Tag Archives: gcmaf

7 Points For An Autism Cure

#1 Vaccines can cause autism. It may or may not be behind the drastic rise, but 2 people from the CDC has come forward and admitted to it, but the media won’t cover it.

#2 We are over a decade behind on research because the CDC has covered up the link between autism and vaccines for so long. William Thompson is a CDC whistleblower but no mainstream media has picked up the story. Instead of coming clean and demand safer vaccines for Americans we are labeled as ANTI Vaccine or ANTI Science. The mainstream media is so strong at pushing the government’s socialist agenda that my own mother insists I vaccinate my child despite horrible vaccine reactions.

#3 Pharmaceutical bribes our dirty politicians like Senator Pan to pass laws removing vaccine exemptions and George W Bush giving pharma, mercury manufacturer, and doctors liability free vaccines. (actually Sacremento Bee ran an article about how much money is behind our vaccine push)

#4 DNA isn’t the cause or autism. Genetics alone can not be the cause of autism. Too many identical twins exist where one is affected and the other is not, or affected differently.

#5 I’m tired of hearing autism is not curable and that my son’s brain is different and I should accept him for who he is. I love my son more than anything. His reactions to chemicals in America’s low quality foods containing artificial colors, flavors like vanillin and preservatives/stabilizers like polysorbate are tough to accomadate. We do the best we can but some of these things turn my son from mildly autistic to more moderate/severe. If autism isn’t curable then why is it so closely tied to the gut?

#6 Every kid with Autism is different. I know my son does better with probiotics, roughly 50% who tried chelation report it helps their kid. It’s not dangerous, perhaps it’s potentially hazardous and should be done under doctor supervision but dangerous is the wrong word.

#7 Better identification is not behind the rise in autism. 20 years ago there were no autistic children in my school, now they can fill a class and even have special schools dedicated to autism. I had some kids with downs in our school, I’ve even seen a kid required to wear a helmet, but I’ve never seen autism then. Sure there were plenty of shy kids, but they weren’t autistic. Today’s autistic kids can’t be integrated whereas shy kids just didn’t talk much.

Autism Is Not Permanent

The symptoms known as autism is not an ‘irrecoverable’ sentence. Autism is merely a neuro-inflammatory condition that can be reversed by a sound immune system, Macrophage activation is at the forefront of this.

Children and adults can return to a completely normal life according to Dr. Marco Ruggiero, founder of Bravo probiotics and Rerum/GcMAF treatment, and an expert in the autistic condition.

“The symptoms of autism can be fully improved.” — Dr. Marco Ruggiero

  • Probiotics stabilise gut: After the consumption of Bravo probiotics, a girl expelled some ‘nasty’ materials according to Ruggiero, the microbes were doing their job.
  • Territorial: Microbes compete for territory in the gut with parasites.
  • Fights Parasite Bunkers: Fermented food creates an acidic environment i.e. probiotic microbial yoghurt, an acidic environment in the gut breaks down biofilms termed as “bunkers” for parasites by Ruggiero. This removal of the “bunkers” allows probiotic microbes to successfully eradicate parasites in the gut.
  • Bravo/Rerum among many tools used by naturopaths to fight disease in body.
  • Gut/Brain link: Microbes colonize your gut, and from there your brain.

The factors to eradicate the symptoms called autism.

  1. Ketogenic Diet
  2. Bravo yoghurt
  3. Rerum/GcMAF
  4. Chelation using Andy Cutler Chelation Protocol

After 2 weeks, if one approach does not work, Dr. Ruggiero suggests switching up the approach.

Paracetamol/Tylenol + Vaccines = Autism

Cuba has had no rise in autism despite vaccinations because they don’t use paracetamol. Also known as Tylenol and Acetaminophen.

Read here for more information.


GcMAF: Autism and Cancers Cured

GcMAF is arguably one of the most revolutionary treatments in modern times. It is a stand of defiance in the face of the money-hungry pharmaceutical Goliath. Numerous anecdotal pointers and studies show GcMAF to have completely cured or reduced conditions of autism and cancer.

