics that prefer concentrating on an immediate stimulus as opposed to the abstract, that prefer solitary work to co-operative work with their fellow humans – they are infinitely less likely to realize their exploitation.


  • Autism makes people dependent, on a carer, on welfare, on the government – the bottom line is that when a person is autistic, they are vulnerable, they are dependent: not independent, no, in the NWO independence has no place, self-sustenance has no place. An autistic individual is often high-functioning in a select skill, but in little else, it makes an individual a single-faceted asset rather than a person of holistic capability in regards to self-identity, their identity instead becomes answerable to an overarching power in a carer or employer. This further centralizes power to an already near-oligarchical NWO that is being formed.

What causes Autism?

Autism spectrum condition has strangely been a huge gray-zone forever in the medical journals of the world, nobody can seem to put a finger on what exactly causes the dubious condition that has mysteriously exploded in recent decades (smells like something is buying itself time). Esp. after having never being documented as a formal illness prior to 1931: coincidentally before Mercury/Thimerosal preservative was used in Vaccines. Additionally, Amish families who choose not to vaccinate due to Religious reasons have never recorded having an autistic child, coincidence?

So how can the rate of autism shift from zero prior to 1930s, to 1/10,000 from the 1930s-70s, to a shocking figure of 1/50 in 2013?

…a vaccine ingredient, Thimerosal/Ethyl Mercury has no place in the human body, and does not benefit us in the slightest, it does not contribute medicinally to the vaccine in any way. It is used in Vaccines by big-pharma on the record, as a ‘preservative’ – however, other slightly more expensive preservatives are available and are not being actively utilized despite damning evidence showing Thimerosal as toxic to the human body in the worst of ways. This exposes big-pharma at least at one level, as using Thimerosal for its cheapness at the expense of human health.

Destroys nerve tissue? Ever wondered why autistic people are anxious, fidgety etcetera – surely there’s a link to be made here?

“Thimerosal contains ethylmercury, which is cleared from the human body more quickly than methylmercury, and is therefore less likely to cause any harm.” – CDC,

…trying to downplay with words the indisputably harmful effects of ethyl mercury.

It’s in our vaccines, many thought it was taken out but the FDA have slipped it into flu vaccinations which are given to pregnant women, the mercury is then absorbed by the placenta and the developing uterus is damaged.

Poisonous, this toxic ingredient that is damaging even in trace amounts; is still in our vaccines.

So we now know Thimerosal is harmful. But does it definitely cause Autism?

Studies showing a link between Thimerosal and Autism:


“It’s just an anomaly” Pssh


…Of course, special interest controlled CDC, which claims to be ‘federal’ despite the ‘federal’ reserve bank being completely privatized. A bank that controls all of the money supply in the USA, and therefore easily controls everything in every echelon of government, including the ‘federal’ CDC, not to mention the two party-system that gives the illusion of choice and electoral process and is propelled through a policy of mob-rule working to erode the constitution and introduce via the totalitarian tiptoe, a surveillance state of hyper-control, using Hegelian dialectic tactics to keep people in line.

Financial Elite, composed of the 13 banker bloodline-families who have proposed the NWO and are taking strides using a control, top-down system to implement it. Source



…from this shocking, but completely true premise, would not it be logical to assume that a NWO plan to subdue the world’s population has been handed down the control pyramid in a compartmentalized fashion. With a given person at one level of authority not knowing the bigger picture or agenda at his superiors’ level of knowledge? It makes sense that Thimerosal’s presence in Vaccines is not simply for monetary gain, but for a much more sinister plot that is in the works. The people in the CDC are not intentionally evil, they are being manipulated.


John F. Kennedy knew of this plot, he was a puppet given orders by special interest and NWO lobbyists; and he intended to expose this to the American people. Prior of course, to his untimely assassination in November 1963.

It is not a coincidence therefore that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (JFK’s brother’s son) has written a book entitled “Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak” in support of Thimerosal’s removal from the vaccination process. Check it out.



There are a host of other heavy metals in vaccines, aluminium included, that reacts with mercury to become corrosive. In other words, they work hand-in-hand to wreak havoc on the body. Aluminium absorption into the body is also hastened by fluoride exposure (municipal water, toothpaste, dentist appointments, etc), which fast-tracks our likelihood to contract illnesses such as these:

And then dental cavities lead to mercury fillings, we’ve gone full circle!

The flu shots are the last big remaining culprit in the west, the third world still has Thimerosal filled vaccines, flu vax also happen to be given to pregnant women.


The Flu-Autism scare, spread en-masse by MSM (Mainstream media) only served to consolidate pro-vaccination consent by people who were afraid of their child contracting autism, and consequently ran into the arms of the devil. Not knowing whatsoever that the vaccine itself was causing the autism, and wrongly assuming they could trust what they thought was an organisation working in the best interests of the people it was purported to serve. Source

The control system strikes again from the high-up echelons of evil itself.

