Tag Archives: materialism

The Pattern of this World

As put very succinctly by the ‘real rapper‘ Marcus Hopsin, the prevailing egoism in social circles today is primed by superficiality and self-entitlement; aka human merchandise that headlines shallow connotations as oddly valuable, the worship of the flesh and material things has poisoned the good character that many prior generations once held.


This is a catalytic creator of societies collectively pulled towards materialism as a qualification for a person that is deemed ‘desirable’ and acceptable, against our natural will, as none (or few of us) truly want to conform this way, but many will because it is convenient, and part of the herd mentality that has been monetized against the helpfulness of instinct as was once relevant in times of primitive circumstance, long passed. This neurological hijack is a self-perpetual cycle that requires certain mavericks to alter the trends set by corporate interest, rapper Marcus Hopsin is one of these mavericks.

The concept that material possessions are quintessential is propagated by corporate entities that thrive off of insecurity, dissatisfaction and above all; a materialistic mindset that will never be quenched – the clothes you wear, the car you drive, the house you own, the money you make; all bequeathed to the men in suits that name the game, set the terms, and engineer society to fulfill their vision, they rely on blind conformity to keep the cogs turning and have their far-reaching hands in every area of life imaginable.

They’ve convinced you that you need to buy their useless new product.

The men in dark suits will lift the bar marginally higher each year, and to keep your imaginary trophy cabinet updated, you’ll purchase the new stuff, follow their new trend; which is the same as the old stuff, just modified slightly. Materialism is profitable and present everywhere in a culture owned by corporations that have become too powerful for their own good.

2 Corinthians 4:4

Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Yahusha (Jesus*), who is the exact likeness of Elohim (God*).

Those bound to materialism, incapable of seeing the truth behind the ‘pattern’ of this world, will see these patterns as something to abide by. They are incapable of distinguishing light from dark.

Romans 12:2

Do not be conformed to this world,but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world.

This ‘pattern’ in the world is being set and reset constantly, it the choreography which we are told to dance to, don’t go through their motions, be a rock in Yahusha (Jesus); because our primitive minds and bodies will accustom to these worldly patterns willingly. But our spirits can discern the good from the bad, this spirituality comes from being baptized in the Word, figuratively washing your mind in the Word as much as possible – that’s where ‘brainwashing’ derives from, do the same with the Scriptures, reverse the satanic trash that has been integrated into your psyche – a righteous man who dedicated all to the light will have eyes that can truly see, and ears that can truly hear.

Psalm 18:2

Elohim is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, My Elohim, my rock, in whom I take refuge; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

Our flesh and matter is programmable, subtle symbols and words on repeat influence us – we can be cajoled into doing that which we consciously would oppose. It takes a strong, diligent spiritual backbone to reverse this, not church-ianity (just going to a Church for the feel-good factor), not relativist diligence, because that in itself is sensualist, kneeling to the bidding of your body (a fallen version of Elohim’s image).

It takes plenty of self-discipline to really ensure you don’t become a pawn, that’s why anything spiritual is shunned or ridiculed by materialistic king-pins; because the spirit overrides flesh-based programming; it unpicks everything and returns you to your true self, where you cannot be exploited. This Holy spirituality is ever relevant in the age where we are being relentlessly engineered.

Materialism is an ugly distraction.

Materialism is the literal obstacle in your way to spiritual enlightenment, you’re looking towards objects with imaginary prices defined with imaginary numbers with imaginary values attributed to pieces of paper (or whatever they use to make money); how is that meaningful whatsoever? You are loving the malleable, unreliable creations of men, not YHWH, our Elohim who created it all, the immovable rock, the bastion of truth, all else shall fade away, but the immaterial spirit shall never die.

Romans 1:25

They exchanged the truth of Elohim for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator, who is forever worthy of praise! Amen.

Psalm 37:1-2

Do not fret because of evildoers, Be not envious toward wrongdoers. For they will wither quickly like the grass And fade like the green herb.

*Jesus – The Greek attempted transliteration of the Messiah’s true name, Yahusha. Seems to be a contraction of the pagan Christianity founded by Rome combining Hesus, Horus and Krishna, hence Jesus H. Christ, never seen in the original Scriptures and a blasphemous addition of the lying scribes, that sought to unify the pagan Gods of Roman demesnes to boost stability for worldly reasons.

Jeremiah 8:8

“How can you say, ‘We are wise, And the law of Elohim is with us’? But behold,the lying pen of the scribes Has made it into a lie.

*God – A title that attempts to mirror ‘Elohim’ but seems to be a contraction of Gadriel, another name for Satan.

Universities: A Dying Society

Like every year, freshers is an inaugural week flagrantly branded as a period of debauchery, indulgence and immoderate behavior; somehow this is deemed acceptable, somehow this is deemed socially decent, it is encouraged in what call themselves institutions of academia, but now it is a hapless free-for-all.

Somehow universities are now hubs of materialistic crudities, a way for government to chain students to  lives of indebtedness, the destitute notion materialistic lifestyles are the answer to anything, and centers for brainwashing and general indoctrination.

