Tag Archives: really

Trump: a true outsider?

Trump has been all talk; but he’s beginning to take some action.

Of course Trump’s piecemeal, virtue-signalling in form of refusing the 400,000 dollar Presidential salary is a charming, but ultimately meaningless stance that only virtuously segues his transition into office. The true question remains, will Trump actually follow through with his claims? I think so.

Conspiracy circles are awash with disconcertment surrounding the real basis of Donald Trump’s government ties, (or lack thereof). The arguments put forward either speculate Trump is an establishment figurehead pandering to an audience thirsting for change. Or contrarily, that Trump is legitimate in his words; and that his actions will follow suit in due time.

Yes, Trump did compliment Hillary on her campaign after her loss; but that is playing the game of politics: it is very unlikely those statements were rooted in any sincerity.

If anything, it is a demonstration of class to graciously brush off heavy, unilateral admonition, and come out being respectful.


Alternative media website ‘Smoloko’ has outlined how Trump’s position as President-elect has already begun to tarnish globalist plans, and illustrate the ever-convincing picture that he really is an ‘outsider’ politician.

  • The Globalist ‘TPP’ trade agreement was scrapped soon after Trump became President-elect, this indicates the corporate forces behind the agreement know that Trump will dismantle the agreement once in power, continuing negotiations on TPP would be therefore wasteful and pointless.
  • Russian-US relations are normalizing ever since Trump won the election. The globalist agenda wants Russia vanquished; not harmoniously co-opted. The fact Putin is optimistic of restoring bilateral ties shows Trump may not be establishment after all.
  • Trump has advocated support of Assad and focused opposition to ISIS, the current establishment government seek to support ISIS and focus opposition on Assad.
  • Trump appears supportive of Israel, but already, Trump has made a number of “Israeli” officials publicly make fools of themselves; drawing admonishment from Netanyahu. I believe Trump will turn on Israel once in office, but until then he must maintain a friendly demeanour, and play politics smartly to keep his options open.
  • Trump has featured on anti-establishment media platforms (Infowars), while openly criticizing mainstream media platforms. This suggests that Trump takes kindly to the type of media that challenges authority, ringing true to the fundamental doctrine of the US constitution, and instruction of the Holy Bible.
  • Trump has come out against globalist facets such as Monsanto, and has criticized the globalist-coordinated vaccine industry for causing the autism epidemic.
  • Trump is a firm nationalist, he is against outsourcing production to China and sees global cooperation as possible within the context of many nations that balance each other out, not one conglomerate global nation with unchallenged power in the hands of a few. This is the antithesis of globalism, and shows Trump to be anti-establishment.
  • Trump has described himself as ‘Mr. Brexit’ – showing his disdain for globalist supranational politics that usurps national powers and identity.


If Trump was an establishment candidate, as so many people clumsily assert, then Putin, Assad, Farage, and other anti-NWO stalwarts would not be on his side, cheering.