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Bilderberg: devising the New Age God

Firstly, for those unaware of the constituting pretenses of the sinister Bilderberg group (est. 1954), it consists of a medley of the key Western elites from across Europe and North America coming together for an annual summit to devise strategies of massive, yet secretive soft-power control methods, geopolitical maneuvers and sociopolitical engineering schemes that pertain to both their dominions of immediate influence i.e. the USA, and the wider scope of the international global stage. Their endgame agenda is to establish a one world government, a one world language, a one world faith (new age satanism). However, the Bilderberg group is but one think tank organisational face to a multifaceted beast that includes a plethora of other operating faculties; i.e. the Council on Foreign Relations, the overarching Society of Jesus (Jesuit Order) with the Vatican State, the Illuminati, the Club of Rome, Skull & Bones and Freemasonry etc. all push Satanic goals and give the false illusion of individual operations and sects; they are heads of the same body.

Check out this article.

These Satanic Jesuits call themselves Jews to undermine the very faiths they intend to eradicate, the Judeo-Christian faiths, anything that is close the true faith which is not an organised religion but a spiritual faith & relationship with Yahuah (YHWH), through the holy scriptures of the Torah, the Bible and the teachings of Messiah Yahusha, the one true Messiah, to secure the covenant with Yahuah (YHWH), the one true God.
The official symbol of the Jesuits (Society of Jesus, who is the false Messiah, I will explain). As you can see there is Satanic Sun-God symbolism here, suggesting Jesus is the medium for accessing the false light of Lucifer.

Their overriding executive is not known; some attribute their leadership to Jacob de Rothschild, others the Black Pope of the Jesuits, I believe it is Lucifer himself, behind the smoke and mirrors and revolving doors of the towering pyramid (mountain of man 666) it is not difficult to imagine the ultimate manifestation of Good and Evil is not solely reserved for petty sins, trivialized fantasy media and storybooks, but the greatest dichotomy that many never even realize us right under their noses, and defines their adherence to freeing Light, or to shackling Darkness.

No wonder the NWO objective is to…

  • Induce an society oriented by ‘banter’ to trivialize and belittle important spiritual truths with jokes.
  • Its other objectives include the mass promotion of homosexuality, the very practice inverts gender roles and turns people away from God.
  • The destruction of the family unit which threatens their indoctrination measures, and allows for children to be brought up naturally with mindsets that are not in the Globalists’ best interests.
  • Faith in Yahuah, or at least something on the right tracks towards Yahuah, is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people. To abolish this opiate of the masses is to bring their fulfillment & happiness under the parameters of misguided love, fleshy gratification and the God of the State.

To eliminate this opiate, by eradicating the religions of the world, is to bury the remote possibility of people finding the true faith in Yahuah and then demanding their governments adhere to the perfection of the holy law in unaltered, true non-rabbinic Judaism (that does not observe the false rabbinic works of the Talmud).

What nation is there so great that has laws and perfect rules as this Torah, which I place before you this day? (Deuteronomy 4:8)

Religion is the opiate of the people – Karl Marx

Matthew 4:8-9

Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory; and he said to Him, “All these things I will give You, if You fall down and worship me.”

Jesus Christ; Hesus Horus Krishna (Pagan) the false light-bringer is the false prophet, Lucifer who proclaims himself God incarnate. The true Messiah is Yahusha the light-bringer who is not of the false trinity and is 100% a man, not a demigod.

elimate opiate


The trickle-down system of hierarchy is intertwined with a broad pallet of multifaceted organisational pseudonyms and ranks, all intended to obfuscate and obscure the true puppet master and lead astray those seeking to find the single culprit.

The Globalist Jesuits (Society of Jesus the false lightbringer, satanic sun-worshiper), having infiltrated, subverted and taken over many of the predominant secret & open organisations of faith in the world such as the Freemasons (A pagan occultist faith that denounces the true faith, glorifies satanism), the Roman Catholic Vatican and its subsidiaries (A pagan faith that Jesuit Satanists are actively spreading and disparaging the true faith), Rabbinic Judaism (Shifting true Judaism to the false Zionism and Rabbinic Judaism which is man-oriented) the Jesuit Satanists have occupied Judaism and completely inverted its message, Islam is also a Pagan religion created by them, it came from Catholic priests long after the true faith, Communism is also a face of this order devised to push people away from Yahuah (God) by promoting atheism, Communism also favours big government and mass-enslavement.

The true faith incidentally emerged in the cross roads of all the worlds’ cultures, faiths and creeds – the middle east, with the birth of Yahusha (Not Jesus, which means Hesus Horus Krishna, a medley of pagan deities devised by Babylon-descended Emperor Constantine at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD) the true Messiah, Yahusha (meaning simply Yahuah is Salvation or Deliverance) is exactly the same as Jesus except Yahusha is not ‘God in the flesh’ (Bible clearly states Yahuah is one). Yahusha (The Messiah) has the correct name (Yahuah is Salvation) as well as some other key differences. The true faith pertains to no title, no organised religion, it holds no hierarchy, no special ‘chosen’ people, and defines ‘Church’ as a gathering of people to practice the faith, not a building. The true faith is about the individual’s spirituality under Yahuah (YHWH), not the groups’ organised religion under the blind doctrines, subjective opinions and paganisms of other men.

The titles of ‘God’ and ‘Lord’ are generic terms.  If someone says that they believe in god, that is not telling you whom they serve.

Their god could be Allah or Buddha or Satan.

The Father has given us His personal name, but the enemy has caused us to use trite terms such as “Lord” and “God,” which pagan gods are also called, they lack specificity and fail to uphold the covenanted physical-spiritual parallel that enables us to branch out to Yahuah and fulfill the word.

The Jews developed a superstition that it was too holy to pronounce the name YAHUAH or even lay eyes on it, so they replaced every occurrence of the name YAHUAH (over 8,000 times in scripture) with the title LORD in keeping with their Babylonian captors whose god was also the LORD god Ba’al.

When Yahusha the Messiah returns the Jews will no longer be subjugated nor oppressed by other nations. (In fact, there will be no oppression or subjugation anywhere in the world, by anyone against anyone.) The Jews will be free in the Land of Israel, we are all members of the 12 tribes of Israel scattered across the Earth, we will become one in Yahuah, but Satan intends to make us one under his rule, as shown in Babylon with the Tower of Babel. Satan/Lucifer and his prophets also pronounce him as a deity, as the true lightbringer, but he is a deception, a diametric opposite to Yahusha and Yahuah.

As above, so below. The utter importance of physical-spiritual parallels is essential, what we do here in this life reflects in our spirit, if we commit our spirit to the flesh, then our spirit is bound to our body which is doomed to die, if we do things in the spirit, which is eternal, we will be yoked to and sewn to the spirit, and emancipated and avoid the second (spiritual) death that comes after the physical death.

This comes with the Yahushaic Covenant that we might learn the word, act upon the word and thus be emancipated by it in the perfect image of Yahuah through Yahusha (means Yahuah is Salvation, he is our template) the true messiah.

Many blindly follow ‘Jesus’ without questioning the basis for the name, the lying scribes have altered the Bible, and false editions that don’t include the original language and names have been released under the name of Catholic paganism that champions Jesus as the Messiah, this is the whole basis for the Jesuits – the Society of Jesus, the Sun God – Lucifer.
We are the temple of Yahuah, however we are supposed to be one with Yahuah but Sin gives us complacency and the false idea our bodies are our sole definition, thus we are ostracized from Yahuah and until this Sin is overcome, and until we surrender ourselves to Yahuah; the temple will be in the hands of Sin, as shown in the Bible, Babylon famously destroys the Temple (physical-spiritual parallel). Our spirit is on trial.

Galatians 6:7-8 ESV

Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.

The harrowing oath that binds a Jesuit follower to the twisted Agenda propagated by occult satanism, little do they realize that their path is one to ruin. Often substantial monetary incentives, status and other gratifications prompt followers into selling themselves, and taking this oath.

The meaning of the word Bilderberg?

Bilder meaning picture, photograph, image produced by photographic means; drawing, painting; image, figure.

Berg, meaning simply mountain.

I will go as far as to attribute this to the false deity they intend to ultimately impose, Lucifer. The Tower of Babel (mountain of man) was built by unified builders – to build is to generate something in your image.

So Bilderberg literally means to build an “image of a mountain” – a pyramid is equatable to a mountain, and so is the system of aristocratic and occultist hierarchy that they advocate, status is just an image of anthropocentric ego, as much as the mountain that hierarchy is based on, this can be paralleled with the biblical mountain that the Devil uses to give an image (not real) to tempt us with a distorted sense of power and status.

And he led Him (Yahusha, the perfect image of Yahuah) up (The mountain) and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said to Him, “I will give You all this domain and its glory; for it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. “Therefore if You worship before me, it shall all be Yours.”

However, we know that the Bible states clearly this mountain will fall away with all of the things of the world in the end. In other words, sewing your spirit into the things of the tangible flesh will reap only death, as these things will not last. This essential idea is founded in science, all material things are subject to a process called entropy which observes the cumulative waste of all structured things over time.

