Tag Archives: Crisis

Theresa May: The Establishment’s Choice

Theresa May, a remain campaigner who is playing to the ears of the Brexit majority by espousing appeasement politics; yet her real agenda will be to subtly maintain EU policies, especially the out of hand free movement of people, keeping the UK technically bound to the EU; falsely claiming that it will be ‘non-negotiable’ to access the single market any other way, and swing the UK back into the superstate EU in the long run, likely with another referendum a few years down the line – after a good tirade of media conditioning, and the continued mass importation of third world, EU loving migrants to swing the vote.

May is the EU’s saboteur insider.

Order out of chaos, the establishment once again feigns the illusion of chaos, and offers a ‘solution’ in Theresa, their chosen candidate. A classical Hegelian Dialectic.

The truth is, that the new leadership for the Tory government is fundamentally undemocratic, the voters aren’t getting a say, and those within the largely remain inclined Tory party are making all the big decisions on who gets to be in the hot seat – which by the looks of things; with Theresa May’s growing support within the Tory circle, will not reflect the recent vote to leave the EU at all.

You can get a tailored deal outside of free movement

Switzerland had successfully dodged the free movement bullet, but in recent times the antidemocratic clutches of the EU bureaucracy has clawed back with another vote to get the ‘right result’ – despite Swiss voters already unanimously having voted against free movement, proving once again its a game of bullying that the EU employs to get its way:

Swiss told to vote again on free movement – except this time the stakes are higher

This proves that it is possible to avoid free movement, but Theresa May will undoubtedly seek to bury this reality if she gets into power, and play us all back into the hands of the EU by not completely severing the ties that bind. We’ll be trapped in limbo between the EU and our national independence.

But the plot thickens, as in recent days it has been revealed that the Telegraph has dubiously removed an article of theirs that had criticized Theresa May: the propagandist censorship intensifies…


“After all, Mrs May’s tenure as Home Secretary has been little better than disastrous – a succession of derelictions that has left Britain’s borders and coastline at least as insecure as they were in 2010, and which mean that British governments still rely on guesswork to estimate how many people enter and leave the country.”

“Remain supporter Theresa May, who seems to be getting carried along on an undeserved reputation for ‘toughness’ despite the fact that she has presided over the greatest increases in immigration of any Home Secretary in history and happily slashed away at our Border Force and Coast Guard to appease George Osborne, is manifestly not that person (to lead the UK as the new PM).”

Backtracking: As of July 1st 2016 Theresa May has revoked her plans to take Britain out of European Convention of Human Rights, a controversial set of legislation that has prevented us deporting extremists. Theresa can’t seem to hold any reliability to her statements.

Theresa lacks the backbone, mindset and conviction to lead a government that will uphold the democratic decision of the people to leave the EU, she will pander to both sides and ultimately deliver a half-baked solution that will gradually lead the UK back into the EU.

Why it must be Andrea Leadsom

Andrea Leadsom, a Brexit supporter, someone who has kept out of the media limelight with calmness, modesty and composure, seems to be the ideal candidate to definitively lead the UK away from the EU.

She has taken a refreshingly realistic, down-to-earth position on the EU, setting her miles above Theresa May who has spouted cliche platitudes and virtue-signaled her way through candidacy speeches.

Leadsom, a modest candidate that seems to be fully committed to Brexit, unlike most running candidates, she has class & compliments her opponents.

It’s absolutely clear that whoever takes the helm, they must be fully committed to Brexit, and really believe that leaving the failing EU represents the best course of action for the United Kingdom.

The truth comes down to whether you want an anti-democratic, supranational entity and its delegated cronies to guide our future, or a collection of independent, interacting, co-operating, democratic and friendly national bodies that counterbalance eachother in a healthy way.

In no fathomable way can waywardly centralized power ever spell success for us, man is simply too vulnerable to temptation to be given a throne over the world and call it ‘unity’ – and that’s why I endorse true, free market capitalist nationalism with limited government that works for the people, instead of vice versa, Andrea Leadsom seems to be the right candidate to recognize this reality.


The Left-Right Paradigm

Lefts and Rights, Easts and Wests, all are guiding political figments of this world, all are those that take away emphasis from the real concern: above and below – the fundamental balance of power between the people and the state, statist totalitarianism and anarchism; the real political spectrum at hand.

Famous evil geniuses like Julius Caesar and Adolf Hitler understood that the easiest way to win a war was not to fight one – not physically, anyway. These men understood that the most efficient way to dominate a people was/is to make them believe there are no other realistic alternatives, or, better yet, to define what is reality itself regarding politics.

Two parties serving the same master divides a populaces’ criticism, and redistributes it between the population, and cements peoples’ opinions as a ‘lefty’ from a ‘righty’, while reinforcing the dismissal of any notion a covert controlling class hides behind the two heads.

That’s where a left/right paradigm comes into play, you replace the distinctive linear ramp of comprehensible control with an obscure ‘left and right’ that seems lateral and innocent, and requires a government split between the ‘choices’ of said prepared ‘left and right’ politics (which aren’t too different) to be in cyclical control at all times – one exchanged for the other at each election, this is a much narrower, contrived perspective of the political possibilities, especially for the untrained eye (as most people are politically inexperienced), this ties into keeping politics inaccessible to the public’s understanding, i.e. the false, lateral political spectrum, as shown below:

Here’s the real political spectrum, shown below:

The present day West is trapped in Corporatism, with hints of fascism, moving slowly towards Statist communism along the ruts of socialism.

All Zionist, Globalist nations of the West have adopted the left-right paradigm to incite the illusion of choice,  and to push the idea there can be no alternative to ‘left-right’ politics; the apparent colours change, but the policies, ultimately, are altered very little come every new election, usually accommodating the rhetoric of ‘dove’ or ‘hawk’ delegates, and conservatives or labour: all have the same agenda in mind, with a few minor differences to preserve the illusion of choice.

‘Hot topics’ are widely broadcasted as the heated talking points of this left-right dichotomy, yet they often amount to the political equivalent of petty small-talk, blown out of proportion to create a sense of divergence, and diversity – topics such as abortion & marginal taxation etcetera are the focal point of MSM, and distractions from real issues.

The truth is, there is no right or left. There is only right and wrong.

The leaders are cherry-picked, and wholly under the heel of the banksters prior to being put up on the pedestal for the public eye to scrutinize, and are positioned to take all the political heat instead of the real controllers.

Because of the frequency of fresh candidacy, the public are regularly duped into assuming any possible ulterior control is a non-issue, and will happily vote – vainly expecting an eventual change. Spin doctors and the sensationalized media will construe any small changes from the ‘left’ or ‘right’ as genuinely important or somehow revolutionary, despite any changes in fact linking back to the overarching agenda of Socialist Globalism.

As the left pushes for gun control the right pushes for anti-terror legislation that limits our freedoms. They’re playing both sides.

Essentially, the left-right paradigm put forth by the establishment with the two main, special-interest controlled parties have little to no difference whatsoever, this is a recurrent theme throughout the West, including both the UK & US. This is not democracy, this is an antidemocratic form of corpocratic fascism, where Elitist CEOs, 13 bloodline families & their crony ilk run the show; mainly by dumbing down the masses, and laughing hysterically behind our backs at our insufferable political apathy, and weakness to the deference of sensual gratification.


Divide & Conquer Stratagem

The left-right is a two-faced beast, each face a mere appendage to the establishment merger centralized at the head, with two faces to politics, instead of the obviousness of a linear ramp of control and mediation, opinions become divided, people’s debates heated, disparate, argumentative and discordant.

In the heat of compartmentalized searches for ‘solutions’ in either the left or the right team, people forget that there is more to politics than just a left or a right, Donald J. Trump has proven this; not personally identifying as either Republican or Democrat, UKIP’s Nigel Farage likewise, has proven the political left-right paradigm is merely illusory, and that their politics are not ‘extreme’ or outlandish but refreshingly different from the controlled mainstream political culture – and therefore for the better.

The mainstream ‘left’ and ‘right’ comprises only corporate, special-interest funded candidates vying for personal glory & prestige over legitimate duty, with a few outsiders in the lay-by without the funding, knowledge, or media publicity to gain any real traction.

The two big teams play in a stadium owned by big banksters, and we the people pay into it, turning up in our vast swathes to watch the match and cheer on our team, forgetting that the club owners behind the scenes hold all the playing cards.

And that’s the entire narrative the establishment thrives off of, a dramatized ‘left’ and ‘right’, a subjective ‘good guy’ and ‘bad guy’ that ignores the actual goods and bads – defined and propelled within the parameters of misinformed, limited political opinions – which are subjective. If you make people forget common decency, morality and oneness, you can hook them into a paradigm that facilitates moral bankruptcy, and short-sighted ignorance in all its grim abundance; a shallow ignorance that relies on pride to follow personalities rather than values, postponed ‘promises’ rather than honesty, and wishy-washy rhetoric rather than straight talk, an attitude that we see, and tolerate all too much these days.

TV-Reality Parallel

I mean, just look at the drama that defines the Western political landscape, the media overexposes the emotional side of politics to tap into brains programmed by TV drama almost every day, our politics are presented as a direct reflection of the conditioned, emotional bubble created and pulled over our heads by the establishment and its far-reaching subsidiaries.

For example:

‘I wish him every possible success!’ Grumpy Boris can barely conceal his anger at Michael Gove as his supporters threaten to castrate ‘Judas’ Justice Secretary, Game of Thrones-style 

Take a look at the above headline from Mail Online; it uses emotional connotations; ‘Grumpy’ and ‘Anger’ to emotionally smear the image of Boris Johnson, while also attaching Michael Gove and his affiliates’ image to a widely viewed TV show, ‘Game of Thrones’ – a show that champions the feudalistic barbarism of factions and clans represented by colored flags and symbols – once again subconsciously pulling people into a tribal mentality that favours divide and conquer in politics.

The article even shamelessly uses Game of Thrones-esque words like ‘betrayal’ to demean and trivialize an otherwise amicable political switch-up.

Again, this cover page is more tripe & sensationalized media that favours establishment controlled Theresa May – who has admitted Sharia law is ‘beneficial’ to those under it.

This demagogue-dramatization of politics disparages the associative emotions accrued to ‘Brexit’ politics as one of enmity and division, and fundamental disagreement – it avoids real logical & rational points and arguments, and jumps straight into emotional smear tactics that utterly misrepresent the ongoing events – and cloud the general public’s judgement around what’s really going on.

The outrageously slanderous association of Brexit politicians and ‘Game of Thrones’ will probably go a long way to get Theresa May in power,who will push to reverse the Brexit decision in the near future.

The BBC and other platforms have described the running ‘candidacies’ for Prime Minister as a ‘Contest’ or a ‘Race’ – once again a blatant misrepresentation of reality; we know that key figures in politics are always selected – the system is real so long as opinions concur with the establishments’ own preference.

The Brexit outcome was a misjudgment on the establishments’ behalf, and popular opinion was pressed against them – this error they intend to reverse by making post-Brexit politics seem unstable in every conceivable way possible, their manufactured ‘solution’ to this ‘Game of Thrones’ instability is Theresa May, a remain Tory who is superficially branded once again, like Cameron, as a unifier.

Theresa May; the establishment’s choice.
Boris, reading a sensationalist headline on recent events.



