Tag Archives: presidency

Macron Wins: France Set For Havoc

The ‘En Marche!’ Presidential candidate, billed ‘outsider’ and centrist Emmanuel Macron, a thorough insider establishment figurehead with strong ties to Rothschild banking and the Bilderberg group, has emerged victorious in the second, final round of the French elections.

Marine Le Pen, the nationalist candidate representing the ‘Front National’, lost the vote with a strong 40% to Macron’s majority of 60%.

Le Pen’s eastern support proves not enough this time around.

However, former UKIP leader Nigel Farage has suggested that Le Pen is set for a 2022 victory as French nationalism is bound to be stoked enough by then, as a further five years under the boot of EU dominion will undoubtedly create an ever stronger appetite for nationalist politics.

One outlet stated before the outcome; “Europe signs its own death warrant”

“With the continent wrestling with mass immigration and losing faith in its traditions and beliefs, its civilisation faces collapse” — Douglas Murray, Sunday Times

Nigel Farage stated that:

“A giant deceit has been voted for today. Macron will be Juncker’s puppet.”

France sleepwalks into the abyss.

  • France has elected a man who has described Brexit as a “crime”; note that Brexit was a completely democratic vote of self-determination.
  • France has elected a man who calls people who choose to civilly vote for another candidate, “hateful” and “cowardly”.
  • France has elected a man who deems terrorism a ‘normal’ part of daily life.
  • France has elected a man endorsed by the Rothschilds and disastrous globalist political figures such as Obama, Hollande, and Juncker’s EU gang.
What does Macron really mean for France?
  • Macron has gone on record stating that terrorism is a ‘normal’ part of daily life. His open-doors policy approach will mean further Islamisation of France, leaving the doors wide open for further attacks to take place in an already deeply fractious & inflammatory nation.
  • Macron’s support for EU policies means further cultural Marxism will take place, pushing the already faded Western French identity further and further towards oblivion. This is compounded, as liberal stances continue to push ‘cultural equality’ as a social standard.
  • Macron’s allegiance to Rothschild & Bilderberger interests means globalism will be firmly on his agenda. His statement claiming his desire to ‘reform’ the EU is folly, and a platitude to snatch some right of centre voters at best, he is vested interest and will never abandon globalist plans to make the EU bloc-superstate a firm reality.
  • The Macron leaks, proven as legitimate by WikiLeaks, show Macron as a hedonist, tax evader working as a stooge to corporate interests. His sudden & unexpected appearance in politics to run as French President shows how Macron is not a self-made man, he has been catapulted onto the scene with the right backing at the right time to keep nationalism at bay following an extremely unpopular Hollande Presidency.
  • Macron has stated that “No religion is a problem in France today,” in a shocking demonstration of negligence towards the rise of radical Islamic fundamentalism that has claimed the lives of hundreds. He spouts a desire for secularism in government, but ignores the blatant threat of Islamic aggression in France.
  • Macron is a socialist, and socialism has historically never worked, wherever he implements socialism, France will wither and die. An example of poor socialist policies include his pledge to give each 18-year-old a £424 (£500) “culture pass” to spend on cinema visits, theatres and concert tickets.
  • Macron has virtue-signalled his way into power, his vague, centrist lovey-dovey image is a put-on to get into power. From the moment of his inauguration, Macron will backpedal everything and pursue a very different approach in political office.

Marine Le Pen does not appear to be giving up, she seems likely to rerun for election in 2022:

My dear Friends around the World. This battle is not over. Believe me. Stand with me for then next steps to liberate !

Ultimately, the descent of western civilisation into ever-greater centralised EU federalism, a cesspool of cultural dilution and socialism will eventually prompt a nationalist movement in France — the question left to us is quite simply, when?