Tag Archives: red

Bureaucratic systems strangle liberty and free thought

Bureaucracy, red tape, what ever you want to call it, is dangerous; it’s thought control when in the wrong hands, I’m going to explain why that is.

Why is it dangerous to have regulations? To have rules and guidelines? The answer is simply excess. Deliberate, blinding, overwhelming excess. Let me explain.

The true definition of freedom is reality in parallel with natural law, i.e. our actions are governed by free will, and the consequences of those actions are governed by natural law, not some abstract, out-of-touch rule devised by a man.

Children look for reality in simple forms of pleasure and pain, we do this throughout our lives in making sense of the world around us.

As children we are taught by natural law not to touch a flame as it will burn us, and that hurts, so we don’t do it again.

Likewise, the state teaches us not to do things and threatens us with suffering, except the state changes its rules all the time, it uses the suffering paradigm to enforce its own reality, while natural law keeps its rules the same. I think its easy to point out which one is the fake.

When we get caught up in the state’s authorship of our ‘reality’ it’s because we think the state is worthy of our unquestioning loyalty and respect. It isn’t, and history’s great sufferings proves that to be true.

Our realities are always changing because of a thing called stimulus, we need to understand the state is the biggest man-made stimulus in our lives. Because this stimulus is man-made we must take into account every aspect of what man is and how that defines the stimulus we are exposing ourselves, and our concepts about reality, to. This includes taking into account the negative roots of a man-made stimulus, such as: corrupt, greedy, egotistical, deceptive, etcetera.

This all sounds so simple, and it is, but people do struggle in differentiating the state’s rules from natural law and common sense. They live their lives by an ever-growing, ever-changing book of rules and regulations. In essence, allowing someone to constantly program and reprogram them to behave in a certain way – that’s dangerous, and I think any sane individual would agree.

‘Right think’ and ‘wrong think’, Orwell’s 1984 seen in state’s creeping red tape.

An example of this is the US government banning the collection of rain water and smoking cannabis, (a safe, beneficial medicinal plant). Both of these cases are in direct contravention to free-will, the choice to do these things does not harm anyone but the government insists it does. I’m waiting for a ruling ‘authority’ to say breathing is banned.

the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants.” — the primary definition of ‘freedom

The mere thought of Islam producing a toxic culture in the middle-east is ‘wrong think’ and not ‘politically correct’ – but what is ever ‘correct’? And who could ever have the sheer arrogance to rule in absolutes? Someone that does that should not be followed.

Think in terms of empirical reality: natural law.

So, if you were to jump off a cliff, the law of gravity would bring you down and likely result in your death – that’s cause and effect in tandem with natural law. State imposed rules are so often on abstract, nonsensical terms that force upon us faulty, insane notions at the barrel of a gun.

Forging a false reality: Too much red tape is about thought control, about laying out a minefield where you are always ‘wrong’ unless you refer to the presiding authority first.

This is why it’s so important to not blindly accept the state’s overwhelming bureaucratic red tape and to always challenge it when common sense holds more relevance. If you succumb to letting the state guide you as an individual, you forfeit your free thought and can easily be led astray.

It’s about dominating the individual, uprooting the ‘self’ and imposing the collective, ‘bee-hive’ thought.

Mass-control is big business in the higher-ups, as it has been in ruling classes throughout history, the globalist elites know that it is crucial to consolidating their position, and holding sway over the masses.

Think of herding sheep, a hive-mind collective running away from wherever the sheep dog emerges. Now understand that the sheep dog is the ever-changing ‘regulations’ of the state – it only works when the targets are easily led-on.

Bureaucracy is about domination, it ties into a policy of herding the sheep – subtly guiding our subconscious minds towards a general school of thought with threats, the metaphorical sheep dog that chases us around is the red tape that bludgeons our freedom to think freely every day. It’s the false box that is built around us; the mold we must conform to or else.

Too much red tape is dangerous for a free-thinking society because it forces us to question ourselves within the system of preordained ‘truths’, it masks simple, empirical realities by saying “the state’s rules and regulations come first before all else, even common sense – even natural law.”

Red tape is about making authority seem like the author of ‘natural law’, the difference is natural law never changes – the laws of men change all the time.

For example, the egg ‘salmonella’ scare propagated by the mainstream media, now proven false made most of us cautious around eggs and their preparation before consumption. This was an unnecessary, unfounded mental block that changed our behavior contrary to what was true.


Truth Lockdown in Progress

Within a few generations, the knowledge we have access to now about reality and truth will be gone.

Information deemed by broad, vague terminology such as ‘inflammatory’ or ‘offensive’ is currently being phased-out as more and more restrictive policies on information are being introduced into the world of data; freedom of expression is under attack.

Many sources of high quality independent, third-party based information are under major threat, as they challenge and undermine the Globalist narrative, which is founded largely on deceit and people’s ignorance. It is understandable therefore, that any information that opens the door to hidden realities is seen as threatening.

Fake news” is a prime example of how ‘undesirable’ information is getting witch-hunted and booted from major platforms, as well as being on the receiving-end of vicious mainstream media led smear campaigns.

The mainstream narrative should always be questioned, and those that it derides must be given attention.

I urge readers to purchase real, physical books on truth about how the world works as the intangible digital world is entering a phase of lockdown. If there is a possibility that globalists can erase the culture of liberty and human rights, they will (and are) attempting to by removing the physical and digital forms of that information. The next step is to indoctrinate new generations into docility and apathy, and most importantly, the willful rejection of independent info, principles of liberty, and all key precursors to individual thought.

Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other Globalist-linked platforms are actively participating in demonetizing, removing and demoralizing outlets & channels that speak ‘undesirable’ words and convey ideas deemed by their guidelines as ‘hateful’ or some such vague, concocted accusatory term, it is becoming evident that free speech is getting the back seat, while people’s ‘feelings’ are in pole position.

The CBS eye logo, a sinister reference to the ‘all-seeing eye’, representative of the information centralization & control revered by the Global elite.

The Elite-owned corporate giants are slowly crushing all ‘wrong-think’. Their approach will be gradual, their result will be heightened or total control over the movement and presentation of information, all such censorship and monitoring will be disguised as in the ‘best interests’ of the public concerned.

Big censorship is nearly here.

Refer to this article for more info.

The company maintains at least nine different blacklists that impact our lives, generally without input or authority from any outside advisory group, industry association or government agency.

Google is not the only company suppressing content on the internet. Reddit has frequently been accused of banning postings on specific topics, and a recent report suggests that Facebook has been deleting conservative news stories from its newsfeed, a practice that might have a significant effect on public opinion – even on voting. Google, though, is currently the biggest bully on the block.

When Google’s employees or algorithms decide to block our access to information about a news item, political candidate or business, opinions and votes can shift, reputations can be ruined and businesses can crash and burn. Because online censorship is entirely unregulated at the moment, victims have little or no recourse when they have been harmed. Eventually, authorities will almost certainly have to step in, just as they did when credit bureaus were regulated in 1970. The alternative would be to allow a large corporation to wield an especially destructive kind of power that should be exercised with great restraint and should belong only to the public: the power to shame or exclude.