Tag Archives: Trump

Syria Strikes “Cripple US-Russia Relations”

Responding to Trump’s unexpected military attack on Syria in which 59 cruise missiles were launched (of which only 23 allegedly hit their target), Russian President Vladimir Putin “regards the strikes as aggression against a sovereign nation,” his spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, noting that the president believes the strikes were carried out “in violation of international law, and also under an invented pretext.”

The Kremlin spokesman insisted that “the Syrian army doesn’t have chemical weapons,” saying this had been “observed and confirmed by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, a special UN unit.”

“It makes perfect sense that Assad would use chemical weapons he doesn’t have in a war he’s nearly won just to draw the west in to this war.”— from Twitter

The Russian president said he sees the US missile strikes as an attempt to distract attention from civilian casualties in Iraq, Peskov added.

“This step deals significant damage to US-Russian ties, which are already in a deplorable state,” Peskov said and added that the US has been ignoring the use of chemical weapons by terrorists and this is dramatically aggravating the situation, in Putin’s opinion.

“The main thing, Putin believes, is that this move [by the U.S.] doesn’t draw us nearer to the end goal in the fight with international terrorism and on the contrary, deals a serious setback to the creation of an international coalition in the fight with it,” Peskov said.

* * *

Other Russians took the opportunity to opine as well, led by Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov who said the US missile attack on a Syrian airbase is an act of aggression under a far-fetched pretext and is reminiscent of the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Quoted by Tass, the top Russian diplomat said “It is an act of aggression under a completely far-fetched pretext. This is reminiscent of the situation in 2003, when the US and the UK, along with some of their allies, invaded Iraq without the consent of the UN Security Council and in violation of international law.”

“When speaking about the military intervention in Iraq many years after it happened, Tony Blair (who served as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1997 to 2007) acknowledged that they had misled everybody,” Lavrov emphasized. “Now they did not even bother to provide any facts referring only to photos,” he noted. “They indulged in speculations on children’s photos, on evidence provided by various non-governmental organizations, including the so-called White Helmets, which staged various ‘incidents’ to instigate action against the Syrian government.”

Moscow will demand truth of Idlib events, Lavrov stressed. “It is regrettable that all these causes do more harm to the already damaged relations between Russia and the United States. Hope remains that these provocations will not entail irreversible effects,” Lavrov said.

Russian lawmakers also took to the microphone on Friday, warning that the U.S. airstrikes in Syria could lead to an escalation of conflict in the Middle East and dash any plans for a U.S.-Russian coalition against terrorism.

“It’s a new round of escalation in the Middle East. These ill-judged, irresponsible actions don’t contribute to global security, security in the Middle East,” Andrei Krasov, the first deputy head of the defense committee in the Russian lower house of parliament, told state news agency RIA. “Other military conflicts, an expansion of military conflicts, are entirely possible,” he added.

Russian Senator Konstantin Kosachev said the airstrikes meant the possibility of a broad antiterror coalition in Syria “bites the dust before it was even born.”

He said the aim of the U.S. strike was to “rubber stamp” responsibility on Mr. Assad’s for the chemical attack in Idlib province on Tuesday. “‘The walls of Trump’ are multiplying. And everything started so well. It’s a real shame,” said a post on the Facebook page of Mr. Kosachev, head of the international relations committee in Russia’s upper house of Parliament.

Another lawmaker, Mikhail Emelyanov, warned against the risk of clashes between Russian and U.S. forces. “The U.S. is being dragged into the war in Syria in the full knowledge that Russia is supporting Syria and our troops are there, which means it’s fraught with direct clashes between Russia and the U.S. and the consequences could be the most serious, even armed clashes and exchanges of strikes,” Mr. Emelyanov told Interfax news agency.

* * *

In immediate response, Moscow suspended its memorandum of understanding on flight safety in Syria with the US following the missile strike, calling the attack “a demonstration of force.” The Russian military has supported the Syrian government’s version of the events in Idlib, saying that Damascus attacked an arms depot where chemical weapons had been stockpiled by Islamic State and Al-Nusra Front militants.

“Without bothering to investigate anything, the US went forward with a demonstration of force, a military confrontation with a country that is fighting international terrorism,” the Foreign Ministry’s statement reads.

“Obviously, the cruise missile attack was prepared beforehand. Any expert can tell that the decision to strike was made in Washington before the events in Idlib, which were used as a pretext for a demonstration,” the statement reads.

The Memorandum on air safety was signed in October 2015, after Russia came to Syria to fight international terrorism at the invitation of the country’s government. The document of understanding was designed to prevent possible mishaps between the Russian and US Air Forces operating independently in the region.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry has condemned the attack as an example of the “reckless attitude” that has only worsened “existing world issues” and created a “threat to international security.”

* * *

Additionally, according to Tass, in response to the strikes, the Russian frigate Admiral Grigorovich armed with Kalibr cruise missiles will be deployed to the Tartus naval base in Syria. The Russian Black Sea Fleet’s frigate The Admiral Grigorovich, currently on a routine voyage, will enter the Mediterranean later on Friday, a military-diplomatic source in Moscow told TASS, adding that the ship would make a stop at the logistics base in Syria’s port of Tartus.

“The Russian ship armed with cruise missiles Kalibr will visit the logistics base in Tartus, Syria,” the source said.

The Admiral Grigorovich is currently near the Black Sea straits. It is scheduled to enter the Mediterranean at about 14:00 Moscow time. The ship left on a voyage after replenishing supplies at Novorossiisk and taking part in a joint exercise with Turkish ships in the Black Sea. Tass’s source said the frigate’s presence off Syria’s shores will depend on the situation.

Source: Zero Hedge

Vaccines: Trump considers RFK Jr

Following meeting Dr Andrew Wakefield, and after having tweeted a strongly sceptical standpoint surrounding the safety of vaccines issued today, President-elect Donald J. Trump has allegedly, according to incoming White House press secretary Sean Spicer, considered appointing prominent vaccine sceptic, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, to head a  vaccine committee. Spicer stated that the two had discussed “the issues pertaining to vaccines and immunizations.”