Taking Liberty for Granted

Shockingly, the average westerner’s knowledge of progressive, liberty-defining milestones in their history has been extensively phased-out from their collective psyche by means of smearing media bombardment, indoctrination, and educational white-guilt, liberal programming. Yet, although dwindling vestiges that hold liberty in a favorable light do still hold out, the ‘trendy’ ascension of regressive liberalism and its trappings as a ‘useful idiocy’ to establishment entities has recently made tremendous ground in bulldozing western, progressive values – the ‘millennial’ generation is living proof of this happening at a scary pace, there really is something in the water this time, our cultural environment is engineered to give emphasis to externalized people, who look outwards for their validation, and crucially, for all their opinions…

“It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you.”

Dick Cheney, 46th Vice President of the United States

In the above quote, Dick Cheney perfectly sums up the sheer misapprehension suffered by Millennials, a generation who’ve had it rosy for the entirety of their short lives, pampered with the fruits of Western capitalism, they now bite the hand that feeds them, and only having briefly  peeked back into the war-torn 20th century – with a foggy recall, all regulated by sound-byte establishment cronies who constantly slate Hitler as the prime antagonist of the era, who was funnily, although a terrible individual, an anti-Globalist nationalist, Stalin was by far the initiating character of civilizations’ inward collapse.

Regressive Liberalism has been the catalyst for cultural genocide.

It is liberal, institutional education that has spelled disaster for these Millennials, who have taken indoctrination into their stride, they have their heads so far up social justice & political correctness, that they are willing to let go of essential liberties in the name of preserving liberties to achieve their inane aspirations, which is a perplexing oxymoron, i.e. banning the Second Amendment in the USA because of unstoppable gun violence, shouting ‘racist’ when migration is brought up for discussion, undemocratically calling for a second UK/EU referendum in the UK, ignoring the inherent, burdensome faults of third world mass migration with nonsensical, illogical ‘white guilt’ reasoning, accepting Globalist internationalism as ‘punishment’ for white colonialism/slavery, wanting to erase white heritage as the sole, evil antagonist of mankind’s predecessors, looking vainly for ‘equality’ in socialism/communism without considering the heavy costs to the people and democratic rights, looking to bastardize the natural male character with backwards 4th wave feminism: while using the non-existent ‘wage-gap’ and ‘patriarchy’ to propagate this, the list goes on…


Liberals are the mob ammunition to the Marxist-Zionist-Internationalist war band, the loud mouths for the quiet trillionaire plotters, the self-righteous battering ram of guilt tripping, hypocritical moral authoritarianism that refuses to accept grounded, logical reasoning.

But Cheney’s quote does not end with Millennials, the migrant crisis has been orchestrated to mass import those who have been deprived of liberty all their lives. It is ultimately to replace the liberty-championing West with a majority of third-world people, (converting current westerners to migrant-accepting liberals to make up the difference) these third-worlders, who were/are locked in a dark-age cell of gaping, abhorrent economic rifts between rich and poor, authoritarian dictatorships and cruel Shari’ah law discipline, warranting a submissive, grovelling, and desperate populace – which incidentally sounds like the perfect culture to gradually fit a communist, or far-leaning socialist, anti-democratic ruling class onto, with the guarantee of minimal backlash from nationalist, pro-liberty minded individuals; all rather ideal for Globalist Zionism, that intends to use mob-rule democracy to abolish ‘inalienable’ constitutionalism and wipe nationalistic capitalism from the history books altogether.

Any African/Near-eastern leaders that have even so much as breathed an inkling of meaningful, truly liberal reform have been ousted by US funded CIA-ops and crippled by special interest terrorist groups, branded as evil on MSM and at times, even assassinated. Muammar Gaddafi is a perfect example of this, and the Syrian President, Bashar Al-Assad is currently in US cross-hairs. The Zionist West must retain its monopoly on the developed world, and the undeveloped world;  as deprivation is very profitable, all modernization must be controlled and centralized.

Unsurprisingly, the West’s masquerading as the migrants’ ‘saviors‘ is an apt facade (The Zionist West actually created the Migrants to collide with itself!), this is further supported by how Saudi Arabia and Israel are taking no refugees whatsoever; it’s all an elaborate geopolitical funneling exercise that ends in continental Europe, with ‘pan-European’ as the eventual new identity; the ‘free-stuff’ welfare states of the open-doored EU are all necessary, prepared temptations of this Western culture diluting Marxist agenda that seeks out a new BRIC state in a communistic, protectionist, pan-European superstate powerhouse, a bulwark branch of the USA’s empire against the rising far-East, and of course, Russia – the ultimate goal; to expand this to a global, tyrannical state ruled by a handful of the highest elite that use a top down, trickle-down pyramid structure to exercise their policies and agendas behind many layers, filters, smoke and mirrors.

According to Eurostat (the EU’s own statistical gathering body), between April and June this year the EU counted in some 213,000 so-called refugees, yet only 44,000 actually came from Syria. Eighty per cent came from elsewhere with 27,000 coming from Afghanistan and nearly 18,000 coming from Albania, a country hoping to join the EU in the not too distant future.

Last month Dutch journalist Harald Doornbos revealed that he was able to buy a genuine-looking Syrian passport for as little as $825 (about £540)

This only points to a lack of filtering going on at the EU’s border extremities, if it was really about taking in refugees, then why has the EU knowingly admitted more than just refugees? And why is multiculturalism pushed so heavily? Are they staying? Because refugees by definition are not meant to stay or integrate, so from this basis we can infer that there is an ulterior motive at hand, the motive that I’ve detailed above; they don’t want integration, they want replacement.

The Ex-Communist countries are understandably greatly opposed to the EU, as communism never worked; the EU is just more bad news where that came from.

Dick Cheney, Zionist/Bolshevik/Globalist, also culpable, along with the Murdochs and Rothschilds, for the unlawful oil drilling in Syria’s Golan Heights under Genie Oil.

In a recent, damning exposé, Mark Dice, conspiracy truther-at-large, exhibited the widespread negligence that has given popular authentication to the globalist, liberty-destroying ‘totalitarian tiptoe’ and the backwards ideology of all the grim shades of regressive liberalism in the modern sociopolitical climate; one held in a schismatic limbo of liberal inanity, opposed to nationalistic sensibility, with a platter of other branching subsidiary dichotomies.

The following video illustrates the US general public’s ignorance of the July 4th celebrations; an annual event marking the point in history (1776 AD) when tyrannical British colonialism was famously backhanded by American secessionists:

Unfortunately, this predisposition to palliative, superficial sensuality and sound-byte fed opinions via the ‘convenience’ of tabloid apps, sensationalized headlines and television, with a host of mind-numbing food (i.e conformity inducing fluoride), culture (declining cultural and moral standards/refinement) and air poisoning (chem trails), has ‘extricated’ most of us from the burdensome task of independent thought; which is branded as unattractive, and unpopular in our engineered culture. Therefore, manufactured opinion is made boundlessly easier as a result of our increasingly docile impressionability.

British Prime Minister David Cameron thought that voters would defer to the near-universal opinion of experts; that only shows how utterly he misjudged his own people. – Zero Hedge

We’re told that we can ‘get on’ with the things that ‘really matter’ like raising our families, partying, our jobs, or even simply ‘enjoying’ life & “being happy” –  an unrealistic notion that is pushed waywardly to the point when we hand over our consciences around war, political and social upheaval, and our fundamental liberties to materialistic gratification, and instead just let our corrupted ‘big brother’ take care of the tough stuff. We are taught to draw self-fulfillment from within our own little, insular bubbles, to let distant ‘charities’ do the good will of the people, these days we pop on a Facebook filter, wear some bracelet, or sign a petition to show ‘solidarity’ or ‘raise awareness’ while nothing happens: we’re too scared to grasp the nettle and take meaningful action, we accept methods given to us through the big government-corporation partnerships that tap into our herd mentality, these methods achieve nothing except telling us we’ve chipped in to a ‘good’ cause, these methods externalize the people from real movements, pushing us to the sidelines as mere onlookers who have contributed with a palliative gesture, nothing more – trend setting legitimizes this when everyone is sickeningly content with the status quo, led on by the controlled popularity of hash tags, headlines, reactions etcetera.

We’ve let down our guard to liberal platitudes that leave us wide open to exploitation, we somehow think we’re safe behind the shield of the Western ‘hero’ USA (Captain America comes to mind) led by the warming smile of Barack Obama who poses as the champion of the libertine West (which was hijacked centuries ago by the Illuminati, it’s not libertine any longer). We’re really not safe trusting in big brother, as a collective people we’ve got to watch our rulers with beady eyes, and drop the childish mentality that we need to be unilaterally ‘parented’ – it’s not all sunshine, rainbows and Disney fairytales – world peace is our business and responsibility, no matter what Big Brother, the flawed UN, or Zionist-controlled NATO might say.

Ironically, the Statue of Liberty itself represents Satan. Given to the USA by French Freemasons.

Helios (Satan/Lucifer the Light bringer) held a torch , liberty holds a torch, That torch actually represents the knowledge that Prometheus (Satan) stole from the Gods (Knowledge of life and death), The occult understand that Satan and Prometheus are one and the same, they honor him during the Olympics; that explains what the running of the torch is all about.

Masonic author, Manley P. Hall, 33 Degree Mason, states that “the torches represent the occult arts and sciences, the doctrines and dogmas by the light of which Truth is made visible.”

Independence Day

Britain has successfully voted for secession from a protectionist, quangocratic, pan-European, increasingly authoritarian ‘Union’ (it’s really a superstate) that has well and truly surpassed its calling in the annals of history as the EEA (European Economic Area), something far devolved from its current state – we have decisively retaken our nation, our right to vote for the disposition or election of political figures in positions of power, our fundamental statehood, our domestic industries, our western values, our inalienable constitution, and so much more. A truly triumphant victory for liberty, democracy and western values as a whole; we set the overriding tone for a domino effect that will incur the EU’s collapse.

Decisively we have voted to leave.

The pound is ‘plummeting’ yet will inevitably even-out following the uncertainties of the coming times. Our economic recovery will be rapid, and our international flexibility will be immeasurably bolstered; this is a new dawn for Great Britain’s return to the world stage, and for the first time in my life – I can call myself truly British.


Many have conceded to fear mongering over Britain’s position apropos to the EU’s Single Market, our economic ‘plan’ and the future for UK migration.

But the EU, GATT, WTO, NAFTA, TPP, and the whole alphabet soup of trade schemes are wholly illiberal impediments masquerading as real commercial freedom. In fact, true free trade occurs only in the absence of government agreements. The only legislation required is a unilateral one-sentence bill: Country X hereby eliminates all import duties, taxes, and tariffs on all Y goods imported from country Z.

We are merely cutting the gripping ties of the EU and little else, our trading stature will be mostly unaffected (we can negotiate a fitting deal with the EU, they will not reject us), the scope for said trade will be greatly widened, migration will have the sought-after handicaps, our economic policies will be self-administered, and the unnecessary, nonsensical EU regulations will be promptly brushed away. In nearly all regards this is positive for the UK.

Decentralization and devolution of state power is always a good thing, regardless of the motivations behind such movements.

Who comes into power? Well, what we do know is that it’s not Cameron for much longer, recent reports have announced Cameron’s resignation, he’ll be packed and booted by October time, good riddance. His replacement is not clear, but the real assertion we must emphasize is that we’ll have full control as the voters, to replace whoever comes in democratically with accountability; no dogmatic EU interventions and no binding chains, that is to be celebrated.


