Category Archives: Economy

Evidence Calls Western Narrative About Syrian Chemical Attack Into Question

 Via Disobedient Media

The April 4th, 2017 incident at Khan Sheikhoun has provoked an emotional response around the world after images began to emerge showing civilian adults and children apparently suffering from the effects of chemical weapons. President Donald Trump has stated that the attack has totally changed his views towards the Syrian civil war, and may alter his intended strategy there.

Although Western media immediately accused Bashar al-Assad of participating in a gas attack against his own people, the evidence indicates that the intended target was not immediately in a civilian area and was in fact a location where Syrian White Helmets were on the scene with rebel groups at what observers have claimed was a storage facility for conventional and chemical munitions. Additionally, evidence indicates that rebel groups may have had prior knowledge of the attack and knew that there was a risk of chemical weapons being unleashed. The attack also came in the aftermath of a trip by Senator John McCain to meet with groups known to associate with radical jihadist factions in Syria, at a time when the United States government has been engulfed in a power struggle between different political factions who disagree strongly over what should be appropriate policy in regards to the Syrian civil war.

I. Evidence From Khan Sheikhoun Does Not Support Assertions Of Airborne Chemical Weapons Use

Evidence which has emerged in the aftermath of the attack at Khan Sheikhoun indicates that not only was the nature of the attack misreported by the media, but that certain individuals on the ground in Syria may have had foreknowledge of the attack up to several days before it happened. On April 3rd, 2017, an anti-Assad journalist tweeted that the next day he would be launching a media campaign to cover airstrikes on the Hama countryside, including the use of chemical weapons. It is not clear how the reporter was able to know that chemical weapons would be used an entire day before the attacks occurred.

Tweet from journalist one day before the attack indicating foreknowledge about chemical weapons usage

Observers further noted that on April 1st, 2017, a doctor on the ground in Khan Sheikhoun, Dr. Shajul Islam, had received several shipments of gas masks in the days running up to the chemical incident. The revelations on Twitter fueled speculation that opposition figures were aware of the chemical attack days before it actually happened, contesting the narrative that the Syrian government was responsible. Daily Mail has reported that Dr. Shajul Islam was at one point sought by the British government in connection with the abduction of two journalists in Syria, and security services have stated that Islam and his brother may have had ties to ISIS executioner “Jihadi John.”

Additionally, footage from the scene of the incident taken by the Syrian White Helmets appears to show that their operatives were not assisting victims in a manner that was consistent with established protocol on how to handle sarin saturated bodies. Images appear to show that Syrian White Helmet operatives were handling purported sarin victims with their bare hands, rather than with gloves, which is necessary to prevent the rescuer being injured by the chemical themselves. They also appear to be using simple dust masks, which are not suitable protection in the event of a sarin attack.

Image released by the Syrian White Helmets which shows rescue workers handling victims with their bare hands and inadequate gas masks, undermining claims of sarin usage

Disobedient Media has reported in January that the Syrian White Helmets are heavily supported by the United State government via USAID, are implicated in war crimes committed in Aleppo and other parts of Syria during the civil war and appear to have a large number of members who are involved with local Syrian militia groups and jihadist organizations.  The White Helmets have also been caught staging rescue footage for propaganda purposes in the past.

United Arab Emirates-based Al-Masdar News has also cited Twitter users who noted that photos of the Khan Sheikhoun attack appear to show storage facilities rather than a residential area and speculated that the White Helmets may have been using the location alongside rebel groups who were storing munitions in the area. The Russian Ministry of Defense have stated that the release of any chemicals was a result of a Syrian government airstrike against rebel supply depots in the area where chemical arms were being produced.

II. Rebels Are Known To Have Possessed And Used Chemical Weapons In Syria For Some Time

While the Syrian government surrendered their chemical arms stockpiles for destruction several years ago, evidence indicates that rebel groups in Syria have ramped up their own supplies of the deadly weapons systems and have not hesitated to deploy them in combat. On June 23rd, 2014, The Wall Street Journal reported that the Syrian government had completed the removal of all chemical weapons from the country per and agreement they had reached with the United States. The handover was confirmed by the United Nations Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. While the Syrian government have surrendered their chemical weapons, rebel groups have acquired and used them in increasing numbers.

The supplies for these weapons appear to come from multiple sources. Before they were handed over to the U.S. military, rebel groups such as ISIS were able to capture stockpiles of chemical weapons from Syrian army depots. On July 9th, 2014, just weeks after the Syrian army’s handover, The Guardian reported that ISIS had captured a massive former Iraqi chemical weapons facility northwest of Baghdad, confiscating over 2,500 degraded chemical rockets filled with sarin. Research has also led to speculation that ISIS and other rebel groups may have been able to access materials for chemical weapons stored by Muammar Gaddafi in Libya.  In November 2016, The New York Times acknowledged that ISIS had used chemical arms at least 52 times in Syria and Iraq.

Daily Mail: Rebel tests weaponized chemical agent on rabbits in Syria

ISIS is not the only rebel group to possess sarin and other kinds of chemical munitions in Syria however. Video obtained by Daily Mail shows that Syrian rebel groups in Libya have been experimenting with various kinds of chemical weapons for some years now. In 2014, the United Nations acknowledged that “abandoned” sarin gas cylinders had been located in the city of Aleppo. On April 8th, 2016, Voice of America reported that jihadist group Jaysh al-Islam used chemical weapons in attacks against Kurdish troops in Aleppo.

III. The Khan Sheikhoun Incident May Be Part Of An Ongoing Power Struggle Over U.S. Policy In Syria

The chemical attack also appears to play into the ongoing power struggle between the American political establishment and members of the new Trump administration. Political figures who are hawkish towards the Syrian government have noted with some dismay that President Trump had until this week been apparently unwilling to prosecute the United States’ stated goal of enacting regime change in Syria, citing the larger threat of ISIS and other jihadist terror groups as a priority.

The United States politicians who have taken funds from countries known to supply rebel groups with materials for the production of chemical weapons were also meeting with rebel factions who are reported to associate with jihadist groups in the run up to the attack. On February 22nd, 2017, CNN reported that McCain had made a secret trip to northern Syria the week prior. McCain’s made the trip despite the fact that since late 2015, the Western media has finally admitted that there were no longer any “moderate” rebel groups in Syria. In January 2017, Representative Tusli Gabbard returned from a visit to Syria to confirm these reports, as well as to reveal that U.S. support was effectively delivering arms to jihadist groups such as al-Nusra, al-Qaida, Ahrar al-Sham and ISIS who are operating inside Syria. McCain claimed to be meeting with forces who are preparing to combat ISIS in Eastern Syria, but The Guardian has reported that these groups are mainly comprised of mercenaries who have and will fight for jihadist groups if the price is right. Disobedient Media has also previously reported that in 2014, McCain accepted a donation of $1 million from Saudi Arabia. The CEO of Al-Masdar News, Leith Abou Fadel, recently posted images on Twitter in April 2017 showing Saudi-made chlorine agents found in East Aleppo which were being used to create chemical bombs.

Saudi-made chlorine agent captured in East Aleppo

The trip to meet with rebel groups is not McCain’s first. On May 27th, 2013, The Daily Beast ran an exclusive report revealing that Senator John McCain had made another secret trip into Syria to meet with “assembled leaders of Free Syrian Army.” McCain made the trip in spite of the fact that documents obtained by Judicial Watch which state that the United States was fully aware of the growing jihadi presence among Syrian rebel groups, and reports emerging in the American press indicating that rebels were increasingly engaging in war crimes. In August 2013, three months after McCain’s visit, civilians in the Ghouta neighborhood of Damascus were hit with a chemical attack after rockets containing sarin struck the area. Though most of the mainstream press immediately blamed the Syrian government for the tragedy, German paper Die Welt has since run a report alleging that the sarin did not come from the Syrian government, but from stockpiles held by jihadist rebel group Al-Nusra.