The FDA themselves have even subversively admitted that autism is a possible “adverse event” that might occur post-vaccination:

Other events reported to have been triggered by the vaccine included idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (low levels of blood platelets), SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), anaphylactic reaction (severe allergic reaction), cellulitis (bacterial skin infection), convulsion/grand mal convulsion, encephalopathy (brain inflammation), hypotonia (floppy baby syndrome), neuropathy (pain due to nerve damage), somnolence (extreme drowsiness) and apnea (suspension of breathing during sleep).


Treating Autism Spectrum Disorder

If you are suffering from symptoms of ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) Here’s what to do:

Understand that reversing the implications of mercury induced Autism become increasingly difficult the more time that passes between vaccination and treatment. For example, a child treated with chelation therapy is more likely to see better results than a person who is in adulthood, this relates to the brains’ plasticity (ability to reallocate functions and flexibility to repair itself). A qualified DAN Doctor has said that:

(Mercury in the body is) “for life, that’s what people don’t realize about mercury and other heavy metals is that its all about cumulative exposer. Once you hit what they call an persons “toxic tipping point” that’s when symptoms present. Most people do hit this point until old age, and manifest as Alzheimers, but certain genetic factors, most notably MTHFR genetic mutation causes a body not to be able to process the toxins as well, those are usually the ASD cases.” (Explaining why some people are more predisposed to ASD than others).


(Concerning treatment for teenage or adult ASD sufferers) “Not too late, just harder. For whatever reason it has always seemed to be the case that the closer to exposer the treatment starts, the more effective it is. The brain doesn’t usually tend to heal old damage as well as new. That’s not to say I haven’t seen some teens have great success but, It usually takes longer more aggressive treatment. Also remember you have to make sure you are targeting the root cause. Infections in the brain, as well as infections in the gut or extreme food sensitivity’s can all cause ASD disorders. Finding what they call a DAN doctor or someone who knows all of what to test for is the first step.”

  1. If possible consult a DAN Doctor (Defeat Autism Now Doctor) in your local or regional municipality, who will take you through the paces of fighting the condition from its root cause – the biochemical roots, not simply using palliative drugs to mitigate the condition. They have a good understanding of dosages and are recommended.

The Autism Treatment website: here

“I’ve given a thousand chelation treatments to kids, EDTA and DMPS, never once did one patient have a negative side effect.”

2. Or use self-treatment using chelation therapy. Recommended sources include:

  • Alpha Lipoic Acid – 1 capsule, 1 to 3 times daily. Here
  • Reduced L Glutathione

Donald Trump: Saviour or Misbehaviour?

GOP candidate Donald J. Trump has racked up a fine ruckus in the political sphere of things, especially since he announced his intentions to run for Presidency in June last year.

Having been hailed among many as spontaneous, witty, courageous and refreshingly unapologetic when it comes to the vices of ‘political correctness’. The fair-haired real-estate mogul also has the burdening baggage of a proven George Soros funded and facilitated range of anti-Trump campaigns, mainly from liberals, often needlessly smear-condemning the notoriously ballsy GOP candidate. Some $2 billion has been spent on Trump airtime in the MSM, the most of which has outlined his inherently apparent flaws, primarily drawn from his at times recklessly outspoken nature. This however, has backfired and propelled Trump’s campaign and publicity to new heights, compensating for where his financial sources were lacking – as a non-lobbyist influenced candidate.

Trump: purposefully miscast, purposefully misrepresented. His little slip-ups that may seem wrongly inclined at first glances are inflated and wrongfully made to dominate his public image by his opposition.

Donald Trump to me is true to his word, as vague and non-specific he is in places (to be expected of a man trying to appeal to a wide range of people publicly), his actual policies, upon closer inspection ring true with common sense. Minus of course the ‘PC’ infestation that has permeated cogent reasoning in the past few decades. His immigration policies are reasonable in light of recent events, most memorably the Brussels airport bombings yesterday, in which Trump has prophesied months earlier to be a ‘ISIS hellhole’ he commented:

January 27th 2016 “Look, it’s gonna happen there. They’re not prepared for it, you know, all this massive immigration in Belgium and other European nations, and there’s no assimilation.  They’re living together amongst each other.  They’re not becoming citizens of these countries, and they are not learning the specific ways of life in these countries.”


March 22nd 2016 “Brussels was a beautiful city, a beautiful place with zero crime. And now it’s a disaster city. It’s a total disaster, and we have to be very careful in the United States, we have to be very careful and very vigilant as to who we allow in this country. “

Trump speaks sense, he obviously knows more about the set-up 9/11 attacks than he lets on.

So here is, in all its generic-ness a top ten reasons why Trump is the one to vote for, minus the compartmentalization smear campaigns, and unruly ad hominen attacks that don’t do Trump much justice:


  1. He’s unapologetically not politically correct. A huge advantage to Trump’s rhetoric is that he is never afraid to speak his mind, and often the minds of a silent majority that has been subjugated by the fear of political correctness. Those who are still tainted by being PC will therefore wrongly see Trump as shocking, the truth is that not being censored as PC is a really good thing, you have been conditioned to think otherwise. Political correctness is thought control, just put in different, more nuanced words:


Can’t criticize third-world, unchecked, often solely economic migrants who rape and force their cultural agendas on open-bordered EU countries, imposing dissent and upheaval? You might have caught a common disease called political correctness. Speak your mind, because being PC does not necessarily mean you are right.