From a conspiracy perspective, the road ahead is still going to be one of trepidation and hardship, the Globalists will be reeling in contempt of this decision, because they’d honestly assumed their copious funding of the Remain side would be enough to sway the vote enough to nab their brainchild EU, and consolidate ‘pan-European’ as a singular nationality. Their money wasn’t enough, the common man has emerged jovial and independent, just in time before the Globalist culture-mixer could irreversibly change the face of sociopolitical Europe, I hope the rest of Europe will follow suit, and leave.

The Road Ahead

This secession will not go unpunished I’m afraid, the UK will have to take the hard knocks, but let’s stand unerring in the face of their tyrannical impositions and roll with the punches until it all comes apart at the seams, independent statehood is not insular or backwards whatsoever, protectionism in the EU is:

  1. The Globalists will want to sabotage the UK’s economy to swing voters back towards the EU for good. Something big is going to need to happen for this, a crashed economy seems likely; they will relinquish everything we have and blame it on our non-EU membership and then host a string of referendums, some probably partially, or entirely rigged to get us back to black.
  2. They will find a away to subtly maintain high levels of migration to the UK, just enough to sway the vote back to the EU, don’t become complacent, migration is still happening; the gates need to come down immediately, else we will be headed back into the evil empire forever. (first generation, unintegrated migrants nearly always want to vote to maintain the EU).
  3. The EU will rule by-proxy through a puppet statesman who will continue to shape the UK at the EU/Globalist’s bidding, and set the tone for the UK’s re-accession to the EU by manufacturing consent and sensationalizing minor issues. No, the EU will never meaningfully reform, and no, limited migration will never happen in the EU – let’s stay away from it.
  4. TTIP & TPP seems to still be on the cards, unfortunately. This means the NHS is in the firing line, I’m talking privatization level stuff here, forget the whole Farage/£350 million towards the NHS promise issue, this is really something else. Not to mention yet more anti-democratic regulations: Investor-State Dispute Settlements (ISDS), which allow companies to sue governments if those governments’ policies cause a loss of profits. In effect it means unelected transnational corporations can dictate the policies of democratically elected governments. Here’s why TTIP/TPP is bad news.
  5. Mass media misrepresentation of a non-EU UK is essential in discouraging other countries from secession, the UK will become the whipping post to set a continent-wide example to those who have an inkling of euro-skepticism. Any mistakes from now-on will be ruthlessly sensationalized, blown-up and utterly misconstrued to push pro-European sentiments.
  6. Russia will be wrongly portrayed as aggressive, and European nations will once again will be scared into the EU.

Whatever’s coming for the UK, here’s to the comforting knowledge we’ve struck a vital blow against the tyrannical Empire for now, at least until another head grows for us to slice away with the edge of a polling card.




New York City officer’s Suicide Note IMPORTANT

This is so important, I’m speechless.
Around May o6 2016 a 42-year-old U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement deportation officer (wrote a lengthy suicide note) calmly walked into Hudson River Park at around 11 am quietly took out his pistol and shot himself in the head. Nearby Lenox Hill Hospital doctors were unable to save him. This is what his note said………
“The America I grew up in, and cherished, has been murdered by its own federal government. Our Constitution has become meaningless and our laws politicized so badly, they are no longer enforced except for political purposes” the note said. “Our elected officials are, to a person, utterly corrupt and completely devoid of any love or respect for the country which pays them. To them, everything is about getting and keeping power, and making illicit money from backroom deals.”


“I was hired to enforce the law; to capture and deport people who come to this country against our laws. But now, if I dare to do that, I face being suspended or fired because our President refuses to faithfully execute the duties of his office. Instead, I come to work each day, and collect a paycheck twice a month, for intentionally doing little to nothing. I cannot and will not be party to this fraud; to this usurpation of the law, or to the despicable politicians betraying our nation” the note continued.


In the suicide note, the officer revealed what he claimed are terrifying plans the feds have been finalizing:

“If the American people knew what this government is planning, they would rise-up and overthrow it. If I or anyone else in the federal government revealed what is coming, we would be killed anyway, so now I will reveal what I know.We in federal law enforcement have been drilling for several years to control riots and uprisings from a coming financial collapse and widespread bank failures. The drills involve life-sized images of American men, even women and children, whom we are told to shoot for “practice” and to “get used to it.”We have been told that the economy is terminally ill and will fail in 2016. We are also told the banks are all insolvent and the FDIC doesn’t have nearly enough funds to bail out depositors. We are told these events are unavoidable and it is imperative that the government survive when people rise-up over this.When the collapse takes place, detention camps created under the FEMA REX-84 program in the 1980’s to house illegal aliens whom we were going to deport, will instead be used to imprison American Citizens whom the government feels constitute a “threat.” American citizens will be rounded-up without warrants and imprisoned without trial for God knows how long.These camps have been equipped to carry out Hitler-scale killings! An actual “purge” of Americans citizens by the very government which they, themselves, created and pay for! I cannot be party to this.”

The Note goes on to say talk about state-level national guard being disarmed by the feds (4) and over 1 Billion rounds of ammunition purchased by the feds (5) and the Military over-deployed and being shrunk(6) :

“The government knows the military will rise-up to stop this, so our military is being deployed overseas, intentionally involved in foreign fights, and deliberately shrunk in size so they cannot be here or help Americans! This is why certain ammunition and weaponry has been removed from state-level National Guard Armories and over a Billion rounds of hollow point ammunition has been bought by the federal government. The states themselves have been disarmed of military-grade firepower so they cannot defend themselves from the federal activities. This is also why local police departments have been militarized and provided with armored vehicles and weapons of war” the note says. “When the inevitable collapse begins to take place, electric power to the entire country will be shut off, as will all forms of communication. All banks will be immediately closed; no one will be able to get any money because all ATM’s will be offline. Credit, Debit and EBT cards will not function. Anyone without cash will have no way to get any. The Emergency Alert System will be used to takeover all broadcast stations and tell the public this is a result of a cyber attack. But while the American people patiently await things to get back to normal, the government will unleash round-ups of citizens they deem militants or dangerous. With all civilian communications out, and all TV and radio stations taken over by the Emergency Alert System, by the time word spreads of what is taking place, the government will already have the upper hand.

Federal Prisoners to be GASSED TO DEATH

The note goes into a wide array of very specific plans and does so in extremely specific detail about what the feds are allegedly planning. For instance, it talks about federal prisons:

“Every federal prison has been outfitted with lethal gas systems. When things go bad, all prisoners in all prisons will be placed in their cells on lock-down. Prison staff will depart the facility, and a certain designated person will trigger a lethal gas system. All federal prisoners, regardless of their crime or their sentence, will be gassed to death in their cells. Once the gas clears, the dead will be removed and the prisons will then be used to house citizens who fight against the federal onslaught.”


The note makes mention about Priests, Rabbis and Clerics from various religious denominations having been recruited and trained to quell resistance:

“So intent is the government to succeed they have recruited priests, rabbis and clerics from various religions to quote appropriate Scriptures about “obeying government.” They are being trained to tell people not to fight back and that their best hope is to pray.”

The suicide note touches on the subject of “Preppers:”

“We in federal law enforcement have also been told that the government has a full database of all so-called “Preppers.” Those people will be dealt with first — by armed federal agents coming to take their guns, then their food stocks, so food can be re-distributed as the government sees fit.”


The suicide note goes to great lengths about Executive Order #13603 signed by President Obama on March 16, 2012.  The note details:

Executive order 13603 about “National Defense Resources Preparedness.”

This 10-page document is a blueprint for a federal takeover of the economy.  Specifically, Obama’s plan involves seizing control of:

*  “All commodities and products that are capable of being ingested by either human beings or animals”

*  “All forms of energy”

*  “All forms of civil transportation”

*  “All usable water from all sources”

*  “Health resources –  drugs, biological products, medical devices, materials, facilities, health supplies, services and equipment”

*  Forced labor ( or “induction” as the executive order delicately refers to military conscription)

Moreover, federal officials would “issue regulations to prioritize and allocate resources.”

Gun Control

Some people have defended President Obama’s statement by pointing to the word “frequency.”  But, even if one puts it in terms of frequency, the president’s statement is still false, with the US ranking 12th compared to European countries.

Legal guns or no legal guns, the ongoing deaths from mass shootings will still occur, taking away guns from the people puts everyone who abides the law at risk, and vulnerable to criminals and terrorists who will take this as a ripe opportunity to enforce their crimes and massacres with firearms; without the due deterrence of an armed citizenry to stop them, relying on the authorities in the heat of a shooting is not going to save anyone, it takes seconds to carry out a mass shooting, we need people to carry firearms.


The media has wholeheartedly cherry picked the most severe mass-shootings to push a disarmament agenda, they know full well guns cannot ever be somehow magically ‘wished away’ with a liberal mindset and a few palliative laws passed. They blame the tools and not the ideologies, the bullets and not the fingers pulling the triggers.

This just says it all, armed crime will surge if guns are banned/restricted, and then what?

Guns do more to save lives than they do to take them maliciously. Do not let the media suggest otherwise with the spotlight constantly shone on the times where guns were not used, and people died – it’s media cherrypicking. The Orlando massacre was encouraged by the fact nightclubs like Pulse do not permit gun carriers, the shooter was only taken out when he was shot by law enforcement – but this tragedy  could have been avoided or reduced if a civilian had killed the terrorist earlier on with a carry-permitted gun.


As you can see, non-firearm homicides are more prolific, yet they do not gain the media coverage that firearm homicides do – this proves to an extent, that the government want to take away firearms as a means of controlling the people, its not about saving anyone – because without firearms, there will be more death.

If anything, these mass shootings are epithets of an ailed, decaying set of moral standards in a given society. Because twisted people will always exist, there will always be murder-sprees (Jack the Ripper anyone?) – even without any guns (not possible), terrorists will find a way to slaughter, and criminals find a way to advantageously kill for their living, which is simply (a telling sign of an ill society where people need to steal, and people need to commit acts of terror to prove something). Fix the ill minded, impose more background checks, but don’t take away guns – they are the people’s safeguard.

All mass shootings in the past 20 years have the same thing in common. – and it is not weapons…

All of the killers had been on some form of drug, the most common being antidepressants such as Prozac.

Killers including Adam Lanza of Sandy Hook, Reno Hospital shooter Alan Oliver Frazier, Aurora movie theater shooter James Holmes, Columbine mass-killer Eric HarrisPatrick Purdy who went on a schoolyard shooting rampage in Stockton, California, Jose Reyes the Nevada seventh-grader who went on a shooting rampage at his school, Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis – the list goes on.

Check out this list of drug-induced killers: Here


But this drug issue is not unique to America, mass-murderer Anders Breivik had also been on SSRIs such as Fluoxetine that are in antidepressants when he committed the mass shooting at Utoya Island in 2011.

The Radical Islam Problem

Radical Islam is also a prevalent causer of mass-shootings and terrorism, prompting – in alignment with radical Islamic doctrine, for the assailant to kill and maim the non-believers, the Qu’ran advocates this under Jihad. Most terrorist attacks in the west today are done under some faculty of radical Islamic ideology.

