Tag Archives: study

YHWH’s name is our breathing

How can a human or animal make a Yah-u-Ah sound when breathing when lungs clearly only draw in and out, 2 syllables?

YHWH is the breath of life, the undying, living Father.

Scripture states His name is on our breath. Some add vowels to the name, but the insertion of more vowels alters the name to something other than YHWH. The name YHWH already has vowels, the Y and W (double U). Y – vowel (a, e, i, o, u and sometimes y) H – consonant W – vowel (double u) H – consonant YHUUH or to get the Y sound, YaHUUH.


And we find this as true when we search ancient items. As we find Yahu (YHW) and Yahuh (YHWH) on stones (Moabite, Los Lunas, etc), scrolls (Greek Septuagint, Dead Sea Scrolls, etc), among Noah and Levite artifacts and within many scriptural names (ie: Matti-Yahu = Matthew, Eli-Yahu = Elijah).

Many eastern Native Americans also use this name, Ywahoo. And as a greeting among them (Psalm 118:26), Aho (most mispronounce as a-hoe when it is Yahu). All 4 versions (Yahu, Yahuh, Ywahoo, Aho) have the same sound, YwaUU, the sound of our breath.

As His name YHWH (Yahu) is the breath of life breathed into the dust, Genesis 2:7. What was breathed into the dirt… the dust of the ground? Genesis 2:7 And YHWH Elohim formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

What is that breath of life or better, what does the breath utter? Psalm 145:21 My mouth shall speak the praise of YHWH: and let all flesh bless his set-apart name for ever and ever. Psalm 150:6 Let every thing that hath breath praise YHWH. Praise ye YHWH. What does this mean? YHWH’s (Yahu’s) name is upon our very breath.

Genesis 7:22 All in whose nostrils was the breath of life… Just listen… you will hear it for yourself. YH inhale, WH exhale (Yahu). Job 33:4 The Spirit of El hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. Job 12:7-11 But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee: Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee: and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee.

Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of YHWH hath wrought this? In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind. Doth not the ear try words? and the mouth taste his meat?

Why are we told to ask the animals? For all things with the breath of life praise His name YHWH (Yahu) with each breath they take. Sorry, but the name YHWH (Yahu) predates the dirty language called Hebrew. It was not original nor is it what was inscribed on the tablets by Father. In turn Hebrew language rules have no meaning. Nor does scripture state we must know, speak or that we will return to Hebrew. But it does state we will come to 1 language, English, which is very similar to the original pictorial language as English is a melting pot of all the languages that were divided. And English is the only language spoken in almost every country and is over taking the world, not Hebrew.

Whistleblower: CDC buried data showing vaccines increase the risk of autism by 340%

Two years ago, Natural News began to report on an unknown whistleblower who had been employed as a scientist in the immunization safety office of the Center for Disease Control (CDC). This whistleblower was repentant for his involvement in a CDC study, which he says originally indicated an increased autism risk, specifically for young American American boys who received Merck’s M-M-R®II (MMR) vaccine. It was this increased risk, the whistleblower said, that had been deliberately withheld from the research results.

Before the whistleblower’s name become public, he spent hours in conversation with Dr. Brian Hooker, a biochemical engineer and father of an autistic child. After these conversations/confessions were recorded, Dr. Hooker retrieved copies of the De Stefano CDC Study through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).  Hooker reevaluated the data with input from whistleblower. The reevaluated research did show the MMR/ increased risk of autism and Dr. Hooker’s  findings were published on BioMed Central. This created quite a stir as he reported a “3.4-fold increase in autism rates” when the MMR vaccine is injected into the arms of African American boys before they are 3 years of age. Approximately one week later, BioMed Central retracted the article for an undisclosed “conflict of interest.”

This whistle blower is well known today. His name is Dr. William Thompson. It’s his testimony that is a central driving force in the documentary VAXXED: From Cover Up to Catastrophe, directed by co-whistle blower Dr. Andrew Wakefield.

Independent reporter Sheryl Attkisson has written that Dr. William Thompson also shared his testimony with Florida Congressman Lee A Posey. Here’s how Thompson described how the CDC rids itself of inconvenient facts:

” . . .we scheduled a meeting to destroy documents related to the study . . . brought a big garbage can into the meeting room . . . reviewed the hardcopy documents we thought we should discard . . . put them in a huge garbage can.”

Ms. Attkinsson also felt that the Congressman Posey wouldn’t do anything because, “the powerful pharmaceutical industry reach deeply into Congress . . .”  She was right. Back in 2008,  Attkinsson did a story for CBS about the money behind vaccines and the American Academy of Pediatrics, which took millions from pharmaceutical giants and vaccine makers Wyeth, Merck and Sanofi Aventis. Is there any reason to think that has changed in the past eight years?

There are also other twists and turns. Globe News Wire reported earlier in 2016 that Dr. William Thompson – who is still working with the CDC – is going to ” publish a reworking of data from a controversial study first published in 2004.” Does that mean he’s changed his mind? Dr. Brian Hooker, who first broke Thompson’s story in 2014, has some ideas, as reported by Age of Autism. It might be about the grant money the CDC recently gave to Thompson, and the fact that the CDC is “not there to tell the truth, but to manipulate the public.”

To this day, there has been a firestorm of controversy. Accusations of fraud and deception on both sides. The name calling is dividing sides too. “Anti vaccine” or “Anti Vaxer” are the new catch phrases for some who merely question pharmaceutical research funded by a government who is funded by the pharmaceutical companies.  Seems reasonable to question that. But not in an emerging scientific dictatorships. The vaccine divide is a touchstone in a much larger debate. In the meantime, build your immune system and drink clean water.














