Tag Archives: Mckenna

Rise Up.

This ever relevant campaign video encourages one to look into the banking powers that be.The financial centers at the highest levels are controlled, rates are manipulated not according to genuine demand, but according to the elite’s decisions. Trade is siphoned, valuations muddled, all to create outcomes that favour a select few.

If we look back to 1815, the manipulation of the English stock markets upon Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo brought the Rothschild’s to effective power over the bank of England, this kind of manipulation is still occurring.

That which has been is that which will be, And that which has been done is that which will be done. So there is nothing new under the sun. Ecclesiastes 1:9

Unfortunately this corruption is not of public outlaws as we are continually told to focus on in the news, movies etc, with shows like crime watch programs, Captain America as the hero, and various police interceptor channels (that paint the authorities in a nice image). But of those behind the scenes at the top, behind the smiling face of the likes of Barack Obama, behind the cushioned illusion of choice of the left-right political paradigm, behind the huge media, football games, the party-lifestyles, petty issues, the empty education and the desire for money, sex and general gratification that always distracts us.

These elite men point the finger at the bottom, suggesting that the big issues are the likes of political correctness, white privilege, that one burglary, the illusory patriarchy, Donald Trump, the republican debate, the Superbowl, the Kardashians broke a nail – just anything that is not them. They want us looking in a mirror, they want us to be consumers without philosophers’ mindsets; dumb, insecure, hapless cattle to be channeled and divided, sold and bought, assets for their twisted agenda.

The State made Feminism*

The State, the establishment, Uncle Sam, whatever you want to call it has gotten western men’s testicles and masculinity in a proverbial vice. Men are facing a full frontal assault on their rights, health and culture like never before. The war on masculinity has never been so brutal – but it’s not a war being waged by women. The attack is coming directly from the top, as the establishment desperately attempts to emasculate and disempower men in order to force women to be more dependent on the state, thereby enabling more power to be centralized and aiding the growth of big government.

…it all comprises a cocktail consisting of a misandry-inducing welfare state mashed together with a pervasive, heavily backdoor funded, diversified campaign promoting:

  • Second Wave Feminism in the objective of a combined front; prioritizing & empowering women, and low-key shaming men, it does not promote equality as some might think. Second wave feminism was a creation of the establishment itself and at its core has little whatsoever to do with genuine concern about women’s rights. Radical feminism deliberately confuses gender roles and makes young men apprehensive about exercising their masculinity for fear of being seen as overbearing or aggressive towards women. This has contributed to an entire generation of “metrosexual” men who are promiscuous, unwilling to commit to a relationship and unable to fulfil a women’s basic needs for healthy companionship, destabilizing society and making it more difficult for women to find suitable long term partners with whom to have children.

  • Pushing of the sham ‘political correctness’; purveying the false, sensationalized notion that there is a oppressive patriarchy, however this has been debunked pay gaps are non-existent once numerous circumstantial factors are considered. So feminism’s real objective is simply to downplay healthy masculinity as ‘oppressive’.
  • Statists, collectivists and their mouthpieces in the media and the establishment claim that western men (in particular white men) cannot express a valid opinion on any issue related in any way to a “minority” (such as feminism or immigration) because they have “privilege”. The “privilege” talking point is a stunt through which liberals and feminists attempt to shut down free speech. In essence they are asserting the ludicrous notion that a man’s viewpoint has no value because of the color of his skin, his gender or his country of origin. This is an inherently racist position, yet it is routinely used by leftists to shout down their ideological adversaries and silence male voices.


  • Whereas women have numerous safety nets to turn to if they become victims of domestic abuse, men have virtually none, despite the fact that domestic abuse against men is a huge and growing problem. In the UK for example, 44 per cent of domestic abuse victims are male, while more married men suffer abuse at the hands of their spouse than married women. While domestic abuse against women is constantly highlighted by the mass media, domestic abuse against men is a complete non-issue.