After the meeting concluded, Kennedy told reporters that Mr. Trump had asked him to “chair a commission on vaccination safety and scientific integrity.”

Kennedy said he told Mr. Trump he would agree to chair such a commission, and that their meeting was held at Mr. Trump’s request.

Mr Kennedy, perhaps best known for being the son of the well-admired liberal advocate Sen. Bobby Kennedy, commonly known by his initials as RFK, has swung from environmental campaigning to focus on the dangers of vaccines in more recent times.

Mr. Trump has repeatedly shared his belief that there is a link between vaccines and autism, explaining the move to appoint Kennedy in such a position:


“I am totally in favour of vaccines,” Mr. Trump said in a 2015 GOP primary debate. “But I want smaller doses over a longer period of time. Same exact amount, but you take this little beautiful baby, and you pump–I mean, it looks just like it’s meant for a horse, not for a child, and we’ve had so many instances, people that work for me. … [in which] a child, a beautiful child went to have the vaccine, and came back and a week later had a tremendous fever, got very, very sick, now is autistic.” That kind of anecdote is near irrefutable by any sensible, reasonable person.

Putin wont react to Obama

Vladimir Putin will not retaliate against US sanctions, in a move that Mr. Putin called ‘kitchen’ diplomacy from provocateur Obama following the sudden expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats from US soil in a matter of weeks prior to President-elect Donald J. Trump’s inaugural ceremony.

A Cold War reboot in the works? Putin knows taking the bait will spell disaster for a Russia already deep in economic destitution.

The questionable diplomatic move comes in a teetering, pivotal moment in history that is set to introduce the most nationally, constitutionally leaning US leader in a long time, and unveils the late Barack Obama as apparently more interested in keeping West-East relations fraught and contentious – even despite the soon to be President Mr. Trump being clearly vocal about relationships rather than conflicts as his official political stance.

Russia will not ‘stoop to irresponsible diplomacy’

Whatever the motives for Obama’s (and his controllers’) horrendous decision to expel these Russian diplomats, the indicators all suggest that somebody or some group wants Russian-US relations to be tarnished. Putin’s clever indifference shows this up; the provocation is seemingly solely on Obama’s side of things, a scary prospect given this is an end of term move that could have affected Trump’s ability to repair East-West relations, we can be thankful Putin knows better than to stoop so low.

Former UKIP Leader, Nigel Farage stated on Twitter that he was ‘Pleased to see a mature response from Putin. A @realDonaldTrump presidency can’t come soon enough.’

Despite the move, Putin, as classy as ever, has wished Obama a happy new year and invited children of US diplomats to the Kremlin party marking the new year.

Putin won’t leave this move unanswered though, a loss of diplomats on US soil will harm Russia, by leaving a response for later Putin wins the public image side of things and keeps his already scarred international prestige mostly intact.

Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov said: “In our point of view such actions of the US current administration are a manifestation of an unpredictable and even aggressive foreign policy.

“We regret the fact that this decision was taken by the US administration and President Obama personally. As was said before, we consider this decision and these sanctions unjustified and illegal under international law.

Mr Peskov warned that the restrictions won’t go unanswered by Moscow promising “adequate, reciprocal” reaction “that will deliver significant discomfort to the US side in the same areas.” However, he added that “there’s no need to rush”.

Trump: a true outsider?

Trump has been all talk; but he’s beginning to take some action.

Of course Trump’s piecemeal, virtue-signalling in form of refusing the 400,000 dollar Presidential salary is a charming, but ultimately meaningless stance that only virtuously segues his transition into office. The true question remains, will Trump actually follow through with his claims? I think so.

Conspiracy circles are awash with disconcertment surrounding the real basis of Donald Trump’s government ties, (or lack thereof). The arguments put forward either speculate Trump is an establishment figurehead pandering to an audience thirsting for change. Or contrarily, that Trump is legitimate in his words; and that his actions will follow suit in due time.

Yes, Trump did compliment Hillary on her campaign after her loss; but that is playing the game of politics: it is very unlikely those statements were rooted in any sincerity.

If anything, it is a demonstration of class to graciously brush off heavy, unilateral admonition, and come out being respectful.


Alternative media website ‘Smoloko’ has outlined how Trump’s position as President-elect has already begun to tarnish globalist plans, and illustrate the ever-convincing picture that he really is an ‘outsider’ politician.

  • The Globalist ‘TPP’ trade agreement was scrapped soon after Trump became President-elect, this indicates the corporate forces behind the agreement know that Trump will dismantle the agreement once in power, continuing negotiations on TPP would be therefore wasteful and pointless.
  • Russian-US relations are normalizing ever since Trump won the election. The globalist agenda wants Russia vanquished; not harmoniously co-opted. The fact Putin is optimistic of restoring bilateral ties shows Trump may not be establishment after all.
  • Trump has advocated support of Assad and focused opposition to ISIS, the current establishment government seek to support ISIS and focus opposition on Assad.
  • Trump appears supportive of Israel, but already, Trump has made a number of “Israeli” officials publicly make fools of themselves; drawing admonishment from Netanyahu. I believe Trump will turn on Israel once in office, but until then he must maintain a friendly demeanour, and play politics smartly to keep his options open.
  • Trump has featured on anti-establishment media platforms (Infowars), while openly criticizing mainstream media platforms. This suggests that Trump takes kindly to the type of media that challenges authority, ringing true to the fundamental doctrine of the US constitution, and instruction of the Holy Bible.
  • Trump has come out against globalist facets such as Monsanto, and has criticized the globalist-coordinated vaccine industry for causing the autism epidemic.
  • Trump is a firm nationalist, he is against outsourcing production to China and sees global cooperation as possible within the context of many nations that balance each other out, not one conglomerate global nation with unchallenged power in the hands of a few. This is the antithesis of globalism, and shows Trump to be anti-establishment.
  • Trump has described himself as ‘Mr. Brexit’ – showing his disdain for globalist supranational politics that usurps national powers and identity.


