Tag Archives: vaccine

Vaccines: Trump considers RFK Jr

Following meeting Dr Andrew Wakefield, and after having tweeted a strongly sceptical standpoint surrounding the safety of vaccines issued today, President-elect Donald J. Trump has allegedly, according to incoming White House press secretary Sean Spicer, considered appointing prominent vaccine sceptic, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, to head a  vaccine committee. Spicer stated that the two had discussed “the issues pertaining to vaccines and immunizations.”

After the meeting concluded, Kennedy told reporters that Mr. Trump had asked him to “chair a commission on vaccination safety and scientific integrity.”

Kennedy said he told Mr. Trump he would agree to chair such a commission, and that their meeting was held at Mr. Trump’s request.

Mr Kennedy, perhaps best known for being the son of the well-admired liberal advocate Sen. Bobby Kennedy, commonly known by his initials as RFK, has swung from environmental campaigning to focus on the dangers of vaccines in more recent times.

Mr. Trump has repeatedly shared his belief that there is a link between vaccines and autism, explaining the move to appoint Kennedy in such a position:


“I am totally in favour of vaccines,” Mr. Trump said in a 2015 GOP primary debate. “But I want smaller doses over a longer period of time. Same exact amount, but you take this little beautiful baby, and you pump–I mean, it looks just like it’s meant for a horse, not for a child, and we’ve had so many instances, people that work for me. … [in which] a child, a beautiful child went to have the vaccine, and came back and a week later had a tremendous fever, got very, very sick, now is autistic.” That kind of anecdote is near irrefutable by any sensible, reasonable person.

Top Government Scientists Refuse To Vaccinate Their Children

How shocking is it that New Mexico, the school district with the highest percentage of students whose families are opting out of vaccines, is actually one of the state’s most scientifically literate communities?

Well, if you know how harmful vaccines really are, you might not really be all that surprised. But for many, the 2.3 percent of students forgoing traditional vaccine regimens in Los Alamos is causing quite the upset. After all, many of the parents in the community work for US Los Alamos Labs, or one of the other scientific organizations that call the area home. For example, the Los Alamos National Laboratory has even conducted extensive research and development on a vaccine for HIV.

The Superintendent of the Los Alamos school systems has said that he finds the high rate of parents exempting their children from vaccination “curious,” given that it is a “pretty scientific and literate community.”

While the mainstream media continues to come up with all kinds of wild  reasons for why “anti-vaxxers” don’t vaccinate their children, a community of scientists continues to abstain from the practice, much to the chagrin of pro-vaccine activists. Los Alamos is not alone; Santa Fe’s percentage of children not getting jabbed was just a few points behind, at 2.1 percent.

Anna Pentler, the head of the New Mexico Immunization Coalition (a pro-vaccine group) seems to think that not wanting to inject their children with toxic adjuvants and heavy metals is an “emotional issue,” and not an issue of ethics and morality. She says that while the science could be “99 to 1″ in favor of vaccines, a parent’s anecdotal story of how vaccines harmed their child could easily sway another parent’s opinion.

While it is true that the countless horror stories that many parents and children are forced to endure post-vaccination are enough to give any reasonable parent pause, the fact is that the science behind vaccine damage is also all there. The problem is that no one wants to believe it; no one wants their reality disrupted.

As the Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute states, “[T]here is a large body of scientific evidence confirming numerous vaccine safety deficits that counteract well-publicized benefits. For example, several studies show that thimerosal (mercury) and aluminum in vaccines can cause neurological, immunological and developmental harm.”

The CDC itself has conducted investigations on the harmful effects of certain ingredients in vaccines, and found that they did in fact disrupt neurological development in young children. But the mainstream media doesn’t care about that; they want you to fall in line and do your “due diligence” by getting vaccinated to maintain society’s “herd immunity” – which isn’t even real, by the way.

The vaccine agenda is one based on smoke and mirrors; its all a ruse to hide the harmful effects of vaccines that are felt worldwide. And it seems that the scientists in Los Alamos are brave enough to go against the grain, rather than putting their children in harm’s way just to satisfy society.





The 8 Most Dangerous Medicines on Earth: are you taking any of these?

(From NaturalNews)

“It’s time to take your medicine, honey.” “But Mom, it’s making me feel weird and horrible, and I’m not getting any better.” “Well, it’s what the doctor prescribed, so it’s what we have to do.” Have you ever been told to listen to your gut? There’s a reason for that. Actually, several reasons.