2. He is an outsider, belonging to no lobbyists, special interest or political parties. Trump self funds and has emphasized that throughout his campaign, admirably saying that:

“You’re not going to support me because I don’t want your money. If I wanted your money, I think I’d have a damned good chance. You know the money I have turned down?”

…this means that he can think on his own terms and not make promises or compromises to oligarchical, monopolistic corporations that threaten the purity of the constitutional, bottom-up, limited rule governance of the USA – which he seeks to restore.

Obama’s campaign raised $632 million while Romney’s campaign raised $389 million. Trump’s highly successful running has thus far raised $30 million. With $2 million coming from external groups; non of which are lobbyist firms. Money means very little.

  • As a well-established businessperson, Trump has the negotiation experience and financial means to elevate himself as an unadulterated candidate for the Presidency, something that has never happened before in US history. An opportunity not to be missed. Obama has criticized Trump as not political enough to run for President, ironic coming from a man who has torn the USA apart in his 8 year reign of terror.
The real fatcat puppeteers are using brainwashed Social Justice Warriors to smear Trump’s image and denounce him without good reason.

Ironically there are few donors, but big money behind the anti-trump campaigns giving the illusion of a populist movement, read more below.




“put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us” – ex-POTUS Bill Clinton on Obama’s Presidency

  • Trump also happens to have been estranged within the category he reluctantly had to put himself into; as a Republican. All the other GOP candidates are against him for one reason or another, unveiling the sheer degree of corruption and control within the establishment, and how Donald J. Trump is not a cog that has been manufactured for what is at the present time; the mob-ruled Corporation of the USA.

3. He is constitutional and anti-plutocratic. Trump has voiced his vows to maintain the unalterable US constitution, promising to uphold the documentation that had given the USA of yore the means to be a country governed by, and for the people – with the revolution having broken away from the tyrannical, Bavarian King George III in 1776.

“I know people making a tremendous amount of money and paying virtually no taxes, and I think it’s unfair.” – Donald Trump on the Elite’s tax avoidance.

“1 percent of Americans … would be affected by my plan — the other 99 percent of the people would get deep reductions” – Donald Trump, November 1999

“The Trans-Pacific Partnership is an attack on America’s business. It does not stop Japan’s currency manipulation. This is a bad deal,”- Trump on Corporate centralizing TPP.

Trump is also aware of the Federal Reserve’s money-manipulation and its use of fractional reserve currency to print paper, un-backed currency out of thin air. He realizes that Janet Yellen (Federal Reserve Chairwoman) is keeping interest rates low because:

“The reason they’re keeping the interest rate down is Obama doesn’t want to have a recession-slash-depression during his administration.”


“It is so important to audit The Federal Reserve, and yet Ted Cruz missed the vote on the bill that would allow this to be done.” – Donald Trump via Twitter.


Trump defends the fundamental principle that legitimate government proceeds only by the consent of the governed. The people remain sovereign.

In fact, American elites have long abandoned the basic principles of constitutional governance. They have made their peace with the Great Society’s creation of an administrative state or centralized bureaucracy. The unelected bureaucracy of the administrative state is the real governor of the economy, education, health care, the environment, workplaces, and much of what we do, whether out in public or in our homes. – RealClearPolitics


Trump has exposed this gerontological, plutocratic, banker coalition on issues such as international trade deals that cause unemployment or underemployment, especially in manufacturing. He has also denounced liberal immigration policies, which diminish job prospects for those who do not have college educations, including black Americans, not to mention those with high-tech skills. And, to bring in a third faction, he assails the foreign policy consensus on supporting the Middle East wars.


Trump does not typically articulate his constitutionalism in the words of the beginning of the Declaration of Independence (“all men are created equal … life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”), but his concerns certainly reinforce them. He calls to mind the Declaration’s grievances against the King, who “has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance” and who “has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.” Obama has empowered bureaucrats and is not only hapless in fighting ISIS abroad and at home but indulges their violence.


4. He’s under attack from all sides.


Those who work in the “news” industry are obsessed with promoting lies and half-truths to destroy political candidates they do not like, instead of just doing their jobs and reporting the news, here’s one situation:

“The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems,” Trump said. “It’s true. And these aren’t the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime; they’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

That’s a far cry from “All Mexicans are rapists,” or “All immigrants are rapists”, unfortunately its up to the people to discern whether what they’re being spoon-fed is the real deal or not, too many of us are sheep.

“If NBC is so weak and so foolish to not understand the serious illegal immigration problem in the United States, coupled with the horrendous and unfair trade deals we are making with Mexico, then their contract violating closure of Miss Universe/Miss USA will be determined in court,” – Trump

There is a reason Trump has to wear a bulletproof vest wherever he goes…


5. The establishment most likely want Trump dead – Like John Kennedy, like Abe Lincoln and like Warren Harding: all went against the long founded establishment.