If Trump was an establishment candidate, as so many people clumsily assert, then Putin, Assad, Farage, and other anti-NWO stalwarts would not be on his side, cheering.

Trump vs Globalists

Hillary’s apparently magnanimous concession speech lacked sincerity according to Rush Limbaugh via his radio show, Limbaugh alleges that the establishment are “seething” and within “two weeks” will respond with a gradual and vicious smear campaign that will spell Trump’s inauguration and presidency as one marred by a sorely divided public opinion.

The face of disappointment; barely contained by ‘false’ magnanimity. Bill Clinton is seen wiping a tear from his eye.

Dishonest media reporting did not hold back during the polling phase; portraying Trump as liable to “lose in a landslide” in a last ditch attempt to bend the already distorted, malleable public opinion towards a disenfranchised ‘would-be-trump’ vote for Hillary by means of doubt. The truth is, Trump was never going to lose in a landslide; establishment ‘experts’ and pollsters were lying more than ever in the moment it mattered most. Unsurprisingly, the negative publicity continues even now.

The establishment will be respectful today: but will bite hard tomorrow.

The establishment’s goal is to undermine and de-legitimise Trump’s capacity to enact legislation that threatens their ‘untouchable’ status quo. ‘Against the odds’ they have taken a heavy blow; and now it is an exhaustive game of mitigation against what Trump can do in government; if possible even forcing Trump’s resignation, how they will do this is anyone’s guess at present.

The establishment control the largest dormant financial crash in history; and might use it to smear and void Trump’s presidency.

The Federal Reserve is still in the Elite’s control, and may, ironically, prove to be their last ‘Trump’ card against President Trump. Dropping the financial bomb during Trump’s term and blaming it on him is a resort that cannot be ruled out.

The financial disarray would incite mass civil unrest atop an already deeply caustic distaste for Trump, perhaps prompting a revolutionary ousting.

Other sources allege Trump is a masterfully disguised establishment candidate.

Trump, who has been on record seen to mingle within Clinton circles is regarded by some sources as proof of Mr. Trump’s political infidelity.

  • Trump is allegedly set to appoint a CFR member and former Goldman Sachs partner in his government.
  • Trump has been seen making the ‘666’ hand gesture habitually, this may be coincidental, but could indicate occult affiliations.
  • Trump is supportive of Israel, a nation that has done much to exacerbate the middle eastern crisis. While Trump’s attitude towards Israel could potentially be innocuous and discouraging of further oppressive foreign policy in bipartisan cooperation and funding of Israel, the possibility remains that Trump will not cease the imperialistic desires for a Greater Israel to be established, a big goal for the Elites.
  • Trump is set to appoint Illuminati affiliated Newt Gingrich to exercise his foreign policy.

Whatever the truth is, all will come to fruition when Trump is inaugurated and he finally begins to enact the past few years’ rhetoric, how much will actually be implemented, how much was pandering?


Trump Win Astounds

Donald J. Trump has been made President-elect in a historically successful, albeit contentious bid to attain the highest office in US government. What are the implications?

Donald Trump’s victory is (likely) a victory for ordinary, decent people against a corrupt establishment. It is a victory for peace against war and for cooperation over confrontation.

Trump’s triumphant win could mark the reversing point of globalist momentum in Western seats of power, and maybe even restore the bilateral mutuality of peaceful nation-states capable of working alongside one another; a world view held in admiration by Trump and other apparently non-Globalist leaning world leaders; especially in regards to cooperating with Russia’s Vladimir Putin, this could see the cooling of middle eastern escalation, the end of ISIS, and the (indefinite) restoration of world peace.

Obama’s remaining time in office leaves significant uncertainty.

Barack Obama

Barack Obama, a globalist puppet, will remain in office until Trump assumes the post in January of 2017, this leaves a short period by which Obama and his shadow affiliates could trigger catastrophe that would preserve his (and their) position; theories vary, but a global conflict masking an overdue financial collapse may be prompted to alleviate the due process of US democracy; thus preventing Trump from actually taking office.

Trump: “Drain the Swamp”

Donald Trump’s recent allusive comments in regards to ‘draining the swamp’ directly refer to the blatant corruption in circles of power in the US government. Hopefully, Trump actually delivers in ousting the bad eggs and jailing Clinton; proving his oft iterated statements are not hot air rhetoric, this should be something he capitalises on doing in his promises to voters.


Trump could backtrack, or worse; be an establishment candidate in heavy disguise.

The possibility does remain that Trump; who was friendly with the Clintons at one point (and may still be behind closed doors), may simply be a ‘goalpost’ changer in a crafty Globalist effort to refresh the dynasties from the worn-out Clinton & Bush era of politics to some newer faces.

I fear Trump may be a perpetuation of the controller’s paradigm. Yes, even despite Trump’s eagerness to demonstrate his ‘outsider’ background; this could very easily be the same approach used underhandedly by Globalists needing a new political dynasty to control the people, a changing of masks per se.