  • Dissident feminist Camille Paglia recently wrote a Wall Street Journal piece in which she warned, “What you’re seeing is how a civilization commits suicide.” Paglia was referring to how the emancipation of masculine virtues by the establishment threatens to create massive destabilization in society due to less and less men being able to fill traditionally “masculine” roles in the jobs market. Paglia points to schools cutting recess, the effort to deny the biological distinctions between men and women, and the left’s characterization of controversial opinions as “hate speech” as examples of how masculinity is being deliberately eroded. “Masculinity is just becoming something that is imitated from the movies. There’s nothing left. There’s no room for anything manly right now,” warns Paglia, adding that young men have, “no models of manhood.”
True feminism and true liberalism have been smeared by establishment funded smear campaigns aimed at disenfranchising these ideological standpoints and completely destroying what they were originally.
  • In both divorce and child custody proceedings, it is widely acknowledged that courts heavily favor women and discriminate against men. Men are routinely hit with onerous alimony payments even if women are capable of working and earning a good paycheck. Men only receive custody of their children in around 10 per cent of divorce cases in the United States. The ironic thing about this system is that it has primarily been instituted by other men, emphasizing again how the war on men is being waged not by women, but by the primarily male-dominated establishment itself.
  • The establishment promulgates the myth that men are paid more than women because of discrimination, feeding into feminist doctrines about patriarchal systems oppressing women in the workplace. In reality, the “wage gap” of around 19 per cent between the two sexes in the United States is explained by a number of reasons that have nothing to do with discrimination, including the fact that men work more hours and men seek less desirable jobs that pay higher. As a result, men account for 93% of workplace deaths despite being only 54% of the workforce. 94% of workplace suicides every year are also men. The establishment buries these shockingly high male workplace fatality figures because they completely contradict the myth that the jobs market discriminates against women.
  • The rampant dissemination of pornography compromises the need to pursue a partner for many men, or at least deters it significantly.
  • Hormone disrupting chemicals in pesticides & plastics i.e. phtalates, all designed to feminize the male,  “Boys exposed to high levels of these in the womb were less likely than other boys to play with cars, trains and guns or engage in “rougher” games like playfighting,”
  • The wide promotion of homosexuality, a gay man is not generally masculine.
  • The romanticized demeanor of shyness and underwhelming male characters in popular culture, in another time this would have been ostracized. Whereas 50 years ago, advertising, Hollywood and television was filled with examples of positive masculine role models that young men could look up to, today’s entertainment industry routinely portrays men as clueless and bumbling oafs at best (think Homer Simpson, Everybody Loves Raymond, Married With Children) or at worst as aggressive sexual predators. Since advertising is primarily aimed at women, men in commercials are also now routinely depicted as either being emasculated losers or stupefied morons. Young men consuming this content grow up thinking that it is acceptable and even encouraged to aspire to these character traits. In doing so, they are robbed of their natural masculinity and find it extremely difficult to attract well-rounded women, who are rightly disgusted by such behavior. The entertainment industry is largely controlled by men, again underscoring the fact that this assault is a top down trend that has little or nothing to do with the gender war.
  • & the promotion of female assertiveness in popular culture (designed to subvert masculine traits).
  • Propagation of fattening, testosterone eliminating foodstuffs; fast food and canned beer is a big culprit in this context.
  • Wide promotion of handheld devices, that largely unknowingly cause sperm count and sperm motility to plummet when carried in the trouser pockets of men. Other negative effects are not yet fully known, as studies are suppressed.
  • Vaccines that sap vital resources in early childhood and foetal development, producing severely malnourished, emasculated men that have chemical imbalances leading to transgender conversions in many cases – or produce men trapped on the borderline between male and female.
  • The rise of autism in itself in many cases estranges a person from interaction with their fellow human on a healthy basis – caused mainly by vaccines, fluoridation, various toxic substances and the big one: aluminium.
  • Liberal viewpoints pushed in mainstream education, not just feminism and Marxism. More and more colleges and universities are intolerant of conservative perspectives, liberalism is a very feminine, emotionally based ideology – and more men are forced to uptake liberal viewpoints to get the girl, else be called ‘racist’ or generally shunned. Men must be subservient to gain the liberal girl they desire. Establishment-controlled second wave feminism advances the doctrine of cultural Marxism, which claims that oppression emerges from patriarchal society and culture, and not the state. Governments love cultural Marxism because it absolves them of blame. The true source of all oppression has always been the state, but by blaming it on men or western culture in general (which is primarily shaped by men), the state hides its own responsibility.
  • The promotion of virtual reality sex and sex substitutes for single men – this keeps men away from women and forming healthy partnerships. In Japan, this is especially prominent, and a prime cause for their population decline.
  • Promotion of the independent woman, and the removal of the false glass ceiling. This discourages marriages, and plummets natal rates to all time lows in western populations.


