Tag Archives: cross

Laminine: God In All Things

The Laminine molecule, clearly appears to take the form of the cross.

Do great designers leave their mark?

Laminine is a completely natural and synergistic super food that activates stem cell repair, regenerating your body and returning it back to it’s natural state of homeostasis and optimum health.

Laminine contains 22 amino acids, trace minerals, vitamins, and most importantly the Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF).

The FGF promotes the ideal state of physical and mental health by directing your stem cells where to go and what to repair in your body.

Have you ever been curious as to how a child physically and mentally develops at such a dramatic rate? Or why a child is able to pick up languages so quickly, and how their memory recall is exceptional? There is an evolutionary and biological reason for this and yes, of course they have fewer years of life – so less wear and tear physically, mentally and emotionally, but more than this… it is about the proximity to the embryonic state of being that supports all of life at birth and beyond.

The profound answer to these questions lies in a compound that is essential in supporting embryonic development; the Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF). Whilst FGF is readily available in the human placenta, it’s availability to the human body diminishes over time and essentially depletes as we age. Unfortunately our body is not capable of producing it’s own FGF, so it must derive it from our food supply. We believe Laminine® is the only other known source of FGF in adults.

Laminine research dates back to 1929 when a Canadian doctor, John Davidson, discovered significant results with his cancer patients. Laminine is derived from healthy, free-range, pre-embryonic fertilised hen eggs extracted at precisely 9 days old (when this is left in the egg a chicken would grow at a rate of 400% in 4 days)!

This extract is then combined with both marine and pea compounds which make up the 22 amino acids that the human body requires to regenerate.