Many “Western” medicines are made in laboratories using chemicals and are highly experimental, and worse yet, they’re never tested on humans, except when they’re actually prescribed, applied, or injected into them. Humans are the ultimate guinea pigs in America, while Big Pharma pockets trillions in profit. How did this all come to be? Simple answer: After WWII, Nazi scientists were hired fresh out of prison to work on pharmaceuticals, vaccines, chemotherapy, and chemical food additives, in order to fuel the most insidious business on earth–allopathic medicine. It’s no conspiracy theory either. The horror that took place at the Holocaust in Germany was continued, on a lesser scale, in the United States, for money.

Think about it. There is NO OTHER REASON our U.S. based pharmaceutical companies hired convicted mass murderers to fill the highest positions at Bayer, BASF, and Hoechst. Fritz ter Meer, convicted of mass murder, served just 5 prison years, then conveniently became the chairman of Bayer’s supervisory board (yes, THAT Bayer–that makes children’s medications and the most popular aspirin). Carl Wurster of BASF helped manufacture Zyklon-B gas, the powerful pesticide used to execute millions of Jews–this freak went to work on chemotherapy, the biggest medical scam of the century. Kurt Blome, who admitted to killing Jews with “gruesome experiments,” was hired in 1951 by the U.S. Army Chemical Corps to work on chemical warfare. Get it?

In other words, Big Pharma’s evil seeds, which the FDA calls medicine, were first planted in the United States 65 years ago. Many of the “mad scientists” who tortured innocent human beings in the Holocaust were hired and promoted by U.S. Presidents to catapult what we call “Western Medicine,” and its ultimate goal of creating sickness, and then treating its symptoms for profit.

Take heed, my friends, because THESE are the 8 most DANGEROUS MEDICINES on Planet Earth. It’s called the “War Against the Weak.”

War Against the Weak

#1. SSRIs – highly experimental, never proven safe or effective, and can completely block serotonin, leading to thoughts of suicide and even homicidal and suicidal acts of horror.

#2. MMR vaccine (measles, mumps, rubella) – associated with causing autism and other central nervous system disorders and a myriad of health issues. When the LIVE measles virus gets into the body, the immune system is severely compromised, and the other chemical adjuvants and genetically modified ingredients attack the child, causing permanent and sometimes fatal results.

#3. Influenza vaccine (flu shot) – contains up to 50,000 parts per billion of mercury, in addition to formaldehyde, MSG, and aluminum. Can cause pregnant women to abort and have miscarriages, can cause autism.

#4. Antibiotics – annihilate good gut bacteria and therefore severely decreases immune system. Doctors inappropriately prescribe antibiotics for viral infections and make mattersmuch worse!

#5. HPV vaccine (human papillomavirus) – known to send teens into anaphylactic shock and comas. Thousands of families have sued the manufacturers for millions of dollars for chronic and permanent health damages.

#6. Chemotherapy – annihilates the immune system and often leads to the body forming new cancers, especially in the blood. Nazi scientists knew in the 1950s that chemotherapy only makes cancer temporarily recede, only to come back with a vengeance in other parts of the body! (Still, Western Medicine calls this successful)

#7. “RotaTeq” rotavirus vaccine – extremely toxic (oral) vaccine contains LIVE rotavirus strains (G1, G2, G3, G4, and P1), plus highly toxic polysorbate 80 and FETAL BOVINE SERUM. Also contains parts of porcine circovirus – a virus that INFECTS PIGS.

#8. Polio vaccine (oral and injected with needle) – It’s a cold, hard, scary fact that millions of Americans were injected with CANCER when they got the polio vaccine. Plus, the oral and nasal versions of the vaccine have been spreading polio in India and leaving many children paralyzed for life.

Sure, people are paranoid of infectious diseases and for good reason. The American medicine industry has exacerbated the WORST cases on record to scare the living hell out of everyone into injected their known carcinogens for “protection.” It’s racketeering and it’s illegal, but the vaccine manufacturers are immune to lawsuits, protected by a massive slush fund and their own secret court of law. If you or your child is severely injured by vaccines, you CANNOT sue the vaccine manufacturer. You will have to take that case to the Office of Special MASTERS of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, which is commonly called the highly secretive “Vaccine Court.” This corrupt “court” administers a no-fault compensation program (yes, you read that correctly), that serves as an alternative to your Constitutional rights. Established back in 1986, after drug companies lost massive profits in high-profile lawsuits due to vaccines severely damaging a number of children, who suffered seizures and brain damage, linked to the DPT vaccine.

