Tag Archives: victory

Trump Win Astounds

Donald J. Trump has been made President-elect in a historically successful, albeit contentious bid to attain the highest office in US government. What are the implications?

Donald Trump’s victory is (likely) a victory for ordinary, decent people against a corrupt establishment. It is a victory for peace against war and for cooperation over confrontation.

Trump’s triumphant win could mark the reversing point of globalist momentum in Western seats of power, and maybe even restore the bilateral mutuality of peaceful nation-states capable of working alongside one another; a world view held in admiration by Trump and other apparently non-Globalist leaning world leaders; especially in regards to cooperating with Russia’s Vladimir Putin, this could see the cooling of middle eastern escalation, the end of ISIS, and the (indefinite) restoration of world peace.

Obama’s remaining time in office leaves significant uncertainty.

Barack Obama

Barack Obama, a globalist puppet, will remain in office until Trump assumes the post in January of 2017, this leaves a short period by which Obama and his shadow affiliates could trigger catastrophe that would preserve his (and their) position; theories vary, but a global conflict masking an overdue financial collapse may be prompted to alleviate the due process of US democracy; thus preventing Trump from actually taking office.

Trump: “Drain the Swamp”

Donald Trump’s recent allusive comments in regards to ‘draining the swamp’ directly refer to the blatant corruption in circles of power in the US government. Hopefully, Trump actually delivers in ousting the bad eggs and jailing Clinton; proving his oft iterated statements are not hot air rhetoric, this should be something he capitalises on doing in his promises to voters.


Trump could backtrack, or worse; be an establishment candidate in heavy disguise.

The possibility does remain that Trump; who was friendly with the Clintons at one point (and may still be behind closed doors), may simply be a ‘goalpost’ changer in a crafty Globalist effort to refresh the dynasties from the worn-out Clinton & Bush era of politics to some newer faces.

I fear Trump may be a perpetuation of the controller’s paradigm. Yes, even despite Trump’s eagerness to demonstrate his ‘outsider’ background; this could very easily be the same approach used underhandedly by Globalists needing a new political dynasty to control the people, a changing of masks per se.

10 Stances that suggest Trump is not a Globalist

  1. Trump’s opposition to TTIP, a highly globalist oriented trade deal favouring big corporations over the people, poised to cede job opportunities and fill the coffers of the rich implies that Mr. Trump may have the people in mind before his money.
  2. Trump’s concern over regressive cultural Marxism that opposes Western values, Trump’s interest in retaining the populism of progressive western values defined by constitutionalism and liberty in the US by repelling groups that (in majority) do not generally hold these values at heart; many middle-eastern Islam adherents who have only known regressive cultural principles suggests that Trump gives emphasis to the unimpeachable standards of liberty and the basic inalienable freedoms that we are entitled to, and that may be eroded with an electorate drastically changed by over acceptance and mass migration.
  3. Trump’s opposition to toxic substances in vaccines and their ill effect on health: Trump’s disgust for what he addresses as autism-causing vaccines opposes the Goliath pharmaceutical corporations; once again suggesting that he is not an establishment or vested interest beholden candidate.
  4. Trump’s admiration of,  and desire to work with Vladimir Putin: The fact Trump likes the Russians speaks volumes in a country with a media so vehemently anti-Russian, Putin has been incessantly painted as a tyrannical figure by Globalist funded outlets, this changes with Trump who claims to not seek confrontation, but amicable partnership with them.
  5. Trump’s staunch constitutionalism: This speaks for itself, this is a man that triumphs the very thing that makes the West great, limited government that should always be held accountable for its actions, should serve the people and not itself or any vested interest, and should be challenged at every turn and motion. “Defend the Second Amendment of our Constitution. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed upon. Period.”
  6. Trump’s adherence to faith: As a professed man of the Bible in a West where faith is dying, Trump is humble enough and modest enough to realise there is more than himself while not forcing that faith on others. This contradicts the gross egoism of the Globalists; and is a role-model example that is surely to set the States on a course towards moral enlightenment and greater integrity and self discipline. The Satanic globalists, google ‘Spirit Cooking’ – are the exact opposite of this, even if they openly deny it.
  7. Trump’s ‘Pro-Gun’ stance: Trump has vowed to uphold all of the constitution, the right to purchase and bear arms is factored into this sacrosanct, legally binding document. It is something that, unlike the Globalists, Trump supports and endorses to the core; looks like 8 years of Obama grinding down at gun rights has not come to much fruition. The venerable right to overthrow a corrupt government with arms is recognised by Trump, else he would be trying to get rid of armaments, too, just like his corrupt predecessors have.
  8. Trump has been outspoken against the inanity of the ‘liberal’ PC culture: Once again demonstrably illustrating Trump as a man not concerned with the self-entitled safe-space, victimised mental blocks that permit far more harm than conciliation; it is a big sign that he is not one of the establishment.
  9. Trump eats organic: Defying big corporate lobbyists such as Monsanto that promote pesticides and GMOs, Donald Trump and his family allegedly live off of an organic diet and know the importance of good health on the well being of a person.@mygreenhippo #BenCarson is now leading in the #polls in #Iowa. Too much #Monsantoin the #corn creates issues in the brain? #Trump #GOP“ — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 22, 2015
  10. Trump endorses Brexit & Nationalism: the very opposite of globalism, the elites would have us pin nationalism to Nazi Germany, but both Donald Trump and Nigel Farage have portrayed nationalism as a positive celebration of culture and independence while still co-operating with other states.