ZeroHedge has reported that McCain angrily slammed Secretary of State Rex Tillerson after the White House backed comments Tillerson and ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley made stating that the United States would no longer primarily focus on regime change in Syria. McCain’s desire to push regime change in Syria, his constant drive to seek confrontation with Russia, his close financial relationship to a state which is known to have supplied rebel groups with materials for crude chemical weapons and the now common knowledge that there are no “moderate” rebels remaining in Syria raises serious questions about the true nature of McCain’s secret missions he has embarked on in the country over the past few years.

The Syrian government has been making serious gains in the civil war, recapturing the city of Aleppo and pushing against rebel groups in many other parts of the country with the support of the Russian Federation. It is strategically counterintuitive to assume that Bashar al-Assad would engage in a chemical attack on Syrians just one week after figures in the American government expressed the opinion that they would be willing to allow him to remain in power. The Syrian government no longer even possesses chemical weapons, as the United Nations and U.S. Department of State have already confirmed.

The involvement of the US-supported White Helmets, who have a history of association with war crimes and extremist groups in Syria and the apparent anger from the factions in the American government who oppose President Trump’s policies in Syria suggests that the facts surrounding the Khan Sheikhoun attack are being intentionally distorted for political gain. The apparent association of Senator John McCain with groups linked to extremism in Syria just weeks before the attack and his financial ties to states which have supplied rebel groups with chemical arms only serves to create further concerns that factions of the United States government are illicitly attempting to promote confrontation and drive increased U.S. military involvement in Syria. It may be some time before the full picture about the Khan Sheikhoun tragedy becomes apparent, but is more than clear that Syrian rebel groups hope to use the incident as a means of provoking increased Western support in their fight against the Russian-backed government.

Debt Slavery

The monetary system in place enslaves us. It manipulates prices, inflates, contorts, contrives; it creates the illusion of sparsity where there is abundance, bottlenecks fruitfulness and pushes upon us austerity without due cause, except the elitist notion that a proletariat populace can be controlled.

Globalist Economics

This monetary system is based on fractional reserve currency, it is based on creating money where there is none, a constantly raised debt-ceiling that cannot ever be paid back. The passive populace consents to this, materialistic complacency satisfies the suppressed average man, we think our basic needs are enough, we are told we live in the lap of luxury; that we should not dare look beyond our white picket fences, to not think outside the box that is played to us on repeat.

Manufactured consent through heavy indoctrination allows the big government to play God, while we aimlessly wallow in our material possessions, submissive, dumb, valueless, and utterly swindled.

The artificial debt bubble is ever-growing, upheld by a dependency on the US petrodollar via the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference, which firmly established the U.S. Dollar as the global reserve currency, after the  1971 Nixon Shock when the United States abandoned the international gold standard. This arrogant, superlative status as reserve currency is enforced by a US-NATO combined military unimaginably powerful (Budget of around USD 600 billion). This is all reinforced through the back-channels of sanctions and deals that pull the global strings. However, the controllers know this debt bubble will have to burst eventually, as a boom-bust system must be fulfilled, unless…

“The collapse of the petrodollar system, which I believe will occur sometime within this decade, will make the 1971 Nixon Shock look like a dress rehearsal.” — Jerry Robinson @FTMDaily

According to radio show host and political activist, Bill Cooper, in order to avoid a complete financial collapse that would end the possibility of world government, they must bring about cashless currency, a single, centralised point of monetary control. Either that, or initiate a cataclysmic world war to mask the collapse.

This cashless system will prevent or mask the system from collapsing, this is because digits typed onto a screen constitutes the ultimate form of money-manipulation. This is because it shifts from the untraceable status of hard, cold cash to something completely controllable.


To reach this point, they must masterfully manufacture consent, they seek to wage this war on the people without firing a single bullet. According to Bill Cooper, they work in the shadows devising plans decades in advance, so to always be many steps ahead of the people they seek to deceive.

Manufactured Consent:

In order to get their own way, the Globalist elite must eradicate the sacrosanct, foundation-stone, unalienable rights and values held by the majority of people in the West. Once constitutionalism is broken, the ability for the globalists to do what they want will be a reality.

The U.S. Constitution, an inherently libertarian doctrine, details natural law as sovereign, this is the law of God, Biblical scripture is at its very basis, proposing that the rulers of man are subject to the laws of God, i.e. the right to bear arms.

These values are held relatively strongly in the West, which is arguably the last bastion of constitutional freedom and liberty – in order for the Socialist-Marxist Globalists to overturn this, they must gradually and tactfully employ numerous, underhanded methods, including;

  • Mass-importation, integration, and acceptance of people that have never known liberty, and thus will not defend said liberty/constitutional values. This is being actively seen with the current migrant crisis in Europe, an effort by cultural Marxists to eradicate Western values and lower the bar enough for them to seize control over the world’s sovereign nations, this is because these people will vote for socialist-establishment candidates and work for next to nothing, pushing down wage standards, living standards and also the standards of everything else, including the standards the people hold the governing body accountable to. With western men feminised (read on for more), the still-masculine third world people will quickly out-breed the remaining bloodlines that still hold onto constitutional values, cultural and social replacement in action.
  • Cultural engineering to uplift anti-liberty trends and customs as popular, the use of all levels of media production to push the agenda of socialist-Marxist Globalism is rife, and used to inculcate and indoctrinate people to lean towards socialist-Marxist policies, these are policies that whittle away national sovereignty and encourage passiveness, servitude and apathy.
  • Pushing for race division to portray ‘whiteness’ (liberty) as regressive and oppressive, this silences the dissenting voices from the predominantly white demographic, an ethnic group that on the whole, holds the most progressive values. If you shut down the native holders of constitutional values into a corner while piling in millions of regressive, third-world Islamic people, you can culturally overwrite & thus destroy the values, history and status (success/opulence) that ‘whiteness’ (which is really just the success of good values, race has nothing to do with it) has historically exuded and sought to share with everybody else. You’ll notice bans on confederate flags, a section of white culture branded as ‘racist’ yet the truth is that all cultures have had turbulent pasts, the socialist-Marxist objective is to target and eradicate cultures with Biblical and constitutional adherence.
  • Pushing an ostensibly ‘innocent’ and virtuous looking brand of politics that underhandedly brings socialistic, soft-imperialist politics to the forefront. The sheer lack of transparency in politics today is signified by the example of the idea that the EU will benefit the constituents ostensibly, the case is actually the opposite, member states are forced to cede their sovereign control, resources and influence to the Brussels-ruled bloc. The result is a socialist-inclined superstate ruled by the unelected few. A smaller version of what world government will eventually look like.
  • Acceptance of women as dominant, and men as submissive, in a charade that is marketed to appear progressive and liberal, the globalist efforts to ‘break the stereotypes’ of women as the submissive sex/vice versa for men, is undoubtedly a charlatan effort to undermine the sacred masculine energy (action and pursuit), an energy that threatens the globalist plans to seize control over the world. Remove the rebellious man from the equation, and you can take/do anything you want. The spreading of harmful chemicals through food/water influences bodily chemistry to turn men and women gay, in order to mask this noticeable change the Globalists have launched pro-gay campaigns to make it look like this mass ‘coming-out’ is due to a social movement, and not their sly chemical warfare. Popular culture also leans towards this contrived notion, the new starwars portrays Rey as a ‘strong female’ lead, there is even a scene where she openly rejects a male characters’ chivalrous advance.
  • Overturning the distinction of gender, in order to oust the secure concept of a masculine sex and a feminine sex, which something essential to a stable, natural world, the globalists have pushed a widespread campaign of LGBT. They seek to reinforce a broad, obscure spectrum of gender rather than the idea of two clear-cut genders. This will ruin the family structure, which is something that will damage a child’s biological development, without a clear mother/father the child will biologically turn to the state for parenting, in an appeal for a stronger role model. If you can make something as absolute as gender transient and vague, then you can overturn something as absolute as the constitution.
  • Feminising everything to overload the world with feminine energy. If this is achieved, people will be more inclined to emotional decision-making (feminine trait) rather than logical decision-making (a masculine trait). If people become too caring and non-pragmatic, the inclination is to vote socialist. It is asserted by Stefan Molyneux that women lean towards socialist politics. This is simply because they are naturally drawn to a figure that provides for them, in this case the government. Women love safety nets, it is a biological default, a predilection for security in the upbringing of a prospective child, when you overtly emphasise femininity, you very quickly get socialist politics to emerge.
  • Pushing a culture of giving in to temptation and our animal impulses. To concede to your animal nature is to give up on higher consciousness, and as a result become little more than an animal to be herded, regulated and controlled. Rudimentary impulses are predictable and easy to manipulate, for example, with the animal reaction of fear; the ‘fight and flight‘ reaction was utilised in the 9/11 event, a staged terrorist attack that rallied public support behind the consecutive wars in the middle-east. When your reptilian brain is constantly activated (the constant sensationalism of the mainstream media keeps our fear consistently piqued) we are in a state of low-functioning, panicked, reactionary decision-making, it suppresses our capacity for original, critical thought and favours the survival instinct, an instinct that overrides our ability to process the situation accurately, we naturally lash out in fear without really understanding the situation. This case of human nature is being constantly used against us, to great effect for the globalists.
  • An obsession with racial classification, the mainstream media’s obsession with classifying race is repugnant, constantly portraying blacks as underdogs being persecuted by whites (yet black-on-black crime is the real oppressor), having an obsession with racism and not ‘offending’ somebody else’s cultural roots, even if their culture is by fact, morally inferior. This media narrative favours and protects decadent cultures, it classifies and divides while spitting on ‘white’ western culture by cherry-picking, and magnifying eras of oppression, and ignoring the great advantages of constitutionalism. Simply by repeatedly outlining racial differences, the media fuels racial tension, a classic divide & conquer scheme.