Before you EVER consider swallowing or injecting chemical toxins called “medicine” again, visit at least one Naturopathic Physician and find out if the health problem or problems are nutritional based, because odds are, they are!

Sources for this article include:















Flu Vaccine: 25,000 Times More Mercury Than Allowed In Drinking Water

The great argument by pro-vaxxers is mainly focused on how ‘thimerosal doesn’t cause autism’ yet there being blaring indicators (incl. studies) everywhere that suggest so. Yet, they are so intensely hooked on the ‘trustworthy’ CDC studies (so reliable, right?) as a constant reference point to discard any competition, it’s truly laughable.

It is also peculiar how pro-vaxxers will slate Andrew Wakefield and John Walker-Smith as ‘frauds’ on the basis of the Lancet’s retraction of Wakefield’s vaccine-autism study off the back of a lone accusation from a Journalist by the name of Brian Deer.

What you will not read in the mainstream media, however, is that both the BMJ and Lancet have strong financial ties to the manufacturer of the MMR vaccine. (See: BMJ & Lancet Wedded to Merck CME Partnership) You probably also did not read that Dr. Andrew’s co-author in the study,  Prof. John Walker-Smith, fought an expensive legal battle against the United Kingdom’s General Medical Council and won. He was completely exonerated. The rulings cannot have been that reliable then.

Dr. Andrew Wakefield, in the meantime, lost his career and name for simply following the truth his research led him to. He became the scapegoat, the “straw man” to knock down in the mainstream media. Every time someone would bring up any question regarding vaccines and autism you will usually encounter something like: “That theory has been totally proven false, and the guy who made it up was convicted of fraud.” I have even had people tell me on social media that “the guy” (most don’t even know his name) did “prison time.” Which he didn’t, at all.

Dr. Wakefield was never convicted by a jury or in a court of law, and he lives in the U.S. today, he was simply stripped of practitioners’  rights in medicine by the United Kingdom’s General Medical Council regulatory board that arrogantly think they have the right to do so. He has issued challenges to his accusers to debate him in the media, but of course they have never accepted his challenge.

He is a leading expert in gut health, a subject sorely needing research today, in an age where not only vaccines, but antibiotics, pesticides, and many other things have destroyed our ability to digest our food properly, leading to many bowel diseases. A list of his research, provided from his Facebook Page, is listed below.

UPDATE 9/5/2014: Judge: Lawsuit Against Merck’s MMR Vaccine Fraud to Continue

UPDATE 6/8/2015: Vaccine Whistleblowers File to Compel Merck to Respond to Federal Lawsuit

See Also:

CDC Vaccine Link to Autism Scandal: The Wrong Man was Condemned

Dr. Andrew Wakefield Exposes MMR Vaccine Fraud

Dr. Andrew Wakefield Issues Challenge to Public Debate Over U.K. Measles Outbreak

New Published Study Verifies Andrew Wakefield’s Research on Autism – Again


Infants’ bodies will falter under the burden of a toxic load from the jab.

The human body in its pre-infancy and infancy is not at a stage where it is remotely capable of fending off highly toxic chemicals and metals, this amplifies the damages of vaccines at an unprecedented level, a level ignored by the flawed ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach of government vaccinations that treat the recipients as effective lab rats due to the sheer absence of any thorough studies on potential side-effects; as stringently exercised and enforced in the drug industry – the vaccine industry is strangely above the law, and shrouded in a fog of the unknown, coupled with scare tactics that are intended to keep people doubting their own bodies’ defense systems, and getting the jabs without understanding the bigger picture. Money talks.

But there is plenty of anecdotal correlative evidence to suggest that post-vaccination babies change, permanently. This is markedly seen in the commonly reported fevers (and sometimes convulsions) that follow the jab, after this the signs are very clear, developmental milestones are reversed permanently (until chelation, if that ever does occur): walking to crawling, talking to muteness or unintelligible babbles, a disregard to sociability, self-inflictive behaviors where not seen priorly, et al.