Yet the establishment medical cabal persists in a state of perpetual denial: funding smear campaigns, disinformation agents, and bankrolling hits on doctors that threaten the established paradigm – their financial prowess is formidable; their leverage to control the entire global field of medicine is unmatched. This is why suppressed alternative treatments such as these, which are proven to work, are so relentlessly belittled.

In the spring of 2009, David Noakes listened to a presentation in Ghent, Belgium on Codex Alimentarius by some guy called Ian R Crane. During the course of his presentation, Ian stated there was a little-known cure for cancer called GcMAF. After the talk, David went home and put it into Google. In those days, it was just 32 research papers by scientists; all of which claimed that GcMAF had produced remarkable results. David was horrified that, after 20 years, no one was making this remarkable product available to the general public. He resolved to stop fighting the EU, and attack cancer. With his four scientists and seven doctors, he has now supplied 9,000 patients, and 350 independent doctors and clinics.

GcMAF is a human protein all healthy people make that has 21 brilliant effects in the body including the most powerful seven attacks on cancer known to man. Needless to say, it has no side effects.

David’s little company, Immuno Biotech Ltd, has now also written 31 research papers, peer-reviewed and published in prestigious scientific journals. His results are truly astonishing!

Needless to say, David and Immuno Biotech Ltd have been under sustained attack from Big Pharma. The problem is that this protein, which is a human body part and a Human Right for all of us, is inexpensive, effective and a threat to, for example, the poison of chemotherapy, which costs £40,000 a round.

It’s the fact it works that makes it a target.

“Doctors are ruthlessly controlled by their professional bodies, who are stunningly corrupt. And if they step out of line, they are struck off, ruthlessly.” – David Noakes

  • Charities ‘Macmillan’ and ‘Anti Cancer Fund’ are the ‘front-end’ faces of the chemotherapy lobby, fraudulently claiming to be the ‘cutting edge’ of cancer study; yet have not released definitive, scientific results on even one of six major revealed cancer cures, THC Hemp Oil and GcMAF included.

Noakes claims GcMAF may cure both Autism and Aspergers.

  • At 42:15 – Autism is linked to inflammation in the brain, an area of the brain attributed to autism is normally about 1mm thick. In autistic people this is inflamed, and grown to around 3.4mm thickness. Mr. Noakes called this growth a ‘measurable’ manifestation of autism.

Nagalese in vaccines reduces the natural GcMAF production in our bodies.

The $100 billion cancer industry profits from ‘locked in’ nagalase molecules injected into humans (future patients) via vaccines, which spurs tumor growth; explaining the aggressive vaccine push. Chemotherapy costs around an average of $30,000 per person, can you see why it is a lucrative industry?

An extensive speech by David Noakes covering many facets of GcMAF as both an effective treatment for cancer, and for autism-spectrum conditions.

A parent comes forward to testify her first-hand experience of her son’s remarkable recovery following GcMAF treatment.

Clive de Carle explains the background information encompassing why known cures have been outlawed.

Dr. James Bradstreet, was killed (or committed ‘suicide’) by a gunshot wound to the chest (an odd place to shoot in the pursuit of instant death) in 2015 after controversy surrounding his work with GcMAF. Bradstreet studied out of a strong, outspoken desire to cure autism following circumstances that made him the father of an autistic child, his family have claimed he would not have committed suicide.

6 Scientists That Died Mysteriously After Making These Major Discoveries

Imagine you’re the leader of a country and a couple of scientists discover something that might alter the world. You could pay off the scientists to keep their mouths shut, but wouldn’t it be much easier just to kill them?