10 Stances that suggest Trump is not a Globalist

  1. Trump’s opposition to TTIP, a highly globalist oriented trade deal favouring big corporations over the people, poised to cede job opportunities and fill the coffers of the rich implies that Mr. Trump may have the people in mind before his money.
  2. Trump’s concern over regressive cultural Marxism that opposes Western values, Trump’s interest in retaining the populism of progressive western values defined by constitutionalism and liberty in the US by repelling groups that (in majority) do not generally hold these values at heart; many middle-eastern Islam adherents who have only known regressive cultural principles suggests that Trump gives emphasis to the unimpeachable standards of liberty and the basic inalienable freedoms that we are entitled to, and that may be eroded with an electorate drastically changed by over acceptance and mass migration.
  3. Trump’s opposition to toxic substances in vaccines and their ill effect on health: Trump’s disgust for what he addresses as autism-causing vaccines opposes the Goliath pharmaceutical corporations; once again suggesting that he is not an establishment or vested interest beholden candidate.
  4. Trump’s admiration of,  and desire to work with Vladimir Putin: The fact Trump likes the Russians speaks volumes in a country with a media so vehemently anti-Russian, Putin has been incessantly painted as a tyrannical figure by Globalist funded outlets, this changes with Trump who claims to not seek confrontation, but amicable partnership with them.
  5. Trump’s staunch constitutionalism: This speaks for itself, this is a man that triumphs the very thing that makes the West great, limited government that should always be held accountable for its actions, should serve the people and not itself or any vested interest, and should be challenged at every turn and motion. “Defend the Second Amendment of our Constitution. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed upon. Period.”
  6. Trump’s adherence to faith: As a professed man of the Bible in a West where faith is dying, Trump is humble enough and modest enough to realise there is more than himself while not forcing that faith on others. This contradicts the gross egoism of the Globalists; and is a role-model example that is surely to set the States on a course towards moral enlightenment and greater integrity and self discipline. The Satanic globalists, google ‘Spirit Cooking’ – are the exact opposite of this, even if they openly deny it.
  7. Trump’s ‘Pro-Gun’ stance: Trump has vowed to uphold all of the constitution, the right to purchase and bear arms is factored into this sacrosanct, legally binding document. It is something that, unlike the Globalists, Trump supports and endorses to the core; looks like 8 years of Obama grinding down at gun rights has not come to much fruition. The venerable right to overthrow a corrupt government with arms is recognised by Trump, else he would be trying to get rid of armaments, too, just like his corrupt predecessors have.
  8. Trump has been outspoken against the inanity of the ‘liberal’ PC culture: Once again demonstrably illustrating Trump as a man not concerned with the self-entitled safe-space, victimised mental blocks that permit far more harm than conciliation; it is a big sign that he is not one of the establishment.
  9. Trump eats organic: Defying big corporate lobbyists such as Monsanto that promote pesticides and GMOs, Donald Trump and his family allegedly live off of an organic diet and know the importance of good health on the well being of a person.@mygreenhippo #BenCarson is now leading in the #polls in #Iowa. Too much #Monsantoin the #corn creates issues in the brain? #Trump #GOP“ — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 22, 2015
  10. Trump endorses Brexit & Nationalism: the very opposite of globalism, the elites would have us pin nationalism to Nazi Germany, but both Donald Trump and Nigel Farage have portrayed nationalism as a positive celebration of culture and independence while still co-operating with other states.

Trump: Controlled Opposition?

Donald J. Trump might mark a premeditated ‘renewal’ process to replenish a demonized establishment face in exchange for a new one; ultimately serving the same masters while keeping public opinion satisfied. The new mask is being forged.

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” ― Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Trump offers all of this in his radical approach and ‘outsider’ shtick, yet unbeknownst to the many; Trump serves the wealthy few in all likelihood, cultivating a relationship with the elites such as the Clintons behind the dense facade of defamatory remarks and cut-throat politics expounded by both ends of US politics, a likely false rivalry used to propel Trump as the ravishing rogue. The establishment have figured out that more and more people like a good underdog, so why not try a top-dog posing as an underdog?

“I really like her and her husband both a lot. I think she really works hard.” 

Trump on Hillary and Bill Clinton, 2012

Trump buddying-up with the Clintons. For him to truly call Hillary corrupt among other things seems a long-shot for a man quite acquainted in Clinton circles.

Changing the Goal Posts?

Despite a large degree of uncertainty as to exactly why Trump is in this race, Mr. Trump may be in it to falsely ‘revolutionize’ US politics. He is the ‘revolution’ people want (and need); akin to the ‘October Revolution’ when globalists staged a ‘revolution’ of the people to instate a governing body of their preference. Trump offers a political revolution that will ‘overturn’ establishment politics – but in reality he will pose as the hero, while the face of hidden hand politics changes, and the people are left believing that America has been somehow saved from corruption.

Trump and many of his other ‘fellow’ candidates exude Masonic control-system politics; markedly seen in the telling gestures, signals and innuendos.

Trump espouses ‘change’ in other words, as did Barack Obama in his Presidential bid – Trump’s absorbing character makes it quite tempting to be swept into his daredevil rhetoric – and forget the prerequisite pinch of salt that no candidate should elude. People were taken into Obama’s charm and ignored the blatant rigging under the selection-based system that presides in America. Now the same is happening, but the establishment have conceded corruption in their very extremities. All for the sake of keeping their position intact and baiting the growing ‘truther’ audience away from the real culprits.

The Devil’s insignia, 666, a commonplace hand gesture exhibited by Trump – a coincidence, or no?

Trump has an affinity to repeat buzz-phrases and sound-byte his speeches, sprinkling in ‘I’m not an establishment politician’ and ‘I self-funded this’ while incessantly parroting ‘Make America great again!’ – Usually, this is indicative of somebody being the exact opposite. Don’t let the hype of Trump’s campaign allow him to go unaccountable for his words. He is pandering to anti-establishment voters and political skeptics, a growing body of people that needs to be addressed if the establishment are to remain in control.

“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”
Adolf Hitler

And no, I am not calling Trump Hitler. The juxtaposition of the quotation does not do justice to the meaning it derives; Trump’s likeness to repetition is compellingly convincing, and is working on a huge scale.

So is Trump really one of the establishment?