Their satanic, occultist goals are outlined as follows:

“one international identify (observing) one set of universal values;”

– centralized control of world populations by “mind control;” in other words, controlling world public opinion;

– a New World Order with no middle class, only “rulers and servants (serfs),” and, of course, no democracy, set to be fulfilled with interconnected superstates such as the European Union, the African Union, the Asian Union and the North American Union;

– “a zero-growth society” without prosperity or progress, only greater wealth and power for the rulers;

– manufactured crises and perpetual wars fomented by their omnipotent grip on world banking and the printing of fiat, unbacked currency to prompt disruptive shockwaves and pull the strings of the people with the Hegelian Dialectic;

– absolute control of education to program the public mind and train those chosen for various roles;

– “centralized control of all foreign and domestic policies;” one size fits all globally;

– using the UN as a de facto world government imposing a UN tax on “world citizens;”

– expanding NAFTA and WTO globally;

– making NATO a world military;

– making a one world religion, the new age Satanic faith (won’t be called that but will praise an image of satan) all other faiths are eradicated, including the Judeo-Yahushaic faith. A so called ‘New Age’ Faith is currently gaining momentum, one of their primary attributes is incidentally their acceptance of man as ‘God’ – that in itself is praising the beast, and a telling foresight into what we can expect in if a World government gets into power under Lucifer.

The brilliant Communist-Jesuit-Globalist leaders knew and perceived that it was Judaism that still infused and permeated a spirituality into those other religions, even though the religion was despised by many of the leaders of the daughter religions.

The heretical Jesuit-Catholics laid plans which they felt could take a century or more for the ultimate destruction of the church; the apostate Jews (disguising themselves as Jews) for the ultimate destruction of the true Jewish religion.

– reducing the world’s population below 1 billion to ensure control is easy

– imposing a universal legal system; and

– a global “welfare state where obedient slaves will be rewarded and non-conformists targeted for extermination.”

From its beginnings, CFR was committed to “a one-world government based on a centralized global financing system….”

The Bilderberg meeting scheduled for 2016 has come and gone in the German city of Dresden. On the current affairs agenda included:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Cybersecurity
  • Chemical Weapons Threats
  • Current Economic Issue
  • European Strategy, including the Brexit issue.
  • Globalisation
  • Greece
  • Iran
  • Pro-Migration Policies
  • Middle East
  • NATO
  • Russia
  • Terrorism
  • United Kingdom/Brexit
  • USA
  • US Elections, the promotion of Hillary Clinton and denunciation of Donald Trump.

The Bilderberger’s intentions are to induce their agendas by means of silent weapons for quiet wars, in other words: underhand geopolitical tricks are being actively used to create an atmosphere where their agenda is pushed, and to generate a situation where the masses will give up their individual rights, liberties and forget the teachings in complete favour of self-preservation.

Later at the 1992 Bilderberg Group meeting, Henry Kissinger said:

“Today, Americans would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow, they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all people of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil….individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by their world government.”

The Bolsheviks deposited over 600 million rubles to Schiffs banking firm, Kuhn and Loeb. It was Jacob Schiff and his family who played a prominent role in developing the Reform and Conservative apostate Jewish movements, and who aided them at critical stages of their development in 14 putting into action the demonic master plan to undermine all world religions. Fragmentation, and divide and conquer tactics were the order of the day.

The current migration crisis does many things, but among the largest implications of this orchestrated geopolitical manipulation includes the destabilization of western Europe and the downfall of its fundamental Judeo-Christian values, of which are nearly identically akin to the true faith non-rabbinical Judaism of the original, unaltered scriptures dating back to 2000-3000 BC.

These values uphold progressive rights, liberty, disciplinary behavior, constitutionalism, individualism, democratic rights, anti-materialism, human rights, spirituality according to the Word, and essential civil societal norms. This explains why these globalist Bolsheviks want to overthrow this rigid value system and shift the focus to reliance on the State as opposed to skepticism of the state, and the expectation of the state as the servant of the people.

The crisis also consolidates the EU, the first foothold in gaining world superstates for the endgame establishment of a world government. Socialist, welfare inclined migrants will vote in bigger government, the more that are brought in, the faster this happens.

It is also a huge clash of civilizations, there will be unrest and civil disparity as a lack of cultural integration drives the indigenous and migrant populations into a divide, it is a forced binding of regressive third world laws and values onto the 1st world west. Migrant populations will out-breed the indigenous quickly and the west will be a memory in due time, along with all its standards and religious values.

This makes the atmosphere easy-pickings for introducing socialist policies that further bastardize the middle class worker, drive down wages and put the power evermore into governmental hands.

It also destroys national identity, wipes away patriotism which is essential for a nation state, along with its values and cultural identity – this makes the outsider migrants obedient to those who gave them better living (worse than the western standard of living, but better nonetheless) they will praise the EU & controllers and work everyday to the bidding of their new slave masters.


The Death of Empires

Here is an excerpt from the index of the scarcely printed book ‘Sir John Glubb – The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival’ detailing the natural rise, apex and decline of Empires throughout recorded History.


“As numerous points of interest have arisen
in the course of this essay, I close with a brief
summary, to refresh the reader’s mind.
(a) We do not learn from history because
our studies are brief and prejudiced.
(b) In a surprising manner, 250 years
emerges as the average length of national
© This average has not varied for 3,000
years. Does it represent ten generations?
(d) The stages of the rise and fall of great
nations seem to be:
The Age of Pioneers (outburst)
The Age of Conquests
The Age of Commerce
The Age of Affluence
The Age of Intellect
The Age of Decadence.
(e) Decadence is marked by:
An influx of foreigners
The Welfare State
A weakening of religion.
(f) Decadence is due to:
Too long a period of wealth and power
Love of money
The loss of a sense of duty.
(g) The life histories of great states are
amazingly similar, and are due to internal
(h) Their falls are diverse, because they are
largely the result of external causes.
(i) History should be taught as the history
of the human race, though of course with
emphasis on the history of the student’s own

Could this sequence be reminiscent of the stage currently present in Western civilization – The Age of Decadence, perhaps?

Where emotion supersedes reason, the men are subservient & fearful towards the women, and undue defensiveness (SJWs and liberals), saturated pessimism (Rise of suicide rates and pessimist subcultures like 4chan), rampant materialism (self explanatory, pop culture and the rise of promiscuity) and excessive frivolity (wayward meme/banter culture & the decline of seriousness) are defining, manifested attributes that crumble a progressive collection of states, or an Empire state.

Roman Empire Comparison to EU/Western States

Allow me to parallel the current situation with the decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, an entity that had enjoyed centuries of unmatched technological, social and economic progression & prosperity, emancipating dark age Europe into civil illumination, and setting the contours of modern day western political systems, as opposed to the backwardness of its predecessor; tribal feudalism.

Take it or leave it, this Bible verse is absolutely right, regardless of your religious orientation, in summarizing the cyclical fate of Empires:

Ecclesiastes 1:9 (NIV)

What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.

Upon investigating Rome’s fall, you will find an uncanny similarity between the Roman demise and the present day trajectory in near identical regards…

Invasions by Barbarian tribes, the arrival of the Huns & the migration of the Barbarian tribes

It takes very little insight to pin these pivotal factors in Rome’s downfall to the current mass-migration that is completely altering western ways to what is absolutely a barbarian ideology; Shariah Law and other doctrines and trappings of the sociopolitically challenged Qu’ran. While it was Christianity that overthrew the presiding faith in the Roman Empire, we can easily parallel modern day circumstance with Islam eroding the predominant Christian faith. Here’s why Shariah is the culprit.

It may seem inflammatory to accuse near-east people of being ‘barbarians’ but the misinterpreted derogatory malice attached to ‘barbarians’ overlooks the words’ intended definition, which observes backwards cultural values. A self-evidently eminent feature of near-east culture.

The contiguous Huns are comparable to ISIS, both driving forces of border denigration & disruption, this vested interest, ever-moving, almost nomadic sect that holds little to no statutory recognition is forcibly pushing migrants up to the proverbial glass pane of Europe and the West’s borders. It is as the Huns conjured with the Barbarian tribes; tribes that unfortunately lacked the sociopolitical advancement & understanding of the Romans, and were reluctantly allowed into Roman lands by necessity, with severe costs. Mass-migration rapidly emerged as a ‘Trojan horse’ of sorts, where irreconcilable differences caused barbarian tribes to rise up against their Roman refuge and seize control.

(When peaceful coexistence broke down) The Romans negotiated a flimsy peace with the barbarians, but the truce unraveled in 410, when the Goth King Alaric moved west and sacked Rome.

The Barbarian attacks on Rome partially stemmed from a mass migration caused by the Huns’ invasion of Europe in the late fourth century. When these Eurasian warriors rampaged through northern Europe, they drove many Germanic tribes to the borders of the Roman Empire.

With the Western Empire weakened, Germanic tribes like the Vandals and the Saxons were able to surge across its borders and occupy Britain, Spain and North Africa (comparable to modern day population replacement). The maladjusted rule of these tribes brought about a dark age with consequentially very little advancement at all for Europe, it was only the renaissance that salvaged Europe, reintroducing many Roman & Greek ideas and their rules of law.

The rise of the Eastern Empire

The Eastern Empire (Like the EU) overrode the West (Like modern Western states), providing another divisive factor in assuring the West would fall in the midst of its barbarian (migrant) and Hun (ISIS) occupiers. With Eastern armies (EU threats, soon to be enforced by an EU army) and embargoes (Economic regulations on member states) supplanting the many strengths of the West, it was only a matter of time before a crack became a crevice in the West’s weakening mettle.


I consider the rise of the EU as an imperial force, and comparably about as equal to the Eastern Roman Empire’s targeting of its Western counterpart.

The EU Empire, (or the Eastern Roman Empire by comparison), has also since turned its back on mutuality regarding the political & legislative reigns of authority, and sapped the EU member states of their defense mechanisms against cultural dilution, and the overthrow of its imperative values by means of crippling economic directives and forced migration policies.

Religious Replacement

In no point in history has the replacement of a dominant religion with another not caused civil unrest, it happened with the fall of Rome, and it’s currently happening with the fall of the Western states. If a certain peoples’ underlying values are taken away, they have little to no common basis to align themselves with, it’s a dastardly formula for palpable civil and religious collapse, and widespread conflict.