Will a Nuclear War Happen?

On the day when the fictitious universe known as fallout suffered its nuclear Armageddon in 2077 AD, it cannot be more relevant in discussing the looming nuclear war that may be about to erupt in the real world. Will it happen?

The short answer is on a basis of happenstance, no; but from a perspective of Globalist engineered incitement; almost certainly in one form or another, I believe. What is unfolding in present times is insinuative of what might stumble from classic cold war era rhetoric into a hot conflict of global proportions.

Prior major conflicts were just setting the scene: economically whittling down global powers (Britain, France, Russia etc) while ensuring the USA came out as king; steps to a new world order.

By reference to history, any decent predictor should consult the chronologies of our times; we are overdue for a war as subsequent to a major financial collapse, the most recent being the notable crisis in 2009.

  • Panic of 1901, a U.S. economic recession that started a fight for financial control of the Northern Pacific Railway
  • Panic of 1907, a U.S. economic recession with bank failures – both arguably led to WW1.
  • The Great Depression  (1929-39) which shortly preceded WW2

and now in recent times…

The world is being cultivated by the Globalist bankers for a major conflict. Massive currency and resource wars i.e. Saudi Oil embargo against Russia; provocations left, right and centre; and a huge proxy-war in the middle east against key Russian allies, Syria and Iran.

Encroaching threat: the US has bribed and cajoled European satellite states into its dominion by conquest or by its huge financial leverage (i.e. Ukraine). The missile shield ‘defence’ system is poised towards Russia, the field is set for a strike.

One theory states that the Globalist West will use WW3 to cover up the financial collapse implicated by the fiat currency system currently used by the Federal Reserve.

This absolutely makes sense, as the USD leads (or has led) as the world reserve currency. However, the USD’s upcoming demise and the rise of the East as an economic powerhouse is quite inevitable – The Globalist elites enthroned in the USA will not go down quietly, and will not cede the shining opportunity to establish a uni-polar world order of their rule, the world population is only getting bigger, and their Globalist politics is waning at the seams, as the UK leaves the EU and Russia and China push further for a Eurasian Union replete with its own currency set to pressure US dominance, and to rival the protectionism of the EU.

People that opposed the federal reserve fraudsters 

“When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes… Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.” – Napoleon Bonaparte

This financial instability comes after the financial elites/shadow government printed the USA’s way to massive, (but illusory) fortune for an extended time via the federal reserve (federal reserve explained) ever since the turn of the 20th century, this has been falsely propping up a husk of a rotting economy that should have crashed big time by now. All of this is to come down with one big crash that will allow the Globalists to maintain control – it is the only logical way forward, this means war – world war, as this upcoming financial crash is billed to be the biggest ever by many big names in economics – unless something happens to coincide with it.

A major US economic crash can hopefully be drowned out by the sound of a world war’s bang. This keeps the controllers in power, who save face by blaming the crash on war costs for a ‘good cause’ in fighting war.

9/11 followed a similar narrative, when the pentagon admitted some $6.5 trillion dollars was missing the day before the infamous attacks took place, which conveniently destroyed key evidence that would have surely led to prosecutions & convictions regarding this massive financial fraud. If a massive event such as 9/11 can be used to cover up financial fraud at one level, then why can’t a huge war be used to cover up fraud at an even greater level? When the very throne of the shadow government is at stake, a third world war to maintain that throne is very plausible.

‘Too Big to Fail’

The US Dollar relies on its global influence, or more accurately, bullying, to stay intact as exempt of the predominantly acknowledged financial rules i.e. gold backing (that Nixon cast out during his term); this is the ‘golden’ rule that other world currencies must adhere to, or face financial ruin.

The ‘Federal’ Reserve: Neither federal nor a legitimate reserve for a legitimate currency.

This is why the elites are panicking, as the world begins to turn away from US Dollar as the reserve currency, the US as a result will crumble in the consequences of decades of faking it, a long-term indebtedness to China and other nations will come to the fore very quickly as the facade of the huge federal reserve inflation bubble wears off.

The facade can only be maintained for so long, all must come to the light.

The Federal Reserve bankers can only keep the lie going for so long, the geopolitical pressures combined with the weakening of the USD as reserve currency means falsehood based, fiat economics’ days are numbered, and with it the seat of Globalism as a unilateral powerhouse.

Currently, the US is the worlds’ police state, keeping its subsidiaries, much like a global corporate entity; subservient to the largest stakeholder that makes the rules, and enforces these rules by mode of force. Without the brooding military assertiveness of the states, it would cease to hold all the cards in the global economy, the thorn in its side resides in the few states that dissent from the dominance of the unbacked USD, Syria, Iran, China and Russia.


WW3 by False Flag Attack

Hillary has proposed an active military response against Russia if a cyber attack were to take place that could prospectively kill innumerable, the scary thing is that this is now legislated as an acceptable response; neocon shadow government has held this as a viable reaction to something that can easily be orchestrated, it just takes a slight prompt and all could go to oblivion.