In the middle east, many extremely radicalized Islamic states still support capital punishment for gays, on average 53% of all Muslims in western countries still believe it should not be legal to be gay, we need to recognize that the views of near-east Islam are still severely distorted; and unfortunately liberal leftists still think that leaving these people unintegrated when brought in en masse via migratory policies is going to be safe for the USA, and somehow liberalism & political correctness is the excuse to allow this to all happen, but multiculturalism does not work – Europe is living proof of this.

If you soften up the pro-western sentiment in the USA, you can with relative ease slip in hundreds of thousands of pro-Muslim migrants who will never integrate and will sway the vote in favour of Islamic ways and customs – and vote in bigger government in the process.

By not integrating mass migration influxes, the West is setting itself up to be usurped by intolerance, by taking away guns the West is opening its doors to Islamic radical terrorism which will always have guns. When will people see this? Giving the guns to the state shifts dependency to the state and creates an atmosphere of fear and defenselessness, the state is never going to be everywhere to respond immediately to a terrorist attack, gun ‘control’ makes the job of the NWO elite easier to pull the strings in regards to bring in migrants, change the USA culturally for the worse, and then use law enforcement who have the guns to enforce their agenda when things become heated in the Islamic takeover phase – this basically assures the people will be helpless in holding any power in the future, the government will literally call the shots.

Do you see the kind of mentality America (and Europe) is importing with mass immigration? Not integrating this is going to cause conflict, I guarantee it.

But the media is somehow still claiming criminals and terrorists can be magically removed or reduced upon the reduction of arms, a correlation that will never, ever work, ever – there will always be people determined to commit crimes and acts of terror, for example; the US government tried to stop the drugs trade by making certain drugs illegal, this only worsened the issue, the same will apply to gun ownership which just surges after every shooting – the black market and its customers don’t care about US gun control law whatsoever.

Refer to this link for a larger image of the one below, and this link for more revealing stats on the truth behind gun crime and the misleading media emphasis it has gotten.


The CPRC has also collected data on the worst mass public shootings, those cases where at least 15 people were killed in the attack.

There were 16 cases where at least 15 people were killed. Out of those cases, four were in the United States, two in Germany, France, and the United Kingdom.

But the U.S. has a population four times greater than Germany’s and five times the U.K.’s, so on a per-capita basis the U.S. ranks low in comparison — actually, those two countries would have had a frequency of attacks 1.96 (Germany) and 2.46 (UK) times higher.

Small countries such as Norway, Israel and Australia may have only one major attack each, one-fourth of what the U.S. has suffered, but the US population is vastly greater.  If they suffered attacks at a rate adjusted for their population, Norway, Israel and Australia would have had attacks that were respectively 16, 11, and 3 times greater than the US.

Proportionally, western countries, taken into account population, have similar homicide rates.

Zionist Israel is not Jewish

The common Zionist defense of the Israeli authorities to authenticate their tyrannical establishment is that their state is somehow Biblical, this article seeks to question and debunk this ill-informed notion that their corrupted rabbinical, Zionist form of Judaism is somehow a special treatment worthy, specially entitled group of people that deserve compensation for the tragedy of the Holocaust, except this forgets that Judaism is not genetic, it is a faith – so the real motive must be statism; to merge Judaism with statism, to redefine our concept of what Judaism actually is, this will undermine true Judaism, and is concurrent with the best interests of the Satanic,Zionist, Babylonian, one-world globalist agenda, because that’s what it unequivocally is.

Zionists want to eliminate the Opiate, at the core of this Opiate lies the true Yahushaic Judaism the true founder of Abrahamic faith, the paragon of light and all things holy & righteous. That is what they want to eradicate in every way possible, this means destroying Islam & Christianity too to wipe clean even the faiths that aren’t quite the true faith, but on the right tracks & uphold/support values of true Judaism (Not Zionism).

Source 1

Source 2

Source 3

The Rothschilds funded the early settlers from Europe to relocate in post-war Palestine and they also funded and armed the terrorist groups, like Irgun, which bombed and terrorised Israel into existence in 1948, a campaign which forced 800,000 Palestinians to leave the land of their birth.


The fact is, Israel in itself misrepresents Judaism as an arrogantly exclusive faith reserved only for a nationalistic, ethnic group, that is not what Judaism is, we are all members of the twelve tribes of Israel; so a contrived, corrupted nation doesn’t do justice to a worldwide faith, and is certainly not the Israeli kingdom discussed in the Bible.

“The religious Jews who by virtue of their faith, clearly contradicted Zionist nationalism, and who had lived peacefully with their Arab neighbors for generations, became unwillingly identified with the Zionist cause and their struggle with the Arabs.”

A so called ‘Jewish’ state that claims to represent this uncanny religious exclusivity only serves to push people away from Judaism, and towards a backwards us against them concept of religious-nationalistic possessiveness, and to ultimately foment a greater hatred between Islam and the Judeo-Christian West.

True Judaism doesn’t ever pride itself with smugly insular nationalistic & ethnic identifications which hold no weight anywhere in the only two true texts; the Torah or Bible, but instead true Judaism embraces differences between people with love and acceptance, even if others do not align with Jewish ways akin to the Torah and Bible, not the false rabbinical Talmud, or Zionist doctrine which is not inspired text at all.

In a stunning and remarkable moment, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared to the people of Europe and the world that the prophecies of Ezekiel 37 have been fulfilled. The Holocaust, he said, represented the “dry bones” and “graves” of the Jewish people, and out of that horror the State of Israel was resurrected, just as the Lord said would happen through the Hebrew Prophet Ezekiel. Rarely has any world leader given a major address on an international stage declaring End Times prophecies from the Bible have come true. But that is exactly what Netanyahu did.

Joel Rosenberg

“Therefore prophesy and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel.”

– Ezekiel 37:12

This Bible passage states so very clearly that God’s people (all of us who believe in the unaltered Torah & Bible) will be returned to the land of Israel (The entire world, unified) in the after-Kingdom when we are literally raised from the dead, this is not at all the same with the present day Zionism movement, in which Netanyahu cited the Holocaust as the equivalent for end-times prophesy. Where does being raised from the dead come into using the Holocaust to create a ‘Jewish’ state? We must take the word literally or not at all.

Important: The borders of Israel are the subject of heated international debate, but a look at prophetic literature shows a clear and surprising picture: the Messianic age will feature an Israel that encompasses the entire world. Haters of Israel can interpret this in a negative light, but the truth is a Utopian vision of universal brotherhood.

As I’ve discussed, Zionism, biblically speaking, is in no way connected with the Jews in the Holy Bible, it was invented by the Rothschild Banking Family.

As you can see above the Satanically associated hexagram ‘Star of David’ which appears on the poles of Jupiter, which is associated with Satan. This evil mark appears on the Rothschild shield above, and also on the flag of Israel – a coincidence? It is definitely not.

Israel is simply the State of Rothschild and how appropriate that they paid for the construction of the Israeli parliament building, the Knesset, and the Israel Supreme Court. The name Rothschild means Red-shield and it originates with the red shield ‘Star of David’ symbol (not a Jewish symbol before the Rothschilds) which they displayed on their house in Frankfurt …

Check this out for more info.

Today, Satan-controlled Jesuit, Jew hating, Rothschild-Illuminati fronts like the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Royal Institute of International Affairs, and others, still answer to the Round Table which string-pulls and coordinates from the shadows. This is why Zionists in government are invariably connected with these Rothschild-controlled organisations.


When we see the extraordinary number of Zionists in key positions around the world we are looking not at ‘manipulating Jews’, but manipulating Zionists representing the interests and demands of the Rothschilds. Jews are not the problem, Zionists are.



An average $3 billion a year is handed to the State of Rothschild (Israel) as a result of decisions made by American administrations that are always, ‘Republican’ or ‘Democrat’, controlled by the Rothschilds. One hand of the network hands over the cash to another.

This explains why the United States never talks about the arsenal of nuclear weapons stockpiled by one of the world’s most trigger-happy states. Israel refuses to discuss them and the American policy, recently reconfirmed by Obama, is never to ask or bring up the subject.

Zionism does not accurately represent Judaism in any way, as above suggests that Zionism is the worm inside Judaism, eating it from inside to out. It masquerades as Judaism, as a force of good – but it definitely is not.

Significant numbers of Jewish people are not Zionists and oppose that appalling creed while many Zionists are not Jewish. These include the Christian Zionists and Obama’s vice-president, Joe Biden, who told Israeli television ‘I’m a Zionist’. If, as Biden rightly says, you don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist, how can it be a racial rather than a political movement? It can’t be, as I’ve stated above. It’s just made to appear like that to manipulate public perception because opposing Zionism then becomes opposing Jewish people as a whole and the ‘you’re a racist’ card can be played over and over. It undermines Judaism and solidifies the state of Israel for political motives that want to destroy the Abrahamic Judaism, Christianity and Islam by pitching them against each-other.

The Zionist Campaign for the revealing of Satan himself

Read this article for a more fleshed-out perspective: Link

The campaign to impose a Rothschild fiefdom in Palestine goes back at least to the earlier part of the 19th century and probably long before. It was given a massive boost with the Balfour Declaration in 1917 when the British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour declared in a letter his government’s support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

This letter was sent by Balfour, an inner-circle member of an elite secret society called the Round Table, to Baron (Walter) Rothschild who funded the Round Table.

Now is the most important part of this article, and likely the most important thing I’ve ever communicated in my writings, pay attention.

The last two US administrations are testament to the extent of Zionist (Rothschild) control of America and thus its foreign policy, not least with regard to Iraq, the former land of Sumer and Babylon, which according to some just happens to be part of the ‘Greater Israel’ that the Zionists seek to secure.

They do this by slaughtering the native people in Gaza and Palestine, flushing out natives into the EU with welfare incentives to give up their homeland, initiating perpetual war to destroy facilities, homesteads and infrastructure that enables a native population to survive; claiming this as ‘collateral’ damage in the US fight against the imaginary ISIS which is emptying & hollowing out the countries for Israel to occupy, yet ISIS is really a joint-funded, CIA trained operation with Saudi Arabia to give an excuse for proxy imperialism. Israel also frames the Palestinians as perpetrators of aggravating borders to then authenticate Israeli missile bombardment and justify expansionism, all of this is to ultimately establish a greater Zionist-Satanic Israel reinforced by Holocaust guilt and political correctness of the West.

In a spiritual context; and you must take spirituality under Yahuah seriously in order to realize the reason for Israel’s Zionist creation is not a doing of man, but of Satan himself (Ha-Satan is traditionally translated as “the accuser” or “the adversary”), this is not solely motivated by a desire to challenge Russia and the East, or even just for controlling resources; the final Great Deception is that the Antichrist (False Messiah) will come before Yahusha, the one true Messiah, returns. The False Messiah will stand in the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem (in Israel), showing himself that he is God, this will cause many to be deceived in Satan’s last ditch attempt to win over the people to his dark clutches, before Yahusha returns.

Satan is not coming with “horns and hoofs” and a “pitchfork” no, he will appear as “an angel of light” He will appear to be a very righteous and Godly man, a great man of peace, who will be championing the cause of Israel in the world courts, demanding that they be given the right to rebuild their temple (which he plans to sit in and rule from), and that they should be given the right to re-start their animal sacrifices once again, which are not necessary as Yahusha sacrificed himself for us – those who know the scriptures thoroughly will know that this is a deception.