Overexpansion and military overspending

This is happening across the West, not just in the EU which has given emphasis to the formation of an EU army. The USA’s military budget is remarkably high at around $600 billion.

The prime issue here is that he who glorifies the sword, is doomed to die by the sword in one way or another, by wreaking havoc in the middle east you make enemies: and culture extremism. By overspending on perpetual war you create a bloated, overextended army that is slow and cumbersome, and burdens its owner with an arms budget drain that saps money from other crucial areas of the state unit. This deficit will undoubtedly come around to afflict havoc on the West in the long term, which is seen all over with mass-unemployment, declining industry, and neglected infrastructure, etc.

As more and more funds were funneled into the military upkeep of the empire, technological advancement slowed and Rome’s civil infrastructure fell into disrepair.

The EU is a sprawling, growing beast of massive proportions, that is still acquiring new states today under the guise of it being a ‘mutual acceptance’ with a few bribes here and there to draw-in the catch, once inside – the political climate changes rapidly to favour Brussels.

Bringing in the likes of Turkey, Ukraine and Romania further extends the EU, it’s only a matter of time before one of the states refuses the ball and chain. The UK, for example, has employed a referendum to do exactly this –  an early sign of the gluttonous, over-sized EU meeting its fate.

Weakening of the Roman legions/Patriotism

I pin this cause mainly to the decline of patriotism, the legions’ waning loyalty was a consequential effect of a lack of national pride. It can be seen in the EU with the single army being proposed, and the prolific cultural Marxism that enforces the denigration of national identity – no identity, no need to bind yourself to your nation state’s armed forces, you just enroll at the EU instead.

The ranks of the legions eventually swelled with Germanic Goths and other barbarians, so much so that Romans began using the Latin word “barbarus” in place of “soldier.”

This dilution of an army’s national roots removes the physical defense of a nation state, and relegates a state to written acknowledgement, something that can be written away just as easily with a corrupt, underhand EU directive somewhere down the gloomy road of cultural Marxism – where enough migrant foreigners, personally unaffiliated with their new home, are around to vote it in.

Economic troubles and overreliance on slave labor

The EU bureaucrats love importing cheap labour, thus pushing down the wages and exploiting the desperation of the third world. The need for labour, in the ever-expanding EU, to face the Russian-Chinese powerhouse; has subsequently pushed the dire need for dirt cheap workers to be imported in mass.

Cheap slave labor in turn resulted in the unemployment of the the people of Rome who became dependent on hand-outs from the state.

This will push down public salary satisfaction and overall contentment, the result is yet more instability.

The empire was rocked by a labor deficit. Rome’s economy depended on slaves to till its fields and work as craftsmen, and its military might had traditionally provided a fresh influx of conquered peoples to put to work.

In the hope of avoiding the taxman, many members of the wealthy classes had even fled to the countryside and set up independent fiefdoms.

Antagonism between the Emperor & Senate

Similar in many ways to the growing differences between the EU courts and the various ministers representing their EU member states.

For example, Viktor Orban of Hungary has been at odds with the imposed migration policies forced onto his country by the EU.

‘To be clear and unequivocal, I can say that Islamisation is constitutionally banned in Hungary’ – Viktor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary speaking of the  culture-shifting effects of mass-migration.

In Switzerland there have been similar sentiments, this time concerning a ‘Marxist Dream’:

A number of European countries are considering introducing a universal basic income (UBI) – known as the “Marxist Dream” – for all citizens, despite the Swiss voting the policy out at a referendum held on June 5.


EU Redistribution

Besides, as imparted in previous articles, the EU’s balkanizing redistribution of people on a massive scale to usher in what is confessed to be a singular superstate of Europe, not simply a trade bloc to boost our economy; the economic side must also concur with this major centralization ambition as well.

Over the past decade there has been a tenfold increase in the volume of EU law on financial services. More and more activities are coming under the control of majority voting and one of our remaining successful industries is in danger.

The UK has been one of the main member states to endure the brunt of these redistribution endeavors, with flagship car manufacturers such as Peugeot receiving EU bribes to relocate to poorer EU countries in the name of said redistribution. The UK’s fishing industry received a similar fate with copious EU bribes requesting the dismantlement of vessels and resignation of trawlers across the UK, this series of underhand action is without relent.

These events usher the extensive subsidization & dissolution of larger states’ assets, states that are more liable to opting out of the EU with the comforting safeguard they will be self-sustaining. Knock the source of a nations’ goodies in favour of remaining in the EU, and you oust referendum chances going against your big agenda…

Take away a bigger states’ economic supports and they will have nowhere to retreat to when the EU eventually abuses its dominance in the near future. At a point where dependency on Brussels has reached a prime level.

The EU’s severing of economic safeguards and release clauses in order to consolidate itself is to transgress a nations’ sovereignty and surefooted self-assurance, and it’s happening profusely across the board.

But look into almost any of our industries and you will find something, somewhere that has been handicapped or damaged by the European Union.

This crass dismantlement is rather showing of an ever increasingly power-hungry, untamed EU that evidently lacks the ingenuous sensitivity to govern it’s member states at best, but is perhaps hellbent on establishing its dogmatic authority, breaking the backs of dissenters, and mitigating secessionist inklings at worst.

Did the EU deliberately set out to hurt our auction industry? I don’t know. But this was a case where Britain was the most successful country in Europe and rules were made in Brussels by people who, at best, did not care about the damage they would do.

What we do know is that the EU is willing to exact threats on states that sidestep its authority, as seen in recent times with the Swiss referendum on EU migration policies.

Switzerland’s defense minister said it was “unthinkable” that his country’s accords with the European Union would be terminated as result of a referendum to curb immigration, saying threats of retaliation by the bloc were overblown.

It’s unthinkable that the bilaterals will be terminated, whether by Switzerland or by the EU. Both sides benefit from them.


Iceland, Switzerland and Norway all enjoy the perks of the European market without the burden of the EU. So come on out – the water’s lovely.

Britain was once the leading EFTA state. It can be again, provided free-trade is re-established in Europe, and it is about time.

In the UK the bigwig establishment has become noticeably clumped together in their plight to retain the gravy-train EU, described by some as the ‘ruling Elite versus the people’.

exchange with hilarybennmp on ability to nationalise the railways if we stay in interesting. Benn looked uncomfortable

This notion is especially solidified with infamous ‘project fear’ enveloping nearly the entire rhetoric of the ‘Remain’ campaign, and being the driving force for the majority of David Cameron’s speeches, focusing on drawing out speculative negativity as somehow a strong basis for remaining, and ignoring the blatancy of there being positives in dropping out of the failing EU.

It’s a game of stating mights for Remain, without any of the mightiness to back it.

Brexit might undermine security, might kill jobs, might leave Britain utterly isolated on the world stage. It might cause Godzilla to awaken from the depths and reduce London to ashes. It won’t. But it might. – Tim Stanley

The EU is simply, and worryingly, a game of slowly trying to forget the days of particulate statehood and embracing the globalist idea of massive, continental-ruled superstates ruled by an all-powerful headship, one that is largely unaccountable, unelected, and holds far too much sway over the politics of its numerous demesnes, (supposedly sovereign nations, pssh).

It ignores the nuances and intricacies of our individuality, discarding, or at least blunting the importance of cultural, social, religious and political best-interests & identity in a given state, with forced deluges of unchecked migration, and certainly disregards the importance of democratic, constitutional, bottom-up rule originally championed by renaissance Europe.

For me, EU branded Europe is a noticeable step back in time, it is not a bastion of limited government that is accountable for its decision making, but a cohort of bureaucracy driven by unelected career politicians. Neither is it too economically nourishing, as the slowest growing trade bloc in the world sporting economically challenged states; largely a product of the bickering and infighting generated by the EU courts.

But perhaps ultimately, it trashes the distinctions of European identity, a continent of historical richness and libertine progression cast back to the shadows of its past by shoddy migration policies imploring mass immigration, and a basket case free movement area that just worsens it all, giving nowhere near enough opportunity for third world cultural and ideological integration and assimilation, not to mention discriminating against non-EU migrants with a points system.

Ominously reminiscent of Babylon’s ‘Tower of Babel’ built by unified nations & tribes of one tongue and identity to usurp God. A relevant quip and uncomfortably apparent in the EU.

But this is likely the most damning evidence of redistribution, with the UK in the top flight of those who suffer…

The Reverse Holocaust: Migrant Crisis

The current climate of demographic race mixing is effectively a reversed Holocaust,

Let me explain:

Instead of simply killing off the undesirable populace like Hitler advocated in the 1940s in Nazi ruled Germany and its conquered dominions. The new form of holocaust, or cultural genocide – is to overwhelmingly collide one culturally distinct people with another in the hopes of weakening the presiding cultural dominance of the undesirable populace.

This eliminates the need for conquest to subdue a state to the will of the controlling power and its agenda, instead by sneaking in backdoor soft-methods of diplomacy, the people will unknowingly accept their cultural values, ways and political priorities being gradually overridden by the means of being made a minority in their own country.

The EU is tacitly empowered enough to enact this subterfuge, undemocratically enabling 5 Presidents to call the shots on matters of borders and migrants, and galvanizing enough influence to threaten any state that fails to comply i.e. Hungary, Greece etc.

  • The EU wants us to remain part of a club that bullies and intimidates its members.
  • Threatens them with isolation and punishment if they leave
  • Threatens to bankrupt them if they do not keep to austerity and accept their loans to pay off richer countries Banks.
  • Gives fiscal favours to their members that support them (France)
  • Threaten them with Fines if they do not do what they are told (Hungary,Poland and the UK)
  • Leave some of their weaker members to go to the wall (Greece) whilst protecting the stronger ones (Germany and France).
  • Preside over huge unemployment in your southern member states.