Cyber Attack False Flag

An EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) that could be falsely linked back to Moscow as a cyber attack might be in the works among the Globalist inner-circles, the next major ‘Gulf of Tonkin’ or ‘9/11’ false flag attack; but this one must kill many thousands, to permit WW3 against the Russians, and possibly the Chinese and draw from a world inflamed amidst chaos – a New World Order; one that proposes peaceable utopia, but propagates the contrary.

“What would a successful EMP attack look like? The EMP Commission, in 2008, estimated that within 12 months of a nationwide blackout, up to 90% of the U.S. population could possibly perish from starvation, disease and societal breakdown.”

While that figure (90%) may seem extraordinary, the implications of high population areas lacking adequate electricity means the fluency of the logistical facets at all levels of human society will be slowed exceptionally; many will inevitably die. This will incur panic, and an emotionally charged reaction, to deal with the cause of the issue.

The Globalists, snug in their padded bunkers will call the shots from behind the lines, having garnered a rally of public support in vanquishing the claimed ‘source’ of hardship and suffering; it will undoubtedly be Putin’s Russia as the strawman, the consequences of such popular permission for war will probably trigger full-blown nuclear conflict, a conflict that will end the world as we know it, unopposed in the state of its initiation due to an array of factitious maneuvers rendering popular opposition null and void.

The Dead of the Night

A blackout in the USA gives the opportunity for the Globalist corrupt to shut down major public domain communications, including the internet – and therefore act without accountability to the chance of widespread popular public resistance. In the dead of the night it has even been suggested FEMA camps will be put to use to imprison dissenter targets (patriots, anti-government individuals etc) already logged and predetermined as ‘terrorist’ targets, long before the ‘blackout’ event. The brainwashed servicemen and women will simply ‘follow orders’ and imprison these people.

Major Orchestrated Chaos Will Be Afoot

In the heat of this hectic chaos, and without the network of public communications to hamper big government overstepping the mark; a war with Russia can be and will be pursued without the threat of a large ‘rebellion’ rallying to diffuse such a conflict. Radios and rudimentary forms of communication will be the resort; mostly dominated by Globalist held stations that will blare propaganda to the unsuspecting public, blaming the Russians/East as responsible for the blackout.

The Globalists, in the shadows, will stir a public malaise; inculcated in a manufactured cocoon of deceit and propaganda from a blackout, to be exploited, to divide and rule the oblivious Western people in what remaining basic communication can be used. All awhile, the Globalists shall carry out the ‘necessary’ atrocities to eliminate their few remaining rivals in the world and usher in a world government.


The false-flag FEMA camp entrapment will ensure potential resistance is silenced, (in a time of national crisis). How this will be carried out is up to speculation, but I assume it will either be forcible or initially innocuous with ‘come, it is not safe as you lack electricity…’ etc and thus the potent dissenters will leave their homes in the name of security, and shall be subdued or held in these camps until after the conflict with Russia and the East has concluded, and the New World Order has been established.

Alleged locations of FEMA camps, lying dormant for a national crisis.

Nuclear Weapons Incidentally also Create an EMP Blast.

Characteristically, EMP waves are not too far removed from nuclear explosions themselves, being a common secondary impact. This may point to the shadow government intending to stage a nuclear attack, maybe even detonating something. Of course this is the lesser likelihood of possible staged events, but one still very realistic nonetheless – it would completely smear Russian credibility and give the wholehearted impression that Russia is the enemy ‘of the world’ – something lucrative to Globalist warmongers; the diminutive cost of human life is negligible if it means world government can be ushered into materialization, no measure of human loss is too steep for a circle of people that attend an event dubbed the ‘cremation of care’ on an annual basis.

Time is Running Out

I don’t warm to fear-mongering, such journalism is bloated and misleading. But the Globalist heads have little time to realize their desire, the event horizon is coming as the global population begins to realize the plan afoot, as the finger slips from the shadows to the commonly known – The ‘event’ that will see a push for world government and mass depopulation may just be around the corner.


The Pattern of this World

As put very succinctly by the ‘real rapper‘ Marcus Hopsin, the prevailing egoism in social circles today is primed by superficiality and self-entitlement; aka human merchandise that headlines shallow connotations as oddly valuable, the worship of the flesh and material things has poisoned the good character that many prior generations once held.


This is a catalytic creator of societies collectively pulled towards materialism as a qualification for a person that is deemed ‘desirable’ and acceptable, against our natural will, as none (or few of us) truly want to conform this way, but many will because it is convenient, and part of the herd mentality that has been monetized against the helpfulness of instinct as was once relevant in times of primitive circumstance, long passed. This neurological hijack is a self-perpetual cycle that requires certain mavericks to alter the trends set by corporate interest, rapper Marcus Hopsin is one of these mavericks.

The concept that material possessions are quintessential is propagated by corporate entities that thrive off of insecurity, dissatisfaction and above all; a materialistic mindset that will never be quenched – the clothes you wear, the car you drive, the house you own, the money you make; all bequeathed to the men in suits that name the game, set the terms, and engineer society to fulfill their vision, they rely on blind conformity to keep the cogs turning and have their far-reaching hands in every area of life imaginable.

They’ve convinced you that you need to buy their useless new product.

The men in dark suits will lift the bar marginally higher each year, and to keep your imaginary trophy cabinet updated, you’ll purchase the new stuff, follow their new trend; which is the same as the old stuff, just modified slightly. Materialism is profitable and present everywhere in a culture owned by corporations that have become too powerful for their own good.

2 Corinthians 4:4

Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Yahusha (Jesus*), who is the exact likeness of Elohim (God*).

Those bound to materialism, incapable of seeing the truth behind the ‘pattern’ of this world, will see these patterns as something to abide by. They are incapable of distinguishing light from dark.

Romans 12:2

Do not be conformed to this world,but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world.

This ‘pattern’ in the world is being set and reset constantly, it the choreography which we are told to dance to, don’t go through their motions, be a rock in Yahusha (Jesus); because our primitive minds and bodies will accustom to these worldly patterns willingly. But our spirits can discern the good from the bad, this spirituality comes from being baptized in the Word, figuratively washing your mind in the Word as much as possible – that’s where ‘brainwashing’ derives from, do the same with the Scriptures, reverse the satanic trash that has been integrated into your psyche – a righteous man who dedicated all to the light will have eyes that can truly see, and ears that can truly hear.

Psalm 18:2

Elohim is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, My Elohim, my rock, in whom I take refuge; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

Our flesh and matter is programmable, subtle symbols and words on repeat influence us – we can be cajoled into doing that which we consciously would oppose. It takes a strong, diligent spiritual backbone to reverse this, not church-ianity (just going to a Church for the feel-good factor), not relativist diligence, because that in itself is sensualist, kneeling to the bidding of your body (a fallen version of Elohim’s image).

It takes plenty of self-discipline to really ensure you don’t become a pawn, that’s why anything spiritual is shunned or ridiculed by materialistic king-pins; because the spirit overrides flesh-based programming; it unpicks everything and returns you to your true self, where you cannot be exploited. This Holy spirituality is ever relevant in the age where we are being relentlessly engineered.

Materialism is an ugly distraction.

Materialism is the literal obstacle in your way to spiritual enlightenment, you’re looking towards objects with imaginary prices defined with imaginary numbers with imaginary values attributed to pieces of paper (or whatever they use to make money); how is that meaningful whatsoever? You are loving the malleable, unreliable creations of men, not YHWH, our Elohim who created it all, the immovable rock, the bastion of truth, all else shall fade away, but the immaterial spirit shall never die.

