Tag Archives: Golan

Who’s side is the USA on?

Bombing is for political and corporate interests as opposed to the ‘moral arbitration’ disseminated by the U.N. & NATO.

And don’t get me started on how many people think that all Muslims as a whole are to be blamed for all of the problems at hand, subjective problems seem to breed objective ignorance…

  • Read the full source article here from activist post.

It’s becoming ever more apparent that the USA is pursuing the creation of a mass migrant exodus of the native populace as Russia takes matters into their own hands regarding the elusive ISIS terror group’s involvement in the war-torn region. Bombing from Russian silos has seen a massive degree of escalation, it is speculated at least 40% of ISIS infrastructure lies in ruins since the Russian Federation’s intervention. Something a far more advanced USA/NATO has utterly failed to do since starting the conflict some decade ago.

The US have accused Russia of ‘striking the wrong targets’ yet ironically as you will read, the hypocrisy lies in that the US is bombing supposedly innocent targets too – obviously to push their Zion agenda.

The bombing of the ‘Medecins sans Frontieres‘ medical encampment (Doctors without borders, who serve both sides) the other day by the USA, despite clearly communicated pleas for a cessation of the strikes from the ground victims is ushering suspicion around whether the US is really out to put a stop to the ISIS terror forces at play for the sake of the people. It’s becoming more disgustingly apparent that the US are stretched for options regarding their petty ruses with the ‘war on terror’ as the arbiters of the liberal world.

patients and medical workers reeling, visibly distraught after an airstrike struck their hospital.

“As Russian forces drop bombs and missiles on top of ISIS fighters all across Syria, lobbing cruise missiles from the Caspian, regular sortie missions, and combat helicopter attacks against ISIS and other “relatively moderate” cannibals and terrorists, the United States launched a bombing mission of its own against two power plants in Aleppo.”

The United States has long maintained that its bombing campaign was directed at ISIS but, to date, very little damage has been done to ISIS structures, facilities, or personnel by any American airstrikes. Only when ISIS fighters are threatening a Western interest (i.e. an oil well owned by a Western company) or when NATO has been unable to simply redirect ISIS forces via embedded or proxy commanders do terrorists actually find themselves bombarded by what is, in reality, an act of “death squad herding.”   – Activist Post

The US support of ISIS can scarcely be denied given the fact that the U.S., in collusion with NATO, GCC, and Israel were responsible for the creation of the terror group to begin with as well as for inserting it into Syria for the purpose of destroying the secular government of Bashar al-Assad, ridding the region of natives and populating it with western ideology and ultimately seizing control over resources and territory, which elads me to talk about the recent massive oil discovery in Syria…

Oil Discovery in the Golan Heights of south Syria border.

The Golan heights, arguably the epicenter of US interests in the middle east, peeling back the political lies and deceit, masked as saviors of the ‘terrorized’ middle east, it’s all been an orchestration, ISIS is the culprit.

“to capture spoil and to seize plunder, to turn your hand against the waste places which are now inhabited, and against the people who are gathered from the nations, who have acquired cattle and goods, who live at the center of the world.” – Ezekiel 38:12

Oil, oil, oil – it’s a big commodity, the interest posed by the states isn’t particularly surprising as a result. It serves as a political pawn, an alleged 10x larger supply than the largest ever found, ever. A war seems a worthy investment from Big Brother, right? Cold cash for blood, sweat and tears and a false terror threat that should easily have been diminished years ago if it were remotely real, after all…

Why be the defender of the faith if it doesn’t benefit you?

Do you seriously expect the UN and the US to play a role as the world superheroes against all of our troubles? I’d hope not, I know few who’d volunteer to clean up dog sh**, as much as it would help out everyone, the US is a big corporation at heart, long gone are the days you could call a President a President.

“We are talking about a strata which is 350 meters thick and what is important is the thickness and the porosity. On average in the world strata are 20-30 meters thick, so this is ten times as large as that, so we are talking about significant quantities. The important thing is to know the oil is in the rock and that’s what we now know.”

– Afek Oil and Gas chief geologist Dr. Yuval Bartov, talking about the Golan Heights Oil reserves.

Where the borders meet, the money is made.

It’s time we all listened to the likes of…

  • …Edward Snowden more, things like these don’t just crop up out of nowhere, it’s common knowledge we’re being watched, but ignorance prevails, an easy life prevails – we’re driven to believe we’re inadequate, that we can’t change anything – it is a destructive and crippling mentality that I doubt many will break free of under the present external influences. That’s why revolution comes from within, change your mentality from materialistic to righteous and love-minded and you will be freed.
Edward Snowden, the famed whistleblower, currently laying low in Russian asylum.
A brutally relevant quote.

I do IT support, and recently a middle to older aged lady came to me and told me she knew nothing about computers, I was unable to teach her properly, she continually told me I seldom gave her the opportunity to comprehend each step from the base to the intermediate. The crucial difference between us was, I’d been raised with technology of such, she had not. I realized that the gap back through generations could not be abridged, Snowden was right.

  • Also, Seymour Hersh, a prominent American Journalist is another figure we should be following, he has exposed numerous cover-ups in his time, including the Vietnam war ‘Mai Lai Massacre,’ but more relevantly to current affairs, the Bin Laden assassination, that he rightly alleges to be a huge lie, from the killing to the dubious, unbelievable funeral at sea. It is pleasant to have a man as experienced as Hersh confirming the already painfully obvious for the less aware of us, he is absolutely instrumental in the awakening movement.

In September 2013, during an interview with The Guardian, Hersh commented that the 2011 raid that resulted in the death of Osama bin Laden was “one big lie, not one word of it is true”. He made the claim that the Obama administration lies systematically, and that American media outlets are reluctant to challenge the administration, saying “It’s pathetic, they are more than obsequious, they are afraid to pick on this guy [Obama]”.[34] Hersh later clarified that the lying began in the aftermath of bin Laden’s death.[35]

On May 10, 2015, Hersh published the 10,000-word article “The Killing of Osama bin Laden” in the London Review of Books (LRB) on the fourth anniversary of the Abbottabad raid that killed bin Laden (Operation Neptune Spear). It immediately went viral, crashing the LRB website.[36] Hersh outlined with extensive quoting of both named and unnamed sources the background to how bin Laden’s presence in Abbotabad came to be known to the U.S. government and how the SEAL raid was in fact known to the Pakistanis and had ISIcooperation. Hersh alleges the U.S. government’s narrative was in fact an elaborate cover story meant to conceal Pakistan’s relationship with the Al Qaeda leader and to yield maximum political payoff for President Barack Obama in the runup to the 2012 election season:

I don’t believe that there is a distinguishable good and a bad among mankind, ultimately no side can lay claim to anything, only love prevails, hate, fear and the proselytism of twisted, masqueraded agendas will not suffice, however right you think you are, war never solves the problem – especially when the basis for that war has been wholly manipulated to an ulterior motive that innocent blood is being shed over.

Forget the West and the East, remember the battle between love and fear.