An atmosphere is being conditioned in which funded protest is nurturing anti-trump sentiment beyond the boundaries of rights and regulation. Recent developments at Trump rallies have found numerous groups blockading roads and even in some slect cases charging Trump’s speaking platform. Could a bullet or something else find its way to Trump? His family have recently received malicious letters signed with ‘X’ –

“If your father does not drop out of the race, the next envelope won’t be a fake.” The letter was signed “X”


6. Trump is tough on border control.

The need for a reformation of migration policy is significant, fortunately Trump sees the issues of unchecked migration to be a blatantly huge subject for evaluation. With third world migrants flushing in from countries that US funded war has caused, the severe consequences of migration and faulty multiculturalism is being seen across the EU.

“As president- I would be very, very tough on the borders, and I would NOT be allowing certain people to come into this country without absolute perfect documentation!” – Donald Trump 22/03/16 via Facebook

“As has been stated continuously in the press, people are pouring across our borders unabated. Public reports routinely state great amounts of crime are being committed by illegal immigrants. This must be stopped and it must be stopped now.”


The Mexico border fence will curb Cartel movement and help destroy the illegal drug market while also preventing illegal non-visa migration into the USA via the southern border. That is not remotely racist, as many would like to bizarrely assert.

“We want people to come into our country but they have to come into our country legally”


7. He wants Common core education out.

Trump recognizes the brainwashing schemes of those at the highest levels are passing down to the newborns. He understands the need for education to be about learning, and not necessarily about regimen and routine: which destroys the individual and breaks independent spirit.

“I’m a tremendous believer in education, but education has to be at a local level. We cannot have the bureaucrats in Washington telling you how to manage your child’s education,” Trump said. “So Common Core is a total disaster. We can’t let it continue.”


“These student loans are probably one of the only things that the government shouldn’t make money from and yet it does,” Trump wrote in his 2015 book “Crippled America.”


8. He’s the only candidate not pushing for another world war.

Unlike Lobbyist funded Hillary Clinton (Proved to be a Zionist, Rothschild advocate by her emails),

Lynn Forester de Rothschild wrote an email on April 18, 2010, in which she tells Hillary she would “love to catch up” — and “I remain your loyal adoring pal.” Clinton responds “let’s make that happen,” and signs her response, “Much love, H.”
Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/searched-hillarys-emails-indicted-win-presidency/#GlO1mqMUgeuQmLxF.99


To reiterate, nothing particularly damning in itself was found in this admittedly cursory search — but the relationships these emails document, alone, evidence Hillary’s concrete establishment roots.

…and just about every other candidate that is not Donald Trump, the notion of working with Russia and other countries, maintaining Assad’s rule, stopping the needless bombing of middle-eastern civilians’ homes and towns, and eradicating the phony ISIS (A US, Zionist, Globalist supported organisation) is only found in Trump’s foreign policy proclamations:

“there’s nothing I would rather do than bring peace to Israel and its neighbors, generally. I think it serves no purpose to say you have a good guy and a bad guy.”

The ISIS fighting Russian President Vladimir Putin now endorses Trump:

“[Donald Trump is] a really brilliant and talented person, without any doubt,” [Vladimir] Putin told reporters, according to a translation by Interfax. “It’s not our job to judge his qualities, that’s a job for American voters, but he’s the absolute leader in the presidential race.”

The GOP frontrunner (Trump) has been blunt about his plans for defrosting U.S. relations with Russia should he be elected president.

Read more: http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/vladimir-putin-just-made-a-massive-donald-trump-announcement/#ixzz43jJGNVzr

Trump is definitely the world’s best chance at averting another world war.


9. Trump running has warranted desperate election rigging.

The parties allegedly select the candidate, not the public, rendering the primaries apparently nullified, how will Trump outmaneuver this? :


10. Trump knows that Monsanto and similar GMO/Pesticide organisations are damaging Americans’ health:

A tweet Trump allegedly posted then retracted.

He’s also aware of the need for eminent domain to be used responsibly.



So there we have it, ten reasons for voting for Trump, the information is all here, it’s up to you to do something with it.

How the EU is a US trade-bloc

The European Union, better known by its two lettered abbreviation “EU” or…


…has been coming, or in the words of David Icke “tip-toeing” into its dirtied, anti-nationalist, anti-constitutional, dogmatic and bureaucratic existence, from what most would call, humble beginnings – but no, it has turned out to be a prospective seed of rather self-destructive capabilities. Don’t buy into progressive liberal (completely anti classical liberal) palaver.

Because of what I just wrote above, I’d suggest if you’re a member of the EU; you push for a referendum and of course, you know the rest. But let’s support my claims first and foremost. But forget left-right politics, this is wholly about sense and sensibility. It’s a matter of common sense, and much less about political know-how.

Or, if you aren’t a reading person, the long story short summarized in a video that I strongly recommend you watch either way:


Let’s press-on shall we?