Romans 1:25

They exchanged the truth of Elohim for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator, who is forever worthy of praise! Amen.

Psalm 37:1-2

Do not fret because of evildoers, Be not envious toward wrongdoers. For they will wither quickly like the grass And fade like the green herb.

*Jesus – The Greek attempted transliteration of the Messiah’s true name, Yahusha. Seems to be a contraction of the pagan Christianity founded by Rome combining Hesus, Horus and Krishna, hence Jesus H. Christ, never seen in the original Scriptures and a blasphemous addition of the lying scribes, that sought to unify the pagan Gods of Roman demesnes to boost stability for worldly reasons.

Jeremiah 8:8

“How can you say, ‘We are wise, And the law of Elohim is with us’? But behold,the lying pen of the scribes Has made it into a lie.

*God – A title that attempts to mirror ‘Elohim’ but seems to be a contraction of Gadriel, another name for Satan.

Former Pfizer VP explains how Corporations buy off Doctors

If anyone knows the systems of pharmaceutical corruption, it’s a former VP (Vice President) of one of the most well-established drug companies, bar none; Pfizer. In an age of ever-growing financial polarization; those who have exploited the masses are garnering yet more influence by tempting the masses with the materials they have exploited, a vicious, perpetual cycle of abuse is the result.

Hillary Clinton Told Trump to be Quiet about the Federal Reserve Bank

Donald Trump should hold his tongue about the artificial economy created by the Federal Reserve, US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton told reporters Tuesday.

Addressing Trump’s previous statements that the private central bank had created a “false economy,” Clinton said presidential candidates and sitting presidents should never comment on Fed policy because it could rattle markets.

“Another example why he shouldn’t be near the White House,” Clinton said on her plane to reporters.

“You should not be commenting on Fed actions when you are either running for president or you are president. Words have consequences. Words move markets. Words can be misinterpreted. Words can have effects on people’s 401ks, their pension funds, their stock portfolios.”

“I’m not going to comment on Trump’s comment,” Clinton continued, adding, “other than to say that he should not be trying to talk up or talk down the economy and he shouldn’t be adding the Fed to the long list of institutions and individuals that he is maligning.”

On Monday, Trump told reporters the Federal Reserve was keeping interest rates low to portray Obama in a positive light.

“They’re keeping the rates down so that everything else doesn’t go down,” Trump responded when asked about the Fed’s potential September rate hike. “We have a very false economy.”

Trump has also previously said he would “most likely” replace Fed chair Janet Yellen, to which the Fed did not issue a response.

A graphic from Zero Hedge illustrates the stark difference between one of the US’ major stock indexes, the S&P, compared to this year’s Gross Domestic Product growth expectations.

As for Clinton’s assertion that presidents shouldn’t be commenting on the Fed, Zero Hedge highlights Obama commented on Fed policy earlier this year saying he was “pleased” with the work Yellen had done.

Source: Hillary to Trump: Don’t Talk about the Federal Reserve » Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!

Chinese and Russian Currencies Break Away

Dollar Disaster Looms? China and Russian Currencies Break Away, from the Daily Bell.
It seems as though the NWO’s one world currency is threatened by the currency break-away of China and Russia.

Russia leaves the Dollar based monetary system and adopts a system of Sovereign Currency. The implications are phenomenal! “In 1990 the first priority of Washington and the IMF was to pressure Yeltsin and the Duma to “privatize” the State Bank of Russia, under a Constitutional amendment that mandated the new Central Bank of Russia, like the Federal Reserve or European Central Bank, be a purely monetarist entity whose only mandate is to control inflation and stabilize the Ruble. In effect, money creation in Russia was removed from state sovereignty and tied to the US dollar.”

2016: “The Stolypin club report advises to increase the investment, pumping up the economy with money from the state budget and by the issue of the Bank of Russia”. Putin decided to follow the Stolypin club advice as the new monetary policy of the country. -Before It’s News

Money is changing fast and the US dollar is going to crash.

Here’s an excerpt from yet another recently published article (translated from the Russian) describing how the ruble may now evolve (here).

We must nationalize the ruble. What does it mean? It means that we must separate the internal markets from the external ones.

… Thus, the first step for Russia is secession from the IMF and others similar institutions designed to keep the entire world in bondage. The dollar noose must be cut.

Now the amount of printed rubles will not be determined by how many dollars we have but by the actual needs of our economy.

… We have absolutely no need in the central bank in its current form, but we do need a financial regular. Under any regime, it was the Treasury that performed this function. Let it remain the same now regardless of the official name. It may continue to be called the Central Bank. If the essence is changed, there is no need in changing plaques.

You can also see an article (here) that goes into this issue more deeply and claims that Putin has in mind backing a portion of the ruble with gold as well. (We should note there are claims the  ruble is backed by gold already.)

The dramatic – historical – Russian currency changes (if these articles are accurate) seem a little difficult to discern in full at this moment, but obviously things are changing fast. And they are changing for China’s “money” as well. In fact, some have speculated China and Russia could launch a joint, gold-backed currency (here, see bottom of article).

At the beginning of October, the yuan joins the IMF’s SDR  basket (here). This means that major international institutions can issue bonds payable in yuan (actually RMB, the Chinese external currency).

And that is just what has happened already. The World Bank is issuing a large yuan/RMB tranche and this will be the first of many (here).

Investors who want to place funds in RMB rather than dollars will use the new yuan/RMB-based instruments. The US will continue to print dollars but those dollars may not find a home abroad so easily. Instead they may circulate back into the US economy creating significant price inflation.

The US was able to do so much damage domestically and abroad because of its virtually unlimited spending power. It’s been able to prosecute endless, horrible wars and imprison up to five percent of its adult population at any one time.

Now things are changing. Between the Russian announcement and yuan/RMB convertibility, the US will gradually have more trouble printing money at will. Perhaps the corrupt military-industrial complex will be impelled to shrink and large-scale social programs like the wretched Obamacare will have more difficulty with funding as well.

As a libertarian publication, we should rejoice over the upcoming starvation of the US fedgov.

But we will not. We are well aware that the same banking influences that created the monstrous, modern state is ruining US and the West generally in order to build up a more febrile internationalism.

The BRICs, invented by Goldman Sachs are part of it. So is this reconfiguration of reserve currencies.

It seems natural, of course, as “directed history”always does. But it is not natural in the slightest. From what we can tell, it is pre-planned.

Remember both the IMF and the World Bank are controlled by the US. And yet it is these two organizations that are facilitating the rise of the yuan/RMB.

Also, please pay attention to how Russia will issue rubles into the economic system (from the same translated article we quoted previously):

How can we calculate [how many rubles Russia needs]? In exactly the same way as the United States calculates the amount of dollars needed for its economy. Just as the European Union does the same.

The best justification would be that from now on Russia issues rubles based on the value (in rubles) of all natural resources explored on its territory. It is quite amusing that subsequent steps are no rocket science; they are dictated by common sense itself. Since we are breaking down the disadvantageous system,

Putin may be taking a big step, but by circumventing his central bank (initially imposed by the West) he can be seen as moving toward more state control of Russian currency.

And for years, we have debated heatedly with people like Ellen Brown (here) who believe that federal governments can do a much better job of printing money than quasi-independent central banks.

Good Lord! What’s wrong with a little monetary freedom?

All Putin has to do if he wants a healthy currency is declare that the new ruble will be backed by gold and that its issuance will be a private or regional matter.

Let a thousand gold mines bloom. Let the circulation of gold and its related paper notes travel up or down depending on quantity and demand – not the determinations of yet another shadowy, elite clique.

