Tag Archives: cry

Massive Worldwide Hacking Attack

One of the largest widespread cases of ransomware malware ever was initiated yesterday, affecting more than 99 countries.

The malicious ransomware named ‘WannaCry’, leaked by hacking group ‘Shadow Brokers’ and allegedly originating from specialist software developed by the US National Security Agency (NSA). The malware has slammed many company databases worldwide; including the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), potentially putting many people’s lives at risk from postponed treatment.

NHS databases, crucial for patient treatment protocol, have been breached by hack attack.

Sizeable asking ransoms.

The asking ransom is set widely to 300 bitcoins, translating to $523,050 or £405,811.16 as of 13th May 2017 exchange rates, this ransom is charged per infected system.

CIA/NSA hacking tools may have played a big role.

Some speculations have emerged that pin the attacks on CIA/NSA hacking tools being used, linking to the secretly installed backdoor access-points allegedly present on nearly every computer system.

The Wikileaks’ Vault7 leaks detail how the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) are able to anonymously insert malware onto people’s computers and frame the attacks on an entity of their choice, including the Russian Federation, Globalist opponents.

Where ‘WannaCry’ has struck worldwide, the blue dots detailing the locations of known cyber attacks.