Tag Archives: cure

7 Points For An Autism Cure

#1 Vaccines can cause autism. It may or may not be behind the drastic rise, but 2 people from the CDC has come forward and admitted to it, but the media won’t cover it.

#2 We are over a decade behind on research because the CDC has covered up the link between autism and vaccines for so long. William Thompson is a CDC whistleblower but no mainstream media has picked up the story. Instead of coming clean and demand safer vaccines for Americans we are labeled as ANTI Vaccine or ANTI Science. The mainstream media is so strong at pushing the government’s socialist agenda that my own mother insists I vaccinate my child despite horrible vaccine reactions.

#3 Pharmaceutical bribes our dirty politicians like Senator Pan to pass laws removing vaccine exemptions and George W Bush giving pharma, mercury manufacturer, and doctors liability free vaccines. (actually Sacremento Bee ran an article about how much money is behind our vaccine push)

#4 DNA isn’t the cause or autism. Genetics alone can not be the cause of autism. Too many identical twins exist where one is affected and the other is not, or affected differently.

#5 I’m tired of hearing autism is not curable and that my son’s brain is different and I should accept him for who he is. I love my son more than anything. His reactions to chemicals in America’s low quality foods containing artificial colors, flavors like vanillin and preservatives/stabilizers like polysorbate are tough to accomadate. We do the best we can but some of these things turn my son from mildly autistic to more moderate/severe. If autism isn’t curable then why is it so closely tied to the gut?

#6 Every kid with Autism is different. I know my son does better with probiotics, roughly 50% who tried chelation report it helps their kid. It’s not dangerous, perhaps it’s potentially hazardous and should be done under doctor supervision but dangerous is the wrong word.

#7 Better identification is not behind the rise in autism. 20 years ago there were no autistic children in my school, now they can fill a class and even have special schools dedicated to autism. I had some kids with downs in our school, I’ve even seen a kid required to wear a helmet, but I’ve never seen autism then. Sure there were plenty of shy kids, but they weren’t autistic. Today’s autistic kids can’t be integrated whereas shy kids just didn’t talk much.

Blushwood – Amazing Plant Proven To Treat 75% of All Types of Cancer Within 25 Days

The first effects of this plant’s actions are visible within 2 weeks, until the whole tumors disappear within 25-30 days – it just falls off of the skin.

Blushwood has exceptional medicinal properties that are thought to take priority in combating the tumor in the near future. In the north of Queensland, Australia, in the rain forest, a smaller population Blushwood (Hylandia dockrillii) has developed, whose traits were scientifically studied for eight years and came to startling data.

Out of 200 animals (horses, dogs, Tasmanian devils, cats) which were artificially induced with tumors of the neck and melanomas, the application extracts from the berries of this plant cured the tumor in 75% of the cases. According to the researchers, none of cured tumors returned afterwards.

Blushwood berries contain compound that directs the blood flow from the infected tissue and thus stimulates the immune system of the organism to actively decompose the tumor and kills the tumor cells.

The researchers noted that this drug has no side effects. The first effects are visible within 2 weeks, until the whole tumors disappear within 25 – 30 days, simply falling off the skin.

But blushwood has its limitations. It is extremely difficult to grow it in areas outside of the northern Queensland. But do not be sad because plants that have very similar effects on tumors are everywhere around us, and the two most effective are following below in this article.

Hemp Oil-A Month of Use

Four years of chemotherapy has destroyed Croatian human’s organism. When he started using it in Croatia illegally, the miraculously hemp oil changed this man’s life.

This man literally spit the tumor through the mouth and so it is solved forever. After a month of using it, this man was holding his tumor in both his hand. Cannabis oil really works miracles and cures cancer, which can be confirmed by millions of people around the world who found salvation.

Carrots – 8 Months of Use

Ann Cameron managed to cure colon cancer in the fourth phase by drinking only carrot juice, without changes in diet, radiation and chemotherapy. After the surgery of the cancer in the third stage, the situation has worsened and cancer metastasized to the lungs in late 2012.

Doctors recommended her chemotherapy, regardless of the fact that it could not extend her life. She refused, and as she was studying alternative methods of treatment, was found information about Ralph Cole who cured his cancer thanks to carrot juice (2 pounds of carrot juice per day). Thus she began her healing journey, drinking the same amount.

By the way, she forgot about the juice for three even four days, and she kept eating all kinds of food, sometimes unhealthy. So, the only change in her life was the carrot juice.

In January 2013, after eight weeks of drinking carrot juice on a daily basis, CT scan showed that the cancerous tumors have stopped growing. There was a small reduction in tumor and swelling of the lymph nodes. In March 2013 the existing tumors continue to decrease, there were no swollen lymph nodes and no new tumor cells.

In July 2013, the cancer was completely gone and all swollen lymph nodes returned to normal. After eight months of drinking carrot juice the cancer was completely gone. All the world’s media told her story, but she it is not the only example, there are plenty.

* You have our permission to reprint this article via creative commons license if you attribute us with a live backlink to this article. – Best Herbal Health

Read more: http://www.bestherbalhealth.com/blushwood-treats-75-of-all-types-of-cancer-within-25-days/#ixzz4JqfT3D4N