This is the way the US ran before the Civil War and created one of the world’s most prosperous and freest cultures. Those in the US live yet on the dregs of that “golden” period.

But this is not well understood. As time goes on the often-illiterate alternative media may join in hosannas for Putin’s upcoming currency shift. But, again, just because “Russia” will now control its currency instead of a central bank reporting to the IMF, doesn’t necessarily create a better system.

Of course, the argument will be made this sort of system is what Hitler installed in Nazi Germany in order to create the German “miracle” of the 1930s (which we are supposedly not able to talk about). But that system might have destroyed itself over time. Surely it would have.

To begin with, such systems may work very well. But since the “money” is being created by human deciders rather than the competitive market, distortions are inevitable. Price-fixing, which is what it is, never works.

And while we are making the point that this newfound ruble freedom may not be so profound as advertised, let us note that the advent of a currency war is being accompanied by military tension as well.

Conclusion: Whether such tensions are legitimate or dramatized is difficult to say. But given elite banking control of so much around the world, we would not be surprised if we are simply being exposed to a gigantic performance of sorts directed from the top down.Ironically, despite apparent “setbacks,” London’s City surely leads the way.

Russia mass-constructing Churches

Russia Builds 5000 Churches, adds 10,000 Clergy in Six Years

“There could not be such growth in the Church if there were no demand. That is why we feel so special when we place the foundations of new churches…”

The Orthodox faith, in concomitant partnership with the Russian State has constructed a hefty multitude of religious communities across the last six years, propelled by what is described as high demand. But could this be a sign of a flourishing Church, or maybe a protective measure against rising Islamic cultural-Marxism, as the floodgates of Europe are lifted?

With a rising percentage of Islamic adherents (6.5%) among the Russian populace, the need for the state to suppress the volatility of cultural Islam, as paralleled in the suffocating West, has never been of greater importance. The 41% of Russian Orthodoxy is under an emerging threat of decline as atheistic, liberal western culture leaks into the country, coupled with a gradually rising growth of conservative cultural Islam, poised to take the hot seat within decades.


The Polarization of the Cultures

The rampant proselytizing, high birth-rate, third world Islamic families spread Islam; a sociopolitical, religious ideology with extremist overtones at an incredible rate once comfortably established in the womb of a western state.

The very presence of the highly disciplinary cultural Islam will overwhelm the other faiths and cultures in the new country within mere decades, as the forced inter-generational principles of Islam are generally more stringently passed on in near-east, conservative Muslim families that are actually often very skeptical of marriage into western circles, not comparable to the (engineered to be) highly, highly liberal west. This cultural polarization has been engineered well and truly.

This multicultural approach, saying that we simply live side by side and live happily with each other has failed. Utterly failed. – Angela Merkel – while Merkel is not wrong in this instance, it is more a case of failure to integrate migrants than an implicit failure to live together, we haven’t taken steps to expect Muslims to integrate and start to assimilate, so we’ve got what we asked for.

These are families with high birth rates and a high tendency to form ethnic enclaves once deployed in a Western environment with other migrants, unable to speak the native language, by and large preventing any morsels of ‘outside’ influence for cultural acclimatization; it is a phenomenal recipe for regressive non-western Islam to become the dominant faith, culture and political system in western countries that knowingly allow all of this to occur, with mass migration exempt of sensibility for vetting the newcomers, and being more discerning of letting the floodgates open so easily.

  • Islamic migrants will vote for more welfare and ‘free stuff’ – so will blindly vote for the socialist West. They do not tend to care about liberties, western culture or constitutionalism due to their deprived backgrounds that had none of these things. Which makes sense, but understand that their inclination to their formative ways are being taken advantage of for political reasons.
  • 1st generation Islamic migrants are being brought in (on a permanent basis more than not, in the UK housing is going up for them) without knowledge of their new surroundings, often without speaking the native language either. This forms ethnic enclaves and preserves non-integrated bubble communities that will grow rapidly (high birth rate)and take over urban centers, (white flight, natives have little in common culturally) and so on – because of these mono-ethnic communities that aren’t able to integrate adequately, a strong desire is formed in these growing, unchanged communities for Islamic traditions and customs, even schools and laws are sprouting up to emulate the third world countries they came from.
  • Islamic cultural Marxism in Europe and the West will estrange Russia and China as cultural outcasts, allowing for harsher foreign policies against them – as a predominantly third-world Islamic culture will allow this by popular, majority support using the ‘brilliant’ system of democracy we know as mob rule, and western liberals will concede more and more for the sake of not ‘offending’ and Muslims. I mean, just look at how extensive margins of current ‘western’ Muslims claim that their western countries should have the oppressive, highly Islamic Shariah law, many are not kind towards denominational, multifaceted societies, at all. Yet the liberals think it is racist to even bring this up as an issue, third-world migrants more than not, couldn’t care less about acceptance and lovey-dovey cooperation, they’re here to better their lives and keep their oppressive, pushy customs as well.
The high birth rate of the third and second worlds will spread their associated Islamic culture faster than western values will be able to be spread (and sustained) in the painfully low birth rate, 1st world west. It’s simple arithmetic that third world, cultural Islam will always override western culture based on these pretenses.

Observe the below statistics showing how third world migrants are far more entrenched in the anti-western lifestyle and mindset of cultural Islam, whereas those already in the West are much more moderate, but still not ideal. Does it make sense, therefore, to not import migrants to the west in such great quantities? Especially in the knowledge that they are from a background where a strong Islamic culture (that is not western in the slightest) is actively promoted, pluralism only works if everyone can respect common liberties and the notion of the individual, something utterly bereft in many oppressed third-world Muslim families.

It is easy to see that third world culture is far more extreme, and far more illiberal then western culture. Don’t get this twisted with ‘all cultures are equal’ – because they’re all different, some for the worse, some for the better.

Everyone is equal in soul, but in way of choice in spiritual and self-governmental matters; that is liable to differentiation, something that the ‘liberal’ west ignores.

These geopolitical effects are exactly what Putin has rooted out as detrimental, and contrary to his country’s values, Putin knows the elites in the West want these climatic outcomes, and are using a mass ‘migrant’ crisis to engineer their grand plan, a plan that will get rid of the liberty propagating Bible, and bring in the repressive control system promoted by the commandments in the Qu’ran.824480490aef67813261fca1a953267a

This explains the recent moves to rapidly expand (and cement) the Orthodox faith in Russia, no doubt to sustain its dominance as the state religion, and the stern statements from Putin claiming cultural-Marxism, and intolerant cultures that seek to bend the established state culture to their template have no place in his country.

Putin knows that a majority Islam Europe and a majority Islam Russia will try to merge by popular demand – it will lead him into the clutches of the West and diminish his leadership, this is a prospect of severe civil unrest that Putin is not prepared to cede. He absolutely must hold onto Russian customs and ways, as China has similarly done by banning Islamic migrants.


Russia and Turkey are warming up

In an epoch of NATO imperialism, Putin’s allying with China, and recent warm gestures towards Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan suggests an ever closer need for diplomatic friends is firmly on the Russian agenda, something unimaginable given the blaring western coverage of a Turkish shoot-down of a Russian jet, Western MSM packaged it all as an alleged sealer of Russian-Turkish enmity

Washington attempted to depose Erdoğan.

Washington’s sordid reluctance to hand over Erdogan’s political foe, Fethullah Gülen is a red flag in itself that US special intelligence needed Gülen to sow dissent, and perhaps even plant in place of Erdogan given a US-backed Gülenist coup were successful; which it simply was not.