  1. Self funding, not what it seems. Trump routinely tells white-lies about this: he receives individual donations, on top of this the funds he contributes himself are meager. The secret is that his campaign is actually dirt cheap (Trump has dished out a tepid figure of around $25 million.) This wins him an attractive claim that will garner public support. Smart politics, but misleading – Just because a candidate is self-funding does not mean they are not ultimately beholden to an establishment group. And Trump’s campaign funds are a blink compared to his true financial leverage, he has not put as many eggs in the basket as he would like us to believe.
  2. Richard Haas, CFR member, endorses Trump. When a member of the CFR, a shadow government conglomerate, endorses and works with Donald Trump red flags are to be waved aloft – it is rather contradictory to present yourself as anti-establishment and then harbor a major establishment player, the narrative just crumbles.
  3. Media knows any publicity is good publicity, but gives Trump all the publicity. Trump is routinely marketed as the bad-boy of US politics, and the media is more than happy to conveniently give him airtime to compensate for a lack of campaign funds that should have been covered on his own end. In the earliest stages of the Presidential running, Trump was a joke candidate that should have been ignored; the establishment (and their media moguls) have a way of omitting candidates that actually threaten their paradigm. Trump obviously is not one of them, as he got massive airtime. Meanwhile, a proper candidate like Ron Paul gets little to no airtime, that counts as a red flag. The media openly lambastes Trump without the subtleties it usually employs, it almost demands people follow the course of reverse-psychology, and vote Trump for the sake of curiosity.
  4. The Clinton/Bush era is at an end, a new establishment face is emerging? It makes sense that the Bush and Clinton eras are long overdue for replacement, the elites need to shed their skins and grow a new coat to blend into the modern sociopolitical background, for the sake of survival – the current cycle has been going on too long. The people grow weary of the present options, amplified by a growing anti-establishment movement worldwide. The process of inducting a family into establishment affairs is costly, takes time, and leans on a lot of trust – the Trump dynasty is the latest of such inductions – readied in the wings to take the place of Bush/Clinton era politics by storm, while pandering to the false notion of renewal and change. Yet the only ‘renewal’ is to the benefit of the establishment, and the consolidation of their shadow government. Get people to believe a candidate will depose and audit a corruption scapegoat, and you can set-back civil unrest by another decade, and ultimately remain in power.
  5. Trump is likely in Secret Societies. Newt Gingrich shot establishment propaganda in the foot by explicitly claiming on-air that Trump was ‘un-initiated’ into secret societies in a bid to deceive truth-movement adherents into supporting Trump. By going out of his way to actually state this on mass-media, Newt Gingrich is suggesting that Trump is in fact a member of a secret society, and therefore a controlled candidate. Freemasonry denotes the construction and architecture of buildings, and Trump is a big player in real estate.
  6. Trump held many starkly contrary opinions not long ago. Trump has rearranged his rhetoric for his present image, overlapping prior stances in dramatic shifts of opinion, including having previously endorsed Hillary Clinton – he is pandering to get voters; his actions not aligning with his words show him up as a malleable person that is obviously lacking in integrity and principle – this sounds like a recipe for him to be beholden to establishment politics.



Hillary Clinton Told Trump to be Quiet about the Federal Reserve Bank

Donald Trump should hold his tongue about the artificial economy created by the Federal Reserve, US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton told reporters Tuesday.

Addressing Trump’s previous statements that the private central bank had created a “false economy,” Clinton said presidential candidates and sitting presidents should never comment on Fed policy because it could rattle markets.

“Another example why he shouldn’t be near the White House,” Clinton said on her plane to reporters.

“You should not be commenting on Fed actions when you are either running for president or you are president. Words have consequences. Words move markets. Words can be misinterpreted. Words can have effects on people’s 401ks, their pension funds, their stock portfolios.”

“I’m not going to comment on Trump’s comment,” Clinton continued, adding, “other than to say that he should not be trying to talk up or talk down the economy and he shouldn’t be adding the Fed to the long list of institutions and individuals that he is maligning.”

On Monday, Trump told reporters the Federal Reserve was keeping interest rates low to portray Obama in a positive light.

“They’re keeping the rates down so that everything else doesn’t go down,” Trump responded when asked about the Fed’s potential September rate hike. “We have a very false economy.”

Trump has also previously said he would “most likely” replace Fed chair Janet Yellen, to which the Fed did not issue a response.

A graphic from Zero Hedge illustrates the stark difference between one of the US’ major stock indexes, the S&P, compared to this year’s Gross Domestic Product growth expectations.

As for Clinton’s assertion that presidents shouldn’t be commenting on the Fed, Zero Hedge highlights Obama commented on Fed policy earlier this year saying he was “pleased” with the work Yellen had done.

Source: Hillary to Trump: Don’t Talk about the Federal Reserve » Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!

Music is losing substance

You’ve probably seen the bloated mass of complaints in YouTube comments sections slating modern music as ‘worse’ than the old days; well, it turns out they may have a point. Music is noticeably losing its substance, melodically, lyrically and characteristically, along with a bunch of scientific terms I will impart below.

Pop culture degrades our overall culture, it is cultural engineering.

Pop culture is not actually pop culture, because it is controlled through and through, corporations and their labels choose who is ‘popular’ and who will never gain recognition. The music industry is brainwashing us into liking terrible songs; and as a result, liking a terrible message, and therefore embracing a terrible culture.

The music industry has taken a frightful turn for the worse as mainstream artists have lost touch with their own spark for creativity; creativity has sold out. Big names are bought and sold, algorithm driven, and ghost writers are rampant in the highest echelons; anyone that scrapes an honest morsel of popularity is rapidly bought off. This is a ‘pop culture’ totally dominated by corporate interest, and a grotesque hunger for moneymaking. Meaningful influence in music is suppressed and siphoned, the messages are always controlled and people will always listen to it because it is so accessible, and so widely disseminated.

Hopsin, a famous rapper who rose to fame in his feud with a label, he branched away and made his own label and has gained significant popularity.

Stephen Patrick Morrissey, ex Smiths frontman and solo artist has not landed a record deal for years, yet his music holds a meaningful message, is crafted to a phenomenal standard and has a healthy degree of variety. In the below quote he shares his view of pop music, and why you need to avoid it.


Morrissey (Singer, songwriter): I think the pop chart today is entirely market-driven. And it has nothing to do with public taste. And it has nothing to do with moving music forward. It’s simply a market chart. And people who’ve managed to grapple into the top five have done so because of an aggressive campaign, and nothing else. And so many sales are mysteriously automatic. Very often now we glance an eye at the chart and we can’t understand why a certain person is No1 or No2, why have they flown in at No3. It’s understandable to ask that question. But it’s simply market-driven. Nothing else. The quality of the music, the content – absolutely immaterial. As a direct result so many bands and so many artists have ongoing success with absolutely no songs.