Satan’s new world order is coming, do not try to stop it, let God do the avenging, and do not fear death; it happened before with Babel/Babylon, and it’s happening again. Don’t let the memes, mockery and trivia mislead your conscience, you must be prepared to know what to do.

After the Third World War, the New Temple Will Be Rebuilt for Satan, not Yahusha

The New World Order, headed from Israel will require superstate territories that carve up the great regions of the earth, the EU is one aspect of these super-territories that prospectively will enable a one world government to be amply sustained. The upcoming EU referendum in the UK will be rigged, there are Rothschild insiders crawling throughout the political echelons, and David Cameron current British PM, is without a doubt doing what he’s told at a proverbial gunpoint.

The most influential figure by far in the current British government is Peter Mandelson (Zionist) who continues to amass more titles and powers from the beleaguered Prime Minister David Cameron. Mandelson is an insider operative for the Rothschilds and has frequently accepted hospitality from his close friend and associate, Nathaniel Rothschild. A few years ago Mandelson called for the UK to join the (Rothschild) single European currency, something that has yet to happen, but will be forced upon the UK in 2020 when adoption of the Euro becomes compulsory for all member states, this will further centralize monetary power under the Globalists’ belts.

Funnily enough, the hapless and hopeless British Prime Minister Gordon Brown did as he was told and appointed Ivan Lewis (Zionist) to be minister of state with responsibility for, wait for it … British policy on the Middle East, including all affairs regarding Israel.

Returning the focus to the Global stage, the big goal is to fulfill the vision of a Satanic New World Order, but this is a vision that can only happen if massive population reduction occurs (easier to control, microchip and maim fewer people), the Globalists have been secretly using silent, soft-kill tactics to whittle and dumb-down the global population through water fluoridation, dodgy vaccines, hiking up the cancer rates massively, perpetual war (and death), keeping Africa a starving third world continent, damaging radiation from cell phone triangulation. They have also widely advocated birth control, promoting homosexuality and feminism which has gone a long way in reducing the natal rate of the West. These however, are only palliative measures – keeping the population controlled until the initial New World Order mainframe falls into place, then the collapse and mass-death can occur – after all this, the New World Order will be accepted by the masses as their saviour.


I predict one of the following will occur to reduce world population and instate the New World Order, it is no coincidence major bankers, CEOs and politicians etcetera are buying up refuge vaults tucked away in isolated, mountainous regions.

Here is the NWO Agenda as of 1969:

1. Girls would be discouraged from playing with dolls so they wouldn’t think about babies. They would be encouraged to get out on the soccer field instead. Feminism also pushed onto women to belittle men and destroy sacred masculine role, and sacred feminine role for that matter.

2. Guns would be eliminated almost entirely and the few that were allowed to have them for hunting would have to check them out from officials. Guns are in the hands of controlled criminals, a few subordinate individuals and of course, the tyrannical government. There will be no effective means of ousting a corrupt government or initiating a mass-movement.

One ulterior motive of government orchestrated terror attacks is to take away the guns and put them in the hands of the Globalists, this shifts the dependency to the state in the case of a terrorist attack, it also wipes clean any rebellion urges that might surge due to a lack of effective tools to fuel a people run revolution.

3. They already could cure over 98% of all cancers – they had the cures at the Rockefeller Institute. But they would not be released because there were too many people in the world and they had to die of something.

4. Homosexuality will be encouraged – anything goes. – reduces population and confuses sexuality – also very unholy, the Bible does not order us to hate homosexuals, just to not be homosexual ourselves, nevertheless mass-encouraging homosexuality is not good news.

5. Families will diminish in importance. People would be encouraged to live alone.

6. Euthanasia will be encouraged – they will use “the demise pill” to kill themselves.

7. Births will be strictly controlled and you could not simply have children because you wanted them.

8. “Stupid” people would not eat correctly and exercise so they would die much earlier and that’s what they wanted.

9. Private doctors will be eliminated – doctors make too much money.

10. They will make health care so expensive that you must have insurance or be financially destroyed. Limiting access to affordable medical care will make eliminating elderly easier. They would stop hospitals from giving any charity care.

11. New difficult to treat and diagnose diseases will come about as a means of population control.

12. Running shoes and sports equipment will be made glamorous to make the “smart” people get into exercise.

13. Romantic music will not be put out anymore. All the old music will be brought back on certain “oldies” radio stations and the young people will have their own radio stations. Old movies will be put again for the old people.

14. Entertainment will be used to mainly change and program the young people. The old people are not important anyway so they don’t care much about them.

15. Entire meals will be made and put in grocery stores. Convenience foods will be made unhealthy. They want people that were too lazy to fix their own meals or exercise to die early.

16. They would make puberty come on earlier.

17. Inducing heart attacks as a means of assassination.

18. They will blend all religions but Christianity had to go especially! Once the Roman Catholic is brought down then the rest will go next. Then they will create a new religion – The New Age Satanic Religion that champions man as the deity, and science as the only truth.

19. They will change the Bible over time to become nothing like it once was – churches would help them! This will confuse people and push them away from Abrahamic religion and into their new religion.

20. The education system will be restructured as a tool of indoctrination. Kids will spend more time in school but won’t learn anything. Kids will have to specialize early on in their education and changing their plans will be very difficult.

21. ID will be required for all travel. They will implant IDs inside the skin so that nobody could say they lost their IDs – the mark of the beast? Perhaps in one regard this is.

22. They will control who has access to information. Some books will just disappear or be changed. They will even have thieves steal certain books from the library.

23. Drug use will be encouraged to encourage a “Jungle” atmosphere. Meanwhile, police enforcement to put people in prison for drugs will be drastically increased.

24. Food will be strictly controlled and people would be not allowed to grow their own. They only would give you enough food to give you what you needed but hoarding food or growing food would be criminal activities. They didn’t want anybody to be able to support those outside their system.

25. Travel will be first made cheaper to encourage people to spread out their families but then made very expensive so few people could afford it. The phony Federal Reserve System and its fiat currency makes all of this possible.

26. Crime will be increased as a way to control society into a perpetual state of fear.

27. More jails would be made and they would even use hospitals as jails.

28. America would lose her manufacturing base. Other countries would be making the products America are making now, overseas cheap labour is a huge facet of this initiative. This is being reversed in modern times with the mass importation of cheap labour migrants to push down the standards to become equivalent to the third world.

29. Sports would be used as a tool for social change – Soccer was being encouraged since it was a global game. They wanted to do away with anything like football and baseball that were created in the United States. National pride of any type would be discouraged.

30. Sex and violence would be programmed through entertainment. Definitely happened in modern times.

31. All television sets would have secret cameras that would watch everybody in the room [just like in George Orwell’s novel, 1984]. This is currently happening to some extent with ‘Smart’ TVs being sold very cheaply to infiltrate the privacy of households.

32. They would implant IDs in everybody. – Not yet occurred, but there are multiple outlets reporting the possibility of this in the near future.

33. They would control what was in our food. Currently happening with Monsanto, Pesticides and GMOs, there are numerous bills initiated to prevent labeling to alert people this is happening.

34. They already controlled the weather. They would stop rain in certain areas to bring them under their control. They would make rain during harvest to make it harder to get the food from the fields. HAARP and the chemtrails theory are bringing this into the modern time as a distinct reality.

35. There were always two reasons for all their actions. The public reason they give everybody, and the REAL reason. Definitely observable in so many things, from 9/11 and nearly all majorly publicized terrorist attacks (all have ulterior motives) to nearly all largely distributed news stories.

36. People don’t ask the right questions – they are too trusting. – Certainly occurring in modern times with the mass dissemination of government figures as friendly, all-smiles men of the people, the liberal atmosphere of just accepting everything has also brought about an unhealthy acceptance of NWO Marxist government.

37. Scientific research would be falsified to push their agenda. Massive factor that is happening all over, used to cover up autism links with thimerosal containing vaccines, for example.

38. Terrorism would be used to control the people. – 9/11 2001, as an excuse to invade the middle east.

39. Home ownership will be a thing of the past. Housing markets are being flooded with migrants as competition for properties skyrockets pushing down wages and forcing people to rent.

40. The new system would be either be brought by peaceful means if possible or by bringing the nation to the brink of nuclear war. People would give up their national sovereignty to keep the peace.- Yet to happen, but very plausible it will.

41. If too many people resisted their plans, there might be a need to use one, two or more nuclear weapons to show that “we mean business”. A false-flag ‘terrorist’ group is likely to take the blame for this, will push a perpetual state of fear mongering, and force people to cling to the government as a solution – the ‘Hegelian Dialectic’ at play.

42. War was justified as a way to control the population. They were happy that World Wars had killed millions so they couldn’t keep having babies. But now with nuclear weapons they would not allow wars to be fought with nuclear weapons on a wide scale.

43. Americans have had it too good, so nuclear terrorism might need to be used in order to implement the New World Order system.

44. Inflation is a tool of control. Money would be turned into credit. Cash would be done away with. People would carry money only for small items such as chewing gun. All else is done electronically. They would ultimately have a single bank system but might appear as several banks. – Happening as cashless initiatives are being pushed everywhere, Rothschild bank occupies nearly every country in the world.

45. All purchases would be tracked. If you bought too much of an item or a particular item, an official would be alerted to investigate. The ability to save would be curtailed so they would not be able to accumulate wealth. Wealth in the hands of the people is not good for those in charge.

46. If you saved too much, your pay would be cut in the future so you could not accumulate any wealth. – Orchestrated financial collapses also help to enforce the reduction of a populations wealth-power influence.

47. Credit would be encouraged so people would get in debt and get in trouble so authorities could come down hard on them.

48. Eventually there would only be one credit card and then after that there would be a skin implant located in your right hand or your forehead. He was told to not worry about what the Bible said about this because this was just the logical place for the implant.

49. Implants would also be used for surveillance. Every citizen could be identified by their own signal through tooth fillings etc.

50. You’ll be watching television and somebody will be watching you at a central station. The TV could be off and still monitor you. They could tell what you are watching and how you are reacting to what you are watching. The signals for monitoring you will go down the cable for your Cable TV and telephone wires.

51. Audio monitors would also be used in other rooms. Any wires that come into the home will be used to monitor you such as telephone wires.

52. There would be service trucks everywhere putting in the monitoring equipment.

53. People that already owned houses would be allowed to keep them but young people would never be able to afford a home. Cost of homes would not come down even with all the empty houses. They would control the price of homes to turn more and more people into renters.

[Approx. 3.5 million people in the U.S. are homeless, while at the same time, there are 18.5 million vacant homes in the country #7].

54. People would be assigned where they would live and they would assign non family members to live with you. That’s why the census asks how many bedrooms you have in the home.

55. When the new system comes out, they would be required to sign allegiance to it. There would be no room for people that would not sign their allegiance to the new system. They would be secretly taken to special places where they would not live very long. People will just disappear so they couldn’t be martyrs.

56. The new system will come in over a weekend in the winter. They would announce the new system was in place on a Monday. Everybody will have less leisure time after the new system was brought in so they couldn’t figure out what was going on. The more people work, the less they research.