This migrant abuse is being seen widely under the unilateral (one-sided) EU, a deregulated unit where sovereign nations; with their cultures, values and borders are all being actively denigrated to make way for the mass importation of a preferred group of people that hold values that are vastly different, and preferred by the twisted arbiters of this demographic manipulation; such as state-empowering socialism, support for the consolidation of the EU, and lowering standards of the middle & working class to benefit the rich.


The more socialist inclined migrants you import the more you have a founded base of the population that will vote for your agenda. It’s mob rule in action, an exploitation of the fallacious majority-rule democracy that will ignore civil constitutional, republican values, and furthers the interests of the EU and globalists, who hope to get rid of the sacrosanct, freedom oriented Western ways. Which is not remotely comparable to the regressive Eastern world (where most of the migrants are incidentally being brought in from, most of which are not even refugees).

The deregulated Schengen zone is incentivising migration, making vast swathes cross oceans, it’s definitely not war that is the main cause of this because migrants are coming from many more non war-torn states than are.

Instead of raising the cultural standards of Africa and Mexico, the Bolsheviks are lowering the cultural (and living)
standards in the West to that of the 3rd World.

Patriotism and national self interest is the new racism. Only Global-Socialism need apply.

– Mark Quon

Campaign funded guilt, i.e.’Nazi guilt’ in Germany for example, has whittled down resistance to accepting mass migration; along with the phony ‘white privilege’ arguments, black lives matter (how about all lives matter?), the dead refugee guilt-tripping broadcasts on mainstream media outlets, political correctness including the fear of being called a racist (deters talking about migration), and the pushing of the failed multiculturalism programme, which wrongly suggests that a mixed culture society will be automatically concordant.

Is it all starting to make sense now?

We’ve been made to focus so much on not racially glorifying our own kin, that we have let that take precedence over the protection of our highly successful, constitutional values and culture, something sorely lacking in the medieval third world.

We have been forced to focus so much on not being racist towards migrants that we have utterly forgotten about the sheer cultural differences that are inherent between different groups of people.

We have forgotten, in all our sickeningly, overly-liberal oneness, that the current mass-migration programme is not championing liberal, western values, but instilling regressive eastern values in-mass, and changing the political face of Europe altogether.

We have ignored calls for integration, assuming that this is somehow patronizingly superficial to expect of newcomers to Western countries (backed by the insipid white guilt campaigns), we have pinned our disregard for extreme, socialistic ideologies to instead debating the colour of the skin, how unintegrated diversity is somehow enriching, or whether Islamic migrants get to wear their Hijab/Burqa headdress or not.

Decadence is the natural result of all this, as articulated in the outlawed book ‘Fall of Empires’:

Decadence is marked by:
An influx of foreigners
The Welfare State
A weakening of religion.



The EU: Pros & Cons

The EU: Straight Talking Facts

The European Union (EU), having come into fruition in the early 70s as a trade bloc/customs union in the face of the ever hulking USSR, has now become evermore redundant in modern times, where openness presently discards insularity and the thaw of the Cold War has given rise to a more amicable, diplomatic global stage (not an era where shut-in trade blocs seemed like the future). The EU is thus, no longer bearing the relevancy as a defensive bulwark of economic fortification that it once was.

792px-european_union_28orthographic_projection29-svgUnfortunately, the EU has outgrown its initial purpose of just smoothing trade barriers, it is now attributing unwarranted power to the little known, unelected 5 presidents of the EU institutions (that I reckon you cannot name) seated in the Brussels complex, and undemocratically granting these quango figureheads substantially unchallenged political sway over the 28 member states that comprise the union. i.e. holding influential authority over upwards of 50% of UK laws by means of EU regulations.

“Free from EU rules and regulations, Britain could reinvent itself as a Singapore-style supercharged economy.” (Upon Brexit)

So let’s evaluate the pros and cons of remaining or seceding from a  Union that has rapidly evolved in recent times without nearly enough audition.

The Pros/Cons of staying in the EU

Pros: Trade and inter-connectivity inside Europe: trade between the member states is admittedly somewhat smoother, the EU delivers in the initial goal of achieving this. The EU is a single market in which no tariffs are imposed on imports and exports between member states. “More than 50 percent of our exports go to EU countries” this is essentially modeled at forgetting individual states, you will see this fluidity becoming so much so that individual states become unrecognizable by approximately 2060, in a Babel-esque move for an absolutist European singularity, distinct cultural ties must be liquidated. To some this is progressive as provides unity in the aftermath of two world wars, however other sources have suggested that it is solely in the interest of certain powers to combat the rise of a Russia-China unification (China is a 800 million hard-working person powerhouse!) by boosting Europe as a Bloc of the front-line against the rising Eastern world, reflected in the exclusion of both Russia and China in EU trade negotiations. To me it seems to be a dichotomy making effort that will only further the rift between the East and the West, and exacerbate the chances of a third world war being initiated.

Cons: Trade and inter-connectivity inside Europe: The EU locks member states into being answerable to the decisions of the presidents of the EU commission at Brussels for the majority of our trade agreements, most of which are heavily regulated and strictly forbid us branching out on our own basis to trade with China, Russia, or India for example (the stat of 50% of exports going to the EU is very variable, for example these exports could go to world markets if we left the EU, or would remain going to Europe, just not under the EU.) The EU solely embraces the concept that will fuse all member states under one unified roof; the need for sovereign parliaments will eventually be wiped away, the EU naturally does not give us free reign over our own trade because honouring individual states is not its ultimate aim or agenda: one massive state ruled by unaccountable, unelected ministers is! Doesn’t seem sensible to me, as most problems of the world have nearly always arisen from big government.

The EU is rather akin to the USSR both in structure and practice, and is poised to soon enough become waywardly socialist by importing socialist leaning people en masse!
  • By 2020 all EU member states must adopt the Euro; including Great Britain. Forget the rhetoric that suggests we retain the pound.
  • Further political centralization is expected to be drawn into Brussels once the UK Referendum is over.
  • Goldman Sachs and big banks love the EU as it gives them extended control over the economies of Europe via the incredibly centralized Brussels, a single market is much easier to dominate and influence. Check Here for more on that.
  • Kalashnikovs and terrorist armaments, not to mention drugs and contraband are easily getting around Europe with the fallible Schengen area, worsening crime and enabling heightened deployability  of terrorist operations akin to the recent Brussels bombings.
  • Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith, who has come out in favour of Brexit, says we are leaving the “door open” to terrorist attacks by remaining in the EU. “This open border does not allow us to check and control people.”

Pros: Borderless Migration: getting around Europe is made easy, the Schengen area permits free movement of people and their labour, but usually at the cost of depriving weaker countries and reinforcing already economically strong states. The trade-in for this is migrants from within Europe can greatly boost economies and labour-forces, but at the cost of the average wage declining in the host nation. This benefits CEOs mainly, who will inevitably make more money with a more grateful, low-salary workforce. The legislation of the Working Time Directive seems to cover this up, however there is a huge incentive for CEOs to back staying in based on cheaper labour from free movement within the EU that favours low pay workers most (that they want), not the middle-class natives and SME business owners, who are already settled comfortably.

  • Case Study: Migrant workers are simply leaving a crumbling Spanish economy and coming to the UK, pushing down our wages, increasing job and property contest here, and crippling the Spanish yet further. it is this economic centralization and the favouring of the flagship states in Europe that is doing an injustice to the weaker states in Europe.
  • Without restrictions on who comes here (The UK), the poorer provider countries lose population and their workers (both skilled and unskilled) people flood into richer countries without much audition. There is no limitation. Yet ironically there is discriminant limitation on those who can come here from outside the EU, it all screams a basket case, single population state that is being slowly implemented.
  • Case Study: Turkey is set to be fast-tracked to join the EU, using its efforts at siphoning migrant flow through its borders as a reason for its accelerated inclusion. This will be opening the gates to 75 million Turks to have free travel across the board, putting more stress on the UK and other EU flagship states. David Cameron has lied concerning this issue claiming it would take ‘decades’ for the Turks to get in, but that disregards the reality the EU parliament can override legal processes and the general consensus favours Turkey getting in early.
  • 8% of Turks are ISIS sympathizers! That’s roughly around 6000,000 people.

Defence minister Penny Mordaunt said the migrant crisis would hasten talks over Turkey’s EU bid and the UK was powerless to stop it.

Cons: Borderless Migration: We have little control over who comes into the country, because the EU has overextended itself so much, and independent states can no longer act independently with their own borders. Illegal migrants from outside the EU are quite easily physically gaining access by crossing narrow straits and passing into the continent without scrutiny via Schengen, gaining visas with less and less requirements. These migrants often have no interest in benefiting the EU in many cases, flocking to the welfare states such as the UK or Germany for the freebie financial incentives and establishing themselves, utterly unconcerned with meaningfully integrating themselves; giving way to ethnic enclaves and the transformation of the entire political landscape, it is a replacement, not an integration.

The social impacts are severe, Islamic people now form majorities in a few European capitals, and ethnic enclaves are on the rise. This is not about race, because massed, unlimited migration shifts the entire political and social structure of a country to accommodate eastern principles, legal standpoints such as the oppressive Shariah law are now being encouraged and enabled due to the largely Islamic, unintegrated majority populaces voting in leaders that favour Islamic, non-western ideologies over progressive, western ones. It’s a natural consequence of mass-migration, and a lack of successful migrant integration.

The numbers don’t lie on estimated European Union Migration to the UK, but David Cameron has lied concerning Migration and its limitation numerous times, especially regarding his claims to limit migration to the tens of thousands during his term, this has not happened as shown above, EU Freedom of movement in itself actually prohibits it!

