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Pure Liquid Zeolite: Remove Heavy Metals In 5-7 Hours

In light of an earlier article advocating DMSA and Alpha Lipoic Acid treatment for full body heavy metals detoxification, I have found a cheaper approach that allegedly does the job just as well – well, actually maybe even better – of course a good, bio available multivitamin will be required for use in ‘break days’ when consuming liquid Zeolite due to the solution digging out all metals in our bodies, including some of the good ones, I advise a good, organic multivitamin just in case.

Liquid Zeolite can be used a treatment for heavy metal induced Autism, cancer and many other conditions. See the bottom of the article for details on products.

Dr. Prociuk – In general, the younger the better (regarding autistic patients), the condition is not that deeply established, however anybody can respond. You cannot predict how a patient will respond or not respond. I’m presently treating a 35 year old autistic lady who had no ability to focus or stay on track whatsoever. After a few weeks on liquid zeolite, her mother said she read 3 pages of a book without stopping and with comprehension. The individual’s ability to heal should never be prejudged. Use the liquid zeolite to clean house. According to that patient’s ability to respond, the response will be there.

Regarding Mercury for Liquid Zeolites: “Binders you’ll hear about are clay/zeolites, and pectin. For mercury, these bind very weakly, and you would have to take enormous quantities for many years to see any benefit so I don’t recommend them (for mercury).”

– Dr. Mercola

Original Article

The safe removal of heavy metals is becoming one of the modern world’s biggest health issues. Heavy metals surround us; chemtrails, vaccinations, air and water pollution, living or working near a smelter or mine, dental fillings and of course, the kingpin of all, fluoridated water. Hydrofluosilicic acid, the chemical often used to fluoridate drinking water, is an industrial waste that contains lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum, benzene and radioactive waste material. A fact that boggles the mind and poses the question…

How did we let this end up in our water? 

Heavy metals poisoning

“In my clinical experience, everyone has excessive amounts of some, or all of the toxic metals”says Lawrence Wilson, MD.No one in the industrial world is untouched, and the effects of heavy metals are nothing short of frightening, with links to impaired brain and motor function, Alzheimer’s, dementia, heart disease and genetic defects.

Heavy metals replace the body’s needed minerals, for instance, lead will replace calcium in the bones, weakening them and causing osteoporosis. Lead also replaces calcium in the blood cells, damaging the blood and causing a severe form of anaemia.

It then goes to the brain, where it replaces calcium, iron, magnesium and other vital elements that are found there. Cadmium will replace zinc in a male’s testicles as well as in women’s ovaries, causing countless reproductive issues. Male and female sexual fluids are rich in zinc, this can cause low sperm counts, impotence in men, reduced fertility in women, and increased libido in women.

“Cadmium is so toxic to the brain that it causes what might be called ‘a small rebellion’in the tissues of the brain, which results in violent thoughts. One notices this as one removes cadmium, that violent thoughts and even one’s violent impulses diminish”Lawrence Wilson, MD.

Mercury is one of the most toxic minerals known to man, and yet it is also one of the most common heavy metal’s used today. It’s even used in children’s vaccines as a preservative in the form Thimerosal. “If you inject thimerosal into an animal, it’s brain will sicken. If you apply it to living tissue, the cells die. If you put it in a petri dish the culture dies. Knowing these things, it would be shocking if one could inject it into an infant without causing damage.”Boyd Haley PhD, Professor and Chair, Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky. The list of debilitating illnesses associated with mercury is incredibly vast and mercury exposure should be avoided at all costs.

When heavy metals are present and needed minerals are low, the body will use heavy metals for enzyme creation. As this occurs, the metals inhibit, overstimulate or otherwise alter thousands of enzymes. An affected enzyme may operate at 5% of normal activity. This may contribute to countless health conditions.The importance of enzymes can not be underestimated. Some health professionals believe them to be the key to good health and longevity. “The length of life is inversely proportional to the rate of exhaustion of the enzyme potential of an organism.”(The Enzyme Nutrition Axiom formulated by Dr Edward Howell). 

