Debt Slavery

The monetary system in place enslaves us. It manipulates prices, inflates, contorts, contrives; it creates the illusion of sparsity where there is abundance, bottlenecks fruitfulness and pushes upon us austerity without due cause, except the elitist notion that a proletariat populace can be controlled.

Globalist Economics

This monetary system is based on fractional reserve currency, it is based on creating money where there is none, a constantly raised debt-ceiling that cannot ever be paid back. The passive populace consents to this, materialistic complacency satisfies the suppressed average man, we think our basic needs are enough, we are told we live in the lap of luxury; that we should not dare look beyond our white picket fences, to not think outside the box that is played to us on repeat.

Manufactured consent through heavy indoctrination allows the big government to play God, while we aimlessly wallow in our material possessions, submissive, dumb, valueless, and utterly swindled.

The artificial debt bubble is ever-growing, upheld by a dependency on the US petrodollar via the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference, which firmly established the U.S. Dollar as the global reserve currency, after the  1971 Nixon Shock when the United States abandoned the international gold standard. This arrogant, superlative status as reserve currency is enforced by a US-NATO combined military unimaginably powerful (Budget of around USD 600 billion). This is all reinforced through the back-channels of sanctions and deals that pull the global strings. However, the controllers know this debt bubble will have to burst eventually, as a boom-bust system must be fulfilled, unless…

“The collapse of the petrodollar system, which I believe will occur sometime within this decade, will make the 1971 Nixon Shock look like a dress rehearsal.” — Jerry Robinson @FTMDaily

According to radio show host and political activist, Bill Cooper, in order to avoid a complete financial collapse that would end the possibility of world government, they must bring about cashless currency, a single, centralised point of monetary control. Either that, or initiate a cataclysmic world war to mask the collapse.

This cashless system will prevent or mask the system from collapsing, this is because digits typed onto a screen constitutes the ultimate form of money-manipulation. This is because it shifts from the untraceable status of hard, cold cash to something completely controllable.


To reach this point, they must masterfully manufacture consent, they seek to wage this war on the people without firing a single bullet. According to Bill Cooper, they work in the shadows devising plans decades in advance, so to always be many steps ahead of the people they seek to deceive.

Manufactured Consent:

In order to get their own way, the Globalist elite must eradicate the sacrosanct, foundation-stone, unalienable rights and values held by the majority of people in the West. Once constitutionalism is broken, the ability for the globalists to do what they want will be a reality.

The U.S. Constitution, an inherently libertarian doctrine, details natural law as sovereign, this is the law of God, Biblical scripture is at its very basis, proposing that the rulers of man are subject to the laws of God, i.e. the right to bear arms.

These values are held relatively strongly in the West, which is arguably the last bastion of constitutional freedom and liberty – in order for the Socialist-Marxist Globalists to overturn this, they must gradually and tactfully employ numerous, underhanded methods, including;