Ever since we were all told that the EU was just part of a common trade deal, or the European Economic Community (EEC) via the Treaty of Rome; things sounded all fine and rosy. There were no threats of loss of constitution or national sovereignty, it appealed to the widest audience conceivable. And that was good. It sounded like an innocent trade deal, not a bombardment of economically useless migrants, or Brussels-forced interventions into wars that would warrant said migrants coming in the first place…



“No single unified western culture will be permitted to thrive, we will tower of babel every western nation with mass third world racial immigration colonization. It is permanent and irreversible.”

– CFR Member 1980


…And it did seem good until phase two, when things got a bit flustered as this EU charade undressed in a fit of lust projected by the power-thirsty bureaucrats sneaking behind the stage, as laws were increasingly made for nation states by a select few un-elected politicians in Brussels (highly undemocratic!). Ironically, they even commissioned an EU anthem in Beethoven’s ‘Ode to Joy’ to set the scene, no doubt to distract us all from the real agenda that was not remotely joyous. That the EU is here as a stubborn supra-national state that really wants to be a state of states, optimistically so; especially by wanting us never remembering that there were actually long-founded states under this smothering, omnipotent Brussels cast duvet. A long shot I’d say; patriotic, good sensed individuals will know better I do hope.

The likelihood is, if the UK leaves the EU, other nations will follow in a domino-effect. It makes sense why only now, in the build up to the obligatory referendum, UK PM David Cameron has been forced to denounce David Icke’s work, which leads a huge movement spanning back 20 years of anti-EU polemics.

In 1985, the Schengen Agreement paved the way for the creation of open borders without passport controls between most member states and some non-member states. Which to a smaller extent, threw out national identity and set an uneven playing field for the less privileged countries who were robbed of their younger, less nationally rooted work force. Who of course, flocked like sheep to Germany, the UK, France – the trading powerhouses of the emerging neo-Soviet bloc (EU).

The EU is sprawling and expansionist, resembling a cancerous tumour.

The Soviet Union/EU Model:

Those who think that the Soviet Union worked need to clean their glasses, or contact lenses – whatever goes. The EU is a nearly direct mirror in which reflects the Soviet Union of yore, but instead of forcible horseshoed communist-fascism by an obviously un-elected body of government seen in the USSR. We have loosely intact, legislatively-limited collection of states not dissimilar to the chaotic Holy Roman Empire. Only in the EU, there’s a bit more order; all ruled from the Kremlin equivalent found in Brussels, that remarkably few people are aware exercises increasingly monolithic control over the EU states it overshadows like a shady, evil & neo-feudalistic monarch.

As stated towards the end of the video provided at the top of this article, the new Soviet Gulag is presented in the EU not by armed enforcement, but through political correctness, our intellectual expression is hemmed in by this said Gulag, free speech will be deteriorated, criticism of Brussels will be silenced – sounds a tad fascist, no? It will serve to cement the EU in place, all dissidents will be ruthlessly denounced as racists or madmen.

In the case of the EU incorporated United Kingdom:

  • Between 1993 and 2014, 64.7% of UK law can be deemed to be EU-influenced. EU regulations accounted for 59.3%t of all UK law. UK laws implementing EU directives accounted for 5.4% of total laws in force in UK.
  • This body of legislation  driven by EU regulations consists of 49,699 exclusively ‘EU’ regulations, 4,532 UK measures which implement EU directives and 29,573 UK only laws.


The Bigger Picture: A New World Order

The Council on Foreign Relations’ model for a New World Order, depicted in the ten ‘kingdoms’ that make up the world.

It seems to many that the EU is but one step in a  greater Agenda 21 facilitated by a collection of extremely wealthy Jewish families in the higher echelons of western society to establish a new world order, where patriotism is degraded and a largely culled population is enslaved under a neo-Soviet (Communist) system of rule.

Just take a look at their core goals:

  1. First, the abolition of government. (Achieved in the EU with Brussels sanctioning of EU nation states’ sovereignty)
  2. Second, the abolition of patriotism. (Multiculturalism enforced by the Schengen agreement and premeditated mass migration policies to mix up cultures and rule-out national identity)
  3. Third, the abolition of private property rights. (Done with the socializing of Europe, migrants are socialist-inclined, this will accelerate socialist governments coming into power) TTIP will boost corporate profits by opening up public services and government contracts to the private sector and ‘locking in’ privatisations that have already happened.
  4. Fourth, the abolition of all rights of inheritance. (Is already being done, will be furthered under sovereign NWO controlled Brussels government)
  5. Fifth, the abolition of religion. (Islamic population moving intowestern society will destroy religious culture, as will the framing of religion as the cause of global terrorism further this agenda)
  6. — and finally — Sixth, the abolition of the family relations. (Done all the time with feminism for women, and the feminizing of men, estranging the genders, discouraging family lifestyle and traditions)



The United States is pushing for the EU to come to fruition in the light of recent boosts in China (Sino)-Russian relations, with their breaking away from the US Petrodollar and showing resistance to the USA’s attempts to take away their main Oil sources found in Iraq and Syria.