Now for the good news!

Natural mineral compound Zeolite, specifically Clinoptilolite –which is found in Natural Cellular Defence pure liquid Zeolite –has the perfect structure for removing heavy metals and will do it quickly and safely. Clinoptilolite is shaped like a cage and is one of only a few minerals in nature that carries a negative charge. It’s this amazing combination that allows the zeolite to capture toxic heavy metals containing a positive charge including mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminum, bismuth, antimony, barium, depleted uranium and many others. Zeolite will then remove them from the body, once the toxins are trapped in the zeolite molecule it is almost impossible for them to escape this bond.

Zeolite is incredibly fast-acting and is completely removed from the body in 5-7 hours and in turn, so are the trapped toxins and heavy metals. Zeolite is removed through normal bodily processes and due to it trapping toxic material it greatly reduces the burden on liver and kidneys.

A full body detox to remove built up metals will take approximately 4-9 weeks depending on age, general health and diet. There are always extremes in any situation of course, and it can take many months in some cases, the process however can be sped up dramatically when combined with green juice fasting as seen in a study by Dr Gabriel Cousenswhere 88% of the over 800 toxins were removed in 1 week and 100% removed in 2 weeks.

If the Zeolite is properly micronized, meaning the particle’s have been ground to a microscopic size, it will be able to break the blood brain barrier and clean out toxins like mercury and lead from the brain. It’s important that you see 3rd Party Particle Testing to verify the particle’s size before buying any Zeolite. All zeolite’s will still work, but mainly in the intestine similar to bentonite clay.

Zeolite has some other incredible benefits, there is evidence that it can also destroy cancer cells directly by triggering the P-21 gene. “When NCD’s molecular cages contain a heavy metal ion they have a polarised charge and as this polarised cage goes near a cancer cell their polar charge makes it easy for them to go through cancer cell membranes but not normal cell membranes. But when the cancer cell identifies the zeolite in the cell it realises that something may be wrong for it to be there in the first place and switches on the P21 gene that self-destructs the cancer cell.”Biochemist Rik Deitsch.

Once the heavy metal concentrations have been reduced, the Zeolite latches on to viral pieces or components. Because viruses replicate by first manufacturing viral components and then assembling them into a complete virus, Pure Liquid Zeolite, in essence, removes parts from the assembly line and blocks viral replication.

It will also buffer blood PH, as a slightly alkaline body pH (7.35 –7.45) is essential for good health and optimal immune function. Liquid Zeolite attracts and then buffers excess protons which cause acidity and in this way can help many conditions ranging from acid reflux to Candida and arthritis. In the same way that liquid zeolite can buffer excess protons and thus help balance body pH, it can also buffer excess glucose by its negative charge and therefore helps reduce blood sugar spikes and lowers insulin dependency.

The cage-like structure of Liquid Zeolite also traps free radical molecules, making it an effective antioxidant. This is not to say that liquid zeolite is a substitute for more conventional antioxidants such as Vitamins C, E and A, lutein and selenium, all of which have other vital roles to play in the body.

Liquid Zeolite also captures some of the allergens and antigens that trigger allergies, migraines, and asthma, and helps to reduce symptoms. Liquid Zeolite increases immune system function by removing the toxins and pathogens that depress immune function and interfere with hormone balance. It effectively stimulates the immune system, which further helps deal with toxins, viruses, yeasts, bacteria and fungi. As a result, many people report feeling increased energy, clarity and vitality of life.

Is Zeolite safe?

The removal of heavy metals and toxins is paramount in any health regime. Whether you are trying to treat a disease, looking to prevent disease or just remove the toxic burdens all around us, Zeolite is an amazing tool that will make a huge difference.

You may be asking “well won’t it remove all the good metals? And won’t it make me iron deficient?”

The answer is NO. Interestingly, people on Zeolite have a net increase in iron levels and other beneficial minerals due to the removal of the dangerous heavy metals that will block their absorption and storage. Zeolite is somewhat selective as it will go after the particles with the highest charge first, for example mercury and lead. It is recommended that you supplement your diet with a good quality broad spectrum colloidal mineral to make sure you replace all the things you’ve been missing.