Cameron claims in the video below that he’s using standards for the citizenship of migrants to curb overall migration, yet migrant unemployment is at 70% or at least high, with them not being deported despite Cameron claiming that deportation would be imposed on unemployed, welfare sapping migrants. Again, he lies, and he’s very good at lying. Migration is not going to be reduced, do not kid yourself. Cameron wants to appease the voter to get his way now, then just continue this devastating trend unhindered after the referendum.

Support for Socialist parties, and the favouring of big government with these migrants gaining the majority vote perpetuates the issue further. An inside-out transformation of political opinion is occurring, the migrant crisis is effectively a political Trojan Horse for converting public opinion which favours growing the EU further. The longer the EU is intact, the more majoritarian democracy is bent to the unelected EU kingpins by mass importing the opinion they want.

  • Social Impacts, conversion/replacement of western culture to regressive eastern ways due to sheer lack of integration. ‘White Flight‘, the rise of segregationist groups such as Britain First, and the election of Muslim London Mayor Sadiq Khan prove that there is an unaddressed, growing cultural divergence in the UK.
Welfare, the big incentive for migrants coming in their million hordes.
The goal of the EU is to bring about an increasingly socialist climate in its member states, that’s why it is ever increasingly comparable to the Soviet Union and its’ pet states. Migrants, generally poorer, are the only demographic that are going to overwhelmingly accept this vision.
  • Stress on services and housing from dramatic migration could push the NHS to collapse & go private, and national housing prices to skyrocket considerably, this level of migration is simply unsustainable.
  • Stress on jobs from migration will drive down our wages, and generate more competition, making the entire climate more difficult for everyone financially, and with their employability – CEOs love the large pool of candidates, but the common people just suffer as a result.
  • Migrants favour their own gain (welfare state) and do not prioritize liberties and constitutional values nearly as much as the western people do (The EU has no active constitution suppressing authoritarianism or enforcing the democratic rights of the people) largely ignored in mainstream debates about the EU. They (Migrants) are used as voting fodder to bolster socialism, and consolidating larger, more controlling governmental entities (Favours EU). And of course, to ultimately forget the western culture that had originally kindled democracy, liberty, progressive Christian values, and the vital, ever-important constitutional documents such as the Magna Carta that ensure democratic liberties remain intact. The EU is the utter antithesis of this and uses penchant bribes; i.e.  cheaper landline costs and cheaper flights to win over less politically knowledgeable people to vote for it!

Pros: Favours Poorer Migrants & Refugees: to them, this is positive as it gives these people from greatly poorer states an opportunity to come and work in 1st world welfare states such as the UK, Sweden and Germany. They get accommodated, they get pension guarantees, they get housing – the EU is grooming them and enticing them, and they do not care about their impact on the natives, the notion of Kafirs (non-believers) is prominent throughout Islamic culture (A predominant faith of migrants), a discriminatory ideology in the Qu’ran that orders Islamic people to disdain all non-believers.

Does this seem conducive to overall successful integration to you? …

The Koran says that the Kafir may be deceived, plotted against, hated, enslaved, mocked, tortured and worse.

Here are many religious names for Kafirs: polytheists, idolaters, People of the Book (Christians and Jews), Buddhists, atheists, agnostics, and pagans. Kafir covers them all, because no matter what the religious name is, they can all be treated the same. What Mohammed said and did to polytheists can be done to any other category of Kafir.

  • “Multiculturalism”: It has been argued by many that multiculturalism has ‘enriched’ European cultures; in reality it does not work particularly well and actually causes social divides. It is positive for those of foreign backgrounds as the EU is pushing for prioritizing migrants settlers over natives, introducing quotas providing pole-position for migrants in attaining employment. What it does do is import a more amicable workforce for big companies and bring in people grateful to work for pennies, people who will vote in bigger government, people who will favour the EU.


Cons: Favours Poor Migrants & Refugees: most of these alleged ‘refugees’ – a term that has been used in conjunction with guilt-tripping media imagery to push the idea that we must accept mass migration is actually misleading. Most migrants are not refugees from Syria, many gain access to Europe in the guise of these refugees, but are only really interested in the ‘good life’ of welfare & benefits. This ‘refugee’ sham is used by the EU commissioners as an excuse to force EU states to accept these ‘refugees’ in massive, unlimited numbers out of liberal-backed sympathy, an emotional attachment that has silenced voices of reason on many platforms with dismissive buzz words like ‘racist’ that discourage in-depth debate.

  • Remainers argue constantly that we need this level of migration to fill in labour gaps and assure the receipt of skilled workers from abroad, however let us not forget that we can easily drop the current unhindered migration system that does not base itself on meritocratic bases, but destructively allows anyone free access – to a better, alternative system that is far more efficient & selective of people that are useful to our economy and have intentions beyond simply settling for the welfare benefits here. i.e. the Australian migration system which is points based and is nondiscriminatory.

Opposing view: The UK already has a points-based system for non-EU migrants and it is not clear why inventing a different system – with less flexibility – would be a good idea. – BBC ‘Reality Check’

Leave EU Response: Yes, we have a points system for non-EU migrants, however the whole Leave argument concerns introducing this points based system for all migrants everywhere, and not being discriminatory by reserving this points system to just migrants that are outside the EU, that is nonsensical.

The EU simply intends to encourage mass-immigration by keeping the union exempt of points-based migration policies. This emphasizes mass-migratory patterns that are unkempt and radical in their demeanor and favour the inducement of an excess of lower class workers for top flight corporations to absorb, it also accelerates the centralization of the EU as these migrants overwhelmingly tend to vote in bigger government.

The Membership Fee

The fee for membership is stated as:

  • The gross contribution in 2015 was £17.8bn but the UK rebate was worth £4.9bn – BBC

This means it cost us £12.9 billion/£350m a week last year to be a member of the EU club, money that could go towards our own national ambitions, and could have utterly eliminated the austerity measures imposed in recent years for example.

A remain argument suggests that:

  • After Brexit, the UK would still have to contribute to the EU budget to retain access to the single market.

While this is true, it would cost less than the current fees, and with Brexit we will have the freedom to trade with other global trade blocs, not just the EU (which is actually the slowest growing trade bloc in the world), the EU has been compared to a dead corpse that we have shackled ourselves to.

There is also a strong argument for the EU collapsing if we exit, other countries have suggested an interest in escaping and following the UK out of the door if Brexit follows through. This renders the misguided analogy of us being ‘outsiders’ void and null, as we can still trade with the EU post-Brexit and we regain our own independence in regards to negotiating trade deals with proven-to-be more prosperous trade blocs, it’s a win for the UK and its interests.

The International Relations Argument

Remainers have argued that we will somehow be cut afloat upon Brexit and be left to fend for ourselves…

It is this inwards, fear-mongering, herd-mentality, caricatured point of view that has garnered the wide support from swathes of the politically apathetic. As the 5th largest economy in the world, a huge global market for all trade blocs, the financial gateway of the world (City of London), and a wholly competent negotiator at the global table of diplomatic affairs, the UK absolutely stands a solid chance of breaking away from a Union that treats us as a mere appendage in its absurd, uncanny ambitions for a single state of Europe, and eventually a world government.

The reality is that the bureaucratic EU folk needs us more than we need them. It’s a classic gesture that is wholly applicable here, we are a key driving force in the EU’s success. The unelected few in Brussels rely largely on our funding, our influence, our active involvement in their failing project. Without us, the chance of the EU remaining intact is narrow, but remainers would love to perpetuate the ill-informed notion that the EU will somehow sustain itself after our departure, (it’s already very unstable) – and that we’re the ones that will fall afoul of some fabricated imaginary benefit if we do leave.

We’re joining the rest of the world

But it’s not that we’re leaving, it’s that we’re joining the rest of the world, the EU is practically a contrived cave of economic exclusivity, keeping the likes of rapidly growing global trade blocs and BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) markets at arms length. To leave the EU is not a messy divorce, how can it be when we never agreed to this ‘marriage’ in the first place, the UK public never asked to be undemocratically ruled, there’s absolutely no obligation or guilt-bound sense of duty dictating that we must stay, so why stay?

A vote for Brexit is a vote for Britain, a vote for keeping our cultural roots intact, a vote for reconciling western differences with the rising East, and most importantly; a vote for our eternal right to democracy, liberty and making our own decisions.

Vote Leave on the 23rd of June.

Rise Up.

This ever relevant campaign video encourages one to look into the banking powers that be.The financial centers at the highest levels are controlled, rates are manipulated not according to genuine demand, but according to the elite’s decisions. Trade is siphoned, valuations muddled, all to create outcomes that favour a select few.

If we look back to 1815, the manipulation of the English stock markets upon Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo brought the Rothschild’s to effective power over the bank of England, this kind of manipulation is still occurring.

That which has been is that which will be, And that which has been done is that which will be done. So there is nothing new under the sun. Ecclesiastes 1:9

Unfortunately this corruption is not of public outlaws as we are continually told to focus on in the news, movies etc, with shows like crime watch programs, Captain America as the hero, and various police interceptor channels (that paint the authorities in a nice image). But of those behind the scenes at the top, behind the smiling face of the likes of Barack Obama, behind the cushioned illusion of choice of the left-right political paradigm, behind the huge media, football games, the party-lifestyles, petty issues, the empty education and the desire for money, sex and general gratification that always distracts us.

These elite men point the finger at the bottom, suggesting that the big issues are the likes of political correctness, white privilege, that one burglary, the illusory patriarchy, Donald Trump, the republican debate, the Superbowl, the Kardashians broke a nail – just anything that is not them. They want us looking in a mirror, they want us to be consumers without philosophers’ mindsets; dumb, insecure, hapless cattle to be channeled and divided, sold and bought, assets for their twisted agenda.