I do not care about correlation and causation in these cases, or whatever government-loving pro-vaxxer wants to throw at it. These are the symptoms of autism there on out, common sense and logical analysis screams then and there that the vaccines are the triggers, and the negligent government order-followers (doctors) pull that dastardly trigger without fully understanding the vaccines (it is admitted that vaccine effects are not fully studied, and ‘vaccinated against unvaccinated’ is not even studied! Yet government-loving, pro-vaxxers refuse to see this as the massive red flag that it is).

Though there was no evidence at the time of people being injured due to thimerosal, the U.S. government removed it from most vaccines anyway in 2001 as a precaution—a bungled move that many say only added to the growing fear about vaccines.


It is proven ethylmercury damages the brain and stays in the brain.

And, “as a precaution” doesn’t give me confidence the government knows what is being put into our vaccines is safe, we know now that thimerosal is definitely not safe.

Methylmercury (MeHg) has always been widely hailed as the greater of two evils, pushing ethylmercury out of the limelight as “most toxic.” Burbacher’s study, however, proves ethylmercury is more damaging because it crosses the blood-brain barrier at a quicker rate than MeHg. Once in the brain, ethylmercury converts to what’s called “inorganic” mercury — the more toxic form — and is unable to be excreted.

Regardless of the study’s grim findings, EHP (Environmental Health Perspectives) is presenting their interpretations of the findings in a positive tone, ” … injected Thimerosal reacted differently from methylmercury in that it cleared from the infant (blood) much more quickly.” In the actual study, Burbacher states: “There was a much higher proportion of inorganic Hg (mercury) in the brain of Thimerosal infants than methylmercury infants (up to 71% vs. 10%). Absolute inorganic Hg concentrations in the brains of the Thimerosal-exposed infants were approximately twice that of the MeHg/methylmercury  infants.”

This means that:

  • Vaccine mercury (ethylmercury) is definitely toxic to the brain.
  • Vaccine mercury is not excreted from the brain (in primate studies), but is excreted from all other areas of the body (the area selective pro-vaccine pushers only seem to cover to push vaccines).
  • Chronic presence of ethylmercury in the brain from vaccines throughout developmental years will likely stunt neurological development.

Several organizations that advocate on behalf of children with neurodevelopmental disorders are surprised that the powerful findings are trivialized by those appointed to protect America’s health. NAA asks the media to investigate this discrepancy. “To minimize Thimerosal’s damage to the brain is concerning to say the least,” says Scott Bono, Durham, NC, parent and Board Member of NAA.

“These primates are shown to have the most toxic form trapped in their brains — how is that not the center of focus?”

To say that ethylmercury clears the blood faster and is therefore less toxic than MeHg is deceptive by omission, attempting to deflect attention from the alarming fact that ethylmercury makes its way to the brain much faster than MeHg and can be trapped there for years.” Burbacher is a long-time researcher of the effects of mercury. Earlier work by Burbacher and colleagues on low-dose MeHg demonstrated that inorganic mercury was the principle cause of tissue changes and toxic effects in primate brains. “This latest study in primates shows what happened to our children,” says Jo Pike, Executive Director of NAA. “When people who can help turn a blind-eye to children injured by Thimerosal, it only adds to the heartache our children endure each and every day.” To learn more about Dr. Burbacher’s findings, visit http://www.nationalautism.org or http://www.safeminds.org