Source – Erdogan accuses Washington of conspiring against him.

The Jet aggravation incident has turned out to be an insider orchestration by a rogue member of the military seeking to sow long-lasting dissent between the Russians and Turks, this was rumored to be a member of the same subordinate Turkish military fragment that was allegedly paid and provided for by US-Western coordinated special intelligence to oust Erdogan in last months’ attempted coup.


…a coup that the presiding Turkish state was prepared for; mainly due to Russian intelligence likely tipping off Erdogan at the last minute, allowing for him to escape prosecution and probable execution, and ultimately remain in power.

This is something the Turkish President has not forgotten, and is now actively rewarding in recent, significant diplomatic gestures of gratitude to Mr. Putin and his affiliates in the best interests of amending the divisions once carved by NATO.

  • A pro-coup officer captured by the Turkish government, Lieutenant Colonel Murat Bolat, told the conservative Yeni Savak newspaper that his unit was designated to detain and possibly murder Erdogan after receiving precise information on Erdogan’s location from US sources.

MOSCOW — Against a backdrop of rising tensions between Turkey and the West, Presidents Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey pledged on Tuesday to repair relations after nine months of open antagonism.

“The alliance will alter the global chessboard in a way that eviscerates the imperial plan to control the flow of energy from Qatar to Europe, redraw the map of the Middle East and pivot to Asia.  …  The July 15 coup is likely the final nail in the NWO coffin …”

This rocky road of diplomatic limbo has seen the US wrestle for control over the Anatolian peninsula across the preceding months, but only now have the Western Zionist neocons let slip an ally that will make or break some of their utmost nefarious dealings; namely in suppressing Greater Eurasia’s breathing space, the inane mass-migration policies, and the funding & facilitation of ISIS. All through this vital proxy state, Turkey.

Oil and Gas

Russia and Turkey are fast-tracked to normalize relations. In President Erdogan’s first trip outside of Turkey since the coup attempt, the Turkish President chose to visit Russia in what is sure to deeply anger his NATO partners; the very ‘partners’ that most likely attempted to depose him in the recently failed coup.

What is even worse for the US-NATO camp is that Erdogan now surely knows of this probable (and shoddy) conspiratorial plot to replace him, his recent moves to consolidate power by purging the Turkish military, and omitting political and legal ‘undesirables’ prove that a helping hand (likely Russian) has provided guidance against funded opposition, ensuring his statesmanship continues in due course – and in the best interests of the Eastern world.

Some pipelines illustrating the geopolitical importance of Syria and Turkey, both now increasingly under the Russian sphere of influence.

The advantages of Turkey and Russia realigning themselves will give a huge boost to the Russian oil and gas pipelines, as well as give Erdogan access to the best of both worlds. As seen below, Turkey is a crucial, central landmass in the effective, cost-efficient transportation of Russian oil and gas, being the ‘crossroads of the world’ Turkey is truly a hotspot for the geopolitical clashes of the superpowers vying for global influence.

Just look at how important Ukraine is for the Russians (Ukraine targeted by West), by restoring relations with Turkey (Also targeted by the West), Putin is able to get his resources into Europe as cheaply as possible, and without the sanctions of yore.

The proposed pipelines below, such as TANAP (Trans Anatolian Pipeline Project) and TAP (Trans Adriatic Pipeline) will be instantaneous solutions to the obtrusive US-fomented Ukraine crisis blocking Russian oil and gas to Europe on already established infrastructure; Europe being one of Russia’s biggest economic markets for resource trading. And finally, Putin will cut loose the noose that has held the Russian Federation in a state of economic uncertainty for so long, enabling bridge-building back into the European continent to become viable once again.

The ‘Turkish Stream’ pipeline will also be a revived project now the diplomatic pivot is in motion for Turkey to begin turning a cold shoulder to NATO and the EU, and approach the Greater Eurasian Union for deals.

  • The $10 billion TANAP pipeline is expected to transport gas of Azerbaijan’s Shah Deniz field from the Georgian-Turkish border to the western border of Turkey. The gas will be delivered to Turkey in 2018, and after completion of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline’s (TAP) construction, the gas will be delivered to Europe in early 2020
It is clear to see why Putin seized Crimea in 2014 on the basis of sustaining the Black Sea pipeline to Romania (AGRI); if Ukraine had been taken by a Western leaning government, the Black Sea pipeline would have likely been disallowed. So by seizing Crimea you keep control over the pipeline’s waters by force and, by allying with Turkey you guarantee an alternative pipeline safeguard in case you lose in Ukraine; it gives Putin solid options against potential western-incurred economic collapse.

As stated, with a consolidated alliance between Russia and Turkey in the bag, Putin can keep Europe opened up to him, and prevent any further insular, exclusive anglicization that would shut him out in the cold economically and socially. Keeping Turkey sovereign over its own politics and away from the prospective bureaucracy of Brussels will prove essential in preventing a transnational, Western leaning EU from absorbing the Turkish state, and forming an inwards looking bloc-fortress that claims to promulgate ‘unity’ – but really only intends to be a bulwark of protectionist, western proxy-imperialism against the Eastern superstates.

With Turkey and the Black Sea reined-in, Putin can refocus his infrastructure for resource transportation in another region, and break away from the sinkhole instabilities in Ukraine, lightening the load against him considerably.

I assume that Russia will first try to regain favour with Ukraine and reinstate a Russian leaning government, if this fails, Putin will have held off long enough to have constructed another few oil lines through Anatolia, giving him the ability to cede the Ukraine issue without bogging himself down in desperation to maintain a once solely crucial link, and then enable ‘repaired’ relations with the West by getting sanctions lifted and playing nice.

Turkey has left the fray, but NATO pushes on.

Influence in Turkey allows Putin to have a loyal middleman, and a membrane state to keep his resources flowing into Europe; not a vehemently anti-Russian wall (which NATO wants) on the extremity of the trading gold mine that is Europe. This Turkish-Russian friendship is a huge blow for NATO and the oligarchical, elitist West, because it means Russia has once again wheedled its way back into the European market that the EU has long sought to exclude and isolate Russia, it gives Putin a foot in the door in regards to keeping his trading relevance vitalized, especially after the difficulties in Ukraine which may preclude Russian oil and gas from getting into Europe and have served to isolate Russia, establishing new links will give Putin the ability to loosen the vice on Ukraine, and restore scarred reputation.

Russia under siege: depends on oil and gas

  • In 2015, the figure for oil making up Russia’s federal budget revenues reached 44 percent. This makes oil a top weak spot for the Globalists to strike, huge western think tanks produce the strategy, the elites give the go ahead.
  • Russia produced an average of 10.83 million barrels (1,722,000 m3) of oil per day in December 2015. It produces 12% of the world’s oil and has a same share in global oil exports.
The Gulf states, working with the Globalist Zionists in the USA drove oil value into the ground to sever the oil-reliant Russian economy.

As cheap oil weakens the Russian economy, it also causes its national currency, the ruble, to depreciate. That means Russian consumers have to shell out more rubles if they want to maintain their consumption levels, raising civil unrest.

Russia’s economy declined 3.7 percent in 2015, the deepest contraction since 2009, and may shrink a further 0.5 percent this year (2016).

Geopolitical tensions have added to the Russian ruble’s weakness. The currency has nearly halved in value since Putin’s annexation of Crimea in March 2014 and the U.S. and the European Union imposed sanctions against Russia

The ruble, now the world’s worst performing currency: Russia is under a financial siege that Putin and compatriots must outmaneuver.