Burn down the disco
Hang the blessed DJ
Because the music that they constantly play
It says nothing to me about my life – Panic, the Smiths

Russell Brand on Katy Perry: ‘Vapid, vacuous and plastic’: labels ex-wife Katy Perry’s lifestyle the ‘very thing I detest’ 

Shia LaBeouf: In my parents’ generation, rebellion was pop culture. It’s not anymore.

Trevor Dunn: Pop culture is not about depth. It’s about marketing, supply and demand, consumerism. 

Science says music is getting worse: homogeneity

Scientific studies have even highlighted that the vocabulary and variety of the collective music culture has taken a nosedive, subject material has veered towards an overtly materialistic and sexual stature, while any melodic variety has become an incomprehensible mush of sameness. Our musical diversity has become inbred, mainly headlined by pretentious artists that have largely inaccessible content, and sport a message that holds little to no substance in most cases – a product of the example set by pop music that has been branded and promoted as ‘popular’ but is really a facet in a game of big-money marketing and exposure.

  • Loudness comes at the expense of dynamic range—in very broad terms, when the whole song is loud, nothing within it stands out as being exclamatory or punchy. (This two-minute YouTube video does a great job of demonstrating how excessive loudness saps richness and depth from a recording.) Indeed, Serrà and his colleagues found that the loudness of recorded music is increasing by about one decibel every eight years.
  • So, what happened since 1955? Well, timbral variety went down. That means that songs are becoming more and more homogeneous. In other words, all pop music sounds the same now.

A catchy beat is the staple hook for most popular music, lyrics are engineered to be vague but ‘nice’ sounding, so not intellectually stimulating whatsoever. The result is a stupor of ‘cool beats’ that keep you on a high of raves and party lifestyle antics, while intellectualism is centralized to the elites behind the scenes, you are the stooge that learned to love the taste of the musical equivalent of faeces, because it was overwhelmingly branded ‘cool’ to do so.

“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”
― Adolf Hitler

Algorithms find the most profitable sound

Algorithm technology has exploded in recent years, along with this advancement has come the lucrative opportunity for discovering the most profitable melodies, tempos and a host of other musical attributes connected to popular artists.

Pop music automation is a field of study among musicians and computer scientists with a goal of producing successful pop music algorithmically. It is often based on the premise that pop music is especially formulaic, unchanging, and easy to compose.

What this means is that popular music is becoming homogenized (more samey) for the very sake of assuring profits for the organisations behind the big names. The patterns of music that receive the most hits are replicated by big names that are bought in a war of supply and demand; to make the most money is the objective, not the upholstery of individuality in music, the fundamental basis of art is dismissed.

People arguing against the notion that music is worsening will claim that artists are making their own choices in the collective trajectory of music trends, and that somehow this excuses the growing blandness of our music.

If you landed from another planet and wanted to make it big there, it would make sense you’d go for very generic and very loud and put an attractive person as your celebrity.

With the mass-exposed rise of monetized, corporate pop music, the influential trickle-down effect on artists at every level is unimaginable, the sheer numerical pull-factor of modern pop music’s popularity overshadowing anything in the 20th century by a considerable amount is enough to poison new musicianship at the entry level, and might be a reason new music is seeming so similarly unpalatable; people flock to what is perceived to be popular.


All Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter, a Soros funded psy-op designed to generate civil unrest, and to foment an atmosphere ripe for the gradual imposition of repackaged martial law, better called the police state, which is suggesting in part, by the militarization of police becoming more widespread. The recent staged killings of cops will only accentuate the ‘necessity’ to continue this – the Hegelian dialectic is back, people.

Black Lives Matter Black Friday

For those unaware, Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an inherently racist movement of segregationist proportions. Yes, there is corruption in the ranks of the police, as there is in every organisation involving human beings, but this gives no excuse to be disruptive, to kill police (in some cases) and advocate physical revolt (in some cases), and to cry out for special treatment because of your skin color.

The Washington Post even had the audacity to assimilate the civil rights movement with violence, when a larger portion of the demonstrations were guided by non-violent principles, does Martin Luther King Jr. come to mind whatsoever?

Anyway, here’s the headline:

Don’t criticize Black Lives Matter for provoking violence. The civil rights movement did, too.

This attempted legitimization of the BLM movement headlined by the Washington Post bears the composition/division & tu quoque logical fallacies as defined by:

  • Composition/division: you assumed that one part of something has to be applied to all, or other, parts of it; or that the whole must apply to its parts. In WP’s case, claiming that certain violent  or provocative aspects of the original civil rights movement, i.e. Black Panthers, can authenticate the BLM movement.
  • Tu Quoque: you avoided having to engage with criticism by turning it back on the accuser – you answered criticism with criticism. In the WP’s case,pointing out one less admirable part of the civil rights movement to avoid debate concerning the equally shameful behavior of another.

Mike Huckabee said the civil rights leader (MLK) would be “appalled” by BLM’s strategy: To address racial injustice, “you don’t do it by magnifying the problems,” he said.

Another pressing point can be inferred from lack of emphasis given to the shocking rates of Black-on-Black crime. According to FBI data, 4,906 black people killed other blacks in 2010 and 2011. That is more than the total number of U.S. military deaths in Iraq over the last decade. More black Americans killed other blacks in two years than were lynched from 1882 to 1968, according to the Tuskegee Institute.

Prominent rapper and record producer Hopsin told the truth about ‘Black Lives Matter’ in a barrage of tweets that he was subsequently forced to delete, remarking that BLM activists can’t claim to care about black lives until they address the elephant in the room – black people killing each other in huge numbers.

Black lives don’t matter to a lot of blacks. So how come all of a sudden black lives matter when someone else kills us?

