Tag Archives: FEMA

WW3 by False Flag Attack

Hillary has proposed an active military response against Russia if a cyber attack were to take place that could prospectively kill innumerable, the scary thing is that this is now legislated as an acceptable response; neocon shadow government has held this as a viable reaction to something that can easily be orchestrated, it just takes a slight prompt and all could go to oblivion.

Cyber Attack False Flag

An EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) that could be falsely linked back to Moscow as a cyber attack might be in the works among the Globalist inner-circles, the next major ‘Gulf of Tonkin’ or ‘9/11’ false flag attack; but this one must kill many thousands, to permit WW3 against the Russians, and possibly the Chinese and draw from a world inflamed amidst chaos – a New World Order; one that proposes peaceable utopia, but propagates the contrary.

“What would a successful EMP attack look like? The EMP Commission, in 2008, estimated that within 12 months of a nationwide blackout, up to 90% of the U.S. population could possibly perish from starvation, disease and societal breakdown.”

While that figure (90%) may seem extraordinary, the implications of high population areas lacking adequate electricity means the fluency of the logistical facets at all levels of human society will be slowed exceptionally; many will inevitably die. This will incur panic, and an emotionally charged reaction, to deal with the cause of the issue.

The Globalists, snug in their padded bunkers will call the shots from behind the lines, having garnered a rally of public support in vanquishing the claimed ‘source’ of hardship and suffering; it will undoubtedly be Putin’s Russia as the strawman, the consequences of such popular permission for war will probably trigger full-blown nuclear conflict, a conflict that will end the world as we know it, unopposed in the state of its initiation due to an array of factitious maneuvers rendering popular opposition null and void.

The Dead of the Night

A blackout in the USA gives the opportunity for the Globalist corrupt to shut down major public domain communications, including the internet – and therefore act without accountability to the chance of widespread popular public resistance. In the dead of the night it has even been suggested FEMA camps will be put to use to imprison dissenter targets (patriots, anti-government individuals etc) already logged and predetermined as ‘terrorist’ targets, long before the ‘blackout’ event. The brainwashed servicemen and women will simply ‘follow orders’ and imprison these people.

Major Orchestrated Chaos Will Be Afoot

In the heat of this hectic chaos, and without the network of public communications to hamper big government overstepping the mark; a war with Russia can be and will be pursued without the threat of a large ‘rebellion’ rallying to diffuse such a conflict. Radios and rudimentary forms of communication will be the resort; mostly dominated by Globalist held stations that will blare propaganda to the unsuspecting public, blaming the Russians/East as responsible for the blackout.

The Globalists, in the shadows, will stir a public malaise; inculcated in a manufactured cocoon of deceit and propaganda from a blackout, to be exploited, to divide and rule the oblivious Western people in what remaining basic communication can be used. All awhile, the Globalists shall carry out the ‘necessary’ atrocities to eliminate their few remaining rivals in the world and usher in a world government.


The false-flag FEMA camp entrapment will ensure potential resistance is silenced, (in a time of national crisis). How this will be carried out is up to speculation, but I assume it will either be forcible or initially innocuous with ‘come, it is not safe as you lack electricity…’ etc and thus the potent dissenters will leave their homes in the name of security, and shall be subdued or held in these camps until after the conflict with Russia and the East has concluded, and the New World Order has been established.

Alleged locations of FEMA camps, lying dormant for a national crisis.

Nuclear Weapons Incidentally also Create an EMP Blast.

Characteristically, EMP waves are not too far removed from nuclear explosions themselves, being a common secondary impact. This may point to the shadow government intending to stage a nuclear attack, maybe even detonating something. Of course this is the lesser likelihood of possible staged events, but one still very realistic nonetheless – it would completely smear Russian credibility and give the wholehearted impression that Russia is the enemy ‘of the world’ – something lucrative to Globalist warmongers; the diminutive cost of human life is negligible if it means world government can be ushered into materialization, no measure of human loss is too steep for a circle of people that attend an event dubbed the ‘cremation of care’ on an annual basis.

Time is Running Out

I don’t warm to fear-mongering, such journalism is bloated and misleading. But the Globalist heads have little time to realize their desire, the event horizon is coming as the global population begins to realize the plan afoot, as the finger slips from the shadows to the commonly known – The ‘event’ that will see a push for world government and mass depopulation may just be around the corner.