Tag Archives: Kurz

Austria’s new chancellor vows to fight globalism

Sebastian Kurz, 31, is now Austria’s new chancellor, and the world’s youngest elected leader. His right-wing People’s Party (OVP) won with around 30% of the vote, with the far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ) and the Social Democrats each taking around 26% of the vote.

Austria, a country battered by EU-sponsored migrant ‘re-population’ efforts, having taken in roughly 1% of its population in asylum seekers in 2015, one of the highest proportions on the continent, has finally bitten back in a historic, nationalist vote that will no doubt turn the geopolitical tide.

Sebastian Kurz’ main talking point was ending the toxic ‘Islamization’ of Austria and wider Europe, a focal point that has paid-off in getting him elected.


Kurz wants to slash Austria’s red tape and has repeatedly said during his campaign that the Austrian people are sick of ‘New World Order globalist policies by EU elites’ – which he says he will end when elected.

“As well as his pledge on payouts to migrants, Kurz wants to slash Austria’s red tape and keep the EU out of national affairs.” — Dailymail

Because the People’s Party does not have an absolute majority of the vote, the People’s Party will have to form a coalition with one of the other two. Sebastian Kurz had fallen out with Christian Kern, leader of the Social Democrats, so his coalition will be with the far-right party, which is led by a neo-Nazi, Heinz-Christian Strache…

Provided Kurz can rein-in Strache, this may be a promising bulwark coalition to undermine EU internationalism.