The message behind Hopsin’s tweet really unveils the widespread, heavily dysfunctional, ghettoized communities of blacks that run on a gross dependency towards criminal activity to stay afloat in a culture known as ‘hustling’ as a result of the un-vetted impoverishment of many black families that have a society of thugs, where contraception is lacking and black abortions are higher than black births.

This links into how proportionally, blacks are on average more criminal than their white counterparts, but I wouldn’t pin this criminality entirely to blacks, but to their often sorely deprived circumstances, and the exacerbating effects of a police-hating ‘gangster’ culture still shamelessly promulgated, and purveyed as ‘cool’ by mainstream media platforms, while racism does come into it partially, it is a relatively small issue that is not helped by the overwhelming image of blacks as barbarian thugs, an image that rings true in many cases, the 2015 ‘gangster’ movie, ‘Straight Outta Compton’ is a prime example of how the MSM are legitimizing and instilling criminal behavior as something to aspire to, the police killings and long-held gang-cop rivalries are being used by Soros as a societal weak-spot to blow out of proportion to trigger disruption and bring in greater federalization, this whole orchestration seems to be a malicious product of an elite think tank.

‘Straight Outta Compton’ and ‘GTA V’ romanticize the ‘ghetto’ life as the norm, they encourage dependency on material things, they advocate gang-based criminality and aggression over civility: they are ultimately divisive, as the propagandists intended – none of these lifestyles are intellectually beneficial, these lifestyles demonstrate distrust between people, not unification – yet Black Lives Matter can’t seem to see this fault, a fault present throughout the majority of the black community, as reflected in crime statistics.

Grand Theft Auto 5, the most expensive videogame of all time, another good example of how gangster-crime culture is being promoted in some ways via the media.

This idea of mistreatment can be re-evaluated with how Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Freddie Gray are not martyrs, and cannot be used to brand all cops as oppressive, especially when statistics show Blacks to be disproportionately more violent than other ethnicities.

On the day he died, Michael Brown was a burglary suspect. After a fistfight and a failed attempt to disarm Officer Darren Wilson, Michael Brown was shot dead before he could continue his attack. That he had his “hands up” in surrender is a pernicious lie.

Had Michael Brown not resisted arrest and simply complied with Officer Wilson, he’d still be alive today.

Repeat offender Freddie Gray was suspected of selling hard drugs when he was apprehended by Baltimore police. Gray died from a severe spinal cord injury while in police custody. He had a penchant for running from the police and a “history,” according to the Baltimore Sun, “of participating in ‘crash-for-cash’ schemes—injuring himself in law enforcement settings to collect settlements.”

Eric Garner was committing the “crime” of selling un-taxed cigarettes when he was apprehended by a half-dozen cops. Garner died after being placed in a chokehold by an arresting officer.

Ultimately, a Staten Island grand jury concluded that there wasn’t enough evidence to bring a criminal indictment against the NYPD officer who killed Eric Garner. Reasonable people can debate whether or not the officer’s actions were excessive; however, it’s also worth noting that the medical examiner’s report said that Garner’s bad health, including obesity, contributed to his death.

Even Eric Garner’s daughter “doubts” that her father’s death was motivated by race. Garner’s mother said she would “agree.”

Anecdotal (logical fallacy)

  • Using personal experience or an isolated example instead of a valid argument, especially to dismiss statistics.

The BLM movement has largely gone off of snippets of film clips likely taken out of context, in a few isolated events to justify the narrative that black people are somehow being oppressed, the Eric Garner death is a big campaign citation of the BLM movement. Yet while the arrest seemed harsh at the time; the statistical evidence suggests that crime among blacks is disproportionately rampant, therefore claiming that there is an ‘anti-black’ sentiment among police would be misleading, Garner’s defiance and large stature coupled with the stigma of black criminality likely motivated the choke hold. Garner’s death is certainly controversial, but an isolated case which doesn’t ever  warrant anti-police rhetoric.

Hood shootings, gang culture USA:


Around 93% of all black murders are committed by other blacks according to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, despite the fact that blacks only make up around 13% of the population.

Yes, peacefully campaign if you think that racially motivated killings are taking place, despite no evidence whatsoever to assuredly back this – except the ‘martyrs’ that are cited by the BLM movement, which have been debunked.

Why don’t all lives matter? According to one leading BLM campaigner, saying that “all lives matter” is a racial slur. Why emphasize the police when there are so many other points of ‘oppression’ to counter. Maybe it is because the Soros organisation wants to provoke the police and legitimize heightened federalization?

Because if all lives mattered, there wouldn’t be a violent movement that advocated provocative behavior, if all lives mattered BLM would attempt to build bridges in light of MLK’s principle of love and non-aggression, not burn bridges. If all lives mattered, BLM wouldn’t be segregationist and discriminate whites in some cases.

It seems that the BLM is another wave of white-guilt programming that is prepping us into just accepting every minority regardless of their cultural defects; in the case of Blacks it is largely the ‘gangster’ crime-driven culture that is being ignored, in the case of near-eastern Muslims it is generally a culture of gender oppression and western intolerance that we seem to forget – both of these cultural disadvantages are being ignored, and the issues are being attributed instead to the color of a person’s skin as a matter of race, which achieves very little in dealing with the real problems behind the colors.

Black Lives Matter is a backwards movement of manufacturing ‘victimized’ black people, and painting cops as the ‘bad-cop’ oppressors. It is fundamentally divisive and purposefully approaches black ‘oppression’ via very few, irrational angles.

It is this antisocial culture that is being used as a trigger-point to reignite conflict between the police and the pushed ‘underdog’ identity in the minority black community; the fact that I’m saying ‘black community’ shows how black ‘gangster’ culture has criminalized some blacks, and estranged them from mainstream society, this has backfired and come to a manifested head in the BLM movement.

The government & media need to be challenged for criminalizing, impoverishing & alienating blacks, not the police that have to clean up the mess and deal with gangster infested ‘no-go’ zones; no wonder the black community has been so negatively stigmatized, their media-manufactured culture practically glorifies violence.