This unification in the East and annulling of Eastern currencies from the phony non gold backed US Dollar will prove a huge challenge for the Federal Reserve NWO banksters in the West. Because of this, they’ll need the EU to become a collective trade powerhouse to keep all those individual sovereign states from deferring to the East, Brussels achieves this goal rather well.

Furthermore: TTIP (The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) gives unadulterated, centralized control to certain big Western powerhouse Corporations in their trade capabilities. Most notably the agreement allows these big western corporations to sue EU governments if they find these governments to be reducing their ability to make money. This helps the US-EU (Western) economy to be boosted in the light of the danger of the unifying economy found in the East.

TTIP is not just about the EU and USA. Negotiators say that TTIP will set the standard for all future trade and investment rules across the world. This means that TTIP will enshrine the rights of transnational corporations over and above the needs of people and the planet, forever.

The big bureaucratic corporations benefit greatly from a TTIP tainted European states of America.

Terrorism and the Red Scare

The ‘Red Scare’ and the global ‘terrorism’ threat can be compared as similar in its pretenses, that is to induce fear to align people away from the truth and towards the political interest of the government instigator.

In the case of the famous Red Scare, this was fueled by general fear-mongering that Communism was EXPANDING, and would eventually be at the western peoples’ DOORSTEP, so action had to take place to stop it NOW. The whole scenario thrived off of urgency, like many Phishing and malware scams you’ll find on the internet, it’s classic use of Hegelian dialectic, and forces people to act on their fear of the short term moment rather than reason or what is actually right in the long term.

Fear cuts off independence and forces many people to look to the government for protection, sacrificing their liberties, freedom and human rights in the process.

Similarly, in the shill global ‘terrorism’ threat we have fear-mongering disseminated by the mass media that ISIS is EXPANDING its range of influence, and will be able to strike at the western peoples’ DOORSTEPS, in terrorism attacks, as orchestrated and staged in Paris. This sense of not knowing where the ‘terrorists’ will strike next is a huge fear that is supplanted to give the idea that bombing and escalated intervention will definitively STOP the expanding ISIS. It is hacking your animal instincts of self-defense.

This false notion that there is a mass deployment of social extremism in both cases gives a false but logical predetermined reason for ISIS’ and Communisms’ expansion, it is all further generated by the increase in parallel societies manifested by radicalism, creating a sharp rise in xenophobia and ideological opposition which appeals to the majority of the population who are more or less, not particularly open-minded, people will flock to political debates and pitch themselves against their neighbour out of passion generated by fear. This confusing increase in distrust generates discordance in society and prevents people from speaking out in fear that they might offend somebody as everybody seems to be on edge – admit it, when you’re scared you’re more likely to be on the defensive, it’s a natural response but it is also isolating us from reason.

This let’s the government rule supreme without a unified, singular opposition, they get to make the final call as there is no unity from the majority of the people – who hold the REAL power. So the big decisions have to go to the hands of the few. This effect is being exploited all the time.

Here’s another similarity…205px-come_unto_me_ye_opprest

During the Red Scare informants in
the form of spies were used to subtly reinforce the underlying ideology and prevent people from speaking out against popular opinion that communism must be opposed, else they were deemed a Soviet spy or an oddball, most people would rather be comfortable and keep their positions and not be embarrassed by mainstream ridicule. This clear cut reality is made to seem only fictional in the media for example the recent film ‘Bridge of Spies’ falsely reinforces the idea that informants and spies among us are a thing of the past.

In the modern day, the unpopularity of not being liberal and  violently hating terrorists is also scorned by social consequences such as alienation. Institutionally, you can even be imprisoned or censored if the government deems you to be ‘extremist’ in your views, this is all supported by the idea that the government can make exceptions from the law in the case of terrorism – why? The people allow it out of fear.

Laws are silent in times of war – Cicero, Roman Lawyer

(If you define the laws by bending what the people want with falsified war, you will rule supreme.)

The moment that you believe that…

War is peace

Freedom is slavery

Ignorance is strength

Massively terrible things are allowed to be passed by the few, claiming to represent a duped and unsuspecting majority who think the above three are true. Under no circumstances is this the case.

Is #PrayforParis Propaganda?

The short answer is yes, this massive trend-setting endeavor is a staple example of globalist propaganda, compartmentalizing anger, fear and causing popular opinion, especially in an unaware majority – to support escalated bombings of the middle east: therefore supporting an imperialistic, American agenda, it’s the most significant of its kind since arguably 9/11.

Let’s use one of Adolf Hitler’s more renowned quotes on the dynamics of propaganda to explain,

All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.

Pray for Paris was a mass social media trend, the filter of the red, white and blue proves that people are willing to conform to express themselves without even truly expressing themselves – a filter does not achieve change or remotely engage with the political turmoil beneath the said trend. That is why this propaganda effort has been such a success for the Globalists, people are already rallying to support increased strikes and military intervention, it is a mass harnessing of fear and blind faith.