Once in time these ‘universities’ were few and far between, reserved as genuine focal points of real academic progress, led by motivated people worthy of being there. Yet, these places are now often fully monetized businesses pushing superficial pieces of paper saying “yeah, he/she can do that” – with a hefty price tag in most cases.

The grade boundaries and entry requirements will plummet, and the lucrative money-making opportunities selling qualifications presents has seized upon sacrosanct self-informed knowledge as secondary baggage to a 3-year fun-fest while learning to be an appendage to currently present institutions.

When you couple materialism and ‘apparent’ education and ‘self-driven’ learning, you get superficial learning – because the materialistic side of University has overridden any previous desire to learn for one’s self. It has pushed the meaning behind engaging in a course (changing the world for the better) into the realm of getting a qualification to be paid and little else – indulgence, carelessness and wildness is hammered into young people as normal in University; people become hollow, people lose touch with reality and are given up to flesh-based ways.

Universities are not particularly innovative anymore, they are backwards ego-driven pits of uninspiring, bland solipsism, over-indulgence and liberal safe spaces; packed neatly into a campus shaped package to be put on the shelves for the ably paying customer.

Not Very Universal Universities

Other businesses are even involved in the university as an institution. Advertisements are lined into student peripheries, the falseness of the drinking culture that prevails here forges people dependent on external things. The university is tragically not very universal,  it is a partial creed of often campus-dwelling, socially inbred individuals – it breeds conformity – customers, workers, consumers and slaves.

Don’t Let Them Stop and Think

It bridges the time-gap between school and getting a job in the ‘real world’ – this ‘real world’ paradigm is pushed hard in universities as what comes through taking on board their indoctrination as ‘universally’ true, hence the complacent term, ‘university’, it discourages its antonym – ‘Diversity’ from ever gaining traction with people whatsoever, propagating ‘Erasmus’ vocational studies to create a ‘well rounded’ student that has been ‘well traveled’ – this does not constitute a well rounded person; it’s studying the same stuff, somewhere else.

‘Well-rounded’ would be to think critically, outside of the dimensions of limited ‘university’ boxes and conceptualizations, where lecturers know next to nothing about the real world, and have often come into their roles after brief stints on the job, or directly from universities themselves.

Science and Materialism Pushed in University

Besides the sheer materialism of indulgence in the conventional university lifestyle, ‘universities’ once again triumph in dogmatism, and lean towards a solely material conception of the world itself, discouraging numinous faith from playing much of a role in anything. Sciences are pushed as the high paying degrees, get the most funding, and are generally emphasized as the ‘superior’ course choices, based on what? Because science has all the answers? No. It pays the most? Apparently pay, titles and prestige drive students in university study.

Graduation Ceremonies are Distinctively Occult

The fingerprints of Freemason influences litter universities in the form of the mortarboard caps worn during graduation, the distinctive black square is symbolically associated with dark control, the circular scalpel inside a box being associated with the square and compasses of the renowned Freemason logo, in other words; mind control in the ruled, measured squaring of illumination, your scalpel/mind inside a box – if that’s not symbolic of control I don’t know what is. The black gowns worn are also distinctively Freemasonic, a long black veil that covers the person once again symbolizes control and obscurantism, the pierce the veil idea comes to the fore. If you are to veil something, you are to cover it, hide the contents from what is outside.

This is indisputably a Freemasonic, Luciferian modus operandi; aka illumination through knowledge, and not through spirit and faith. University protocol triumphs science, material world views and reasoning on the basis of that, which is merely a measurement of what is, not a recognition that our scope of vision is so infinitely limited that to look for higher guidance is our only way, to be shepherded from this realm, this dimension to the next, like a child that refuses to accept that their father knows more than they do, is maturer in every way and thus is billed with the job of bringing that child up into a higher, more refined state of being. Scientific approaches embrace the status quo, vehemently defying a higher realm, or any notion humans are so very limited to a 5-sense lens.

Materialistic Knowledge as Superior and ‘Universal’

Not for a moment am I saying University educations are necessarily completely negative. For those that know truthful, spiritual priorities, and give credence to an empathetic attitude in their aspirations through university will be in the world, but not of it, and use these material skills to incur spiritual realizations. It is when the ‘intellectual’ elitism takes over that a cause for concern is to be raised.

Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world,but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.

Universities prime us to hunger for worldly knowledge, putting participants through ranks and ‘degrees’ very much like Freemasonry has degrees and hailing successful candidates as intellectual elites, these degrees are egotistical titles and little else; they demonstrate prestige in worldly knowledge, and are especially vapid when their holders only refer to studying preconceived knowledge from established texts, and consider themselves somehow enlightened. This whole notion of ‘qualification’ (in the worldly realm) and superiority complex founded in degrees detracts from modesty, and the faithfulness that belief instills in somebody – especially in the context of humans being limited by the flesh, the idea that intellectual elitism is hailed as effective deism in scientific circles is astoundingly ignorant.

Truth comes not in degrees, sections, tiers or any such partiality, it is the whole of light (truth) or anti-light, the negation of that (falsehoods), there is no gray zone, no ‘middle’ fence to be dwelt upon – the Devil owns the fence, to put it bluntly. Don’t be lulled into university materialism, don’t think that is the highest form of self to be attained, it is not.