  • Mass-importation, integration, and acceptance of people that have never known liberty, and thus will not defend said liberty/constitutional values. This is being actively seen with the current migrant crisis in Europe, an effort by cultural Marxists to eradicate Western values and lower the bar enough for them to seize control over the world’s sovereign nations, this is because these people will vote for socialist-establishment candidates and work for next to nothing, pushing down wage standards, living standards and also the standards of everything else, including the standards the people hold the governing body accountable to. With western men feminised (read on for more), the still-masculine third world people will quickly out-breed the remaining bloodlines that still hold onto constitutional values, cultural and social replacement in action.
  • Cultural engineering to uplift anti-liberty trends and customs as popular, the use of all levels of media production to push the agenda of socialist-Marxist Globalism is rife, and used to inculcate and indoctrinate people to lean towards socialist-Marxist policies, these are policies that whittle away national sovereignty and encourage passiveness, servitude and apathy.
  • Pushing for race division to portray ‘whiteness’ (liberty) as regressive and oppressive, this silences the dissenting voices from the predominantly white demographic, an ethnic group that on the whole, holds the most progressive values. If you shut down the native holders of constitutional values into a corner while piling in millions of regressive, third-world Islamic people, you can culturally overwrite & thus destroy the values, history and status (success/opulence) that ‘whiteness’ (which is really just the success of good values, race has nothing to do with it) has historically exuded and sought to share with everybody else. You’ll notice bans on confederate flags, a section of white culture branded as ‘racist’ yet the truth is that all cultures have had turbulent pasts, the socialist-Marxist objective is to target and eradicate cultures with Biblical and constitutional adherence.
  • Pushing an ostensibly ‘innocent’ and virtuous looking brand of politics that underhandedly brings socialistic, soft-imperialist politics to the forefront. The sheer lack of transparency in politics today is signified by the example of the idea that the EU will benefit the constituents ostensibly, the case is actually the opposite, member states are forced to cede their sovereign control, resources and influence to the Brussels-ruled bloc. The result is a socialist-inclined superstate ruled by the unelected few. A smaller version of what world government will eventually look like.
  • Acceptance of women as dominant, and men as submissive, in a charade that is marketed to appear progressive and liberal, the globalist efforts to ‘break the stereotypes’ of women as the submissive sex/vice versa for men, is undoubtedly a charlatan effort to undermine the sacred masculine energy (action and pursuit), an energy that threatens the globalist plans to seize control over the world. Remove the rebellious man from the equation, and you can take/do anything you want. The spreading of harmful chemicals through food/water influences bodily chemistry to turn men and women gay, in order to mask this noticeable change the Globalists have launched pro-gay campaigns to make it look like this mass ‘coming-out’ is due to a social movement, and not their sly chemical warfare. Popular culture also leans towards this contrived notion, the new starwars portrays Rey as a ‘strong female’ lead, there is even a scene where she openly rejects a male characters’ chivalrous advance.
  • Overturning the distinction of gender, in order to oust the secure concept of a masculine sex and a feminine sex, which something essential to a stable, natural world, the globalists have pushed a widespread campaign of LGBT. They seek to reinforce a broad, obscure spectrum of gender rather than the idea of two clear-cut genders. This will ruin the family structure, which is something that will damage a child’s biological development, without a clear mother/father the child will biologically turn to the state for parenting, in an appeal for a stronger role model. If you can make something as absolute as gender transient and vague, then you can overturn something as absolute as the constitution.
  • Feminising everything to overload the world with feminine energy. If this is achieved, people will be more inclined to emotional decision-making (feminine trait) rather than logical decision-making (a masculine trait). If people become too caring and non-pragmatic, the inclination is to vote socialist. It is asserted by Stefan Molyneux that women lean towards socialist politics. This is simply because they are naturally drawn to a figure that provides for them, in this case the government. Women love safety nets, it is a biological default, a predilection for security in the upbringing of a prospective child, when you overtly emphasise femininity, you very quickly get socialist politics to emerge.
  • Pushing a culture of giving in to temptation and our animal impulses. To concede to your animal nature is to give up on higher consciousness, and as a result become little more than an animal to be herded, regulated and controlled. Rudimentary impulses are predictable and easy to manipulate, for example, with the animal reaction of fear; the ‘fight and flight‘ reaction was utilised in the 9/11 event, a staged terrorist attack that rallied public support behind the consecutive wars in the middle-east. When your reptilian brain is constantly activated (the constant sensationalism of the mainstream media keeps our fear consistently piqued) we are in a state of low-functioning, panicked, reactionary decision-making, it suppresses our capacity for original, critical thought and favours the survival instinct, an instinct that overrides our ability to process the situation accurately, we naturally lash out in fear without really understanding the situation. This case of human nature is being constantly used against us, to great effect for the globalists.
  • An obsession with racial classification, the mainstream media’s obsession with classifying race is repugnant, constantly portraying blacks as underdogs being persecuted by whites (yet black-on-black crime is the real oppressor), having an obsession with racism and not ‘offending’ somebody else’s cultural roots, even if their culture is by fact, morally inferior. This media narrative favours and protects decadent cultures, it classifies and divides while spitting on ‘white’ western culture by cherry-picking, and magnifying eras of oppression, and ignoring the great advantages of constitutionalism. Simply by repeatedly outlining racial differences, the media fuels racial tension, a classic divide & conquer scheme.

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