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  23. SmithMS, Warren BF, Fox JD, Watkins PE, Hudson M, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ.Detection of herpesvirus DNA in cotton-top tamarins:no association with colitis. International Journal of Experimental Pathology.1995;76:201-203.
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  28. ThompsonNP, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ. Perinataland childhood risk factors for inflammatory bowel disease: a case-controlstudy. European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 1995; 7:385-390
  29. Wakefield AJ, Pounder RE. Measles virus in Crohn’sdisease (letter). Lancet 1995;345;660.
  30. AnthonyA, Sim R, Dhillon AP, Pounder RE, WakefieldAJ. Gastric mucosal contraction and vascular injury induced by indomethacinprecede neutrophil infiltration in the rat. Gut 1996; 39: 363-368.
  31. EkbomA, Daszak PS, Kraaz W, Wakefield AJ.Crohn’s disease following measles virus exposure in utero: risk estimates and clinical characteristics. Lancet1996; 344: 508-509.
  32. RayR, Cooper PJ, Sim R, Chadwick N, Earle P, Dhillon AP, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ.Direct in situ reverse transcriptase polymerasechain reaction for detection of measles virus.Journal of VirologicalMethods 1996;60:1-17.
  33. AnthonyA, Bahl A, Oakley IG, Spraggs CF, Dhillon AP, Trevethick MA, Piasecki C,Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ. The beta-3adrenoceptor agonist CL316243 prevents indomethacin-induced jejunal ulcerationin the rat by reversing early villous shortening. Journal of Pathology1996:179:340-346.
  34. HudsonM, Chitolie A, Hutton RA, Smith MS, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ. Thrombotic vascular risk factors in inflammatorybowel disease. Gut 1996;38:733-737.
  35. RayR, Sim R, Khan K, Dhillon AP, Pounder RE, WakefieldAJ. Direct in situ nucleic acidamplification: control of artifact and use of labelled primers. ClinicalMolecular Pathology1996; 49: 345-350.
  36. ThompsonN, Driscoll R, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ.Genetics versus environment in inflammatory bowel disease: results of aBritish twin study. British Medical Journal 1996; 312: 95-96.
  37. ThompsonNP, Fleming DM, Pounder RE, WakefieldAJ. Crohn’s disease, measles and measles vaccination: a case-controlfailure (letter). Lancet 1996;347:263.
  38. WalmsleyRS, Zhao MH, Hamilton MI, Brownlee A, Chapman P, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ,Lockwood CM.Antineutrophil cytoplasm autoantibodies against bactericidal/permeability increasingprotein in inflammatory bowel disease. Gut 1997;40:105-109.
  39. DaszakP, Purcell M, Lewin J, Dhillon AP, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ. Detection and comparative analysis of persistentmeasles virus infection in Crohn’s disease by immunogold electron microscopy. Journalof Clinical Pathology 1997;50:299-304.
  40. Wakefield AJ, Sim R, Akbar AN, Pounder RE, DhillonAP. In situ immune responses inCrohn’s disease: a comparison with acute and persistent measles virusinfection. Journal of Medical Virology. 1997;51:90-100.
  41. AnthonyA, Dhillon AP, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ.Ulceration of the ileum in Crohn’s disease: correlation with vascularanatomy. Journal of Clinical Pathology.1997;50:1013-1017.
  42. AnthonyA, Pounder RE, Dhillon AP, Wakefield AJ.Vascular anatomy defines sites of indomethacin-induced jejunal ulceration alongthe mesenteric margin. Gut 1997;41:763-770.
  43. MontgomerySM & Wakefield AJ. Measlesvaccine and neurological events. Lancet 1997; 349: 1625 (letter)
  44. MontgomerySM, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ. Infantmortality and the incidence of inflammatory bowel disease. Lancet 1997;349: 472-473.
  45. MontgomerySM, Morris DL, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ.Measles vaccination and inflammatory bowel disease (letter). Lancet1997;350:1774.
  46. TiwanaH, Wilson C, Walmsley RS, Wakefield AJ,Smith MSH, Cox NL, Hudson MJ, Ebringer A. Antibody responses to gut bacteria inankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease and ulcerativecolitis. Rheumatology International. 1997; 17: 11-16.