The State made Feminism*

The State, the establishment, Uncle Sam, whatever you want to call it has gotten western men’s testicles and masculinity in a proverbial vice. Men are facing a full frontal assault on their rights, health and culture like never before. The war on masculinity has never been so brutal – but it’s not a war being waged by women. The attack is coming directly from the top, as the establishment desperately attempts to emasculate and disempower men in order to force women to be more dependent on the state, thereby enabling more power to be centralized and aiding the growth of big government.

…it all comprises a cocktail consisting of a misandry-inducing welfare state mashed together with a pervasive, heavily backdoor funded, diversified campaign promoting:

  • Second Wave Feminism in the objective of a combined front; prioritizing & empowering women, and low-key shaming men, it does not promote equality as some might think. Second wave feminism was a creation of the establishment itself and at its core has little whatsoever to do with genuine concern about women’s rights. Radical feminism deliberately confuses gender roles and makes young men apprehensive about exercising their masculinity for fear of being seen as overbearing or aggressive towards women. This has contributed to an entire generation of “metrosexual” men who are promiscuous, unwilling to commit to a relationship and unable to fulfil a women’s basic needs for healthy companionship, destabilizing society and making it more difficult for women to find suitable long term partners with whom to have children.

  • Pushing of the sham ‘political correctness’; purveying the false, sensationalized notion that there is a oppressive patriarchy, however this has been debunked pay gaps are non-existent once numerous circumstantial factors are considered. So feminism’s real objective is simply to downplay healthy masculinity as ‘oppressive’.
  • Statists, collectivists and their mouthpieces in the media and the establishment claim that western men (in particular white men) cannot express a valid opinion on any issue related in any way to a “minority” (such as feminism or immigration) because they have “privilege”. The “privilege” talking point is a stunt through which liberals and feminists attempt to shut down free speech. In essence they are asserting the ludicrous notion that a man’s viewpoint has no value because of the color of his skin, his gender or his country of origin. This is an inherently racist position, yet it is routinely used by leftists to shout down their ideological adversaries and silence male voices.


  • Whereas women have numerous safety nets to turn to if they become victims of domestic abuse, men have virtually none, despite the fact that domestic abuse against men is a huge and growing problem. In the UK for example, 44 per cent of domestic abuse victims are male, while more married men suffer abuse at the hands of their spouse than married women. While domestic abuse against women is constantly highlighted by the mass media, domestic abuse against men is a complete non-issue.

  • Dissident feminist Camille Paglia recently wrote a Wall Street Journal piece in which she warned, “What you’re seeing is how a civilization commits suicide.” Paglia was referring to how the emancipation of masculine virtues by the establishment threatens to create massive destabilization in society due to less and less men being able to fill traditionally “masculine” roles in the jobs market. Paglia points to schools cutting recess, the effort to deny the biological distinctions between men and women, and the left’s characterization of controversial opinions as “hate speech” as examples of how masculinity is being deliberately eroded. “Masculinity is just becoming something that is imitated from the movies. There’s nothing left. There’s no room for anything manly right now,” warns Paglia, adding that young men have, “no models of manhood.”
True feminism and true liberalism have been smeared by establishment funded smear campaigns aimed at disenfranchising these ideological standpoints and completely destroying what they were originally.
  • In both divorce and child custody proceedings, it is widely acknowledged that courts heavily favor women and discriminate against men. Men are routinely hit with onerous alimony payments even if women are capable of working and earning a good paycheck. Men only receive custody of their children in around 10 per cent of divorce cases in the United States. The ironic thing about this system is that it has primarily been instituted by other men, emphasizing again how the war on men is being waged not by women, but by the primarily male-dominated establishment itself.
  • The establishment promulgates the myth that men are paid more than women because of discrimination, feeding into feminist doctrines about patriarchal systems oppressing women in the workplace. In reality, the “wage gap” of around 19 per cent between the two sexes in the United States is explained by a number of reasons that have nothing to do with discrimination, including the fact that men work more hours and men seek less desirable jobs that pay higher. As a result, men account for 93% of workplace deaths despite being only 54% of the workforce. 94% of workplace suicides every year are also men. The establishment buries these shockingly high male workplace fatality figures because they completely contradict the myth that the jobs market discriminates against women.
  • The rampant dissemination of pornography compromises the need to pursue a partner for many men, or at least deters it significantly.
  • Hormone disrupting chemicals in pesticides & plastics i.e. phtalates, all designed to feminize the male,  “Boys exposed to high levels of these in the womb were less likely than other boys to play with cars, trains and guns or engage in “rougher” games like playfighting,”
  • The wide promotion of homosexuality, a gay man is not generally masculine.
  • The romanticized demeanor of shyness and underwhelming male characters in popular culture, in another time this would have been ostracized. Whereas 50 years ago, advertising, Hollywood and television was filled with examples of positive masculine role models that young men could look up to, today’s entertainment industry routinely portrays men as clueless and bumbling oafs at best (think Homer Simpson, Everybody Loves Raymond, Married With Children) or at worst as aggressive sexual predators. Since advertising is primarily aimed at women, men in commercials are also now routinely depicted as either being emasculated losers or stupefied morons. Young men consuming this content grow up thinking that it is acceptable and even encouraged to aspire to these character traits. In doing so, they are robbed of their natural masculinity and find it extremely difficult to attract well-rounded women, who are rightly disgusted by such behavior. The entertainment industry is largely controlled by men, again underscoring the fact that this assault is a top down trend that has little or nothing to do with the gender war.
  • & the promotion of female assertiveness in popular culture (designed to subvert masculine traits).
  • Propagation of fattening, testosterone eliminating foodstuffs; fast food and canned beer is a big culprit in this context.
  • Wide promotion of handheld devices, that largely unknowingly cause sperm count and sperm motility to plummet when carried in the trouser pockets of men. Other negative effects are not yet fully known, as studies are suppressed.
  • Vaccines that sap vital resources in early childhood and foetal development, producing severely malnourished, emasculated men that have chemical imbalances leading to transgender conversions in many cases – or produce men trapped on the borderline between male and female.
  • The rise of autism in itself in many cases estranges a person from interaction with their fellow human on a healthy basis – caused mainly by vaccines, fluoridation, various toxic substances and the big one: aluminium.
  • Liberal viewpoints pushed in mainstream education, not just feminism and Marxism. More and more colleges and universities are intolerant of conservative perspectives, liberalism is a very feminine, emotionally based ideology – and more men are forced to uptake liberal viewpoints to get the girl, else be called ‘racist’ or generally shunned. Men must be subservient to gain the liberal girl they desire. Establishment-controlled second wave feminism advances the doctrine of cultural Marxism, which claims that oppression emerges from patriarchal society and culture, and not the state. Governments love cultural Marxism because it absolves them of blame. The true source of all oppression has always been the state, but by blaming it on men or western culture in general (which is primarily shaped by men), the state hides its own responsibility.
  • The promotion of virtual reality sex and sex substitutes for single men – this keeps men away from women and forming healthy partnerships. In Japan, this is especially prominent, and a prime cause for their population decline.
  • Promotion of the independent woman, and the removal of the false glass ceiling. This discourages marriages, and plummets natal rates to all time lows in western populations.


  • With a decline of culture & family traditions, the family roles will be broken down and any kids that are born will either have substandard parenting or will be given up as orphans to the state. The state is ultimately going to dictate a child’s upbringing. This makes the masculine male evermore redundant.
  • Welfare state and benefits reduces the need for child-bearing women to rely on the man for resources. The state cuckolds the man and reduces his relevance in the marriage – thus reducing the relevance of marriage altogether!
  • With emasculation oftentimes comes sexual incompatibility, which brews depression and neurotic conditions; leading to a narrow, confused mode of thinking, further driving an individual into the quagmire of despair.


This ties into the New World Order’s (NWO) goal to crush the traditional western family that has been persistent for eons, and ties into destroying the stable family expectations declared in the Holy Bible, social engineering at its finest.

Migrants coming in are generally far more masculine than the western man, they also have little interest in obliging their obedience to western doctrine, this proves in part that the overriding agenda is to inundate the sterile, emasculated west with the fertile, masculine migrants who will take over ideologically and genetically due to their tendency towards rapid and fruitful reproduction and the inherent passing-on of their socialist, liberty-opposed ideas and ways of life i.e. Islamic Sharia Law. Furthermore, the migrant man is generally taught to hate the Kafir (non-believer), even if it is subtle, the wars against their native nations do not help with the reconciliation effort, and do not guarantee that everyone will make up and just be friends anytime soon; it’s all a rather far cry from integration. Yet forced open borders, and unchecked migration still takes place.

Chinese communism/socialism is a wet dream for corporate heads, importing and establishing this ideology with near-east migrants or ‘refugees’ is a simple solution to quelling the fire of western liberty that threatens their control. The migrants have the right mindset, they also will breed quickly. Methods and deployment are therefore astute, the investment of a funded migrant crisis is rather worthwhile.

Psychology dictates that women are always seeking a provider, a ‘shadow’ individual to maintain the resources they require to bring up a child. This yearning is woven into the female genetics and is exemplified in the current exploitation that is taking place. The welfare state is robbing men of that provider role and shifting the reliance to the governing authority which gives these lucrative handouts such as child benefits.

Suffrage (Giving women the vote) coupled with third wave feminism, is another generator of the welfare state, the failure of society to appeal to our inherent gender roles has knocked the implicitly logical, leadership of men astray. More and more ‘stay-at-home’ dads are taking up the carer roles of now working women, the gender roles have been effectively flipped.