So it ticks off both popularity and appealing to a majority who aren’t willing to engage in critical thinking to unearth the truth beneath the surface picture. It all points to propaganda in Hitler’s eyes, a notorious master of the trade.

Let’s look at some co-incidents that go further to imply this ‘terrorist attack’ was a huge set up:

  1. A YouTube channel made a day before (12th Nov) the attacks took place (on the 13th Nov) by the official YouTube company for a collaborative place concerning reports about the upcoming terrorist attack was set up and, following brief criticism by a confused audience was promptly taken down. It did happen, and I know this because I’ve seen it myself – all outlets reporting on it have been taken down or covered up, a blunder on the behalf of those behind the worldly scenes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQikvFK9RU8
  2. The world cities displaying the colours of the French national flag across the western cities were broadcast nearly directly after the attacks on Friday 13th implying that the worlds media was eerily anticipating rallying an emotional degree of support for France – the fact the lights went up so quickly on skyscraper structures such as the Empire State building and at the scale and spread that was done in such a short window of time goes further to suggest that the attacks were indeed set-up and so was the social engineering effort to support it.

    The lights of France, set up all too quickly, and at a global scale. Suspicious to say the least.
  1. Other attacks in non-western countries, i.e. Kenya – were not given the range of coverage than those occurring in France, maybe the world’s media were determined to milk the emotional disparity generated by the effects of a ‘doorstep’ attack, after all – the people in the west hold the democratic power to allowing the strikes in the middle east to go ahead, the interests of Africans and 3rd world countries will not make a bare difference.

    Attacks in Kenya killing 147.
  2. Arms shares skyrocketed after the attacks, today and yesterday 2-3% rises in key arms companies prove that the attacks may have been staged to generate income for these leading companies who supply ISIS and its opponents to generate conflict. Obama when asked about it, sidestepped the question as per usual.
Arms shares skyrocket – as does military intervention in the middle-east. All conveniently in the best interests of the United States.

And lastly…

The induction of a combined Police state, the federalization of America comes first, the rest of the west will follow. The Obama Administration is using the atrocities of the staged terrorist attack on Friday to justify gun bans and the increased centralization of the USA’s police force. It resembles something like the Stasi of East Germany. Grants are being used to bribe state police departments to join this movement towards ‘protecting’ American civilians. In actuality, it is an excuse to secure a heightened surveillance of the population and to control the people from doing something ‘undesirable.’ For example free speech, which is being throttled by an uber PC society.

In a Theater Near You | France Attacks

In a Theater Near You.

Remember this.

The recent Friday 13th attacks have marked the most devastating ‘terrorist’ attacks on Western Europe of this decade; costing approximately 129 civilians their lives as masked men opened fire with Kalashnikov rifles and used detonation explosives as a technique of suicide to escape incarceration across a few key touristy locations in the French capital, Paris.

ISIS have been marked responsible perpetrators despite no known evidence to suggest this, except an apparent, unsupported claim from the shady governmental organisation.

Now know what I mean?

Incidentally this date coincides with the organisation of the Knights Templars – which kept Muslims out of Europe,

At dawn on Friday, 13 October 1307 (a date sometimes linked with the origin of the Friday the 13th superstition)[30][31] King Philip IV ordered de Molay and scores of other French Templars to be simultaneously arrested. The arrest warrant started with the phrase:

“Dieu n’est pas content, nous avons des ennemis de la foi dans le Royaume” [“God is not pleased. We have enemies of the faith in the kingdom”].[32]

Claims were made that during Templar admissions ceremonies,

recruits were forced to spit on the Cross, deny Christ, and engage in indecent kissing;

brethren were also accused of worshiping idols, and the order was said to have encouraged homosexual practices.

Seems to me that this theater/stadium attack was always meant for the world stage, the New World Order have the media giants at their fingertips – all of this backs their hate manifestation agenda.

The two extremes are coming to clash, if you trap something between a rock and a hard place – you will have opposing forces come into contact.

On one hand we have the legislated mass immigration of refugees, on the other we have a terrorist attack from supposed people of the region of exodus – it doesnt help that the media has drawn similarities between the two – despite the reality being much more different. If anything this riles a hatred of minorities of the region, it gives the USA and co-operational allies the means to continue the invasion and overtaking of the middle east.

I believe it is important to know the difference between muslims and ISIS, they are not one and the same – you can not demonize a peaceful religion for the acts of an extremist few who have manipulated the faith to a twisted agenda that gives a huge religion a bad name in an ever more scientifically dominated world.

All Russian Athletes banned from Rio

Doping Allegations: yet another global plane for East/West conflict…

In a shock move from the western organised Olympic Committee, the Russian Anti-Doping agency has been severely ‘exposed’ by investigators over performance enhancing drugs in conjunction with collusion to avoid regulation guidelines.

The result of which has knocked out many – if all Russian athletes from the upcoming Rio Olympics in Brazil, not to mention scalding the Russian nation with a scandal that will harm their worldwide respectability into the foreseeable future.