  47. Wakefield AJ, Murch SH, Anthony A, Linnell J, CassonDM, Malik M, Berelowitz M, Dhillon AP, Thomson MA, Harvey P, Valentine A,Davies SE, Walker-Smith JA. Ileal lymphoid nodular hyperplasia, non-specificcolitis and pervasive developmental disorder in children.Lancet1998;351:637-641 (Retracted: applied for reinstatement).
  48. KellyDA, Piasecki C, Anthony A, Dhillon AP, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ. Focal reduction of villous blood flow in earlyindomethacin enteropathy: a dynamic vascular study in the rat.Gut1998;42:366-373.
  49. MontgomerySM, Morris DL, Thompson NP, Subhani J, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ.Prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease in British26-year olds. British Medical Journal1998;7137:1058-1059.
  50. BalzolaF, Khan K, Pera, A, Bonino F, Pounder RE, WakefieldAJ. Measles IgM immunoreactivity in patients inflammatory bowel disease. ItalianJournal of Gastroenterol.1998;30:4,378-382.
  51. TiwanaH, Walmsley RS, Wilson C, Yiannakou JY, Ciclitira PJ, Wakefield AJ, Ebringer A. Characterisation of the Humoral ImmuneResponse to Klebsiella Species inInflammatory Bowel Disease and Ankylosing Spondylitis. British Journal ofRheumatology. 1998:37;525-531.
  52. AnthonyA, Schepelmann S, Guillaume J-L, Strosberg AD, Dhillon AP, Pounder RE,Wakefield AJ. Localisation of the beta3-adrenoceptorin the human gastrointestinal tract: an immunohistochemical study. AlimentaryPharmacology & Therapeutics. 1998;12:579-526.
  53. ChadwickN, Bruce I, Davies M, van Gemen B, Schukkink R, Khan K, Pounder RE,Wakefield AJ. A sensitive and robustmethod for measles RNA detection. Journal of Virological Methods.1998,70:59-67.
  54. ChadwickN, Bruce IJ, Schepelmann S, Pounder RE, WakefieldAJ. Measles virus RNA is not detected in inflammatory bowel disease usinghybrid capture and reverse transcription followed by the polymerase chainreaction. Journal of Medical Virology, 1998;55:305-311.
  55. WalmsleyRS, Anthony A, Sim R, Pounder RE, WakefieldAJ. Absence of E. Coli, Listeriaand Klebsiella pneumoniae withininflammatory bowel disease tissues. Journal of Clinical Pathology.1998;51:657-661.
  56. KellyD, Piaseki C, Anthony, A, Dhillon AP, Ponder RE, Wakefield AJ. Reversal and protection against indomethacin-inducedblood stasis and mucosal damage in the rat jejunum by a B-3 adrenoceptoragonist. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 1998; 12:1121-1129.
  57. Wakefield AJ & Montgomery SM. Crohn’s disease:the case for measles virus (Invited article) Italian Journal ofGastroenterology 1999;31:247-254.
  58. ChadwickN, Wakefield AJ, Pounder RE, BruceI. A comparison of three nucleic acid amplification methods as a source for DNAsequencing. BioTechniques 1998;25:818-822.
  59. MontgomerySM, Morris DL, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ.Paramyxivorus infections in childhood and subsequent inflammatory boweldisease. Gastroenterology 1999;116:796-803.
  60. TompsonNP, Fleming DM, Charlton J, Pounder RE, WakefieldAJ. Patients Consulting with Crohn’s disease in primary care in England andWales. European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology.1998;10:1007-1012.
  61. AnthonyA, Dhillon AP, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ.The colonic mesenteric margin is most susceptible to injury in an experimentalmodel of colonic ulceration. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 1999;13:531-535.
  62. AnthonyA, Sim R, Pounder RE, Dhillon AP, WakefieldAJ. Similarities between Crohn’s disease and indomethacin experimentalulcers in the rat. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therpeutics.2000;14:241-24.
  63. MontgomerySM, Twamley SI, Murch SH, Pounder RE, WakefieldAJ Contact with soil in infancy does not protect against atopy. ImmunologyToday 1999;20:289-290.
  64. MontgomerySM, Morris DL, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ.Asian ethnic origin and the risk of inflammatory bowel disease. European.Journalof Gastroenterology and Hepatology.1999;11:543-546.
  65. MontgomerySM, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ.Smoking in adults and passive smoking in children are associated with acuteappendicitis. Lancet 1999;353:379.