A totalitarian society can only survive if the male population has been gelded, emasculated and disenfranchised. With this natural bulwark against tyranny removed, the elite can centralize power and pursue collectivist tyranny unopposed. This is why men and masculinity are under assault on every level – and why both men and women should join forces to fight back against this common enemy.

Graham Hancock: Psychedelics

Psychoactive plants reputedly have the potential to induce transcendental experiences that may help one surpass the ‘5 sense’ realm of the sensual realm, and pierce the veil in terms of self actualization and spirituality; in a world where we are ruthlessly encouraged to look to the external world for our answers, our purpose, our definition, our identity. Ayahuasca might be our gateway back within, or should I say out – we are inside out universes after all.

Graham Hancock, pioneer in the dissemination of information regarding the use and effects of psychoactive plants, conveys a TED talk in an attempt to de-stigmatize a gray area in modern science. Blotted by major pharmaceutical companies and crony governments that likely wish to keep their populaces contained:


The essence of Hancock’s talk covered how Ayahuasca and Psilocin mushrooms are  downplayed as negatively mind altering, a stigma that has been the commonest excuse for classifying psychoactive mushrooms as harmful drugs in numerous countries across the planet.


The few remaining shamanistic groups that undergo regular use of these mushrooms have expressed great concern in regards to the direction of a de-spiritualized America and general western world. Pinning a lack of spiritual exposure to the noticeable aberration from empathetic behaviour and an acquiescence of ignorance, materialism and a host of other sinful activities that lack empathetic foresight.


Psychedelic drugs are illegal not due to health reasons, else alcohol and cigarettes (that actually damage you) would also be made illegal, they (psychedelics) are illegal due to the following…

“Psychedelics are illegal, not because the government is concerned you will jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and cultural trappings, models of behaviour and preconceived notions of information processing.” – Terence McKenna (Paraphrased)

Don’t follow your dreams?

Ayahuasca may also be a cancer mitigation approach?








The EU Army

The EU is rapidly unifying itself under wraps, anticipating a final reveal at a point where there is no turning back, when the populations are mixed enough with a sufficient number of economic migrants to lock the European continent into maintaining this undemocratic welfare Union that the poorer, deprived people of the near-east will defend to the last breath, to them this is paradise – politics and corruption is their absolute norm, their predisposition imported en masse in what I call ‘ideological imports’; yet another damning facet of unlimited globalization rearing its head. The overly liberal westerners have been programmed to accept their fate, political correctness debarring them of confronting ‘tentative’ talking points such as the ever more pressing migration control (disguised as a necessity with ‘refugees’ – the majority are non-refugees and are travelling only to welfare states, hmmm, red herring much?), EU democracy, and the blighting topic that is racism.



The latest bastardizing unveiling, that had been dwelling under the surface for a good time is the proposed EU army, an entity comprised of the combined armed forces of all EU member states. It is no doubt another consolidation effort to well and truly subjugate independent politics and to generate an anti-Russian/Chinese bloc that will eventually develop the manpower of China or India via the importation of the family fond near-east people. The rapid housing boom in Europe is a telling sign of what is to come. It is a massive geo-political chess game that the twisted kingpins have unfortunately necessitated in the ever rampant crash course of their wholly fallible agenda.

  • The EU is not really about progression, it is the opposite, it masquerades as progression yet it hypocritically excludes eastern markets, the EU is selfish in that it seeks to only embellish and gratify itself, excluding Russian trade altogether (and sanctions Russia too!), and favoring in-EU & US trade deals over all else. A world that is all inclusive and reconciled does not seek to be isolationist in blocs, blocs appear to be the new western form of isolationism – the phony bureaucrats seek to use failed EU ‘multiculturalism’ to cover up this blatant fact; that the EU is ironically the opposite of inclusive in pretty much all respects.
Barack Obama, figurehead of the anti-Russian USA who churlishly threatened Britain with a ‘back of the queue’ priority if their EU referendum renders them out in June 2016.
  • The EU is selfish in that it fails to account for the individual democratic rights of the member states, bargaining the worn out crony excuse that ‘you still have this much lawmaking leeway, be grateful’ yet the same jeering unelected EU bureaucratic politicians have time and time again shown that the EU is a failing project. Perhaps it’s high time to hand back over the reins to the rightful owners? The EU has demonstrated that it does not seek to appeal to the interests of the individual states, but yearns to take control on the basis of the entirety. Boris was right about the Nazi dream for a unified Europe being reflected in the EU:

Mr Johnson warned that while bureaucrats in Brussels are using “different methods” from the Nazi dictator, they share the aim of unifying Europe under one “authority”.

  • The EU is selfish in that it shamelessly propagates the ‘correct treatment’ of migrants and therefore the policies that bring them in, these are the same ‘migrants’ that have often failed to show an interest in integrating, often sought to settle solely for welfare benefits, have spiked the Euro-wide crime rates, especially in welfare nations, and have often come in unaccounted for in the shambles that is called Schengen that masquerades as being economically beneficial. The guilt-trip tactics with half drowned refugees need to stop.
  • The EU is selfish because it is not flexible, upon its inception in the 70s the ‘European Trade agreement’ seemed rather lucrative in an age overshadowed by the hulking Soviet bloc, the countries of western Europe saw an opportunity for solidarity in this time of trepidation. Since the early 90s this need for trade blocs has dissipated with the fall of the Soviet Union, is it not now necessary to mirror the modern world instead of getting caught in a mirror from three decades back?
  • The EU is selfish because it has no concern for the native populations of its member states. The ever burdening influx of migrants has blown open the gates of Europe, as English musician Stephen Patrick Morrissey stated:

“England is a memory now,” he says, in an interview with the NME published yesterday. “The gates are flooded and anybody can have access to England and join in.” – The Independent, 2007

The result is cultural Marxism, an effective slow kill of western ways and ideologies from the inside out. Starting with the big urban centers of the flagship states in Europe. Sharia Islam, third world deprivation and illegal migrants are fueling this one way train into the dark ages. Soon native westerners will be made a minority or a parity with people who buy and large have little to no interest in upholding the already long founded values.

Trade within the EU is also seemingly fragmented, let alone the steep restrictions on looking elsewhere for trade deals:

UK farmers and businesses want to trade everything from beef, chicken, plant-based fuels, cars, medicinal drugs and services such as banking with Latin America.

But while Britain remains a member of the EU it is not permitted to negotiate its own trade deals alone but must wait for Brussels to make arrangements that all 28 EU members agree to.

The EU is currently trying to arrange such a deal with a group of five South American countries, which would allow its member countries, including Britain, to trade. But France and another 13 member states, half of the EU’s 28 members, are attempting to stymie the agreement as they fear the import of cheaper beef, particularly from rivals Brazil and Argentina, as well as other farm products, would create more competition for their farmers.

Back on the topic of the EU army, we can observe how our choices in foreign policy will be dramatically contrived, as those unelected officials guide our share of the garrison, not too unlike the failed Holy Roman Empires’ levies – into wars and conflicts that in some scenarios might not align with the interests of British people, after all – what happened to bottom up rulership?

Despite owing its allegiance to the Crown, the British Army was even ordered to emblazoned Headquarter vehicles with EU flags asserting beyond any doubt that they were not involved in a Nato exercise.

The devolution of the role of NATO (which prides itself on state decision making and vetoes) paves the way for the undemocratic EU army that is just as susceptible to corruption as any other.

“A joint EU army would show the world that there would never again be a war between EU countries,” Juncker told the Welt am Sonntag newspaper. “Such an army would also help us to form common foreign and security policies and allow Europe to take on responsibility in the world.” – Juncker

The truth is this ‘EU Army’ serves the interests of he who controls that army, not the states that chip in to the garrison. By severing allegiances to nation states, the EU bureaucrats can eliminate sentimental patriotism and centralize European armed forces under their roof – giving them a sort of dictatorship over any state that dares question their rule. The more limited the government, the better!


Donald Trump: Saviour or Misbehaviour?

GOP candidate Donald J. Trump has racked up a fine ruckus in the political sphere of things, especially since he announced his intentions to run for Presidency in June last year.

Having been hailed among many as spontaneous, witty, courageous and refreshingly unapologetic when it comes to the vices of ‘political correctness’. The fair-haired real-estate mogul also has the burdening baggage of a proven George Soros funded and facilitated range of anti-Trump campaigns, mainly from liberals, often needlessly smear-condemning the notoriously ballsy GOP candidate. Some $2 billion has been spent on Trump airtime in the MSM, the most of which has outlined his inherently apparent flaws, primarily drawn from his at times recklessly outspoken nature. This however, has backfired and propelled Trump’s campaign and publicity to new heights, compensating for where his financial sources were lacking – as a non-lobbyist influenced candidate.

Trump: purposefully miscast, purposefully misrepresented. His little slip-ups that may seem wrongly inclined at first glances are inflated and wrongfully made to dominate his public image by his opposition.

Donald Trump to me is true to his word, as vague and non-specific he is in places (to be expected of a man trying to appeal to a wide range of people publicly), his actual policies, upon closer inspection ring true with common sense. Minus of course the ‘PC’ infestation that has permeated cogent reasoning in the past few decades. His immigration policies are reasonable in light of recent events, most memorably the Brussels airport bombings yesterday, in which Trump has prophesied months earlier to be a ‘ISIS hellhole’ he commented:

January 27th 2016 “Look, it’s gonna happen there. They’re not prepared for it, you know, all this massive immigration in Belgium and other European nations, and there’s no assimilation.  They’re living together amongst each other.  They’re not becoming citizens of these countries, and they are not learning the specific ways of life in these countries.”


March 22nd 2016 “Brussels was a beautiful city, a beautiful place with zero crime. And now it’s a disaster city. It’s a total disaster, and we have to be very careful in the United States, we have to be very careful and very vigilant as to who we allow in this country. “

Trump speaks sense, he obviously knows more about the set-up 9/11 attacks than he lets on.