  • With a decline of culture & family traditions, the family roles will be broken down and any kids that are born will either have substandard parenting or will be given up as orphans to the state. The state is ultimately going to dictate a child’s upbringing. This makes the masculine male evermore redundant.
  • Welfare state and benefits reduces the need for child-bearing women to rely on the man for resources. The state cuckolds the man and reduces his relevance in the marriage – thus reducing the relevance of marriage altogether!
  • With emasculation oftentimes comes sexual incompatibility, which brews depression and neurotic conditions; leading to a narrow, confused mode of thinking, further driving an individual into the quagmire of despair.


This ties into the New World Order’s (NWO) goal to crush the traditional western family that has been persistent for eons, and ties into destroying the stable family expectations declared in the Holy Bible, social engineering at its finest.

Migrants coming in are generally far more masculine than the western man, they also have little interest in obliging their obedience to western doctrine, this proves in part that the overriding agenda is to inundate the sterile, emasculated west with the fertile, masculine migrants who will take over ideologically and genetically due to their tendency towards rapid and fruitful reproduction and the inherent passing-on of their socialist, liberty-opposed ideas and ways of life i.e. Islamic Sharia Law. Furthermore, the migrant man is generally taught to hate the Kafir (non-believer), even if it is subtle, the wars against their native nations do not help with the reconciliation effort, and do not guarantee that everyone will make up and just be friends anytime soon; it’s all a rather far cry from integration. Yet forced open borders, and unchecked migration still takes place.

Chinese communism/socialism is a wet dream for corporate heads, importing and establishing this ideology with near-east migrants or ‘refugees’ is a simple solution to quelling the fire of western liberty that threatens their control. The migrants have the right mindset, they also will breed quickly. Methods and deployment are therefore astute, the investment of a funded migrant crisis is rather worthwhile.

Psychology dictates that women are always seeking a provider, a ‘shadow’ individual to maintain the resources they require to bring up a child. This yearning is woven into the female genetics and is exemplified in the current exploitation that is taking place. The welfare state is robbing men of that provider role and shifting the reliance to the governing authority which gives these lucrative handouts such as child benefits.

Suffrage (Giving women the vote) coupled with third wave feminism, is another generator of the welfare state, the failure of society to appeal to our inherent gender roles has knocked the implicitly logical, leadership of men astray. More and more ‘stay-at-home’ dads are taking up the carer roles of now working women, the gender roles have been effectively flipped.

A totalitarian society can only survive if the male population has been gelded, emasculated and disenfranchised. With this natural bulwark against tyranny removed, the elite can centralize power and pursue collectivist tyranny unopposed. This is why men and masculinity are under assault on every level – and why both men and women should join forces to fight back against this common enemy.

Graham Hancock: Psychedelics

Psychoactive plants reputedly have the potential to induce transcendental experiences that may help one surpass the ‘5 sense’ realm of the sensual realm, and pierce the veil in terms of self actualization and spirituality; in a world where we are ruthlessly encouraged to look to the external world for our answers, our purpose, our definition, our identity. Ayahuasca might be our gateway back within, or should I say out – we are inside out universes after all.

Graham Hancock, pioneer in the dissemination of information regarding the use and effects of psychoactive plants, conveys a TED talk in an attempt to de-stigmatize a gray area in modern science. Blotted by major pharmaceutical companies and crony governments that likely wish to keep their populaces contained:


The essence of Hancock’s talk covered how Ayahuasca and Psilocin mushrooms are  downplayed as negatively mind altering, a stigma that has been the commonest excuse for classifying psychoactive mushrooms as harmful drugs in numerous countries across the planet.


The few remaining shamanistic groups that undergo regular use of these mushrooms have expressed great concern in regards to the direction of a de-spiritualized America and general western world. Pinning a lack of spiritual exposure to the noticeable aberration from empathetic behaviour and an acquiescence of ignorance, materialism and a host of other sinful activities that lack empathetic foresight.


Psychedelic drugs are illegal not due to health reasons, else alcohol and cigarettes (that actually damage you) would also be made illegal, they (psychedelics) are illegal due to the following…

“Psychedelics are illegal, not because the government is concerned you will jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and cultural trappings, models of behaviour and preconceived notions of information processing.” – Terence McKenna (Paraphrased)

Don’t follow your dreams?

Ayahuasca may also be a cancer mitigation approach?