  • A financial collapse blamed on Russia/China rendering millions without food, prompting WW3 & massive death tolls.
  • Russia/China will be framed for a false flag nuclear attack, prompting WW3 to destroy both of them.
  • Honeybees worldwide are currently rapidly dying out, this will trigger a hunger epidemic – mass death will ensue – WW3 over resources?
  • Engineered disease will kill billions, a cure/vaccine will be suppressed, WW3 in instability?

However, Russia and China are rapidly breaking away from this New World Order vision, Vladimir Putin of Russia has already pushed for a Ruble-Yuan economic deal that excludes the US dollar and ensures the petrodollars’ control is maimed significantly, and also sees the East unify as a counterweight to the NWO Zionists, Mr. Putin advocates nationality, faith, he discourages homosexuality, has banned harmful GMO food, has made significant steps in defeating the US government run ISIS, has planted troops in the Levant to defend his ally Syria, has counter-attacked the US proxy operations in Ukraine where an active CIA effort is underway to weaken the Russian buffer states (to secede into the EU), and has endorsed the US political outsider, Donald Trump who opposes the NWO, and has expressed a desire to talk to Russia and co-operate – establishment candidate, Hillary Clinton on the other hand wants to demonize Russia, and continue the US perpetual war agenda – and start WW3.

Because of this, the NWO believe that WW3 must occur in order to achieve their goals of world domination, Putin and all his allies, including superpower China, must be erased to do that. That’s a scary prospect indeed.

Russia is our last vestige of hope, if Putin’s co-operative efforts with China do not succeed, WW3 will be initiated, and the New World Order will come to fruition. It’s actually prophesied in the Bible for the outbreak of a great battle to occur near the Euphrates river in the middle east including 200 million men, so we know something is coming.

It’s time to end the New World Order’s enslavement plan, it’s time to definitively end the biggest financial pyramid and ponzi scheme this world have ever known, and embrace Yahuah through Yahusha the true Messiah, and the holy word of the Torah and the Bible. I implore you to do this.

This twisted order is completely run by the global elite, the corrupted Western banksters syndicate and their completely rigged international stock markets.

It is time to end all current corrupted and inadequate institutions: the Senate, Congress, the entire Federal Reserve banking system (As Kennedy tried, and failed to do in 1963 prior to his assassination) and its many fiat money printing schemes, the Bilderbergers, the committee of 300, Yale’s Skulls and Bones, The military arm of the Jesuits, The European black nobility and all other self serving nobilities around the world, all Public and non public institutions of the world that do not care for the well being of the people. Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, HSBC,

The Vatican banking system, just to name a few, among many, many other slave systems that currently enslaves humanity, the corrupt judicial system, the corrupt police system, NSA, Northcom, NORAD, CIA, FBI, MI5, MI6, Mossad, Al-qaeda, Halliburton and all the many other terrorist, military paramilitary organizations and the many other secret domestic foreign societies and institutions used to enslave humanity through the abuse of power, consolidation of wealth, social stratification, technological paralysis and labor abuse.

These are all used as a cover for govermental dictatorship by the ruling elite.



Orlando Was a False Flag Attack

The recent June 12th Orlando nightclub shooting that claimed the lives of 50 (including the gunman) and non-fatally injured 53 others, has gripped the worldwide media and thrown the spotlight yet again on the 2nd amendment and gun control laws – but interestingly enough, not on the growing fomentation of radical Islam in the West.

Obama has wrongly cited the shooting as the biggest massacre on US soil ever, soliciting the tragic events’ emotional traction by politicizing the issue to further his agenda of centralizing 2nd amendment dismantlement. However, Obama has actively disregarded the background of the shooter, who was aligned with ISIS and radical Islam, and had been on the FBI watch list prior to the shooting, yet still dubiously gained access to his firearms through a security job with security firm G4S.

Gun control is a non-issue, it cannot be enforced as much as drug control cannot be enforced; which explains the massive failure of the US war on drugs, which only seeks to place the financial profits from illegal substances under the CIA’s belts to serve their twisted masters. The same applies to guns, banning them puts guns in the hands of the controllers.

Check out the crashed CIA drug plane, which contained 4 tonnes of cocaine that was being unaccountably transported somewhere. Seems like a subversive governmental control over the financial powerhouse of the illegal drug trade to me.


Then you must try to explain what did they do with all the prosperous Heroin Fields in Afghanistan during the statist Bush administration which saw Afghanistan suffer a US invasion.

Afghan Opium fields, accounting for the largest single source of Opium in the world, worth $4 billion per year.


While Obama has politicized the Orlando event without media scrutiny, Donald Trump has used the event to emphasize the issues with radical Islam, and the dire need for heightened background checks on newcomers with substantial criticism from the MSM (Mainstream Media) for ‘exploiting’ the event for his political agenda.

Reporter Paul Joseph Watson observes the lack of emphasis on the radical Islamic, homophobic ideological motive behind the shooting as opposed to the overwhelming blame on the inanimate object that is a gun.

Many more would have died were it not for firearm intervention, as the nightclub was a vulnerable ‘soft spot’ that prohibited the carrying of firearms, the notion that a reduction in firearms availability will solve mass shootings or mass murder is inane, and ignores underground black-market access to firearms, and relies on a liberal perspective that somehow expects a suicidal murderer to care about getting a license or to bother jumping through the hoops of driveling regulations.

Just look what happened in gun-free Paris, look what happened with Anders Breivik who shot dead 69 participants of a Workers’ Youth League (AUF) summer camp on the Norwegian island of Utøya where firearms are not legal for self-defense purposes.

Can we concede that the backwards outlooks & ideologies of the morally and mentally challenged are to blame for mass killings, and not the tools? – tools which are impossible to absolutely restrict, and in attempting to doing so backfires on those who need those tools to level the playing-field in a circumstance where self-defense with firearms is absolutely necessary – unilateral firearms attacks make it extremely difficult to apprehend a perpetrator as they have the advantage of sheer range.

Then there is the coincidence of Obama’s presidency suffering the majority of US mass shootings, could that be to do with the US, CIA established & funded terrorist group ISIS gaining momentum, and the continued intensity of the invasion of the middle-east which inevitably foments drastic Islamic extremism, and a growing hatred of the West?


The Mind Control Thesis

The idea that this shooting is a false flag is not too unfathomable, if the CIA are grooming and inciting acts of Islamic extremism with 9/11, it can also be done here.

Mind control programs might sound crazy, but they are very real and are not to be underestimated, and can easily be applied to the incursion of terrorist attacks by victims of mind control techniques.

Project MKUltra, sometimes referred to as the CIA’s mind control program—was the code name given to an illegal program of experiments on human subjects, designed and undertaken by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

MKUltra used numerous methodologies to manipulate people’s mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis,[9] sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as various forms of torture.

(MKULTRA was) successful in creating Manchurian Candidates or super spies programmed to carry out sexual favors, assassination, and other terrorist acts.

These top secret programs were successful in creating Manchurian Candidates or super spies programmed to carry out sexual favors, assassination, and other terrorist acts without any conscious knowledge of what they were doing.

If that was not damning enough a case for an orchestrated, false flag terrorist act in Orlando, then the mind control drug, scopolamine, also known as the “Devil’s Breath,” is…

Scopolamine is often referred to as the most dangerous drug in the world. Mainly prevalent in South America, the drug is used to commit the perfect crime — while under the influence of scopolamine, someone could convince you to willingly withdraw and give away your life savings from your bank account, but you would wake up and remember nothing.

After inhaling the “Devil’s Breath,” victims have been known to wake up with no memory of withdrawing their life savings and giving it away.

NASA has mixed scopolamine with dexedrine to form a substance called scop-dex and then administered the drug to trainees during the reduced gravity program. They state that scop-dex drops the motion sickness rate to 15 percent or less.

Of course, since the drug can potentially strip someone of all rational thinking, scopolamine is surrounded by conspiracy theories. It is said to have the abilities of a “truth-serum,” and some stories claim that the drug was used in Nazi Germany as an interrogation tool, according to The Guardian.

The CIA has also been accused of using scopolamine to force the truth out of people, and a theory states that the Batman movie shooter, James Holmes, was set up and drugged with scopolamine in order to brainwash him to commit the mass shooting. Theorists argue that the US government wanted to keep Holmes’ dad from testifying in a high-crime fraud case, and they point out all the strange things about Holmes that just don’t seem to add up.

The same could apply with Manteen’s mobile admittance of being affiliated with ISIS prior to carrying out the mass shooting in Orlando on June 12th, overriding his fathers’ genuine surprise with the act, and disabling any possible court case.

CIA/FBI Ties of Orlando Shooter & Father

What really serves to cement the idea this shooting was yet another false flag, psy-ops orchestration can be branched from the fact the shooter and his father had ties to the CIA/FBI, a big red herring that suggests there may have been a hidden hand involvement here.

Here’s the real reasons to question the true background of the shooter:

  1. The FBI knew about the shooter and investigated him prior to the attack.
  2. The shooter had a connection to a known ISIS recruiter.
  3. The shooter’s father was a former “Afghan presidential candidate” who supported the Taliban.
  4. The FBI’s history in creating terrorism.


So if we know who actually controls ISIS (US-CIA) we can pin this shooting as yet another orchestrated event.


This immensely important question must be asked: If ISIS is responsible for the attacks, who controls ISIS? For many, claims that the attacker belongs to ISIS is a deal breaker. For these individuals, ISIS is a shadowy terrorist organization that supports itself and has created a caliphate in eastern Syria and western Iraq that can scarcely be defeated (except when the Russians bomb it). However, the facts do not support such a shallow understanding of the ISIS terrorist organization. ISIS was entirely created, funded and directed by the United States, Britain, France and other NATO countries. Its actions have been coordinated by the Anglo-American Intelligence apparatus for geopolitical purposes all across the world both at home and abroad. For this reason, the declaration that ISIS committed a terrorist attack in Paris is by no means a get-out-of-jail-free card for the Western Intelligence apparatus. Instead, it is the trademark of their handiwork. Please see these articles for more information on the nature of ISIS: here, herehere and here.

Not a One Man Act

The above video suggests that according to one eyewitness someone was holding the nightclubs’ doors closed preventing the safe passage of members of the public away from the shooter.

“there was a guy there that was trying to […] hold the door closed so that we couldn’t exit,”

Another person claimed that…

“I’m pretty sure it was more than one person, you know, like I said, I heard two guns going at the same time.” The eyewitness said that the event lasted “like eight minutes.”

  • The witness said that he could smell the gun smoke in the air and that the attackers were “working together.”
  • “It was not one shot at a time,” but rather from a machine gun,” another witness said, who eventually made it out of the club into the “alleyway.”

This contradicts the official story which claims that the lone gunman used a SIG Sauer MCX semi-automatic rifle and a Glock 17 semi-automatic pistol only, these are not automatic weapons, this implies there may have been more than one gunman involved, perhaps several CIA, or paid operatives getting the kills and the heavily drugged ‘perpetrator’ ready to be killed as a scapegoat?

Raw footage from the scene also reveals that officers may have been engaging an additional perpetrator outside of the nightclub, backing up other reports.

Authorities and even the President of the United States, Barack Obama, are currently downplaying the fact that there is a definite radicalized Islamic ideological connection to the attack and again, are covering up the fact that multiple suspects are likely still on the loose, or that these suspects were government paid operatives.

How Russia are defending themselves from the US Empire

Article taken from The Duran

What I propose to do today, is to look at what Russia is really doing in response to the growing threat from the West. But first, I have to set the context or, more accurately, re-set the context in which Russia is operating. Let’s begin by looking at the AngloZionist policies towards Russia.