In over 800 years of use throughout the world, there has never been any side effects to Zeolite recorded. However, slight dehydration can occur so be sure to drink plenty of water during the detoxification process.

Natural Cellular Defence from Pure Liquid Zeolite has also been safely used by pregnant women, nursing mothers and small children. It is safe to take with most medication, and has been granted a status of GRAS (Generally Recognised As Safe) by the United States FDA (Food & Drug Administration).

“With liquid zeolite, we have returned to the basic healing approach for all chronic diseases, which is to free up and activate the vital life force. Liquid Zeolite is truly an alchemical gift from the Divine”–Gabriel Cousens M.D.

I truly believe Pure Liquid Zeolite to be one of the keys to achieving good health in the 21st century. Not powdered Zeolite which actually intoxicates the consumer. Make sure what you are buying has been purified, is liquid, diluted and organic.

Products to Consider

I encourage you to look around, and do your own research into the right product for you, powdered Zeolite has been proven to be terrible for your health due to contaminants. But generally the closest thing to ‘organic, pure liquid Zeolite’ is what you’re looking for to be applied orally with a decent bio-available multivitamin as an optional, but advisable side supplementation.


I am aware of many MSM outlets ‘debunking’ multivitamins for regular use, but this disregards an epidemic of pesticide afflicted, low nutrient dense foods being served to the average person. We are not getting enough nutritionally.

GHC Health Zeotrex – Why this? A source that I highly endorse (NaturalNews) reported this as a great option for Liquid Zeolite due to it having extremely low contaminants “Near zero lead confirmed with four samples via ICP-MS.” Check out the article here.

“GHC’s Zeotrex is by far the cleanest we’ve yet tested in terms of heavy metals.”

Lead: 8ppb (essentially “zero”)
Cadmium: 22ppb (near “zero”)
Arsenic: 84ppb (very low)
Aluminum: around 30ppm (about 1/1000th the aluminum of powdered zeolites we’ve tested)


CytoDetox – Why this? A source that I highly endorse (NaturalNews) reported this as a great option for Liquid Zeolite due to it having very low contaminants. Article can be seen here.

Magnesium = 6934 ppb
Aluminum = 307 ppb (extremely low)
Cadmium = 0 ppb
Mercury = 0 ppb
Lead = 0 ppb
Uranium = 0 ppb


“If this is, indeed, a zeolite-based liquid supplement, it appears to be a true breakthrough in clean zeolites. My primary concern with zeolites, by the way, has never been with the zeolite material itself but rather the lead and aluminum released by pulverized zeolites.”

If you think of it this way; there will always be slight, slight traces of contaminants in these products (which are always being reduced each year), but their benefits completely overwhelm the slight toxic trace amounts because they (microscopic Zeolites) chelate (remove) heavy metals in the body anyway.

On the other hand, powdered Zeolite (the bad stuff) contains this, on average:

Zeolite product #1: (micronized powder)
Aluminum: > 30,000 ppm. (Yes, that’s not a typo.)
Arsenic: 35 ppm.
Lead: 66 ppm.
Uranium: 6 ppm.

Zeolite product #2: (different source of micronized powder in dietary capsules)
Aluminum: > 30,000 ppm.
Arsenic: 4 ppm.
Lead: 27 ppm.
Uranium: 4 ppm.

Zeolite product #3: (famous brand powder)
Aluminum: > 24,000 ppm.
Arsenic: 5 ppm.
Lead: 27 ppm.
Uranium: 6 ppm.

Check out here for FAQs.


   •    Lawrence Wilson, MD ©October 2012, The Center for Developmenthttp://www.drlwilson.com/articles/TOXIC%20METALS

   •    Boyd Haley PhD, Professor and Chair, Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/dailys/02/Sep02/091602/80027dd5.pdf

   •    Gabriel Cousens M.D. Tree of Life Rejuvenation Centre.