I’m not stating that this occurs a lot, however there has actually been some shadiness afoot throughout the years. Let’s have a look at 5 eyebrow-raising cases of researchers passing away after making vital discoveries.
Back in the ’80s, Ronald Reagan presented an enthusiastic defense program called Strategic Defense Effort (nicknamed Star Wars), which was developed to shoot lasers at inbound missiles from space should the Russians attack. Between 1982 and 1990, 25 British scientists who worked for GEC-Marconi, the British wing of the program, mysteriously died. Some think that they were killed by Soviet spies, and others think that their own government contributed to it.
In 2003, biological warfare specialist David Kelly anonymously leaked that the British government had actually falsified details concerning weapons of mass damage in Iraq. When Prime Minister Tony Blair discovered it was Kelly, a parliamentary committee was formed to question him. He was found dead in his apartment two days later. The authorities said it was a suicide, however because a judge ruled that the evidence needed to be sealed for 70 years, we will not understand what genuinely took place for a long time.
Don Wiley was a leading specialist in chemical weaponry, most notably anthrax. Throughout the 2001 anthrax epidemic, Wiley’s vehicle was found on a bridge with the secrets still in the ignition. His body was later found in the Mississippi River. Another anthrax researcher named Vladimir Pasechnik likewise died around the very same time.
Australian astrophysicist Rodney Marks died inexplicably at the South Pole research station while dealing with an observatory. His body was held by the federal government and security specialist Raytheon for unknown factors. It was later exposed that Marks died of methanol poisoning.
3 various researchers dealing with the same project passed away in 2013 while studying the effects of climate change, leading another scientist on the group named Peter Wadham to believe that they were assassinated by oil industry leaders or the United States government.
There aren’t many facts available to back up these theories, however that’s partly since people in power have taken pains to keep them under wraps. Does anyone else feel like there’s something untoward going on here?

Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet, a renowned physician known for his healthy skepticism of immunizations, particularly the MMR vaccine, and his progressive autism research. His body was found last summer floating in a North Carolina river, with a single gunshot wound to the chest.

Despite a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the chest being “a relatively uncommon means of suicide,” his death was ruled as such; however, his family argues that Bradstreet was far from suicidal, but instead wholeheartedly dedicated to his work and the health of his patients.

Following his death, dozens more holistic doctors, the majority of whom practiced in Florida, have turned up dead or missing. Several of their deaths involved suspicious circumstances, leading some to question whether they may have been targeted for their controversial work.

For example, Bradstreet was working with a little-known molecule that occurs naturally in the human body called GcMAF (Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor), a treatment that’s believed to be effective for curing and reversing autism, cancer, HIV, diabetes and liver and kidney disease.

“GC protein is a protein in the body that’s used by macrophages in the body. What it does is, macrophages in the body are the ones that kill cancer cells, they stop cytokines storms and can be involved in cytokines storms,” said Dr. Ted Broer, an internationally recognized health and nutrition expert, during an interview on the Hagmann and Hagmann Report.

GcMAF is “probably the single most effective thing in the immune system to kill cancer cells,” he said. One of the primary contributors to a compromised immune system is what Bradstreet discovered, which may have placed him in great danger, and could even have served as a motive for his death.

Controversial medicine

Natural News reported that Bradstreet and his colleagues had discovered that the immune system is being compromised by a compound called “nagalase,” an enzyme/protein that’s made by cancer cells and viruses causing immunodeficiency syndromes, and which has been linked to autism, as well as a “host of other problems,” explained Broer.

“What ends up happening is when the GC protein cannot be converted to McGAF, the entire immune system is compromised.”

Some of the doctors who wound up dead or missing believed the nagalase protein/enzyme was being introduced intentionally into the body either virally or directly through vaccines.

“This is such incredibly damning information to the entire medical profession and the immunological profession and those folks that [sic] are producing immunizations, that apparently they didn’t want these guys around,” said Broer.

Nagalese blocks the GC protein from attaching itself to vitamin D, thus preventing the immune system from doing its job and therefore causing cancer and other serious diseases. Without an active immune system, cancer and viral infections can spread rapidly.

Bradstreet and his colleagues’ discovery is revolutionary enough to shake the cancer treatment industry’s entire foundation. But eliminating a handful of progressive researchers is not enough to conceal the truth, as the truth always prevails. Stay tuned to Natural News as we continue following this important story.