The West’s actions:

First on this list is, obviously, the conquest by NATO of all of Eastern Europe. I speak of conquest because that is exactly what it is, but a conquest achieved according to the rules of 21st century warfare which I define as “80% informational, 15% economic and 5% military”. Yes, I know, the good folks of Eastern Europe were just dreaming of being subjugated by the US/NATO/EU/etc – but so what? Anyone who has read Sun Tzu will immediately recognize that this deep desire to be ‘incorporated’ into the AngloZionist “Borg” is nothing else but the result of a crushed self-identity, a deep-seated inferiority complex and, thus, a surrender which did not even have to be induced by military means. At the end of the day, it makes no difference what the locals thought they were achieving – they are now subjects of the Empire and their countries more or less irrelevant colonies in the fringe of the AngloZionist Empire. As always, the local comprador elite is now bubbling with pride at being, or so they think, accepted as equals by their new masters (think Poroshenko, Tusk or Grybauskaite) which gives them the courage to bark at Moscow from behind the NATO fence. Good for them.

Second is the now total colonization of Western Europe into the Empire. While NATO moved to the East, the US also took much deeper control of Western Europe which is now administered for the Empire by what the former Mayor of London once called the “great supine protoplasmic invertebrate jellies” – faceless bureaucrats à la François Hollande or Angela Merkel.

Third, the Empire has given its total support to semi-demonic creatures ranging from al-Khattab to Nadezhda Savchenko. The West’s policy is crystal clear and simple to the extreme: if it is anti-Russian we back it. This policy is best exemplified with a Putin and Russia demonization campaign which is, in my opinion, far worse and much more hysterical than anything during the Cold War.

Fourth, the West has made a number of highly disturbing military moves including the deployment of the first elements of an anti-missile system in Eastern Europe, the dispatching of various forms of rapid reaction forces, the deployment of a few armored units, etc. NATO now has forward deployed command posts which can be used to support the engagement of a rapid reaction force.

What does all this add up to?

Right now, nothing much, really. Yes, the NATO move right up to the Russian borders is highly provocative, but primarily in political terms. In purely military terms, not only is this a very bad idea (see cliché #6 here), but the size of the actual forces deployed is, in reality, tiny: the ABM system currently deployed can, at best, hope to intercept a few missiles (10-20 depending on your assumptions) as for the conventional forces they are of the battalion size (more or less 600 soldiers plus support). So right now there is categorically no real military threat to Russia.

So why are the Russians so clearly upset?

Because the current US/NATO moves might well be just the first steps of a much larger effort which, given enough time, might begin presenting a very real danger for Russia.

Furthermore, the kind of rhetoric coming out of the West now is not only militaristic and russophobic, it is often outright messianic. The last time around the West had a flare up of its 1000 year old chronic “messianic syndrome” condition Russia lost 20 (to 30) million people. So the Russians can be forgiven if they are paying a great deal of attention to what the AngloZionist propaganda actually says about them.

The Russians are most dismayed at the re-colonization of western Europe. Long gone are the days when people like Charles de Gaulle, Helmut Schmidt or François Mitterrand, were in charge of Europe’s future. For all their very real faults, these men were at least real patriots and not just US colonial administrators. The ‘loss’ of Western Europe is far more concerning for the Russians than the fact that ex-Soviet colonies in Eastern Europe are now under US colonial administration. Why?

Look at this from the Russian point of view.

The Russians all see that the US power is on the decline and that the dollar will, sooner or later, gradually or suddenly, lose its role as the main reserve and exchange currency on the planet (this process has already begun). Simply put – unless the US finds a way to dramatically change the current international dynamic the AngloZionist Empire will collapse. The Russians believe that what the Americans are doing is, at best, to use tensions with Russia to revive a dormant Cold War v2 and, at worst, to actually start a real shooting war in Europe.

So a declining Empire with a vital need for a major crisis, a spineless Western Europe unable to stand up for its own interest, a subservient Eastern Europe just begging to turn into a massive battlefield between East and West, and a messianic, rabidly russophobic rhetoric as the background for an increase in military deployments on the Russian border. Is anybody really surprised that the Russians are taking all this very, very serious even if right now the military threat is basically non-existent?

The Russian reaction

So let us now examine the Russian reaction to Empire’s stance.

First, the Russians want to make darn sure that the Americans do not give in into the illusion that a full-scale war in Europe would be like WWII which saw the US homeland only suffer a few, tiny, almost symbolic, attacks by the enemy. Since a full scale war in Europe would threaten the very existence of the Russian state and nation, the Russians are now taking measures to make darn sure that, should that happen, the US would pay an immense price for such an attack.

Second, the Russians are now evidently assuming that a conventional threat from the West might materialize in the foreseeable future. They are therefore taking the measures needed to counter that conventional threat.

Third, since the USA appears to be dead set into deploying an anti-ballistic missile system not only in Europe, but also in the Far East, the Russians are taking the measures to both defeat and bypass this system.

The Russian effort is a vast and a complex one, and it covers almost every aspect of Russian force planing, but there are four examples which, I think, best illustrate the Russian determination not to allow a 22 June 1941 to happen again:

  • The re-creation of the First Guards Tank Army (in progress)
  • The deployment of the Iskander-M operational-tactical missile system (done)
  • The deployment of the Sarmat ICBM (in progress)
  • The deployment of the Status-6 strategic torpedo (in progress)

The re-creation of the First Guards Tank Army

It is hard to believe, but the fact is that between 1991 and 2016 Russia did not have a single large formation (division size and bigger) in its Western Military District. A few brigades, regiments and battalions which nominally were called an “Army”. To put it simply – Russia clearly did not believe that there was a conventional military threat from the West and therefore she did not even bother deploying any kind of meaningful military force to defend from such a non-existing threat. By the way, that fact should also tell you everything you need to know about Russian plans to invade the Ukraine, Poland or the Baltics: this is utter nonsense. This has now dramatically changed.

Russia has officially announced that the First Guards Tank Army (a formation with a prestigious and very symbolic history). This Guards Tank Army will now include the 4th “Kantemirov” Guards Tank Division, the 2nd “Taman” Guards Motorized Rifle Division, the 6th Tank Brigade, the 27th Guards Motor Rifle Brigade Sevastopol and many support units. This Army’s HQ will be located in the Odinstovo suburb of Moscow. Currently the Army is equipped with T-72B3 and T-80 main battle tanks, but they will be replaced by the brand new and revolutionary T-14 Armata tank while the current infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers will be replaced by the new APC and IFV. In the air, these armored units will be protected and supported by Mi-28 and Ka-52 attack helicopters. Make no mistake, this will be a very large force, exactly the kind of force needed so smash through an attacking enemy forces (by the way, the 1TGA was present at the Kursk battle). I am pretty sure that by the time the 1TGA is fully organized it will become the most powerful armored formation anywhere between the Atlantic and the Urals (especially in qualitative terms). If the current tensions continue or even worsen, the Russians could even augment the 1TGA to a type of 21st century “Shock Army” with increased mobility and specializing in breaking deep into the enemy’s defenses.

The deployment of the Iskander-M operational-tactical missile system

The new Iskander-M operational tactical missile system is a formidable weapon by any standard. While technically it is a short-range tactical missile (under 1000km range, the Iskander-M has an official range of 500km), it can also fire the R-500 missile has the capability of striking at an intermediate/operational range (over 1000km, the R-500 has a range of 2000km). It is extremely accurate, it has advanced anti-ABM capabilities, it flies at hypersonic speeds and is practically undetectable on the ground (see here for more details). This will be the missile tasked with destroying all the units and equipment the US and NATO have forward-deployed in Eastern Europe and, if needed, clear the way for the 1TGA.

The deployment of the Sarmat ICBM

Neither the 1TGA nor the Iskander-M missile will threaten the US homeland in any way. Russia thus needed some kind of weapon which would truly strike fear into the Pentagon and White House in the way the famous RS-36 Voevoda (aka SS-18 “Satan” in US classification) did during the Cold War. The SS-18, the most powerful ICBM ever developed, was scary enough. The RS-28 “Sarmat” (SS-X-30 by NATO classification) brings the terror to a totally new level.

The Sarmat is nothing short of amazing. It will be capable of carrying 10-15 MIRVed warheads which will be delivered in a so-called “depressed” (suborbital) trajectory and which will remain maneuverable at hypersonic speeds. The missile will not have to use the typical trajectory over the North Pole but will be capable of reaching any target anywhere on the planet from any trajectory. All these elements combined will make the Sarmat itself and its warheads completely impossible to intercept.

The Sarmat will also be capable of delivering conventional Iu-71 hypersonic warheads capable of a “kinetic strike” which could be used to strike a fortified enemy target in a non-nuclear conflict. This will be made possible by the amazing accuracy of the Sarmat’s warheads which, courtesy of a recent Russian leak, we now know have a CEP of 10 meters (see screen capture)

Sarmat-MIRV-CEP-300x99The Sarmat’s silos will be protected by a unique “active protection measures” which will include 100 guns capable of firing a “metallic cloud” of forty thousand 30mm “bullets” to an altitude of up to 6km. The Russians are also planning to protect the Sarmat with their new S-500 air defense systems. Finally, the Sarmat’s preparation to start time will be under 60 seconds thanks a a highly automated launch system. What this all means is that the Sarmat missile will be invulnerable in its silo, during it’s flight and on re-entry in the lower parts of the atmosphere.

It is interesting to note that while the USA has made a great deal of noise around its planned Prompt Global Strikesystem, the Russians have already begun deploying their own version of this concept.

The deployment of the Status-6 strategic torpedo

Do you remember the carefully staged “leak” in November of last year when the Russians ‘inadvertently’ showed a super dooper secret strategic torpedo on prime time news? Here is this (in)famous slide:


What is shown here is an “autonomous underwater vehicle” which has advanced navigational capabilities but which can also be remote controlled and steered from a specialized command module. This vehicle can dive as deep as 1000m, at a speed up to 185km/h and it has a range of up to 10’000km. It is delivered by specially configured submarines.

The Status-6 system can be used to target aircraft carrier battle groups, US navy bases (especially SSBN bases) and, in its most frighting configuration, it can be used to deliver high-radioactivity cobalt bombscapable of laying waste to huge expanses of land. The Status-6 delivery system would be a new version of the T-15 torpedo which would be 24m long, 1,5m wide weigh 40 tons and capable of delivering a 100 megaton warhead which would make it twice as powerful as the most powerful nuclear device ever detonated, the Soviet Czar-bomb (57 megatons). Hiroshima was only 15 kilotons.

Keep in mind that most of the USA’s cities and industrial centers are all along the coastline which makes them extremely vulnerable to torpedo based attacks (be it Sakharov’s proposed “Tsunami bomb” or the Status-6 system). And, just as in the case of the Iskander-M or the Sarmat ICBM, the depth and speed of the Status-6 torpedo would make it basically invulnerable to incerception.