“If these allegations are proven, then clearly bad people have manipulated a system. Will we have better checks and balances to ensure bad people don’t get into those positions in future? Yes,” – Lord Sebastien Coe, Olympic Committee

This marks an escalation in the east/west tensions since the Sochi-Ukraine shenanigan of 2014. With Russian sporting and self-promotion thrown into disarray, this conviction will prove a significant propaganda victory for the war-mongering United States and its affiliates; a prime sporting contender with Russia in the Olympics.

At its heart, this punishment goes to show that sports are no longer simply mutual ways of clashing without bearing arms, but a highly influential way of promoting ones nation to the worldly theater – it just so happens the Olympic Committee has come down hard on Russia in a case that has marred western athletes too – does Lance Armstrong or Dwain Chambers ring any bells?

The closeness of the final results in 2012 perhaps unearths an undertone of tensions within the mutual enclave of an Olympic environment, but also the political terror that occurs outside with the big four coming in at the top.

It seems almost too incidental that Mo Farah & Paula Radcliffe: leading western athletes, were only months ago exposed to allegations of doping, of which has been shrugged off by western media since, further investigations were not made and/or publicized, only now in November do we see Russia taking what almost seems the brunt of a retaliatory punch-back from the west over the doping allegations. Whatever is truly going on behind closed doors is another lucratively elusive matter.

Back to the Future Predicting 9/11?

Watch the video for yourself, but the signs are blatant and unavoidably in our faces, numbers like these don’t just appear out of the blue in major films.

My notes:

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey gives us the year of the event, and the repeated 9/11 messages and symbols give us the month and day, either way this is a message deeply embedded, the masonic way of recognizing symbols and events is by numbers.
  • Invert or reverse the chronological occurrence the flaming 9/11 wire event with the normal wire walking event and you have the truth, back to the future, the future depicted in the past, aka

God declares the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done. (reverse)
Isaiah 46:9

“I know a place where there are two beautiful trees” – The Wire (2015)

Did the Bible predicate 9/11?

9/11, a mystery? Check out the Bible.

By looking only briefly into the words of the Bible, I have found the purely iterated and the covered/confused and reiterated words of God. In such investigations I have found words and passages that link directly to the 9/11 attacks, as odd as this sounds, I wouldn’t gamble on brushing it off as simply coincidental…

Note: I’ve highlighted relevant information in blue, bolder words in blue are more important.

1 Kings 9-11 New International Version (NIV)

The Lord Appears to Solomon (Temple builder)

When Solomon had finished building the temple of the Lord and the royal palace, and had achieved all he had desired to do, the Lord appeared to him a second time, as he had appeared to him at Gibeon. The Lord said to him:

“I have heard the prayer and plea you have made before me; I have consecrated this temple, which you have built, by putting my Name there forever. My eyes and my heart will always be there.

“As for you, if you walk before me faithfully with integrity of heart and uprightness, as David your father did, and do all I command and observe my decrees and laws, I will establish your royal throne over Israel forever, as I promised David your father when I said, ‘You shall never fail to have a successor on the throne of Israel.’

“But if you[a] or your descendants turn away from me and do not observe the commands and decrees I have given you[b] and go off to serve other gods and worship them, then I will cut off Israel from the land I have given them and will reject this temple I have consecrated for my Name. Israel will then become a byword and an object of ridicule among all peoples. This temple will become a heap of rubble. All[c] who pass by will be appalled and will scoff and say, ‘Why has the Lord done such a thing to this land and to this temple?’ People will answer, ‘Because they have forsaken the Lord their God, who brought their ancestors out of Egypt, and have embraced other gods, worshiping and serving them—that is why the Lord brought all this disaster on them.’ ”

Romans 9:11 for though the twins were not yet born and had not done anything good or bad, so that God’s purpose according to His choice would stand, not because of works but because of Him who calls,

The teetering World Economy

Debts that wont be paid.

The general economic consensus has been a reliance of most countries on the US Dollar, but with the increasingly apparent situation of US debt being generated in such dense swathes, it seems China and other debt-expectant countries have sensibly realized that they will most likely never be paid the requisite sums.

China especially, therefore, is moving away from its long held role as world manufacturer, selling US treasuries, and forcing the USA to diverse its economy, and become more independent on other sources.

The selling of US debt to the highest bidder sees China’s financial stats appearing as a decline, but in reality they are only strengthening their future prospects. And wiping away the unreliability of the states, both sides of the Pacific have become significantly weaker statistically as a result.

Thus, we will see an Eastern/Western conglomerations, a less dependent east on the resources and co-operation of the west, the oil wars are only really just beginning.

  • Discovery of Oil in the Golan Heights, between Syria and Israel.
  • Opium Fields in Afghanistan controlled and monitored by CIA.
  • Discovery of Arctic Oil, both superpowers are pursuing it.

Economists in a Bloomberg survey now see a 15 percent chance the U.S. will slide into a ‘recession’ in the next 12 months, the highest estimate since 2013.