  66. MontgomerySM, Wakefield AJ, Morris DL, PounderRE, Murch SH. The initial care of newborn infants and subsequent hay fever. Allergy.2000;;55:916-22.
  67. Orteu CH, McGregor JM, Whittaker SJ, Balzola F, Wakefield AJ. Erythema elevatum diutinum and Crohndisease: a common pathogenic role for measles virus? Arch Dermatol.1996;32:1523-5.
  68. Wakefield AJ, Anthony A, Murch SH, Thomson M,Montgomery SM, Davies S, Walker-Smith JA. Enterocolitis in children withdevelopmental disorder. American Journal of Gastroenterology2000;95:2285-2295 (Retracted: applied for reinstatement).
  69. FurlanoRI, Anthony A, Day R, Brown A, McGavery L, Thomson MA, Davies SE, Berelowitz M,Forbes A, Wakefield AJ, Walker-SmithJA, Murch SH. Colonic CD8 and gamma delta T-cell infiltration with epithelialdamage in children with autism. Journal of Pediatrics2001;138:366-72.
  70. Wakefield AJ and Montgomery SM. Autism, viralinfection and measles mumps rubella vaccination. Israeli Medical AssociationJournal 1999;1:183-187.
  71. DunnAC, Walmsley RS, Dedrick RL, WakefieldAJ, Lockwood CM. Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies (ANCA) tobactericidal/permeability-increasing (BPI) protein recognize the carboxylterminal domain. Journal of Infection. 1999;39:81-7.
  72. Thompson NP., Montgomery SM., Wadsworth MEJ., Pounder RE., Wakefield AJ. Early determinants ofinflammatory bowel disease: use of two longitudinal birth cohorts.EuropeanJournal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology. 2000;12:25-30.
  73. Kawashima H., Takayuki M., Kashiwagi Y., Takekuma K., Hoshika A., Wakefield AJ. Detection and sequencingof measles virus from peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients withinflammatory bowel disease and autism. Digestive Diseases and Sciences.2000;45:723-729.
  74. Wakefield AJ and Montgomery SM. Measles, mumps,rubella vaccine: through a glass, darkly. Adverse Drug Reactions &Toxicological Reviews 2000;19:265-283.
  75. MorrisDL, Montgomery SM, Galloway ML, Pounder RE,Wakefield AJ. Inflammatory bowel disease and laterality: is left handednessa risk? Gut. 2001;49:199-202.
  76. Wakefield AJ,Montgomery SM. Immunohistochemical analysis of measles related antigen inInflammatory bowel disease. Gut. 2001;48:136-7.
  77. Morris DL,Montgomery SM, Thompson NP, Ebrahim S, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ. Measles vaccination and inflammatory bowel disease: anational British Cohort Study. American Journal of Gastroenterology.2000;95:3507-12.
  78. O’Leary JJ,Uhlmann V, Wakefield AJ. Measlesvirus and autism. Lancet. 2000;356:772 (letter).
  79. Wakefield AJ,Montgomery SM. Measles virus as a risk for inflammatory bowel disease: anunusually tolerant approach. American Journal of Gastroenterology.2000;95:1389-92. (Editorial).
  80. Anthony A, SimR, Guillaume JL, Strosberg AD, Dhillon AP, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ. Beta (beta)3-adrenergic receptors in human pancreaticislet and duodenal somatostatin neuroendocrine cells. AlimentaryPharmacology and Therapeutics. 2000;14:579-8.
  81. Kelly D, AnthonyA, Piasecki C, Lewin J, Pounder RE, WakefieldAJ. Endothelial changes precede mucosal ulceration induced by indomethacin:an experimental study in the rat.Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics.2000;14:489-96.
  82. Wakefield AJ.MMR vaccination and autism. Lancet. 1999;354:949-50 (letter).
  83. Wakefield AJ.The New Autism (Invited Article) Clinical Child Psychology & Psychiatry  2002;7:518-528.
  84. UhlmannV., Martin C, Shiels, Wakefield AJ,O.Leary JJ. Possible viral pathogenesis of a novel paediatric inflammatory boweldisease. Molecular Pathology 2002;55:84-90.
  85. Wakefield AJ.,Puleston J. Montgomery SM., Anthony A., O’Leary J.J., Murch SH Entero-colonicencephalopathy, autism and opioid receptor ligands. Alimentary Pharmacology& Therapeutics. 2002;16:663-674.
  86. Torrente F.,Machado N., Perez-Machado M., Furlano R., Thomson M., Davies S., Wakefield AJ, Walker-Smith JA, MurchSH. Enteropathy with T cell infiltration and epithelial IgG deposition inautismMolecular Psychiatry.2002;7:375-382.
  87. Montgomery SM,Wakefield AJ, Ekbom A. Pertussisinfection in childhood and type I diabetes 2002 Diabet. Med. 2002;19:986–993.