There is really nothing new in all of the above, and US military commanders have always known that. All the US anti-ballistic missile systems have always been primarily a financial scam, from Reagan’s “Star Wars” to Obama’s “anti-Iranian ABM”. For one thing, any ABM system is susceptible to ‘local saturation’: if you have X number ABM missile protecting a Y long space against an X number of missiles, all that you need to do is to saturate only one sector of the Y space with *a lot* of real and fake missiles by firing them all together through one small sector of the Y space the ABM missile system is protecting. And there are plenty of other measures the Russians could take. They could put just one single SLBM capable submarine in Lake Baikal making it basically invulnerable. There is already some discussion of that idea in Russia. Another very good option would be to re-activate the Soviet BzhRK rail-mobile ICBM. Good luck finding them in the immense Russian train network. In fact, the Russians have plenty of cheap and effective measure. Want me to list one more?


Take the Kalibr cruise-missile recently seen in the war in Syria. Did you know that it can be shot from a typical commerical container, like the ones you will find on trucks, trains or ships? Check out this excellent video which explains this:

Just remember that the Kalibr has a range of anywhere between 50km to 4000km and that it can carry a nuclear warhead. How hard would it be for Russia to deploy these cruise missiles right off the US coast in regular container ships? Or just keep a few containers in Cuba or Venezuela? This is a system which is so undetectable that the Russians could deploy it off the coast of Australia to hit the NSA station in Alice Springs if they wanted, an nobody would even see it coming.

The reality is that the notion that the US could trigger a war against Russia (or China for that matter) and not suffer the consequences on the US mainland is absolutely ridiculous. And yet, when I hear all the crazy talk by western politicians and generals I get the impression that they are forgetting about this undeniable fact. Frankly, even the current threats against Russia have a ‘half-backed’ feel to them: a battalion here, another one there, a few missiles here, a few more there. It is like the rulers of the Empire don’t realize that it is a very, very bad idea to constantly poke a bear when all you are carrying with you is a pocket-knife. Sometimes the reaction of western politicians remind me of the thugs who try to rob a gas station with a plastic or empty gun and who are absolutely stunned with they get gunned down by the owner or the cops. This kind of thuggery is nothing more than a form of “suicide by cop” which never ends well for the one trying to get away with it.

So sometimes things have to be said directly and unambiguously: western politicians better not believe in their own imperial hubris. So far, all their threats have achieved is that the Russians have responded with a many but futile verbal protests and a full-scale program to prepare Russia for WWIII.

As I have written many times, Russians are very afraid of war and they will go out of their way to avoid it. But they are also ready for war. This is a uniquely Russian cultural feature which the West has misread an innumerable number of time over the past 1000 years or so. Over and over again have the Europeans attacked Russia only to find themselves into a fight they would never have imagined, even in their worst nightmares. This is why the Russians like to say that “Russia never starts wars, she only ends them”.

There is a profound cultural chasm between how the West views warfare and how the Russians do. In the West, warfare is, really, “the continuation of politics by other means”. For Russians, it is a ruthless struggle for survival. Just look at generals in the West: they are polished and well mannered managers much more similar to corporate executives than with, say, Mafia bosses. Take a look at Russian generals (for example, watch the Victory Day parade in Moscow). In comparison to their western colleagues they look almost brutish, because first and foremost they are ruthless and calculating killers. I don’t mean that in a negative way – they often are individually very honorable and even kind men, and like every good commander, they care for their men and love their country. But the business they are in in not the continuation of politics by other means, the business they are in is survival. At all cost.

You cannot judge a military or, for that matter, a nation, by how it behaves when it triumphs, when it is on the offensive pursing a defeated enemy. All armies look good when they are winning. You can really judge of the nature of a military, or a nation, at its darkest hour, when things are horrible and the situation worse than catastrophic. That was the case in 1995 when the Eltsin regime ordered a totally unprepared, demoralized, poorly trained, poorly fed, poorly equipped and completely disorganized Russian military (well, a few hastily assembled units) to take Grozny from the Chechens. It was hell on earth. Here is some footage of General Lev Rokhlin in a hastily organized command post in a basement inside Grozy. He is as exhausted, dirty and exposed as any of his soldiers. Just look at his face and look at the faces of the men around him. This is what the Russian army looks like when it is in the depth of hell, betrayed by the traitors sitting in the Kremlin and abandoned by most if the Russian people (who, I am sorry to remind here, mostly were only were dreaming of McDonalds and Michael Jackson in 1995).

What the EU is not telling you

Embarrassing leaks have revealed that British Government officials colluded in Brussels to keep contentious issues about plans for making the EU into more of a superstate off the political agenda until after next week’s referendum.

One of the most shocking of these secret proposals involves allowing 1.5 million Turks visa-free access to Britain.

Here, DANIEL HANNAN outlines ten more controversial policies EU leaders are planning — by stealth — if we vote to Remain…

Daniel Hannan (pictured) has outlined ten more controversial policies EU leaders are planning — by stealth — if we vote to Remain

Daniel Hannan (pictured) has outlined ten more controversial policies EU leaders are planning — by stealth — if we vote to Remain

1. Banning hair-dryers

The EU plans to outlaw high-energy dishwashers, hair-dryers and other household appliances. It comes after lobbying by German manufacturers, who see an opportunity to keep competitors out of the market.

Even supporters reluctantly admit its environmental impact would be tiny: these gadgets account for 12 per cent of household energy use, or 1 per cent of our carbon footprint. As so often, something presented as eco-friendly turns out to be about commercial advantage.

The proposal, as Commissioner Jyrki Katainen observes, has been ‘ridiculed in the media’. He means the British media, and he’s right. The Finnish politician’s response? Postpone it until autumn.

2. A bigger budget

A mid-term review of the European Union’s seven-year budget was due at the start of the year. But it’s been postponed till after our referendum. Brussels officials privately admitted they were reluctant to give extra ammunition to British Leave campaigners.

What extra ammunition? By the EU’s own admission, its unpaid bills amount to €24.7 billion (£19.6 billion).

Britain pays 12.5 per cent of the budget, so our share of those bills is an additional £2.4 billion. That’s before the extra money being demanded by MEPs to deal with the migration crisis.

3. Open borders

David Cameron tried and failed to get an agreement that the EU’s free movement rules would not apply to countries that might join the EU in future, such as Albania, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Turkey.

David Cameron tried and failed to get an agreement that the EU’s free movement rules would not apply to countries that might join the EU in future, such as Albania, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Turkey

David Cameron tried and failed to get an agreement that the EU’s free movement rules would not apply to countries that might join the EU in future, such as Albania, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Turkey

‘Turkey joining EU is not going to happen’ says David Cameron, yet Angela Merkel recently proposed that Turkey is to be fast-tracked, it might happen sooner than expected, the key is that it is happening.

If we vote to remain on unchanged terms, we are accepting in perpetuity that there can be no control over migratory flows. Having failed to get a better deal before voting to leave, there is no chance of getting one if we were to stay.

The migration crisis has cruelly exposed the weakness of the EU’s Schengen Agreement (which abolished EU internal borders). When Britain joined, we agreed to open our borders to the EU. The EU has now clearly opened its borders to the world. That was never the deal.

4. More bail-outs

The Prime Minister has said very clearly that Britain is exempt from any further bail-outs. The trouble is, he said it in 2013. In June 2015, when Brussels needed more cash for the third Greek bail-out, the UK was forced to loan it £600 million.

Mr Cameron hadn’t lied. He had, indeed, secured an agreement — a written agreement, drawn up in the clearest possible language — that Britain would not have to prop up a currency it had declined to join. But the moment that agreement became inconvenient, the EU ripped it up; Britain was powerless to stop it.

How long before the euro crisis spreads to Italy and France, making Greece look like a sideshow? Jim Mellon, the investment guru, says: ‘When this happens — and I am guessing that it will within three years — the crisis will be so huge that Germany and Britain (if we are still in) would have to help out.’

Having made a billion pounds out of knowing when to buy and sell, he is urging us to sell EU membership urgently.

In June 2015, when Brussels needed more cash for the third Greek bail-out, the UK was forced to loan it £600 million

In June 2015, when Brussels needed more cash for the third Greek bail-out, the UK was forced to loan it £600 million

5. Deeper integration

The EU is responding to the euro and migration crises in the way it responds to everything: by giving more power to Brussels.

To anyone else, it might seem odd to prescribe more of the medicine that sickened the patient in the first place, but Eurocrats are Eurocrats.

In an official document last summer known as the Five Presidents’ Report (the EU has a lot of presidents), Brussels officials called for the harmonisation of budgets, economic policy and taxation, as well as elements of social security.

Although these things are a response to the euro crisis, most will be brought in as single market measures, because that is the only legal mechanism at the EU’s disposal. They will therefore apply to all 28 member states. Britain, despite staying out of the euro and the border-free zone, will be dragged in.

6. Human rights

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) began life as, in effect, the highest tribunal of a trade bloc. Yet, as the EU extended its powers into new areas, the ECJ is now more like a supreme court.

The greatest extension of its powers has come with the adoption of the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms. Suddenly, as well as economic issues, euro-judges settle human rights questions.

For example, in a preliminary decision, they have ruled against the deportation of hate-preacher Abu Hamza’s daughter-in-law after her criminal conviction. She is not a British national, but her son is, and the ECJ holds that her deportation would violate his rights as an EU citizen.

7. Arts import licences

London is the centre of the global trade in fine arts, bringing in billions in revenue. Its competitors are New York, Geneva and Hong Kong.

Britain has already been disadvantaged by the EU’s application of VAT to fine arts sales and, even more, by the preposterous Resale Rights rule, which obliges traders to pay a percentage to the heirs of the original artist each time a work is sold on.

Now, Brussels plans an import licensing regime, which would again subject London to more cost and bureaucracy than overseas rivals.

Anthony Browne, chairman of the British Art Market Federation, says: ‘Our big concern is that an import licence system would impose a new and very damaging burden on the British art market which is heavily dependent on cross-border trading.’

8. Wrecking our ports

The EU wants to oblige every port to have more than one provider for its internal services, such as mooring, dredging and unloading.

The EU wants to oblige every port to have more than one provider for its internal services, such as mooring, dredging and unloading (file picture)

The EU wants to oblige every port to have more than one provider for its internal services, such as mooring, dredging and unloading (file picture)

This might make sense for state-owned or state-subsidised mega-ports on the Continent, such as Antwerp, Hamburg and Rotterdam. But it makes no sense for British ports which are private, small, and in competition with each other.

Everyone agrees that the measure will deter investment. Every British port operator and every trade union opposes it.

Every British MEP, from the Greens to Ukip, voted against it. But it went through the European Parliament anyway, only to have the final decision suddenly deferred.

It, too, will come back after the referendum. If we vote to stay in, these new rules will hit some of our most successful ports, including Belfast, Glasgow, Bristol, Liverpool, Cardiff, Harwich and Southampton.

9. Quotas for online TV

The European Commission wants online providers to reserve 20 per cent of their content for European programmes which should, it says, be given ‘good visibility’.

EU rules already oblige terrestrial TV to invest in, and broadcast, a certain amount of European material.

The European Commission doesn’t want online providers to be exempt. So, more Euro-noir, less U.S. drama.

10. A European Army

‘No one is talking about a European Army’, say Remainers. No one, except the people running the EU. The European Commission, in its formal statement, calls a European Army ‘a strategic necessity’.

One by one, the EU has acquired the attributes of statehood: a president and a parliament; a currency and taxes; embassies and a foreign minister; a supreme court and a legal system; a national anthem and a flag. A European Army is the logical next step.