These methods, among others, come together with why the West is targeting Putin’s ability to export oil (and gas) in all sorts of methods, as well as engineering chaos by crushing oil’s global value in last year’s huge devaluation, making the oil-dependent Russia suffer by expanding the deficit and spurring inflation, prompting spending cuts and other austerity measures as detailed above. The West want to destroy Russia from inside to out, and then perhaps initiate something unthinkable when the time is right; but pelleting the Russians to soften them up from afar is the tactic currently being employed.

Turkey has now left behind its days of funding ISIS and collaborating with the twisted West, and has offered Putin its assistance against the Islamic State.

In keeping Erdogan afloat, Putin is humbling the sprawling, complacent empire of NATO, cleverly buying himself time to solve the Ukraine issues, and adequately square up against western-led hostility without crippling his economy. No wonder western media continually paints him as an eminent threat to justify to the public its provocative, backdoor-led encroaching behavior on all aspects of the Russian state, Putin is a certainly a threat – to Globalism.

  • The recent targeting of Russian Olympic athletes in a ‘doping scandal’ is one example of the how the West wants to demonize Russia in the eyes of the common man, smoothing the way for heightened NATO involvement.
  • The Russian/English fans fighting during the Euro 2016 football tournament is another orchestrated propaganda surge against Putin, and arguably against the recently Brexited UK.

As a small point, a bit out of the scope of this article: Putin’s moves to solidify a ‘Greater Eurasian’ union with China to rival the European Union that seeks to incur his demise is also an example of the strategies Putin is employing to make sure Russia is not starved by a US dominated world economy; a world economy that is now rapidly shifting into an Asian dominated era as the US fiat currency funded empire begins to crumble. The death throes of this empire being a woeful  last ditch attempt to take out the superstates that threaten to replace it, as seen in recent NATO aggression; when something is cornered or threatened, that is when it will fight hardest.

Other economic points:

  • There is talk of a free trade agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union for Turkey, favours Russia.
  • The Turk Stream gas pipeline project will surely be revived. Favours Russia.
  • Turkey could move closer towards some of the Eurasian institutions that are being created such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (in which it already has observer status) and the Eurasian Economic Union, and it might even take some initial steps towards joining them. Favours Russia.
Western Bias: Just looking at how the hellbent West selectively projects its terrible flaws (rigged democracy) onto Russia and China, proves in itself the egregious biases littering our media sources and the permeating brainwashing schemes that are currently afoot, beware.

I believe that Putin knows that by re-establishing his infrastructure across Anatolia he can defuse the Ukraine crisis allowing for a lift in the sanctions against him, this alleviation of sanctions must happen as the Globalists do not want to be openly appearing as anti-Russian warmongers to the world. Ukraine is nothing more than a Western funded ‘moderate’ rebel proxy provocation to pressure Putin into making himself look bad by annexing Crimea, as to provoke the following desired outcomes…

  • waste Russia’s precious money (and weaken its economy) on an increasingly cautionary, unnecessary defense budget to keep an appearance of toughness,
  • to instigate a tearaway of previously close Ukraine-Russian relations (something Russia is desperately trying to keep intact),
  • to eventually induct Ukraine into the EU empire by demonizing Russia,
  • to tarnish international opinion of Russia as corrupt, even when all the superpowers are to some extent,
  • to give an excuse for NATO to push up close against Russian borders,
  • to block Russian oil and gas exports to Europe through Ukraine.
  • to provide an excuse to heavily economically sanction Russia.

Military Advantages, The Black Sea

In May 2016, Erdogan described the Black Sea as ‘almost a Russian lake’ and called for NATO naval reinforcements to be sent to the area. That prompted a response by Russia’s Permanent Representative to NATO Alexander Grushko who said that the Black Sea will never be a ‘NATO lake‘.

Now with the Russians more and more amenably bound to Turkey, Putin can begin to push back the tirade of NATO aggression pressed uncomfortably near to his borders. This begins with gaining more influence over the largely Turkish owned Black Sea waters. Along with seizing Crimea, Putin will now be able to earn the diplomatic grist to keep NATO’s naval provocations out of the Black Sea; especially as Turkey’s view of the belligerent West begins to sour.

With huge NATO ally, Turkey now more or less in Russian hands, the future of NATO’s undue provocations in the Black Sea region is set to come under scrutiny, especially as Turkey may now be prepared to close off or discourage passage through the Istanbul access route to the Black Sea.

As seen in the side images, the annexation of the Crimean peninsula in 2014 opened up a sizable portion of the Black Sea to come under Russian control; so just imagine what having favour with Turkey will do for Putin’s Black Sea aspirations in peacefully repelling NATO aggression?

The fact that Russia now (as of 2014) controls half of the Black Sea has enraged NATO. Russia wants answers on NATO troop movement in Eastern Europe as the US tries to sneak in troops there while whining about Russian troops inside Russia’s borders. Note that the US is several thousand miles away, while Russia is very much inside its own territory. The real bogeyman is glaringly obvious.

Conclusively, the Turkish pivot towards Russia will probably complicate NATO operations in the Black Sea, and lead to resistance from Turkey to any more anti-Russian posturing by NATO.

Ramping up the arsenal

Over the past 24 months the Black Sea has been the focus of Russia’s military modernization programme. As a consequence of the 2-year re-calibration of forces, the Federation has added four submarines, two missile corvettes and several patrol boats to their Black Sea fleet with another two submarines and six frigates expected to join them later this year. Combined with the anti-ship/anti-air installations deployed in occupied Crimea and along Russia’s Black Sea shore, such an A2/AD constellation could pose a substantial challenge should NATO need to provide reinforcements to the Black Sea Allies.

In response, the number of NATO military exercises and drills as well as naval patrols in the Black Sea has been revised up to reflect the more ‘aggressive’ Russian posture. However, additional assurance measures, to be implemented by the Alliance or individual member states, are also under consideration.

Securing the buffer states

The plan to rotate four NATO battalions through Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia has prompted much concern in Moscow, where state officials have voiced suspicion that NATO was preparing for “a global strike” on Russia. Russia in return has vowed to provide a “highly effective” and “asymmetrical” reinforcement.

The gateway states to Europe are Russia’s loyal band, the old guard of ex-cold war buffer states that still (somewhat) answer to Moscow, but NATO is tempting them away, bit by bit; Latvia and Estonia are slowly waning, while Belarus seemingly remains loyal, perhaps with inklings of a desire to maintain neutrality.

Keir Giles, Russian military expert for U.K. think-tank Chatham House, says Minsk is currently engaged in a “process of outreach to find friends other than Russia.”

“But Belarus must be watching warily the development of confrontation between NATO and Russia.”

“One should not forget that the ‘wise calf milks two cows’ tactic is Lukashenko’s trademark so this is all quite familiar for him,” Igor Sutyagin, Russian military expert at the London-based Royal United Services Institute claimed.

Belarus is Russia’s ally in its own security alliance, known as the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), and has agreed to set up joint air defense with Russia. The country is also in talks with Moscow about hosting a Russian airbase, in an apparent response to NATO eastern initiatives.

“After Russia’s Putin, Erdogan Will Meet With Belarus’s Lukashenko”

While Belarus remains somewhat steadfast, recently, two AN/MPQ-64F1 Sentinel radar systems were delivered to Russian buffer state, Latvia as part of the United States’ ‘European Reassurance Initiative,’ according to a Tuesday press release by the US Embassy.

This ‘European Reassurance Initiative’ is without a doubt the next ‘Marshall Plan’ in cultivating support for the NATO cohort by means of bribery.