So here is, in all its generic-ness a top ten reasons why Trump is the one to vote for, minus the compartmentalization smear campaigns, and unruly ad hominen attacks that don’t do Trump much justice:


  1. He’s unapologetically not politically correct. A huge advantage to Trump’s rhetoric is that he is never afraid to speak his mind, and often the minds of a silent majority that has been subjugated by the fear of political correctness. Those who are still tainted by being PC will therefore wrongly see Trump as shocking, the truth is that not being censored as PC is a really good thing, you have been conditioned to think otherwise. Political correctness is thought control, just put in different, more nuanced words:


Can’t criticize third-world, unchecked, often solely economic migrants who rape and force their cultural agendas on open-bordered EU countries, imposing dissent and upheaval? You might have caught a common disease called political correctness. Speak your mind, because being PC does not necessarily mean you are right.

2. He is an outsider, belonging to no lobbyists, special interest or political parties. Trump self funds and has emphasized that throughout his campaign, admirably saying that:

“You’re not going to support me because I don’t want your money. If I wanted your money, I think I’d have a damned good chance. You know the money I have turned down?”

…this means that he can think on his own terms and not make promises or compromises to oligarchical, monopolistic corporations that threaten the purity of the constitutional, bottom-up, limited rule governance of the USA – which he seeks to restore.

Obama’s campaign raised $632 million while Romney’s campaign raised $389 million. Trump’s highly successful running has thus far raised $30 million. With $2 million coming from external groups; non of which are lobbyist firms. Money means very little.

  • As a well-established businessperson, Trump has the negotiation experience and financial means to elevate himself as an unadulterated candidate for the Presidency, something that has never happened before in US history. An opportunity not to be missed. Obama has criticized Trump as not political enough to run for President, ironic coming from a man who has torn the USA apart in his 8 year reign of terror.
The real fatcat puppeteers are using brainwashed Social Justice Warriors to smear Trump’s image and denounce him without good reason.

Ironically there are few donors, but big money behind the anti-trump campaigns giving the illusion of a populist movement, read more below.




“put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us” – ex-POTUS Bill Clinton on Obama’s Presidency

  • Trump also happens to have been estranged within the category he reluctantly had to put himself into; as a Republican. All the other GOP candidates are against him for one reason or another, unveiling the sheer degree of corruption and control within the establishment, and how Donald J. Trump is not a cog that has been manufactured for what is at the present time; the mob-ruled Corporation of the USA.

3. He is constitutional and anti-plutocratic. Trump has voiced his vows to maintain the unalterable US constitution, promising to uphold the documentation that had given the USA of yore the means to be a country governed by, and for the people – with the revolution having broken away from the tyrannical, Bavarian King George III in 1776.

“I know people making a tremendous amount of money and paying virtually no taxes, and I think it’s unfair.” – Donald Trump on the Elite’s tax avoidance.

“1 percent of Americans … would be affected by my plan — the other 99 percent of the people would get deep reductions” – Donald Trump, November 1999

“The Trans-Pacific Partnership is an attack on America’s business. It does not stop Japan’s currency manipulation. This is a bad deal,”- Trump on Corporate centralizing TPP.

Trump is also aware of the Federal Reserve’s money-manipulation and its use of fractional reserve currency to print paper, un-backed currency out of thin air. He realizes that Janet Yellen (Federal Reserve Chairwoman) is keeping interest rates low because:

“The reason they’re keeping the interest rate down is Obama doesn’t want to have a recession-slash-depression during his administration.”


“It is so important to audit The Federal Reserve, and yet Ted Cruz missed the vote on the bill that would allow this to be done.” – Donald Trump via Twitter.


Trump defends the fundamental principle that legitimate government proceeds only by the consent of the governed. The people remain sovereign.

In fact, American elites have long abandoned the basic principles of constitutional governance. They have made their peace with the Great Society’s creation of an administrative state or centralized bureaucracy. The unelected bureaucracy of the administrative state is the real governor of the economy, education, health care, the environment, workplaces, and much of what we do, whether out in public or in our homes. – RealClearPolitics


Trump has exposed this gerontological, plutocratic, banker coalition on issues such as international trade deals that cause unemployment or underemployment, especially in manufacturing. He has also denounced liberal immigration policies, which diminish job prospects for those who do not have college educations, including black Americans, not to mention those with high-tech skills. And, to bring in a third faction, he assails the foreign policy consensus on supporting the Middle East wars.


Trump does not typically articulate his constitutionalism in the words of the beginning of the Declaration of Independence (“all men are created equal … life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”), but his concerns certainly reinforce them. He calls to mind the Declaration’s grievances against the King, who “has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance” and who “has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.” Obama has empowered bureaucrats and is not only hapless in fighting ISIS abroad and at home but indulges their violence.


4. He’s under attack from all sides.


Those who work in the “news” industry are obsessed with promoting lies and half-truths to destroy political candidates they do not like, instead of just doing their jobs and reporting the news, here’s one situation:

“The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems,” Trump said. “It’s true. And these aren’t the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime; they’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

That’s a far cry from “All Mexicans are rapists,” or “All immigrants are rapists”, unfortunately its up to the people to discern whether what they’re being spoon-fed is the real deal or not, too many of us are sheep.

“If NBC is so weak and so foolish to not understand the serious illegal immigration problem in the United States, coupled with the horrendous and unfair trade deals we are making with Mexico, then their contract violating closure of Miss Universe/Miss USA will be determined in court,” – Trump

There is a reason Trump has to wear a bulletproof vest wherever he goes…


5. The establishment most likely want Trump dead – Like John Kennedy, like Abe Lincoln and like Warren Harding: all went against the long founded establishment.

An atmosphere is being conditioned in which funded protest is nurturing anti-trump sentiment beyond the boundaries of rights and regulation. Recent developments at Trump rallies have found numerous groups blockading roads and even in some slect cases charging Trump’s speaking platform. Could a bullet or something else find its way to Trump? His family have recently received malicious letters signed with ‘X’ –

“If your father does not drop out of the race, the next envelope won’t be a fake.” The letter was signed “X”


6. Trump is tough on border control.

The need for a reformation of migration policy is significant, fortunately Trump sees the issues of unchecked migration to be a blatantly huge subject for evaluation. With third world migrants flushing in from countries that US funded war has caused, the severe consequences of migration and faulty multiculturalism is being seen across the EU.

“As president- I would be very, very tough on the borders, and I would NOT be allowing certain people to come into this country without absolute perfect documentation!” – Donald Trump 22/03/16 via Facebook

“As has been stated continuously in the press, people are pouring across our borders unabated. Public reports routinely state great amounts of crime are being committed by illegal immigrants. This must be stopped and it must be stopped now.”


The Mexico border fence will curb Cartel movement and help destroy the illegal drug market while also preventing illegal non-visa migration into the USA via the southern border. That is not remotely racist, as many would like to bizarrely assert.

“We want people to come into our country but they have to come into our country legally”


7. He wants Common core education out.

Trump recognizes the brainwashing schemes of those at the highest levels are passing down to the newborns. He understands the need for education to be about learning, and not necessarily about regimen and routine: which destroys the individual and breaks independent spirit.

“I’m a tremendous believer in education, but education has to be at a local level. We cannot have the bureaucrats in Washington telling you how to manage your child’s education,” Trump said. “So Common Core is a total disaster. We can’t let it continue.”


“These student loans are probably one of the only things that the government shouldn’t make money from and yet it does,” Trump wrote in his 2015 book “Crippled America.”


8. He’s the only candidate not pushing for another world war.

Unlike Lobbyist funded Hillary Clinton (Proved to be a Zionist, Rothschild advocate by her emails),

Lynn Forester de Rothschild wrote an email on April 18, 2010, in which she tells Hillary she would “love to catch up” — and “I remain your loyal adoring pal.” Clinton responds “let’s make that happen,” and signs her response, “Much love, H.”
Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/searched-hillarys-emails-indicted-win-presidency/#GlO1mqMUgeuQmLxF.99


To reiterate, nothing particularly damning in itself was found in this admittedly cursory search — but the relationships these emails document, alone, evidence Hillary’s concrete establishment roots.

…and just about every other candidate that is not Donald Trump, the notion of working with Russia and other countries, maintaining Assad’s rule, stopping the needless bombing of middle-eastern civilians’ homes and towns, and eradicating the phony ISIS (A US, Zionist, Globalist supported organisation) is only found in Trump’s foreign policy proclamations:

“there’s nothing I would rather do than bring peace to Israel and its neighbors, generally. I think it serves no purpose to say you have a good guy and a bad guy.”

The ISIS fighting Russian President Vladimir Putin now endorses Trump:

“[Donald Trump is] a really brilliant and talented person, without any doubt,” [Vladimir] Putin told reporters, according to a translation by Interfax. “It’s not our job to judge his qualities, that’s a job for American voters, but he’s the absolute leader in the presidential race.”

The GOP frontrunner (Trump) has been blunt about his plans for defrosting U.S. relations with Russia should he be elected president.

Read more: http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/vladimir-putin-just-made-a-massive-donald-trump-announcement/#ixzz43jJGNVzr

Trump is definitely the world’s best chance at averting another world war.


9. Trump running has warranted desperate election rigging.

The parties allegedly select the candidate, not the public, rendering the primaries apparently nullified, how will Trump outmaneuver this? :


10. Trump knows that Monsanto and similar GMO/Pesticide organisations are damaging Americans’ health:

A tweet Trump allegedly posted then retracted.

He’s also aware of the need for eminent domain to be used responsibly.



So there we have it, ten reasons for voting for Trump, the information is all here, it’s up to you to do something with it.