Man, why do black people gotta be the only ones who can’t evolve.
‘Cause you in the streets acting like Neanderthals – Hopsin, Rapper, Ill Mind 5

By externalizing the blame to the police for doing their jobs in suppressing crime, and not realizing that it is the government that needs to do more to introduce the insular black culture to the stable, middle class limelight & eliminate ‘gangster’ culture; we have a paradox fueled by emotional angst, and not rational solutions. Ghettoized blacks and the crime they generate to make ends meet are results of inequalities that need to be addressed by the government, not by blaming the cops for duly dealing with these catalysts for criminal activity.

BLM will militarize the Police

BLM is the perfectly divisive psy-op to militarize the cops and create federalized police states governed by fear and division, a ‘race war’ of sorts will markedly divide and conquer the masses into accepting heightened federal control. Because the largely financially comfortable whites won’t ever riot – the elites will target the disadvantaged ghetto/gangster communities that have a bone to pick with the cops for often lawfully killing their compatriots in self-defense and in struggles to apprehend members of a maladjusted community forced and cajoled into crime as the norm.


If you can federalize all of the states’ police departments, you can engineer a safeguarded collapse, one without completely losing control, and set the stage for bringing order out of chaos; federalized, militarized police that have an expectation to treat people as hostile will be much more likely to follow a federal agenda, and not work in the best interests of protecting the people, they will no longer see people as civil and orderly – people will be dehumanized.

Executive Order – United States Policy on Pre- and Post-Strike Measures to Address Civilian Casualties in U.S. Operations Involving the Use of Force.

Obama has even passed an executive order regarding pre and post strike civilian casualtieslink – what does the white house know that we do not? And why has this executive order been passed in the midst of a period of unrest surrounding BLM? Is there significant civil conflict anticipated?

The truth is that the overwhelmingly white elites want riots, BLM is funded by them and for them, it favors divide and conquer, and feeds from the ugly impulsion of anger.

The elites hope to harness the violence of ghetto black culture and collide this with the police as their ‘oppressors’ versus the underdogs.

This is the ‘black and white’ logical fallacy pushed by Black Lives Matter, where the police get the blame for racial discrimination as the cause of blacks being the social underdogs, whereas in reality it is a combination of black’s behavior by choice or by circumstance, and the US government not doing enough to shut down this crime inclined behavior, and the deprived circumstance at the grass roots, in many cases the government even supports it.

  • Where two alternative states are presented as the only possibilities, when in fact more possibilities exist.

These ‘other possibilities’ being that the US government hasn’t done enough to tackle ghettoized neighborhoods, no-go zones, to educate blacks in civil behavior, to discourage gangster culture in the media, and on the streets. Maybe then the police won’t be forced to treat ghetto neighborhoods in such a hard-handed demeanor. The BLM movement should be marching at the white house, not blindly striking out at one branch of the tree.

‘Be faithful to your roots’ is the liberal version of ‘Stay in your ghetto.’ 

BLM doesn’t aim to change the roots of black culture, only strike out and blame those who have to deal with its flaws.

In fact, cops have not been called to stabilize various provocative demonstrations of the Black Lives Matter movement. This movement is a movement of hate that is being intentionally allowed to grow; one that ignores the faults of black culture, and ascertains that fighting law enforcement will somehow create amicable unification, solve all the problems of police brutality, and render blacks in a positive light, none of which it will ever solve.

If the Negro in the ghetto must eternally be fed by the hand that pushes him into the ghetto, he will never become strong enough to get out of the ghetto. Carter G. Woodson

BLM doesn’t want to stop the ghetto, it wants to attack the cops that deal with the ghetto and then complain when these cops act with extreme caution, a paradox ensues; BLM simply has no investment in challenging the real oppressors; government that benefits from black dependency on them, and the degradation of the middle class, and the principle of divide and conquer.

  • Ghettos in Nazi-occupied Europe. Beginning with the invasion of Poland during World War II, the regime of Nazi Germany set up ghettos across occupied Europe in order to segregate and confine Jews, and sometimes Gypsies, into small sections of towns and cities furthering their exploitation (and limiting their capacity to be free).

The ghetto is about survival and little else, this means questioning an authority figure beyond the police becomes unlikely, the powers that be would love for it to remain that way.

What is really needed is an overhaul of the black image; because when it is statistically proven that blacks are more prone to committing crime, a movement for blacks against the police is not going to help dismantle the crime stigma that is still attached to the black community, it will only ever worsen it.

Mainstream Media champions ‘Black’ culture as synonymous with hood culture.

  • The more mainstream media celebrates ‘black’ ghetto culture, the more people will see it as populist to ignore its flaws, and defend it as acceptable. ‘Black Lives Matter’ is the end product of this romanticizing brainwashing for hood culture roots as something to be proud of.
  • Beyoncé is seen at Superbowl 50 promoting ‘black’ nationalism, the idea that blacks are somehow socially exclusive, and oppressed by the police and whites, the ideology of ‘Black Lives Matter’ resonates strongly with the ‘black pride’ sentiment disseminated by the media.8ba4f801ccff55b5746b0e615eec2d43
  • The expression ‘Us and them’ comes to mind, Beyoncé is an establishment pawn used to foment a black supremacist mindset that engages blind pride, and dismisses the ‘elephant in the room’ flaws of black ghetto culture and its criminal abundance.
  • The performance was a political statement, and a throwback to times when racism was predominant, but racism is not nearly as widespread now as it was in the 60s. Therefore, funding this kind of message only intends to guilt-silence whites concerned over the surge of radicalized black pride, and enable liberals to inanely consider this ‘black pride’ sentiment ‘justice’ for the actions of white people’s predecessors; this has gotten out of control and BLM is its culmination.
  • What could have been simply a harmless celebration of culture, has been hijacked by the elites, and turned into something that divides us. The elites, such as George Soros, have packaged a divisive movement as a liberal one, and used the racist card to stop anyone who questions it.
Beyoncé, Black Panthers themed Superbowl 50 performance.