  88. MontgomerySM., Lambe M., Wakefield AJ.,Pounder RE., Ekbom A. Siblings and the risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. ScandinavianJournal of Gastroenterology 2002;37:1301-1308.
  89. Wakefield AJ.The Gut-Brain Axis in Childhood developmental Disorders. Journal ofPediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 2002;34:S14-S17.
  90. Wakefield AJ. Entero-colitis,Autism and Measles Virus. Consensus in Child Neurology.2002;6:74-77.
  91. AshwoodP, Anthony A, Pellicer AA, Torrente F, WakefieldAJ. Intestinal lymphocyte populations in children with regressive autism:Evidence for extensive mucosal immunopathology. Journal of ClinicalImmunology, 2003;23:504-517.
  92. Wakefield AJ. Enterocolitis, autism and measlesvirus. Molecular Psychiatry. 2002;7:S44-46
  93. Ashwood P, Anthony A, Torrente F, Wakefield AJ., Spontaneous mucosallymphocyte cytokine profiles in children with regressive autism andgastrointestinal symptoms: Mucosal immune activation and reduced counterregulatory interleukin-10. Journal of Clinical Immunology.2004:24:664-673.
  94. Anthony A, Ashwood P., Wakefield AJ. The significance ofileo-colonic lymphoid nodular hyperplasia in children with autistic spectrumdisorder. European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2005 Aug;17(8):827-36.
  95. BradstreetJJ, ,El Dahr J., Anthony A., Kartzinel J., WakefieldAJ, Detection of Measles Virus Genomic RNA in Cerebrospinal Fluid ofChildren with Regressive Autism: a Report of Three Cases   Journal ofAmerican Physicians and Surgeons. 2004.9:39-45.
  96. StottC., Blaxill M., Wakefield AJ. MMR and Autism in Perspective:the Denmark Story.Journalof American Physicians and Surgeons 2004;9:89-91.
  97. The Gut-Brain Axisin Childhood Developmental Disorders: Viruses and Vaccines. Wakefield AJ., Collins I., Ashwood P.  Invited chapter in Infectious Disease andNeuropsychiatric Disorders Chapter 21, pp 198-206
  98. AshwoodP, Wakefield AJ. Ileal andperipheral blood CD3+ cytokine profiles in children with regressive autism andgastrointestinal symptoms: Mucosal immune activation and reduced counterregulatoryinterleukin-10. Journal of Neuroimmunology. 2006 ;73:126-34.
  99. Wakefield AJ., Stott C., Limb K. Gastrointestinal co-morbidity,autistic regression and Measles-containing vaccines: positive re-challenge andbiological gradient effects. Medical Veritas2006;3:796-802
  100. Wakefield AJ. The significance ofileocolonic lymphoid nodular hyperplasia in children with autistic spectrumdisorder. (letter) Eur J Gastro Hep 2006;18:571-574.
  101. Wakefield AJ. Autistic enterocolitis: is it ahistopathological entity? Histopathology 2006;50:380-384.
  102. Russo AJ,Krigsman A, Jepson B, Wakefield AJ.Anti-PR3 and Anti-MPO IgG ANCA in Autistic Children With Chronic GI Disease. Immunologyand Immunogenetics Insights 2009:2:21-28.
  103. Russo AJ,Krigsman A, Jepson B, Wakefield A. Lowserum alpha-1 antitrypsin associated with anti-PR-3 ANCA in autistic childrenwith GI disease. – Genomics Insights, 2009 2009;2:1–9.
  104. Russo AJ,Krigsman A, Jepson B, Wakefield AJ.Decreased Serum Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) in Autistic Children with SevereGastrointestinal Disease. Biomarker Insights. 2009; 4: 181–190.
  105. Russo AJ,Krigsman A, Jepson B, Wakefield AJ.Generalized Autoimmunity of ANCA and ASCA Related to Severity of Disease inAutistic Children with GI Disease. Immunology and Immunogenetics Insights2009:1 37–47.
  106. Wakefield AJ.Callous Disregard. Autism and Vaccines – The Truth Behind a Tragedy. New York(2010) Skyhorse Publishing.
  107. Wakefield AJ.Waging war on the Autistic Child. The Arizona 5 and the Legacy of Baron vonMunchausen. New York (2012) Skyhorse Publishing.
  108. Russo AJ,Krigsman, A, Jepson B, Wakefield AJ.Low serum myeloperoxidase in autistic children with gastro-intestinal disease.Clin Exp Gastroenterol. 2009; 2:85-94.
  109. Wakefield AJ,Blaxill M, Haley B, Ryland A, Hollenbeck D, Johnson J, Moody J, Stott C. Response to Dr. Ari Brown and The Immunization Action Coalition. Medical Veritas6 2009; 6: 1907–1924

Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History

by Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk
